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First Time Cruiser - Questions!!!


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My husband and I have booked our first cruise departing on April 21st on the Fantasy. We'll be taking our two children (5 and 6 months) with us also. Any tidbits about cruising and cruising with kids would be appreciated.


Formal dining: Just how formal is the formal dining night? Are we talking cocktail dresses or form evening gowns/prom type dresses? I don't want to either over dress or under dress.



What kind of entertainment can we expect on board?


Are the cruise-organized excursions worth the money? Or are these over-crowded? Are we better off to book our own excursions separately?


Our cruise returns at 7am on the 26th of April, our flight departs at 12:20pm...are we going to have enough time to debark and get to the airport?!



Any information is greatly appreciated (I'm so anxious/nervous/excited that I'm beginning to get cold feet about my cruise!!)

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My husband and I have booked our first cruise departing on April 21st on the Fantasy. We'll be taking our two children (5 and 6 months) with us also. Any tidbits about cruising and cruising with kids would be appreciated.


Formal dining: Just how formal is the formal dining night? Are we talking cocktail dresses or form evening gowns/prom type dresses? I don't want to either over dress or under dress.



What kind of entertainment can we expect on board?


Are the cruise-organized excursions worth the money? Or are these over-crowded? Are we better off to book our own excursions separately?


Our cruise returns at 7am on the 26th of April, our flight departs at 12:20pm...are we going to have enough time to debark and get to the airport?!



Any information is greatly appreciated (I'm so anxious/nervous/excited that I'm beginning to get cold feet about my cruise!!)



Okay, I'm not an expert, and have only been on one cruise (RCCL) but I have kids and I've done a lot of research so I'l try and help.

On the formal dining, I saw everything from evening gowns, to Sunday best, such as slacks and sweater. I wore a black skirt with a sequined (sp) top, and my DH wore a suit and tie. I saw kids wearing suits, shirt and tie, and just nice tops. A few men wore tuxes.

On the entertainment: I thought it was very good, 1st night: comedian. Clean and funny. One night was dancers (very good also), another night was a light show. Hard to explain but very cool. Kids would love! Don't really remember the rest.

Excursions: I would say since it's your first time, book throught he cruiseline. I didn't do any. I just shopped. But my DH and the guys did and LOVED it. I will do them next time. Once you've gone once and know the ropes, then I'd book outside of the cruiseline. Plus, taking kids, I think it would be worth the extra money for convenience and peace of mind.

On the airport: You should have enought time. I think people catching flights can debark faster. Also, catch a porter before you go through customs and you will probably get through faster. Hopefully the ship isn't late getting docked! Sorry, not much experience in this area. I drive to Galveston.

Have a great time on your cruise.

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I haven't cruised with kids, so I can't help you with that, but I can answer some of your questions.


You'll see everything on formal night. I tend to wear long gowns, but you will see cocktail dresses, dressy pants with sparkly tops, etc. Most women on Carnival wear cocktail dresses, and most men wear suits.


Entertainment - tons of stuff. There's all of the lounges with bands, piano bars, etc. The nightly show will be a combination of production shows, comedians, and variety acts (hypnotists, jugglers). Somebody that has been on the Fantasy more recently than me can give you specifics. Carnival also has some great deck parties.


I prefer to book excursions with Carnival. I never felt overcrowded. Yes, I pay a little more, but I like having the comfort factor of the ship waiting if the excursions is delayed. That said, I've met plenty of people on board, and many people on this board that had absolutely zero issues getting back to the ship. I've also gone on my own - shopping and beach days - where no excursions were needed. You're going to Cozumel and Costa Maya. I went to both in December on the Miracle. I did 2 great excursions (Fiesta Party Boat and Jungle Beach Break). Check out Carnival's excursions online, and check out the ports of call board here for specifics on excursions.


You should be fine to make your flight.


Enjoy your first cruise - there's nothing like it. Just relax and have fun.

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Thanks so much for the great replies! I appreciate any tips, secrets, or tidbits that will make my sailing smooth and carefree! I am really looking forward to my cruise!


Anyone else sailing out on April 21st on the Fantasy?

