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Coming Soon? Cells at Sea...What do you think?

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Okay did anyone else think "brig" when you read "cells" at sea? My first response was..."yes, there are some people that I would love to see spend their cruise behind bars in a cell". Glad I read the entire post.
SO funny:D !!! I never thought of it when I titled it!!! But it's a thought, huh?


Revneal, judging from all the posts I've ever read by you, I am going to assume that your entire post is bleeding with sarcasm and not just the last 2 words. Either that or you're trying to start something. And, if my experience holds true, you probably have anyway;) .

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Right you are, Rev! I mean, I know the ship provides notice in the cruise docs package that they have communications systems that will allow anyone to reach me in event a true emergency. But, please ... do they expect me to get through an entire cruise without knowing who got to "Marry My Dad," or win the next leg of the race, or find out if Miss Prissy Skirt got a date with Mr. Cute Buns on my favorite soap? And, ohmygosh, there's no way I can think of to one-up that blow-hard at work than to call in while lounging on a pristine Greek island. No doubt Blackberries will be included in the suite perk packets from now on. Git 'er done!!!



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At the risk of upsetting the apple cart, I'll explain my perspective on cell phones at sea. I own a flower shop. Without me there, 1/4 of the workforce is gone and there are many decisions I must make on a daily basis that no one else should bear the burden or responsibility for. I do not agree with discourteous or rude cell phone useage, I believe one must always keep in mind those around them when using cell phones or other technologies.


Given my schedule and that of my husband, if we were going to go on a cruise, our cruise had to begin and end on a specific date, it could not vary one way or the other by even a day. We are literally carving this vacation/cruise out of an excruciatingly busy schedule. Closing the store while I am away is not an option. When choosing the cruise line and sailing, it had to meet very specific requirements, wireless internet was a must, I maintain websites for my business as well as several others. Using the ships computers for email would be ok, but I must have the ability to use my own computer with its files and programs, etc. if something happens to one of the sites. If this vacation (it's not just our first cruise, this is the first vacation we've had, ever) was going to work for us, I had to be able to make it work around everything else. We've managed to do that. Part of our vacation cruise will include using my cell phone, part of that will be using the internet. Unfortunately I am not in a position to "turn it all off" and forget it. Fortunately I am a courteous cell phone user. And fortunately the vacation and cruise Gods all worked together and made it possible for my husband and I to go. Giving up a tiny slice of my vacation time to attend to any business that must be attended to is better than giving up our entire vacation.


Then there are the issues everyone else has brought up about being in touch with family, etc. I won't go into those.


So, in another 72 days, we will be sailing, cell phone, computer and all :):):)

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At the risk of upsetting the apple cart...When choosing the cruise line and sailing, it had to meet very specific requirements, wireless internet was a must,

I certainly agree. I write for a living (technical non-fiction) and have deadlines to hit 52 weeks a year. But I've filed stories from the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Alaska, the Tasman Sea and every point in between. Wireless internet's introduction was a major boon because it was always a hastle to dump my work to a floppy disk then entreat the Internet Cafe manager to let me upload it over the ship's connection.


Cell phone enablement would allow me to use an Aireport cellular modem on my laptop, increasing connectivity. But I'll gladly forego that so I don't have listen to my table-neighbor describing every meal to his brother-in-law!



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Revneal, judging from all the posts I've ever read by you, I am going to assume that your entire post is bleeding with sarcasm and not just the last 2 words. Either that or you're trying to start something. And, if my experience holds true, you probably have anyway


My entire post was intended to be overflowing with sarcasm ... I'm glad you caught the meaning of [/sarcasem] ... as in "Off sarcasm" :D


As for "trying to start something" ... if people have a good sense of humor, and don't take themselves TOO seriously, anything that starts should be conducted with same good humor as that which flowed on the Blender thread. :D

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Revneal .... I was being funny, too;) . You knew that, right???:D And my greatest hope is that such would indeed be conducted with the good humor of the "Blender" thread ... one of the funniest ever that I have seen on these Boards without a hint of nastiness.


