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NCL MAJESTY - July 18 -25, 2004 Review


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Sunday, July 18: Arrived at the pier at 10:45am. Dropped off all the suitcases near the entrance. Porter was right there waiting and DH parked the car and walked back in about 10 minutes. There was a small line forming at the Latitude entrance and they opened the doors at 11:00am. A security guard verified identification and tickets at the door and let us in. There were about 10 desks set up for registration. We waited about 10 minutes and went to the next available desk. They looked at tickets and identification. We set up our ship board account and had our pictures taken there. Went to next line for 20 minutes. Had to wait for “key/charge cards”. Line then moved up the escalator to the security checkpoint. You put your bags through the x-ray conveyer belt and walked through. If you set off an alarm they also had a wand to go over you. No problem there and we walked onto the ship. We were greeted at the entrance and were offered help finding our rooms. Since this was the 4th time on the Majesty we found our own way just fine. Dropped off our carry on’s and off we went.




By noon we were sitting around the pool eating and having drinks. At 3:30pm we went to the life boat drill and at 4pm we were sailing away. We weather was good and we had no rain. Shortly after the Boston skyline disappeared and we were well into open waters, the Captain made the announcement that we would be hitting some bad weather with rough seas, but no one would be in any danger. Hmmm…..Didn’t sound too good! But the meals and the shows went on and everyone seemed to be having a great time.




Monday, July 19: Later in the evening and certainly after midnight (now it’s Monday), we could feel the ship rocking. Many people woke up to being sick on Monday. The ship rocked from side to side and up and down. DH and my self had a great time, but other people were not so lucky. My MIL did not leave the cabin until Tuesday morning. The chairs, loveseats and window seats on Deck 5 were full of people not looking so good. Around midnight that evening DH and myself were still wandering around the ship and found many of the people sleeping on the loveseats. A few were set up on the window seats with their comforters and pillows. Some were sleeping on the floor. I am only guessing that the ones on the higher floors were not doing too good with the movement. Theory is that if you are prone to seasickness you should be mid ship and as low as you can go! We were on Deck 9 and enjoyed every minute of it. At the Crossroads they were handing out Sea Calm, crackers and green apples until they ran out!




Tuesday, July 20: Woke up to the ship still rocking a bit. It finally calmed down around the same time we could see land in the distance. At last, you could see the beautiful blue green waters and feel the tropical air. We were on the top Deck11 in front of the ship. Watched the ship sail in through the narrow cut. There were a few people there waving, but this was the first time we did not see the Town Crier ringing his bell on the rocks.




The Crown was already docked when we arrived. And we arrived one hour late because of the storm we were in. Everyone who wanted to was off the ship by 2:00pm. Our carriage ride excursion was cancelled because of the late arrival, but we rebooked for the next day. We got off and bought our bus passes and wandered around St. Georges with the in-laws. Son and his girlfriend went to Tobacco Bay. We all met back later in the day. Freshened up and went to the “Don’t Stop the Carnival Party at Hawkins Island” excursion. We had taxis to take us to Hamilton at 5:15pm. In Hamilton we boarded the party boat and at 7pm it sailed to Hawkins Island. Party was over around 10, sailed back to Hamilton, boarded our taxi waiting and was back on the ship at 11:30pm.




Wednesday, July 20: Had breakfast in the dining room. Requested a table for two. No waiting. Lunch at the buffet. Then off to Tobacco Bay for snorkeling. We took the shuttle for $3 each one way. It was crowded there, but had no problem finding a spot for our towels. Lots of fish to see around the rocks. We took our own snorkel equipment. Met back at the ship for dinner. Ate at the Seven Seas. No waiting. Then went off to catch the bus to go into Hamilton for Harbor Nights. Front Street was sectioned off and lots of people roaming around. Restaurants seemed to be filled and lots of street venders serving a variety of foods. Hair braiding, tattooing and various merchandise for sale. There were marching bands and Gombay dancers on the street entertaining. We opted to eat at Flanagan’s Pub where it was air conditioned. Then headed for the bus and stopped at the Swizzle Inn for some rum swizzles on the way back. First time for our son’s girlfriend to Bermuda, so this was a must see! Then headed back to the ship to see out some late night snacks!