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Welcome to Cruise Critic! You are going to LOVE cruising. :)


Formal dining: you'll see everything from very formal (tuxes, long sequined gowns) to much more casual (Sunday best dress, slacks with collared shirt) and sometimes even just everyday clothes. My family likes to dress up for formal night ~ long gowns for me, suits & ties for the guys. Wear something nice and you won't feel at all out of place, whether it's just a nice dress or a formal evening dress.


Entertainment: lots and lots of choices. Your 5 year old would probably enjoy Camp Carnival. My kids were both grown by the time we did our first cruise, but I've read lots of good things on the boards about Camp Carnival.


Excursions: A ship-sponsored tour can be more expensive and more crowded than if you research and do a tour with an independent operator. The good thing about ship-sponsored is that if something happens and the tour is late getting back to the ship, the ship will wait for you. If you want to try an independent, I would research on the Port of Call boards for a reputable operator and you more than likely won't have any problems at all.


Flight: a 12:20 pm flight is pretty good. You can go to the Purser's desk sometime before debarkation day and get early debarkation passes. That way, you'll be among the first allowed off the ship once it clears customs and begins debarkation. Another option is self-assist debarkation, but you have to be able to carry all of your own luggage off the ship.


Here is a thread with lots of tips for you: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=488552


Enjoy your cruise! :D

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Welcome to Cruise Critic and the addictive world of cruising.


Your 5 year old will love Camp Carnival. They operate 9AM until 10Pm for free. After 10pm, it is $6 an hour. I am assuming you already know that your 6 month old is to young for Camp Carnival. So he/she will be with you the entire time.


We were on the Fantasy in December and are headed back on the 15th. It is a great ship. A good size, good staff and crew, good food.


You will be going to Cozumel and Costa Maya. Both are very safe. No expensive ship excursion is needed. ( IMHO it would be a waste of money with a 6 month old to do any ship excursion.) I would recommend at both ports that you grab a taxi to the beach. Cozumel's Paradise Beach is a good one. Costa Mayas downtown area is all one long beach. There are more taxis than sand...so no need to worry about not being able to get a ride back.


Formal night will be everything from glitter to capris. Any Sunday dress or pant suit will be fine.


The taxi ride from the airport will be around $28.00- 30.00 for the 4 of you.

Your flight time should be fine headed back.


Entertainment on board will be shows after dinner, a piano bar, karaoke in one of the bars, a country band in the Cat's Lounge and a solo entertainer on the Promenade. Some will be ok with a 6 month old and some will not be. The country band bar and piano bar will be smoky.


Hope this helps....have a great cruise!!

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People dress in everything on formal night, a tux is not needed bit a suit & tie for him and a long formal or Cocktail dress for her, there will always be people dresses better and owrse than you.


My personal opinion on ship sponsered shore excursions is, they are way over priced and way over crowded. If you have something in mine you want to do in each port, you would be better off on your own, the Ports of Call board here on CC has some great ideas.


A 12:30 flight is going to be perfect.


Your 5 year old will probably have a great time at Camp Carnival, i started taking my daughter there when she was 4.

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DH and I cruise frequently...

I've noticed; ALL the lines do a great job of getting you off the ship to catch a flight.

Carnival asks about flight arrangements and you will be in the first groups off.

Shore excursions through the lines are terribly overpriced and usually at capacity..but for novice cruisers they are good because you won't be concerned about making it back to the ship on time..etc.

As far as dress.. On Carnival you will see everything from glittery floor length cocktail dresses to those folks who 'just don't give a ****'. I just bring a black skirt, black slacks and a few fancy tops/jackets so I can mix and match..makes packing so much easier!

Enjoy! There is nothing like you first cruise!

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formal wear runs the gamet, from evening gowns to much less dressy.

wear whatever you like best. My husband wears a suit and tie, as do our boys and my daughter and I wear cocktail dresses.

Your son will probably really enjoy the camp activities. Your baby, well not much for the baby to do. Make sure you bring along all the diapers, formula you need and whatever comforts him/her best. A stroller will be needed.