That said, with apologies to Sierrachik and her particular requirements when cruising, no reason that anyone can produce will ever convince me that cellphones are a necessity on vacations. I have lived for a gizillion years and cellphones did not exist for the majority of them. Believe it or not business went on and the world kept turning even when people went away for a week or two. Would it be an additonal convenience for some? Sure. But we all know that more times than not, it will not be used in the way Sierrachik talks about. It will be people flapping their gums trying to impress all their friends back home and it is always, as in airports, the loudest folks on the face of this earth who feel they have to share their lives with all those around them.


Cruising is one of the last bastions where I can get away from that and when the day comes that is no longer true, I'll be very sad indeed.

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Its kind of a double edged sword


As a parent yes I would like the ability to make and receive calls to my kids in case of an ACTUAL EMERGENCY.


However I know this will not be the case with all pax and it would turn into a nightmare.


My job requires me to be on the phone all day , so I cannot even bear to hear the phone ring at home , let alone on a cruise. And people have just gotten so out of hand with these things on land, just give it a break on a cruise.


If you are just going to chit chat on these things, You don't need them on a cruise. If you have an honest to God emergency then you shouldn't have a problem using the satellite phones on board

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Hey Rev why don't you tell us how you really feel :eek:

I have a cell phone a Blackberry a wireless laptop and a IPOD and as soon as the bunch I work for figures out how to put a fax in my vw bug I will have one of those also - I try to be mindful of those around me when I use my cell phone. If I am at DINNER and I don't mean Buger King I turn it off. I turn it to silent at movies or plays. The only time I do not take it with me is when I go to Mass - I figure God know now to get in touch with me.

I think for most of us cell phones are a way of life. I promise to try and not let my WAY of life get in the way of your enjoyment of life -BUT I will have my cell phone.

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Hey Rev why don't you tell us how you really feel :eek:


Here's how I really feel. I, too, have a cell phone; I use it more than i should. I have a hands free set and I talk while I'm driving. I turn it off in movies and at dinner, but otherwise I'm one of the most easy-to-reach pastors you could ever want to have. I even take it with me when I travel -- from coast to coast and north to south, when I'm teaching classes, seminars, and retreats in St. Louis, In Chicago, in Houston, in San Francisco, in New York, I can be reached. I even have it with me on vacations. However, when on vacations, I turn it off and put it away. When on the Statendam to Hawaii I had it with me; it was off and in a drawer. When we got within range of Hawaii I pulled it out and turned it back on to check with my mother to see how her chemo was going. I had 2 messages, but I didn't check them. If my secretary or my Associate Pastor needed to contact me they could have emailed me at any time over the previous 5 days. They hadn't, so I didn't check my messages. I talked with my mother, then signed off, turned the phone back off, and put it away. In other words, I don't use it for work during my vacation. And, barring any emergency, I won't. I'm on vacation. I've vacated my office, my pulpit, my vestments, and my home. Why should I want to hook myself back into all of that, into all the pastoral duties and the church political issues, that come with being "plugged-in" to the cell phone network? Why should I want to walk around the ship with my phone on my belt and head hands free set on my head???

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I agree with you 100%


My brother in law is a doctor and the Chaplin here at the Fire dept (a Catholic priest) comes to have dinner with us at the firehouse quite often. With the both of them, if the cell phone isn't ringing , the pager is going off.


Granted with the both of them, and yourself , you are needed around the clock. You have a large group of people that you serve and they have needs at all hours. However when you are on vacation you turn those responcibilities over to others, (your asst. Pastor , another doctor on call, whoever) If its an emergency they can fill in for you, otherwise it can wait until you get back.


I understand the need to want to be in contact with family, you have older parents and your mom has health issues, Gf and I have children, You worry


But with the exception of a TRUE EMERGENCY, what can you do while you are in the middle of the ocean?

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Rev, you are fortunate to have an associate Pastor and a secretary to turn things over to, I'm glad you are able to turn your cell phone off and enjoy your vacation uninterrupted. One day I hope my business is large enough for me to have an able assistant to turn things over to when I vacation. Being available a bit during the cruise is the compromise I personally have to make in order to take this vacation. I'm willing to make the compromise. Each person's life and needs are different, which is all I was really trying to show in my post.

