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Motion Sickness


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I thought I would pass this along to all my friends prone to motion sickness......


I get sick riding in a car, basically any moving object. I have tried drammamine (puts me to sleep) bonine which I loved but sometimes still get a little queasy. On this cruise my doctor prescribed me Antivert 25mg. It is a vertigo medication that is absolutely wonderful. Every cruise I have missed at lease 1 day due to sickness. The Antivert helped me tremendously. Plus I was awake and alert not drowsy. the only downside is you need to take it every six hours but well worth it.


Antivert Pronounced: AN-tee-vert Generic name: Meclizine hydrochloride.


If you are prone to motion sickness give it a try.

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I thought I would pass this along to all my friends prone to motion sickness......


I get sick riding in a car, basically any moving object. I have tried drammamine (puts me to sleep) bonine which I loved but sometimes still get a little queasy. On this cruise my doctor prescribed me Antivert 25mg. It is a vertigo medication that is absolutely wonderful. Every cruise I have missed at lease 1 day due to sickness. The Antivert helped me tremendously. Plus I was awake and alert not drowsy. the only downside is you need to take it every six hours but well worth it.


Antivert Pronounced: AN-tee-vert Generic name: Meclizine hydrochloride.


If you are prone to motion sickness give it a try.


Can you drink while taking this medicine??

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Antivert is the same drug that is in Bonine. I used Bonine on my last cruise and I still got sick. I took it before travel like they say, and I took it at regular intervals. Maybe I needed a stronger dose than you can get over the counter. I did not get sick at my stomach, but I was extremely dizzy and had a terrible headache. I missed a whole cruise day and 1/2 of another. A lot of people on the boat were feeling the same. It was a smaller ship than I had been on before. I think I'll have to stick to the huge ones, eventhough I really liked the smaller ship better for other reasons.


I'll see what my doctor says next time I go.


Anyone else have the same thing happen?



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Yes, motion sickness effects me also. I bought the Bonine and just to be safe, Ginger pills. Can you take both of these together and more importantly, can you consume adult beverages??:o

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Yes, you can use both over the counter Bonine and Ginger pills together. I did that but it didn't help me on Grandeur last year.


I had only been on one other cruise 2 years ago on Mariner that left from Orlando. I think because Granduer was a much smaller ship and sailing in the Atlantic which tends to be rougher than the Caribbean is why I had a problem on it. It was really rocking. People were having a problem walking straight. I had no problems at all on Mariner. We were even sailing during the time hurricane Charlie hit Fla., and I was fine on that.


If you are going to be on one of the larger ships in the calmer seas, you'll be fine. I have heard that sailing to Bermuda also tends to be on the rough side.


Good luck! and Have fun!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

my husband (a pharmacist) gets severely seasick, but he LOVES cruises. he would spend the whole cruise in the bathroom :eek: if it were not for PHENERGAN--generic name is PROMETHAZINE--which is a prescription the doctor can write you. it can cause drowsiness, but it REALLY works if you have such bad seasickness. it comes in pill form, suppositories, and injection. my poor husband was so sick on our alaska cruise that the ship doctor had to give him an injection of it. he slept all that nite, but was okay for the next 5 days.

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Never underestimate the power of the placebo effect, Antivert and Bonine 25mg are exactly the same medication :D



On my cruise I noticed that when the ship starts rocking more, it's much better when the movement is front-to-back, than when it is sideways. At least, in my case :eek:



On my 1st day at sea I felt really awefull at night, and Meclizine didn't do anything. We tought it was sea-sickness but it might have been bad hydratation because I spent the entire day on the pool deck without drinking water. The rest of the week I took extra care to drink plenty of water and never ever had a problem whatsoever.

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I second the Ginger capsules. I start taking them 3 days before the cruise and 3 days into it (7 day cruise). I haven't had any problems on my last two cruises. I usually get seasick on the first full day in the Caribbean. I drink whatever I want and don't have to worry about the pharma issues.

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Hi Folks!