Thursday, July 21: After breakfast our whole group this time left on the bus for the Bermuda Museum/Zoo. Being our 4th time to Bermuda, this was on our must do list. Bus drops you off right at the door. Cost was $10 for adults and $5 for Seniors. We were pleasantly surprised and glad we went! Spent about 2 ½ hours there. Every display in the museum can be found on the island of Bermuda! After the museum, we all boarded the bus. The in-laws got off in Hamilton to do some sightseeing and shopping. We went onto Horseshoe Bay Beach and son and girlfriend continued onto the Dockyards. We’ve been there before so we passed this time. Horseshoe Bay was on our must do list. Bus drops you off right at the entrance. We walked down which was pretty easy. However, there is a shuttle that leaves every 5 minutes bringing people up and down the hill for $1 each. We used it to get back up the hill! The beach is absolutely beautiful. It’s a big beach with open surf. We walked way over to the left side of the beach and it was quite private. There are many rocks where you can stake out your own private hideaway if you choose to! And the sand does have the pick crystal like specks in it! Just so very clean as everything else in Bermuda.




We all met later on that evening at the show. Our son and his girlfriend went to Horseshoe Bay Beach that day also after we were long gone. They got engaged there! His girlfriend told us that they were on the beach when he got on his knees and took out the ring and proposed to her! Of course, she said yes. This added to our already great time in Bermuda. We celebrated with our three generations of family here together! Wow and the ring was gorgeous too, I might add!




Friday, July 22: We got up early this morning and used the time for some last minute shopping in St. Georges. Son and his fiancé went on the Catamaran Shipwreck Snorkel. They met in the designated area. Proceeded out to the dock to wait for the catamaran. After they were away from the dock and sailing away the NCL dive rep. told them he had good news and bad news. Good new is that they can go snorkeling and bad news is that’s its too choppy to go to the shipwreck. They dropped anchor in the water and the dive rep. said that since everyone should be an experienced snorkeler there is nothing for him to do. So go snorkel. Needless to say it was a waste of time. They saw next to no fish and had they known they would have just gone to Tobacco Bay to see some great fish! Regardless of no refund. So win some, lose some!




At noon everyone was onboard waiting for the sail away. Again, we were late leaving. The Captain announced that one of the tugs didn’t show up and as soon as it arrived we’d be off. The Crown was also in the distance sailing when we hit open waters.




Saturday, July 24: Last full day onboard. Spent the day taking in as much as we could. Packed our clothes and and took in the shows. Later on put our luggage out in the hallway and then we knew our trip was almost over!




Sunday, July 25: Got up early and looked out the window around 4:30am. It was till a bit dark but you could see lights in the distance. By 5am the Boston skyline was visible. Watched while the ship turned around a parked at the dock! We had the Coast Guard gun boats escorting us into the harbor. And they remained there surrounding the ship. As we watched one of the Coast Guard boats saddening took off down the length of the ship. Watched as it approached a small speed boat heading towards the Majesty. I assume they simply wanted to get a closer look at the ship and got just got too close. After a few minutes with the Coast Guard near them, the boat took off and the Coast Guard boat came back into position. I guess that was a good thing!




We ate our final breakfast in the dining room and left the ship! On the way out we had to turn in our key/charge card for a final swipe and they KEPT the card! He said it was a new NCL policy!




On the dock a porter piled our luggage onto a cart and took it outside for us and left it on the sidewalk. DH walked over the get the car while everyone else waited by the luggage. We were loaded and on our way by 10:30am.:D

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Other things:


Freestyle Dailies were in the room with the evening turn down along with a mint on the pillows. No towel animals to be seen in our room.



We were in Cabin 912. Informative letters along with a plate of snacks were in the room late each afternoon. We had a standard room service menu and a standard continental breakfast menu to hang on the door knob. We had this same room in August, 2001 and received an expanded breakfast menu, but not this time. We had an assortment of toiletries on a silver tray in the bathroom along with a silver jar of bath salts and a silver jar of cotton balls and Qtips. Plenty of storage in the bathroom for us. We had nice vanity, tub and shower. We had a 20 inch TV on a console facing the bed. You could not turn the TV to view it from the couch. The TV had ports in front so we could view our digital camera pictures and our video pictures. We also had a VCR with a book of titles you could ask for. We didn’t watch any movies. The refrigerator was in the cabinet under the TV. We had a big walk in closet with a full length mirror inside the closet and a louvered door to close it off. We did not see our cabin steward the whole week except for passing him in the hall a couple times.