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Let's hope that this news does not make the headlines on CNN. I've just gotten around to telling people that they can reach me on the internet while I'm on a ship. I certainly won't tell my office that they can reach me on my cell phone! Heaven forbid! Fortunately I don't have to have my phone on all day while at sea. I can keep it off until I decide to turn it on and check messages.

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Hey Gizmo! Just noticed your rating of 5000+ !!! 5000+ what???biggrin.gif


Rev, love both your posts .. the sarcastic and the nitty gritty truthwink.gif . Also, this is a much better picture of you! The other one looked strangely sneaky ... as if taken in dark of night:) .


As to word getting out about cellphones on ships, I think we have a while before it really takes hold. It's only in the experimental stage overseas right now ... you can say that the ship you're on just isn't "up to date" yet!

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Rev, you are fortunate to have an associate Pastor and a secretary to turn things over to, I'm glad you are able to turn your cell phone off and enjoy your vacation uninterrupted. One day I hope my business is large enough for me to have an able assistant to turn things over to when I vacation. Being available a bit during the cruise is the compromise I personally have to make in order to take this vacation.


I "hear" ya. And I understand that need. And the way you describe it makes perfect sense. But does this mean walking around the ship talking on the cell phone for 3 or 4 hours a day, during dinner, and during the shows? Or, does this mean checking messages at some point during the day and returning any calls dealing with anything that's so critical that it can't be put off until returning to work? That distinction is what I'm talking about.


Before I go on a cruise I have to prepare and do a bunch of things that only I can do. I have to write several newspaper articles, line up those who will preach for me while I'm gone, arrange for a celebrant at the Eucharist, or bless a supply of Reserved Sacrament, for those Sundays, etc. Sometimes I'll miss something that can't wait. Once I had to E-Mail some directions as to what to do about an administrative detail that I'd forgotten to take care of and only remembered while waiting to board the ship. Details ... details ... the Devil is always in the details.


I can understand wanting to have easier, cheaper, cell contact with the home or work. Eventually we'll all be carrying satellite cell phones :eek: and then it won't matter WHERE on the planet we are, we'll always be "in touch." However, I would hope that, even when that's the case, we don't begin seeing people walking around ship talking on phones all the time. It's VACATION. Deal with what you can before you go, take care of anything that MUST be dealt with while you're on the cruise, but otherwise ... leave the phone in your cabin. :) That's my advice. :)

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this is a much better picture of you! The other one looked strangely sneaky ... as if taken in dark of night .


Thanks. The old one came off my webcam from about 3 years ago. It was old, and of low quality, and small ... but "sneaky"???? I'm hurt!! ;)

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We always take our cellphone with us on a cruise already. We sailed from Port Canaveral to Key West and were close enough to shore to be able to use it the whole way. We used it in St Thomas and in Puerto Rico. I don't see anything wrong with it. My kids take their cellphones with them on cruises.

We don't take them to the dining room but use them in our cabin when we can. It certainly saves the ship to shore phone fees. We enjoy being in close touch with our family.

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Thanks. The old one came off my webcam from about 3 years ago. It was old, and of low quality, and small ... but "sneaky"???? I'm hurt!! ;)
:rolleyes: Aaaaaaah................sorry, Rev!!!! I was just having fun with you. But it did look like you were leering just a bit;) . (I did surmise it was a webcam pic).


Dexter, I was wondering!!! I was trying to find what you were referring to and feeling really bad for Sierrachik!

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I am very uncorfortable using my cell phone in public places. I carry it because I have come to rely on it - IF I should need it. I try to make sure it does remain off in public. I do not like carrying on any type of conversation in a public place - I honestly feel it is disrupting others around me. I also refrain from talking when I drive - no phone call can ever be that important to me.