I have used the above mention remedies (Dramamine, Bonine) and although they worked fine they knocked me right out! I tried a homeopathic motion sickness pill called "Hyland's Motion Sickness" and it disolves right on your tongue, tastes fine, and works miracles! We had very rough seas on a January sailing and loads of ppl were sick, we passed this out at our table every nightand at breakfast and we were all fine. Works very quickly, too! I ordered it via internet and www dot cvs dot com. I wish you all the very best in finding a seasickness remedy, it is the worst feeling for sure!

Happy Sails!:)

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  • 7 years later...

Just a note. If you check ingredients...Bonine is 25 mg. of meclizine. Generic meclizine 25 mg. can be purchased across the counter from a druggist for about $6 for 100 tablets and is EXACTLY the same thing as Bonine....Quite a savings! I have used Dramamine and have to sleep at least half of one day! i have tried patches and, though they work great, dehydrate me and the whites of my eyes turn red in about 3 days! Dr. advised me not to use them at my age 67. Ginger made me sicker!!!! I guess I just didn't like the taste! Good luck and happy cruising. I will be going on the Legend of the Seas in March!

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I take bonine, once a day. If the ship is really rocking I take 2. I drink with it and it doesn't affect me or make me drowsy. I also take ginger plus have my seabands in case of rough seas. So a combination of all 3 is what works for me. I read that green apples are good too though I've never tried them.

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Meclazine and Bonine are one and the same, even the dosage, which is 25 mg. However, the important thing to remember about these medications is that they are intended to be used preventatively. You should start taking it once a day either the day you get on the ship, or even the day before. In order for it to be effective, you should take it every day while on the cruise. If you wait until you are feeling seasick to take it, it won't work.


I take one Bonine every day on a cruise, along with two ginger tablets (one in the morning and one in the evening,) and it's worked great for me. Not all drugs work for everyone, or even the same way. This is what works for me.

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Years ago I met a doc's wife, and she did share this:

Cover your belly button with a bandaid and not more sea sickness!

Believe it or not, it's working for me! Everybody thinks that I made this up, until this was in the paper few weeks ago!:)



Of course, as everything's else, it may not work for everybody, but I bring the little round band aids, on every cruise!!!!



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I took a Meclazine pill the day I boarded before I left the house & 1 that night just to be on the safe side. I then took 1 every day. I was on an 8 day Bahamas cruise. I was fine all week. I tried them on my first cruise & they worked after the first day (I didn't take it when I got on board, I waited till the first AM when I was sick; I was fine by 1 PM). I learned my lesson the hard way & they are now on my "necessary things to get" list before cruising.

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My husband gets sea sickness and uses Bonine which helps but makes him very tired. Our last cruise was on Oasis and I talked him into not taking it after the 2nd day since the ship hardly moved. He had no problems while off of it. This was his 12th cruise and he had always taken it everyday before on the other cruises. Thank God we loved the ship and all it had to offer and are sailing on her again this Jan. I love the Southern Carib islands and hope one day the biggest ships will go there since this seems to be the best ship for us. Bermuda was def. very rough and I have always heard ppl complain when leaving out of Baltimore how rough the waters are. It is too bad since we love cruising so much and Baltimore is only an hour or so away from where we live

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I used to suffer horribly when traveling. But no longer. My DSIL found this wonderful little bottle of all natural oils and it has taken care of me for a number of years now.


No matter how i travel, back seat of a car, plane, train, sailing vessel, i just put a few drops on my finger and rub it behind my ears and i'm good to go. If I start feeling nausea again, I just rub some more on.


Best thing is - it doesn't interfere with any type of medications or liquor.



Here is some info on the product.


Motion Sickness Relief:


Starts working FAST – Instructions indicate that Motioneaze should be taken 5 minutes before you travel, but you will likely see results much faster than that. Most people can start feeling motion sickness relief within 3 minutes after they apply.


Effective even after symptoms have occurred – Motioneaze begins to work within a few minutes after application. Most medications for the same purpose are effective only if taken 30-60 minutes before traveling.


Great for Kids – Parents who have children prone to motion sickness are thrilled with the results they get from Motioneaze. Motioneaze is made of 100% natural ingredients. Topical application is great for children, because all you need to do is rub a drop of oil on the head behind each year.


No drowsiness or other side effects – The most common side effect for over the counter motion sickness medications is drowsiness. Motioneaze is an All-Natural solution for relief of motion sickness or nausea symptoms. You can stay wide awake and enjoy your book, movie or the view as you travel.


