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Anyone on Atkins?


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Off the beaten path...

I like escargot, Not really into foigrass, But I do like pate.....

I like Venison.... ( cook it same temp as you do your steaks.).....

I am jaded by fine dining.....


All for now, Tom

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Hi guys...I am one of those people from the 10% thread that Annie invited to lurk over here. :D I have been on Atkins (this time) since June 5th and have lost 24 pounds. I am diabetic so this is a good plan to manage my blood sugar as well. In fact my HA1C has dropped from 8.4% in June to 5.99% last week. That alone is reason enuf to stay on this WOE. If you aren't familar with diabetes below 6% is where you need to be for good control. I have a ton of weight to lose, but 24 pounds is a great start for me. We are going on a 5 day cruise on Carnival Holiday on August 27th and I am a bit anxious about being able to do well with my eating while aboard. :eek: Any ideas and all encouragement is welcome.


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Oh! I tried escargot for the first time at a '40's-style steakhouse in Dallas on Memorial Day and loved it!! However, they have to be jazzed up; I am not one to buy clams and eat them straight. Tried that once! :D


By the way, I saw a movie called Evening today because I really like the cast. It was good! (Here is the trailer:

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Hi Atkins Buddies!!

Karen! Welcome! Another Southern Gal - great! My MIL was also diabetic and I know this WOE would have been a huge help for her - but she saod she was to old, overweight, not creative in cooking - - a lot of things and wouldn't try it. But!

I know of other diabetics that have made these changes and had also said it has helped a lot! Keep us posted on how your doing! Read through some past posts and you'll see that we just help each other a day at a time!

So, Tom, Annie, Lisa, Sheila - Hang in there this weekend! Annie, we have our weigh in on Monday, girl - Keep Strong!:D

We might just get some rain today!!:confused: It's been all around us and not a drop at our house!!:mad:

I'll catch ya's later,

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Hi Karen, glad to see you found your way over here:) As for staying in control on the cruise, a cruise is a good way to stay Atkins friendly! One of the first success stories I read on the Atkins web site was a woman who worked in a resturant and lost weight on Atkins just before her wedding; she stayed with it on her honeymoon cruise and lost another size while on the cruise! I don't know if the story is still there, but there are plenty of inspirational stories to read about. 24 lbs since June is amazing! I would do better if I would stop the little cheats, I haven't completed a full 2 weeks of induction with out at least one little cheat, ever. I allways do manage to lose, just not a fast as I could. I plan to try a dessert or two on my cruise, but I don't want to go back to the old WOE and feel tired and bloated all the time. I am not as strong as others on this board so I'm probably not a good one to give advice, but you will get some good support from me, we are all hanging in there:D


Jean, I hope I have some good numbers to report on Monday. I am staying away from that evil digital scale, I am just going to use my old dial up model; it is a Healthometer and it's only about 5yrs old. I feel like I am losing, my clothes are getting looser, but the evil scale said I gained a pound since yesterday! I had a little appetizer at Chilis the other night but that was it! It was a chicken tender and a small piece of Southwestern eggroll. That was all I had for dinner! Yesterday I was very good, salad w/grilled chicken for lunch and pork loin w/coleslaw for dinner, two boiled eggs for brkfst and that was it! Anyway, I will stop peeking and just weigh in on Monday on the old scale.

I hope you get the rain out there, we could use some here too.


About the escagot, what is the carb count? I have only had it on my two cruises and I loved it. I asked for two on my last cruise.



Tom, Lisa, and SFS, how's it going?


Have a good week-end ya'll!

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Happy Friday everyone!


Had an adventure at the gym yesterday...finally went to spin class, which was great, although I did a stupid thing & positioned myself directly across from the clock, so the minutes ticked by very slowly...anyhoo, after bringing my kids to use the pool for 3 years, they suddenly said I had to pay extra for my kids to swim. I couldn't believe it. I got pretty mad (this is about the 3rd thing in a month they've pulled on me) & filled out a 30-day notice. We went to look at another gym that's twice as expensive, but there's so much for the kids to do that's included. So we have some decisions to make. I'm really bummed, because I really like the people & the classes at my current gym...it's just that I feel like I'm not getting my money's worth.