Restaurants: Seven Seas: We ate there with never a longer wait than minutes. We had tables for two some nights, tables for four and tables for six. Never a long wait. Service was always leisurely. The menu had cold and hot appetizers. Vegetarian choices, Pasta choices, Lite eating choices, Main entrees, desserts and ice creams. Coffee, hot tea, ice tea and water were offered free at the meals. Menus changed each day.



Four Seasons: A smaller sized place, but same comments as above. Both these restaurants had the same menu each day.



Le Bistro: We made reservations the day we boarded for Friday evening. That’s when our group was all free to get together. There is a $15 per person cover charge that covers everything on the menu. If you chose to have the surf and turf the cover charge is $20 per person instead. We had the surf and turf. The atmosphere was nice and we decided to dress up that night and have our group picture taken.



Pasta Café: We ate there on Saturday evening. We all had a pork alfredo type of dish. All the food was good and this menu changed every day too.



Buffet: We ate here a few times too. Typical buffet food. Breads, salads, sandwiches, carved choices, desserts, etc. Perfect if you’re looking for a quick meal.



San Marco Pizza: At the back of the ship. Served hamburgers, hot dogs, minute steaks, pizza and a salad bar. 24/7. Eat when ever you like! And we did eat there for really late night hunger pains!



Room Service: We always ordered our morning coffee and fruit. A phone call came a few minutes before delivery. Late one evening we ordered room service pizza and that took about 30 minutes to arrive. Pizza was good.



Adult Soda Card: We pre ordered soda cards at $28.75 3each. Still had to go to the coffee bar to get our stamp and container. You could purchase it here anytime. We never used the container they gave us. All we did was show our card whenever we wanted a soda. In the dining rooms we were served quickly and they kept coming back for refills even before we finished the first one. When DH went up to any bar for a beer he took my card and brought me back a soda.



Helmets of Beer: Buy 6 for the price of 5. Domestic was $16.25 and Imported was $18.75. If you’re sitting down and you need a bottle opened the servers had a really unique way of opening your bottle. Never needed a bottle opener!



Spin to Win Coupons: These coupons were in your ticket package. Didn’t need them. Once in the morning and once in the evening you could go to the casino to take one spin (to win a cruise) on a designated slot machine. Look for the times in the Freestyle Daily.



Optional Formal: Captain’s Champagne Party and optional formal nite. The Seven Seas and Four Seasons were designated Formal attire for that evening.



Latitude Cocktail Party: Tuesday at 5pm in the Royal Fireworks Lounge.



Music: Caribbean Wave performed at the pool and Amadeus performed in the Royal Fireworks Lounge.



Chocoholic Buffet: Friday evening at 11:30pm to 12:30am in the Seven Seas. People were lining up at 11 to get in. You don’t need too. Plenty of seats available and the lines moved quickly once they opened. You could take a plate and eat there or bigger paper plate for take out.



Photos: They had a sign up that you could have all the pictures taken of the persons in your cabin for $249. Otherwise, the individual prices varied. Backgrounds for formal and casual were set up on Monday evening and also on Friday evening.

Shows: We saw most of the shows. They were okay.


Sunday morning: If you were in a suite you had VIP luggage tags. These were the first people off the ship; however they do not announce it. Next they called by color tags starting on the 9th deck. I’m assuming you can’t leave before your color is called, but you can leave anytime after your color is called. We left at the LAST possible moment!



Leslie AKA CruiseCruiser: I did get to meet him and chat for a bit. Very outgoing person and quite the DANCER! He offered to help with anything he could.:D


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Great review Newcruiser00 ! I would agree with all that you said. Was your shipmate for the week. I did ask why the town crier wasn't there to welcome us and one of the Bermuda officers at the cruise terminal said he was away for the week in Europe at a competition. We did not have as roomy quarters as you. We were on deck 8 squeezed into one of those 108 sq.ft cabins but we managed. :)

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I can't wait for our second cruise to Bermuda. Reading all the reviews lately and seeing my clock countdown have been wonderful!


Glad you and your family had a wonderful time. Did you know your son was planning on proposing? What a nice story to add about your trip!


Seabiscuit: How was the Turtle Bay Catamaran sail? I saw on an earlier post that you went on it. I booked it for DH, DD and myself.