I've never cruised with a baby, but see plenty of people doing so. Most of them seem to do fine. I notice the parents let the baby sleep in the stroller so they can be out hanging around at night. Otherwise I suppose you will be in the cabin.

The shows can be a little loud so if that startles your baby, they may not be a good idea.

enjoy your trip

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I have read that on port days and from 10pm-3am the Camp Carnival will offer babysitting to infants under 2 for $6/hr. I am hoping this is true (considering I still have to pay for an infant to sail with us!!)


We have currently booked one shore excursion outside of the cruise line: A tour guide which came highly recommended by a cruise message board called "The Native Choice". It is a 3.5hr tour of the Chaccobhen mayan ruins including entrance fees and the drive and beer/soda for the trip it was $43 US for my husband and I each and $40 for our son (our daughter is free).


We've been looking at booking the dolphin encounter in Cozumel for my son and my husband, but I need to find out first if I would still be allowed to ride along just to watch/take pictures. I really dont want to pay an additional $115 just to take photos of the two boys playing with a dolphin.

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welcome to the boards !! as far as entertainment goes there is no shortage, we have seen comedians, jugglers, magicians, vegas style shows and of course bingo as well as many games and such poolside with many prizes up for grabs, i have never been disappointed. as far as camp carnival goes my now 5 yr old loves it and he cannot wait to get back there on april 9th. i dont know about the tiny one though as far as age limits or anything like that. you should have plenty of time to catch your flight if all goes well. we always fly in a day early and stay a whole day afterward just for some peace of mind. have a great time !!!!!

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It is a 3.5hr tour of the Chaccobhen mayan ruins including entrance fees and the drive and beer/soda for the trip it was $43 US for my husband and I each and $40 for our son (our daughter is free).>>>>>>.


In my opinion that is not an age appropriate activity for a baby and such a young child. It is very hot and you are going to climb those stairs with a baby?

And as far as leaving my baby on the ship while I was in port, I would never do that either. What exactly is your plan if your baby were to get sick? Or god forbid, you miss the ship.

I never understand parents who bring their very young children and then want to leave them on the ship while they go off and play.

Or bring young children on tours that are basically torture for small children.

Bring a nanny or leave them at home. At least you know who is watching your children then and that they are safe.

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I agree with most other posters here regarding excursions. With the two ports you're going to, safety really isn't a concern. In Cozumel, we've booked the Atlantis submarine directly with the operator. Our price for 2 adults, 3 kids = $293. Carnival's price = $413. Same exact excursion, same exact time. It pays to research. Don't get scared off from booking independent excursions because you're afraid of missing the ship. Research. Check out the port of call boards. If you're thinking about booking with an independent excursion operator, ask questions about them on the port of call boards. Chances are, lots of people know about that operator and can tell you about them. Those that stay in business know how important it is for cruisers to make it back to port in time, and make sure you do. Research and have a great time! Half of my fun is the planning.

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In my opinion that is not an age appropriate activity for a baby and such a young child. It is very hot and you are going to climb those stairs with a baby?

And as far as leaving my baby on the ship while I was in port, I would never do that either. What exactly is your plan if your baby were to get sick? Or god forbid, you miss the ship.

I never understand parents who bring their very young children and then want to leave them on the ship while they go off and play.

Or bring young children on tours that are basically torture for small children.

Bring a nanny or leave them at home. At least you know who is watching your children then and that they are safe.


I said that I know they offered babysitting for children under 2 during those times. I didn't say however that I would make use of them. Maybe for an evening to visit the disco or casino, but definately not on port days. My 5 year old is looking forward to the ruins very much so. And this is a family cruise for us, meaning I wouldn't book a shore excursion without either of my children; regardless of age. Being at the ruins would be no hotter than being on the beach or in town or sunning on the deck of the ship. We are an active family who do a lot of hiking already and will be bringing a joggin stroller with us. I have come to this forum seeking advice from seasoned cruisers, not to be berated for choosing to take a much needed vacation WITH my children.


But, thank you for your opinion anyways, you are entitled to it.

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My 5 year old is looking forward to the ruins very much so. Being at the ruins would be no hotter than being on the beach or in town or sunning on the deck of the ship.>>>>


okey dokey. should be an experience.