Escargot--I first tried it at 12 y.o. at a 5-star in San Francisco and have loved it ever since...if I'm not mistaken, most mussels have 6-8 grams of carb per serving...but don't quote me. Pate & foie gras, not so much...any kind of liver makes me sick to my tummy...I have had buffalo at Erling Jensen's, I tried beef brain at an Armenian wedding (which actually wasn't bad, but I couldn't get over how it looked), but honestly one of my favorite snacks is baby clams in the sardine can. Love em! And you just can't beat smoked salmon with cream cheese.


Karen ~ welcome to our little thread that could! That's great news about your weight loss & your blood sugar! You can definitely stick to your plan on your cruise...in fact I don't know if you remember, but Dr. Atkins used to sponsor an annual cruise. I wish now I had the chance to join him. I would have loved to have met him. One thing I will say is that if you have a lot of activity on your cruise & there's something you'd like to try, have a bite of it & use the stairs! I've heard the Holiday has some of the best food of the Carnival ships. We're going on the Fantasy in September.


Jean ~ oh, I would love to go to Alaska someday. Here's hoping for rain...like Annie said, we need it around here, too. I hope you have a great weekend & find success on Monday!


Annie ~ sounds like you did great at your party. You crack me up...you are an inspiration, even if you're not the strictest adherent, because I keep thinking about how worried you were before you started that you wouldn't stick to it...and here you are! Every time you've strayed, you've gotten right back on track...and that is VERY inspiring!


Sheila ~ good to see you checking in. I'm not crazy about the natural food stores we have here...you know, Memphis is not famous for its healthy food, lol...so there doesn't seem to be a lot of effort put into making the stores great. I had a field day in Austin...they were everywhere. Hopefully that will change.


Tom ~ I guess once you've had all that fancy food...you're spoiled! Do they serve similar food on the sailing Cunard ships as they do on the Queen Mary? Or are they different entities now?


Hope y'all have a great weekend!

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Mornin Lisa, Have you checked out the YMCA? It's $68 per month for the whole family. We have a YMCA in Millington with a water park and lots of activities for the kiddis. I go to my kick-boxing classes there; the instructor is in her late 60s and she can kick your b*##! I don't know if there is a YMCA in Cordova, but there should be one at least in Bartlett. The fees have been going up stedily for the past few years, but $68 is still a good price for what we get....just a thought:p


I do enjoy the support and advice given here on this thread.


I am off to my usual lunch at Chick-fil-a.



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Hello All:


Jean: Funny cartoon and all to true...


Lisa: Sir Winstons (where I work) has simular food to cruise ship dinning rooms. Continental .... But there also is a casual dining and a fine dining seafood, as well as banquets, room service and fast food.


Sheila: Escarot is all about the butter garlic and herbs for sure...

I think we add pernod ( liquer)


Karen: One thing I do on cruises is hand the bread plate to the waiter on the first night and tell them that you do not eat bread. Then stick to the sugar free deserts or skip them alltogether. Sometimes cruiseships offer chese plates for desert, just avoid the crakers.... And if you are able .. Stairs Stairs Stairs... and active shore excursions...

I think most of the food is pre-plated so I am not sure if you can get them to leave off the starch. You may just have to ignore it. Carnival room service breakfast is almost all carbs so you will have to make your way to the dining room or the buffett... And bring emergency snacks like Macadamia nuts... or the Atkins bars if you are into them.