My DH hates his cell and constantly "forgets" to bring it anywhere... He has a work cell and a work radio, both of which must be left on, all work day - he loathes this and when he is free from it, he will rarely answer the phone at home (it is rarely for us anyway) or use his personal cell.


I cannot imagine a ship full of cell phone users! I do bring mine, but it is rarely even turned on - usually not til we are off the plane here in Denver. I have used my cell phone on one cruise, in STT to check my office voicemail, that was it.


While on vacation, I do not like to be "reconnected" back into the world I spent weeks preparing to be away from (work), but understand those that may not always have the luxury. This is just me, many others see no harm talking non-stop chit-chat, as long as they have a signal. I guess I just don't get it - but again, that's me and I'm one of those few who don't like any form of public cell usuage to begin with.

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My cell phone stays in the trunk of the car where it belongs when I'm on vacation. That's why they call it a vacation.


How did everyone survive years ago before there were cell phones? We got along fine without them then and can do it now.


I hope they charge a gazillion dollars per minute.


I give my family the ship-to-shore phone number to call in an EMERGENCY, like someone died, of course it's too late for us to do anything about it. Out of 14 cruises, haven't been called yet.


As we sail away, I see people along the rail talking on their cell phones. I wonder who the heck do these people need to be talking to at this instant? Are they that insecure? And there's someone equally wasting time on the other end of the line!

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I "hear" ya. And I understand that need. And the way you describe it makes perfect sense. But does this mean walking around the ship talking on the cell phone for 3 or 4 hours a day, during dinner, and during the shows? Or, does this mean checking messages at some point during the day and returning any calls dealing with anything that's so critical that it can't be put off until returning to work? That distinction is what I'm talking about.

For me it means checking in with my staff at some point duirng the day and checking email probably twice a day or so. I will spend time on the internet, so I can get my daily fix (ok, this is my one bad habit, LOL) but for my husband and me, this vacation means too much to us to spoil it with work. I have already begun the preparations for my absence and will continue to do so right up to the time I leave. I would not spend several thousand dollars on this vacation to work through it, I'd stay home instead :)


Dexter, thanks for clarifying your post's true intent, I spent part of the day perplexed until you posted again :)

Of course there are those that would tell you I spend every day in a state of perplexion, LOL :)

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OK, I confess. When I saw the title of this thread I thought it was about a solution to overcrowded prisons. They actually did this a couple of centuries ago in England and that's how we got Australia.


Anyway, cell phones on cruise ships, please no thank you. Personally, I spend my life on call. It is nice to get away. It is wonderful to be unavailable. Or at least unavailable instantaniously and cheaply.


It is good to know that the world will go on without me for the duration of my vacation. Humility is very freeing. At sea, I reconnect with my humility. The sea is vast, I am small. I am pretty disconnected from my work and family and they do quite well without me. Freedom from dependency, freedom from hostility. Free to love and enjoy each other.


Free from the tyranny of people talking into little hand held devices everywhere. Free from constantly overhearing half of conversations. Free from the rudeness of people disconnected from the people they are actually with.


There are lots of ways to "call home" if we want to on the ship. We now have e-mail. There is always the very expensive ship to shore. There is always wait until you are in port telephone call.


In case you can't tell from my narrative I vote NO!



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Funny this thread should come up


the other night my 17 yr old daughter was going out and I know her cell phone was in for repairs . I let her take mine because I wanted her to have it on her JUST IN CASE (care breaks down, God forbid an accident, whatever )


She goes out, comes home gives me my phone back.



Mind you if i use my phone twice aweek that is a lot, if I get a call on my cell phone from other than GF leaveing a quick message that she'll be held up at work or pick up this or that, that is a lot.


The very next day my cell didn't stop ringing all day. All the calls were from my daughters friends. It seems while she had my phone she made a few calls and my cell number appears on their caller ID so they were all calling me back.


My daughter wanted to know what the big deal was .


i told her A. it was annoying


B. My rotten luck the phone police are going to wonder why a 37 yr old guy is getting more phone calls from 16 year old girls in one day than Roman Polanski *LOL*



No you know why I hate cell phones *LOL*

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