Doctor recommended – Doctors recommend Motioneaze, because it doesn’t have side effects, is very effective, and works even after symptoms have begun.


Travel-friendly solution – Most manufacturers of motion sickness medications recommend that their medication be taken with a full glass of water. Taking pills while traveling can be a real hassle, especially if children are involved. However, all-natural Motioneaze is easy to apply. Simply apply a few drops of the herbal oils on the head behind each ear to calm the symptoms of motion sickness.


Easy to Use – When your stomach is feeling irritated, the last thing you want to do is swallow something. Motioneaze topical application is simple to use and is even effective when taken after symptoms have arrived. Because it is an all natural solution and not a pill, Motioneaze also does not require water to take with it.


Works on pets ― No one wants to leave their best friend home because they drool or vomit when they travel. Motioneaze makes pets into happy travelers. Consumers report excellent results on their dogs and cats and veterinarians recommend it!


I get mine from the local bait and tackle shop, but it can be ordered online. Just google it to find out where.


The other thing I found out from a very wonderful cabin steward years back on our first cruise, eat some green apples. That's what the crew eats when they get to feeling bad. It helps too.


Hope this helps anyone.

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I'm surprised no one has said anything about Sea Bands. These are elastic bracelets with a button on the inside. The button is placed on a specific location on the wrist. This remedy works the same as accupressure. Great for people who can't take medication. I personally am a fan of Bonine. I have used Bonine for years. If it gets extremely rocky I use the Sea Bands and the Bonine.

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Never underestimate the power of the placebo effect, Antivert and Bonine 25mg are exactly the same medication :D



On my cruise I noticed that when the ship starts rocking more, it's much better when the movement is front-to-back, than when it is sideways. At least, in my case :eek:



On my 1st day at sea I felt really awefull at night, and Meclizine didn't do anything. We tought it was sea-sickness but it might have been bad hydratation because I spent the entire day on the pool deck without drinking water. The rest of the week I took extra care to drink plenty of water and never ever had a problem whatsoever.


I wonder if you are not hydrated well if your chances of seasickness is greater? I always drink a lot of water and my husband doesn't drink much of anything except coffee in the am and tea in pm and not much of it. The caffeine could cause him to lose more fluids and he always has sea sickness unless on Bonine (except for Oasis cruise). I on the other hand have never felt sick and we have been on several cruises with rough seas.

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I thought I would pass this along to all my friends prone to motion sickness......


I get sick riding in a car, basically any moving object. I have tried drammamine (puts me to sleep) bonine which I loved but sometimes still get a little queasy. On this cruise my doctor prescribed me Antivert 25mg. It is a vertigo medication that is absolutely wonderful. Every cruise I have missed at lease 1 day due to sickness. The Antivert helped me tremendously. Plus I was awake and alert not drowsy. the only downside is you need to take it every six hours but well worth it.


Antivert Pronounced: AN-tee-vert Generic name: Meclizine hydrochloride.


If you are prone to motion sickness give it a try.



Meclizine hydrochloride is the generic name of Bonine that has been around for years, and we are talking about it here on Cruise Critic for years. Why did you need a prescription if both Bonine and Meclizine are over-the-counter? Of course it's a good idea to talk to a doctor before taking any pills, but why prescription?

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I'm surprised no one has said anything about Sea Bands. These are elastic bracelets with a button on the inside. The button is placed on a specific location on the wrist. This remedy works the same as accupressure. Great for people who can't take medication. I personally am a fan of Bonine. I have used Bonine for years. If it gets extremely rocky I use the Sea Bands and the Bonine.


My DH got seasick for the first time ever this year, in particularly rolling seas. In desperation he purchased Sea Bands from the shop onboard. Don't know if it was mind-over-matter, but they worked. He cannot take oral seasickness remedies because of other medications he is on.

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Meclizine hydrochloride is the generic name of Bonine that has been around for years, and we are talking about it here on Cruise Critic for years. Why did you need a prescription if both Bonine and Meclizine are over-the-counter? Of course it's a good idea to talk to a doctor before taking any pills, but why prescription?



Because she didn't know the difference (or the sameness!) & antivert is available by Rx - and in 50mg tab.

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