All for now, Tom

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Thanks for the warm welcome !!! All the advice is excellant...now if I can just follow it!! I have been trying to read the old posts and I am several pages into the reading...I found the cheesecake recipe and can't wait to try it. My Mom is "trying" to do Atkins, too...so maybe she will split it with me...and we can freeze some. On of the casino buffets has a SF cheesecake, but I am afraid to try it since I am not sure whats in it. :rolleyes:

Have a great weekend !!


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Hey Karen, We did our cruise the first week of June and we both only saw 2lb gain - but we felt some of it was water due to not having the control of seasoning in the food - The day after we got home - back to our same weight! Stairs Girl! But my knee acts up in humidity and dampness so a couple of cooler days I told my self that if it was 4 flights either way - I could do it - if more - I took the elevator! No sense being in pain on VACATION!! :eek: Team Atkins is Great - Hope you mom will join you!

Lisa - Spin class - good job! And it doesn't aggrivate your back?

Annie- Hope your having a good weekend - Monday will be here before we know it! LOL! I've got to be burning up some pounds chasing da Puppy!! :eek:

Tom - what adventure do you have planned this week for working out? More hills in the city? The Beach? Wow... you have some great places to go to change it up a little! Did you see my brain freeze comment on hills in SF? I know your in LA - ooops!

Had a bit of a frightful Friday - Decided to walk the pup to her first Vet appt - when walking along - a Full grown Pit Bull jumped his fence and charged us! I had a book in my hand and somehow convinced him to go back across the street and go home. We took about 4 more steps... here he came again! Cars were trying to put themselves between us and the dog - it helped a bit - but I ended up calling 911 because he wouldn't let up! I was still on hold with the 911 operator when he came back 2 more times! Said all officers were busy so they had to send an Animal Control officer to the rescue - 20 min later - and I was stuck with this puppy against a wall - here came the Animal Contol officer to get the dog and the owner had just come out to see why cars were stopped in the street and had honked their horns. I can't tell you how scared I was!--- And I don't scare easy! No matter what kind of dog - it could have been a Poodle - but coming after us that many times - whew - glad he has to stay in his house now until the fence is reinforced and built up!! Yes, I got a lecture from my law enforcement son onmy not calling him instead of staying on with 911 for 20 min - he could have been to us in about 5 min. Well that was my Friday excitement - don't want to do it again! Does emotional Trauma burn fat?:confused: I'll let you know when I weigh in on Monday! :D

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I'm celebrating a victory today....every year in Memphis, Ronald McDonald House puts on a fundraiser called the Big Scoop...for 5.00 a ticket, you eat all the ice cream & goodies you want. We've gone every year, but this is the first time we've gone that I'm actively trying to lose weight. So I went back & forth...do I count it as a cheat day and go for it, do I sample a little but keep it within reason, or do I pass? Well...


Haagen Dazs...pass. Hostess Twinkies, Cupcakes, Ding Dongs...pass. Edy's (Dreyer's) Dibs...pass. Sheridan's Frozen Custard...pass. Angel Food ice cream, Krispy Creme, Frito Lay, Papa John's Pizza, Blue Bell, banana splits...pass, pass, pass. I drank some free Diet Coke & had an Atkins Bar. I spent 3 hours watching my kids eat to their hearts' content & didn't touch a bite--even when my daughter said, " are you sure, mom, it's really good!!!" Thankfully there was also a play area for the kids, balloons, prizes, etc. We had a ball & I feel great.


I really felt like I didn't need today to be a cheat day, and I want to get as close as I can to my goal by the cruise. I have plenty of time for cheat days later. And there's always next year! So yay!!!


Annie ~ we did belong to the Y a couple of years ago in Collierville, which is the closest one to me. We've gone back & forth on it...that's about what we're paying now, except child care isn't included in our current club. My kids LOVED the pool at the Y, but unless they were in something organized during my workout time, they didn't really like the child care room there, and we had to pay for any classes they took. This other gym, Prairie Life, has kids activities going on all day & evening that are no extra charge. It would really be a chance for the whole family to be having fun at the same time...we'd just have to pay more monthly to do that. So we're weighing all our options when Kevin gets back.