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If you want to take the baby to the Ruins I think it's a great idea. Ignore that other poster :rolleyes: . Anyways, Carnival does have babysitting services for your 6-month old at $6 per hr btw 10pm and 3am and also other desginated times during the day, which I believe there is a fee as well. Have a wonderful first cruise.


FYI: Camp Carnival is unable to accept children Under 2 years during activity times but we do offer babysitting services for you within Camp Carnival. Babysitting services for Under 2's are available each evening from 10pm-3am as well as our Family Play Times on Sea Days and during freeplay times on port days. All babysitting services for Under 2's are charged at babysitting price ($6.00 an hour). During Family Play Times on Sea Days parents with Under 2's are welcome to stay with their under 2's at no charge.

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I wouldn't go overboard on formal night. A cocktail dress will be perfect, but if you're looking for a chance to wear something more formal...well, this is it--go for it.


I cruised last year with Carnival and did both a cruiseline excusion and one we booked ourself. Both were fine. We booked the River Wallace/Altun Ha Mayan ruin tour in Belize. We were some of the younger people there, as I believe ziplining/cave tubing is the favorite there. It was not overcrowded and I was actually pleased because we tendered in Belize and cruiseline excursions are tendered first. You may not need to worry about that in Cozumel, as we docked there last year on the Glory. In Costa Maya we just got off the boat and walked down the pier. It's not really a beach there, but there are pools and hammocks, bars and restaurants and shopping right there. I enjoyed taking it easy there and just relaxing. I would advise to not stress planning every minute because the whole point of a vacation is to relax.


I don't know about the age for babysitting, but I know it is offered. My daughter was five last year and the only problem was that she was bored at Camp Carnival at first because the first age group is 2 - 5 and she was a month shy of turning six. I talked to the staff and we bumped her up to the next age group and she had a blast! I did the evening babysitting so I could have an evening out, and that was $6 an hour with a pajama party theme. She loved that as well and wanted to go back again. Unfortunately, I had no more evening plans and wasn't going to pay $6 an hour for nothing. Oh well.


All in all it was great. By the way, I travelled as a single mom with a 5 and 12 year old. We're doing it again this fall!


Good luck!



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Thanks very much for your input! Everyone's advice is greatly appreciated! If anyone has been on the Fantasy and could tell me about their experiences with it that would be great! Also, if anyone else here is going on the Fantasy April 21-26, let me know! (Although from what I've heard Fantasy is a "newbie ship" for first time cruisers)

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I said that I know they offered babysitting for children under 2 during those times. I didn't say however that I would make use of them. Maybe for an evening to visit the disco or casino, but definately not on port days. My 5 year old is looking forward to the ruins very much so. And this is a family cruise for us, meaning I wouldn't book a shore excursion without either of my children; regardless of age. Being at the ruins would be no hotter than being on the beach or in town or sunning on the deck of the ship. We are an active family who do a lot of hiking already and will be bringing a joggin stroller with us. I have come to this forum seeking advice from seasoned cruisers, not to be berated for choosing to take a much needed vacation WITH my children.


You'll find judgmental people everywhere. ;) It sounds like you've already thought out what is appropriate for your family, and that's what matters. DD was only 21 months when we cruised the first time, and we had a wonderful trip.


We always take DD on excursions as well--as you said, it's a family vacation. We include DD in the planning, and she gets excited about the excursions we book, especially since she's had a part in it.


On our first cruise we didn't take any excursions and just went out on our own. On the next two, we booked through the cruise line. But, then, I found Cruise Critic and we haven't taken an excursion through the cruise line since. We've found booking with independents recommended on the ports of call boards gives us a much better experiences. The tours are less crowded and rushed and more personal. We don't worry about missing the ship--these vendors depend on cruise passengers for their business and wouldn't stay in business long if their customers were missing their ships!


One tip I didn't see suggested yet is for you to just pack a small supply of diapers and then buy what you need before you embark. You can put a luggage tag on a pack of diapers and it'll be delivered to your cabin. It'll save you room in your suitcase. :)


Have a great cruise!




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