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Hi Basketballmom,

We had a great time on the TurtleBay cataraman cruise. It's run by two guys and a girl who seem to be in their mid to late 20's. They were all very competent as well as very informative about Bermuda. We motored out to the beach because of the winds which would have taken a long sail out but sailed back. I think what I liked best about it was the ability to do whatever we wanted. The cataraman was brought up almost to the beach. People then choose to swim,snorkel,use a kayak (take turns)walk the beach etc. It was our own private beach for the length of the excursion. Loved it! Also didn't mention the continuous flow of Rum Swizzles which were pretty good too!

All in all,it was a very enjoyable time and one I would not hesitate to book again. :)

Have a fabulous cruise !!!

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For newcruiser00...

Stupendous review...loved all your little details...it brings back many memories of our May '04 trip with my husband's family. I, too, would love to know if you "knew" about the impending engagement. Bermuda and a cruise are the perfect ways to celebrate such a noteable occasion! Congratulations to all!


Loved reading your account of the trip down. It really sounds like a "trip" we'd enjoy as well, although I always feel bad for those passengers who are stricken with "mal de mer". It is nice to know that the "ship" didn't make a fuss about the passengers who relocated themselves to the more stable deck areas. It must have looked funny to see all those people "camping out" in the public areas of the ship at night!


How was your return trip on the "high seas"? Were there any further announcements regarding passenger safety/comfort from the Captain or anyone else, other than that first warning of "bad weather" as you left Boston? Were you allowed to go out on deck during the "rock & roll" time? Did you actually go through a storm (was it raining) or did the ship just encounter the outer fringe of it? I guess we are a bit like you and enjoy a cruise that makes you "feel" like you are on a ship!



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Hi.....Re: Hawkins Island Don't Stop The Carnival


I researched it online before we left and intended to book before we left but things got so busy here that it was just tabled aside. Here's the info I found.


If you go to their web site it will give you the phone number and all the info on how to book direct. $85/adult and $45/child.



If you go to the Bermuda Discounts web page you can also print a $10 off coupon for this event.



We booked on the ship through NCL: $119/adult and $69/child

That also included round trip taxi to Hamilton and back to St. Georges.


Hope this helps!:D


Limbo Dancers at the Carnival:


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Re: Hawkins Island Don't Stop The Carnival



Just a note to remember that if you book on your own, you have to get your own transportation to and from Hamilton if your ship is in St. Georges. Four of us went and we could have saved about a hundred bucks if we booked on our own. But we heard about this event and it sounded like fun, so we did it anyways.:D


Here is one of the entertainers at the Carnival.


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Hawkins Don't Stop The Carnival.....

NCL excursion......


This was held on the Tuesday of our cruise. We had to meet at 5:15pm in front of the pier terminal. We boarded the taxis they had waiting and off to the pier in Hamilton. We then boarded a party boat (the Elizabeth) and found a seat outside up top. There are also seats inside where the bar is located. You could get a drink as you went on and as many more as you wanted. We sat outside for the best view. The ride to the island was leisurely and scenic along the coast. Certainly bring your cameras. Everyone was dressed casual from shorts to sundresses.


Arriving at Hawkins seemed like going to the tribal council on Survivor! A stretch maybe, but you did walk down a long paved path lined with lit torches. Then you stake out your table and can go up to the open bar. Any type of mixed drink, beer and sodas served. The evening moves along quickly. The music starts playing and you soon go up to the buffet. It was good. Chicken, ribs, fish, salads, coffee, tea, etc. All you can too.


The band plays......There is a dance floor.......Limbo dancers involve the audience, adults and kids........The host is quite funny........They take pictures of the event and put them on their web site for viewing later.......


You did not have to sit at your table.....People were wandering around the area......Around 10pm everyone boarded the boat for a quick trip back to Hamilton.........Taxis were waiting for us.........It was something different to do and we all had fun! :D


Conga line starting at Hawkins:


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Thank you so much for the info!!!!!


It looks like a great time. I think we book this on our own, 4 adults and 2 kids, we'll just have to leave early to get to the boat by bus, or if we take a cab or van or something.


I am really looking forward to this!!!


The pictures are great.




added note, just printed out my coupons and I called and booked!!!

Thanks again for the info.

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