Jean ~ :eek: :eek: :eek:! You poor thing & your poor baby!! No, that kind of stress releases cortisol for the fight/flight response...so get yourself a nice hot bath or a massage from DH to fight it!! Long, slow, deep breaths.:D Yep, the spin class was good & didn't hurt my back. I had a little issue with my knee, but just eased up the intensity a little. We'll see how it goes. It's my favorite workout, so I'm going to try the spin at the other gym to see how it compares...if I'm not impressed, it's not likely I'll spend the extra $ to go there.


Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

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Good morning Atkins Buddies!


Jean!!!! OMG!!! I'm glad you and puppy are ok. I hope your puppy is not afraid to go for your walk now! At least the owners did have the pit bull in a fence to begin with; we live in a rural area and some of our neighbors just leave their dogs out, it's a little tricky walking in the neighborhood. My hubby takes a steel rod with us when we walk just in case. Most of the dogs don't really bother us too much, but we have to be prepared. I would love to get a yellow lab to walk with me, but that would just open a can of worms:rolleyes: I have a little mixed ****-zu/pom tha's 12yrs old, I haven't walked him on a leash very much because we have an acre fenced in for him to get exersise. He has an enlarged heart and can't get too excited or be out in the heat for long. I do think if you get that puppy in the habit of walking with you everyday, it will keep you in the habit. I suppose I could take a dog to a walking park about 5miles away in Millington, I am really thinking about it. Of course I told my daughter that I don't want anymore dogs when Gizzmo is gone, she wants a chiwawa (sp?) and I know who would end up taking care of it....even though she is 21yrs old! Anyway,

if another dog is brought home it will be a yellow lab.


Lisa- what is spin class???? I am sorry to say that I have never heard of it. I will check with my YMCA to see if they have it. I am starting back with my kick-boxing tomorrow evening, I have been slagging lately.What will-power! I don't think I could have passed on the ice-cream, the other stuff yea, but not the ice-cream!

You are awesome:D You will be a size 8 by your cruise for sure! Have you picked your formal dress yet? Will you be taking your children?


Tom- your cruise is right around the corner....are you ready? Is the tux just right by now? I think my hubby may have to have his tux altered because he has lost about 25lbs. He wont try it on until closer to the cruise. I remember your saying that you used a greentea/hoodia product, what was the name and what did it do for you? There is a lady in my building at work that takes the hoodia in capsule form, she says it helps her to decrease her appetite with out making her jittery; is that what it does for you?


I have been a good girl this week ya'll, except yesterday, no I didn't cheat, but I took my mom to lunch at Applebees and we both ordered a shrimp and spinach salad, I orderd half/salad, anyway it had shrimp, spinach leaves, bacon, onion, red peppers and a bacon vinegarett. I asked the waitress if it had balsamic vinigar because I couldn't have the sugar. She said it didn't, but it really had a sweet taste:rolleyes: I never could find anyone to tell me exactly what was in the dressing, Tom, perhaps you would know? It was very good, but I just know it had a ton of carbs:mad: I was very dissapointed that they didn't have the smothered chicken that I love so much, they have completely changed their menu. Well, to make up for that I had some left over grilled chicken in my fridge so I made my own smothered chicken for dinner last night...YUMO!


Karen- How you doing out ther girl? Is your mom still on Atkins with you? Your cruise is just a few weeks away, you ready? Your loss so far should really make you feel beter about buying cruise clothes:p I keep a section in my closet for my cruise clothes and I use them to gauge where I feel comfortable. If they get loose on me this year I am just going to have to buy new ones! I have size 12s for cruising, but would like to comfortablly wear size 10s.


Ya'll have a good week-end. I will check in the morning after my weigh in. I really hope I have a loss this week!



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Good Morning!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

So, yesterday we celebrated my DIL's Birthday and she always requests my egg rolls - No egg rolls are not on my induction list - but I add chicken in my filling and so my plan was to make the filling and have some set on the side which is induction friendly for us. Well, I got to making the rolls and my son was helping and we got to talking - Dinner was ready, we sat down - :eek: I cooked up all the filling in the rolls!! Aaaargh!!! So I just had 2 and not dipped in any sauce! Then it hit me :eek: ugh - I should have just opened them up and not had the wrap! Jeesh! I must have been in a total brain freeze! Then she had asked for my DH's family cheesecake favorite - so I thought, I'd just have 2 bites of the filling - no crust, no topping. Ugh - I ate the whole thing!! I just shot myself in the foot! This morning I'm no longer purple - I didn't even change the color on the stick! YIKES!

SNAP!! This morning - 2 eggs and water! Trying to get back on Track! Holy Smokes - where was my head yesterday!?! :confused:

Hope you all did better then me!

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Good morning!


Annie ~ I'm looking forward to hearing how this week went for your weigh-in! Spinning is riding on a stationary bike that feels like an outdoor bike. The instructor varies the intensity by changing the pace of your pedaling or the resistance of the pedals (it feels like you're pedaling up a hill), and the one I go to does the class to music. Nothing makes me sweat like spinning, although kickboxing comes close. Kickboxing is an excellent workout...at my club, you have to have gloves because they use punch bags, so I don't go to that very often. But I love it! The only thing about spinning is it takes a couple of days for your bum to get used to the seat...and it's something that you work up to...the first few classes can just about do you in. But as you keep going, it gets better. As for the green tea/hoodia...I was taking a supplement from Costco right before I started Atkins...I ended up throwing them away, because after I started Atkins they stopped working. For some reason, my body does better without caffeine. But they may work for you!


Jean ~ it's okay!!! Just get right back up on the horse & you'll be fine. I have GOT to meet my gym goals this week. Or at least go with my kiddos to the lake & rollerblade. Something! I only have a few weeks left!!


Have a great Monday, everyone!

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Annie ~ sorry, I didn't answer your other questions. I think I'll hold off on the formal to see if I can lose another 5-10 lbs. I have been browsing eBay, though, to get some ideas. I've been tempted to get one off there, but with my body shape I have to try them on. I have a really German build, so I can't just really on the size.


And...this cruise is our 15th Anniversary celebration...so no kids!!! I would like to take them someday, but I think we might wait until our youngest is at least 4 or 5. Their behavior is much more predictable at that age...and I'd like her to know how to swim when we go.


Have a great day!

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Good Morning Atkins Buddies!


It has been crazy here at work, I have been trying to get this post out for 2 hours!

Since they don't pay me to cruise these boards I had to give in a log off:(


Jean- don't beat yourself up too much, you will surley do better this week. I see from the 10% thread that you lost 2lbs last week, that's great! I haven't checked to see if I am purple, I know I won't be:rolleyes:


I still managed to lose 2.5lbs last week!!! I am so happy, I was afraid the "trick salad" at Applebees did me in:rolleyes: And yesterday I had a "trick wrap" at Subway! You see, I broke the 6hour rule again, I was with my daughter shopping about 4:30 yesterday, I hadn't eaten since brkfst and was getting so hungry. We had to meet hubby at 5:00 to pick up some furniture that our daughter bought, we stopped at Subway and I ordered a "low-carb wrap" (I know not induction friendly) when they fixed it it looked just like any other flour wrap. I spoke up and asked them if it should be brown bacause I have had them before. She said they had changed them. I asked again if it was low carb and she said that it was. I know it was a flour wrap, it tasted just like any other flour wrap. I ate it anyway, I was so hungry! I am going to check with the Subway close to my office today, I think I've been had:mad: So you see why I didn't check the sticks this morning?


Lisa- the spin class sounds tough! I will check with the Y tonight to see what they have. I know you will be lookin' good for your cruise!

Karen- how did your week-end go?



It is getting crazy around here agian!


Have a good Monday ya'll!



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To my Atkins WOE buddies that I envy to be able to kick box, roller blade, spin classes, working their rear end, legs, arms and waists off - totally! I appreciate your encouragement - this morning - so far so good! I think the emotion of the B-day party snuck in and got me! So yesterday was yesterday - and today is today!

And we had a nice rain come through last night YEA!!! It'll get muggy later - ok by me

Lisa - You guys are going to have such a great time! Last year when we went on our first cruise - we were actually in Costa Maya on our anniversary (27) and it was so fun!

Annie - Subway tried to pull a fast one on ya huh? Get you a bag of Macadamia nuts for your purse and when you go shopping - take them with you ! I've got a bag in my desk at work for those "I can't stand it" 2:30 cravings, not every day, mostly on very busy days - they really help!

Karen and Tom - Whats going on with you?

Have a terrific Monday!

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Happy Monday everyone :cool: . Well anyway I didn't work today...I worked all weekend...The down side of the medical profession. Oh well, I do enjoy my off days whenever they roll around.

I had a good weight loss this week. I am still not ready to post my weight!! ARRRGG...don't want to scare anyone off...

Jean, I can't tell you how many times I've had brain freeze when it comes to eating the wrong things...and later you think why didn't I think of that BEFORE I ate that!!! Hindsight is 20/20...Sounds like you are back on track today though and I am proud of you.

Annie, I am completely sympathetic with those eating out tricks, too, I'm with you on that Subway deal...sounds like they pulled a fast one on you there. I'd double check on that too...I haven't had Subway low-carb in awhile, but the last time I had them you could tell they were different from a plain wrap. Don't you hate it when people lie to you? :mad:

All you exercisers are starting to get to me...and that's a good thing...I am still lacking in that area, but I am thinking about the "Y" now...I'm still doing a little walking on my treadmill, but not like I should.

Later all....


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Good evening folks, I just got back from kick-boxing and boy am I tired! I did an extra stability ball class, she was tough tonight:eek: there were a couple of men in the class, so I think she didn't want to go too easy on them, they were shocked!


Jean, I know they pulled a fast one, I got the nutrition list they keep in the store and the wrap IS flour because it has 33 grams of carbs! Lesson learned, I will get some nuts to keep in my purse. I could have ordered a salad, but I was in a hurry.


Lisa, how wonderful! a cruise with just the two of you. I don't blame you for not ordering a dress on line, I have short legs and a normal torso and my arms are those german arms:rolleyes: I am 5'3" but my legs are so short, I have to try the stuff on first. I have a MM buddie that bought hers at Dillards (I think) for $35bucks! I bought mine there, but I didn't get such a good deal. Lucky for me I had won $250 bucks at work a couple of weeks ago so I splurged and spent $100 on my dress. I don't usually spend that much on a dress to wear once. Keep us posted on the dress hunt, will you be looking for a size 8?


Good night buddies,



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Hello All:

Wow have you all been busy...

Anyway scale says I did not loose last week but my work pants are looser.

:). Hectic weekend.

I went to the Orange County fair and spent more than I want to think about on the rides... And I cheated and had 3 light beers.... Other than that I was good at the fair.... My son had a Mexican folk dance performance with his group. That was the reason for going to the fair...

I have not measured so I am not sure what I really lost.

All for now, Tom


Also I really meant to try some SFS recipes last week but my DH gave me a new ice cream maker so I was making ice cream with splenda instead.

And DH and DS really liked it even w/o the sugar....


Also I have been feeding my son more eggs in the morning instead of cereal and he has been doing great in summer school.... So the whole family is sort of going less carbs...


all for now, Tom

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Hey Buddies!

Ok, we're back on track! Salmon w/dill sauce for supper and a good walk with the pup! But what I wanted to encourage you all on is the SFS Breakfast reciepe with the eggs, cream, cream cheese & nutmeg - have any of you tried that yet?

10 carbs for the Whole thing!:eek: I made it up last night to stick in the oven after the Salmon came out - And I cooked it in a glass bowl that has a matching lid. Let it cool on the stove a bit and then stuck it in the fridge. This morning I scooped out about 1/3 - zapped it for about 30 sec - and had it for breakfast - wow! It's Good, fast, easy to make and low carb friendly ! I tend to grab a bit more sleep in the morning after DH is out the door - then I have to hustle to eat before I go to work.

But this would be EASY EASY :D to take to work if you stop for a quick bite at your first break - or have while getting ready! And.... I think it's something I can play around with:rolleyes: even after we finally get off induction! Most of the ingredients I have already for the low carb shake. Just a thought!:cool:

Have a terrific morning and I'll check back later!

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Good morning, buddies...


Annie ~ Ja, that good ol' German build...when I'm skinny I'm shaped like Ursula Andress...not much difference between my waist & hip size (Scarlett O'Hara's waist would fit in one of my thighs)...and broad shoulders. I have big arms even when I'm thin from swimming so much my whole life. But you know...what fun would it be if we all had the same shape? And I think about Proverbs 31--her arms are strong for her tasks--and it makes me not mind my arms so much.;) I'll keep you posted on the dress...Dillard's was where I was planning to go...the size just depends on where I'm at in a month!


Also I have been feeding my son more eggs in the morning instead of cereal and he has been doing great in summer school.... So the whole family is sort of going less carbs...


Yes!! I do the same thing when tests & such come up...I read a study that showed that kids focus better with eggs for breakfast than carbs. It's hysterical, though, my 2 year old can eat more eggs than anyone...but she's a skinny little thing. My kids drink Koolaid with Splenda & put it on their Cheerios...they don't mind at all. Oh, the OC Fair...brings back memories...


All you exercisers are starting to get to me...and that's a good thing...I am still lacking in that area, but I am thinking about the "Y" now...I'm still doing a little walking on my treadmill, but not like I should.


Karen, I know how you feel...I'm typically a very good exerciser, but lately I just can't get motivated & my weight just doesn't want to budge without it. You'd think with less than 40 days till my cruise I'd be very motivated, but honestly having my 3 kids home for the summer is wearing me out. So hopefully we can help each other.


Jean ~ I think it's time for me to head back to the SFS website. I haven't been there since I started in May! I have a protein/fiber shake every morning, but I need some more ideas for during the day. Congrats on a quick return to the wagon!

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'Morning Guys n Gals,

Any campers out there? I have started a crock pot of beef stew meat with onion and seasoning this morning - then I'll add a can of green beans and at the end some mushrooms. Refrigerate it. Then I'll put it in a container to go in the cooler so that on Friday night we can heat it up for supper that night around the fire. Am I missing anything 'stew' like that I can put in there and still keep the carbs low? We usually have some kind of hot supper that I can heat over the stove if we get rain that evening. I was also thinking of some kind of chili - but no beans. Any ideas? :confused:

Lisa n Annie - you might have German arms - but I've got the big girl Scottish legs!:eek:

Which of course served me well as catcher for Womens Softball leagues for many years! But! I'm not playing softball any more!

Ugh! The very very last place my system will burn off my fat is in my calves! Biking, hiking, stairs, walking - etc..... still - the last possible place. :mad: Arrgh But! I have a great pair of boots that I am determined to wear this fall - if I can reach my goal - I just might get them zipped up! Ahhh the Dillards gown sales....gotta love'em!

Tom - It's really great to see that you take advantage of your days off and go to the fairs, parks etc.... but of course Calif - there is Always somewhere to go and something to do! :D

Oh! And I've noticed that Tom and Lisa are heading out soon on their cruises - Annie you have one booked - - I'm so glad we did Alaska in June or I'd be feeling left out ! LOL :(

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