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My wife almost died...That's why we cruise every year!


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henepup, That warmed my heart. This January we took my mom on the Serenade out of San Juan for her 90th birthday present. Last time she cruised was in 1925 when she immigrated to the US. She too loved the cruise, especially the visits to the islands RUM SHACKS.


In '91 my fiancée was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (survival rate 4%). In August of '02 we honeymooned aboard the Mercury to Alaska and we have cruised every year since. For 5 years cancer free and our anniversary August 24th we are doing our first B2B on Grandeur. Like others have stated, when you come that close you savor every moment above ground.

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We took our first cruise in 2004 after our daughter finished college and got married. It was our empty next prize!:D We had such a good time that all we could think about was when we could do another!


Growing up we had great family vacations every year. It wasn't till I was an adult and had a child of my own that I really learned to appreciate the sacrifice of time and resources that my parents made to give us such a wonderful gift. The memories of these times are precious.


In 2006, my parents, my brother and wife and we went on what will probably be the last family cruise vacation. We did a cruise together and it was so much fun. Now my parents are not in good health and another cruise is out of the question for them. Neither of them are very steady on their feet and too proud for a wheelchair.

We did rent a house in Gatlinburg this summer for all of us including children and grandchildren. I am so grateful for the memories.


We are planning an Alaska cruise with my brother and are going with my cousins next yr on a cruise.:)

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henepup, That warmed my heart. This January we took my mom on the Serenade out of San Juan for her 90th birthday present. Last time she cruised was in 1925 when she immigrated to the US. She too loved the cruise, especially the visits to the islands RUM SHACKS.


In '91 my fiancée was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (survival rate 4%). In August of '02 we honeymooned aboard the Mercury to Alaska and we have cruised every year since. For 5 years cancer free and our anniversary August 24th we are doing our first B2B on Grandeur. Like others have stated, when you come that close you savor every moment above ground.

Cancer free, what a wonderful word!!! Most definately, savor every moment!!

Have a great day

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My dh has had cancer two times and as of this past March he is in his 10th year of being cancer free. We will be celebrating our 31st anniversary tomorrow. We are taking our dd and mil on their first cruise in Jan 08. They are both so excited and can't wait to go.


We have also had some losses recently and this is a way for all of us to celebrate life.



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We cruise (vacation in general) to enjoy our time together. We've watched our parents toil away and "save for retirement" only to spend retirement sitting at home unable to travel because of various health issues. We don't want to shirk saving for retirement, but at the same time we aren't making a wish list of what to do when we retire ... we're trying to do as much as we can now, while we can still truly enjoy it.

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I too went on a lot of trips as a child and knew that I wanted to do this with my kids. So we did go often the disney thing, family reunions and such but we have saved the crusing for us.

I took my son for his graduation.Now my daughter and her dh will be going with us on our Dec 1 cruise to the caribbean.

It is all so special as we also lost a daughter 8 years ago at 18 to adult sids.

So we take each cruise and reconnect and fall in love all over again we were married at 17 and 20 and had children right away so we are now enjoying our time.


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In San Juan we go to El Morro Fort and fly Butterfly kites in memory of my Mother. We strongly hold on to the importance of taking the time to smell the roses and embrace life. Cruising gives us that opportunity. My DH has a heart condition which someday may restrict or end our cruising. In the meantime, we cherish every trip we take.


My heart strongly supports those taking their children on such wonderful life adventures while they can.


My heart bleeds for those who have lost children.........



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Went on my first cruise last year when I was 47.After I got back I said to myself "what a pinhead" for missing out on it soooo long.They say "life begins at 50",well I am getting a 2 year head start.Now I will go every year plus all the other stuff I have planned.Just do not want to leave this world saying I should have done this and that.

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My DH died 2 months before our 40th wedding anniversary, after 12 years of declining health. I worked full time and cared for him, and we weren't able to travel as much as we would have liked to. We were waiting for me to retire to take a cruise. But he didn't live that long.

Five years after he died, I went on my first cruise, with my cousin who was widowed shortly after I was. We decided we were going to "go and do" for as long as we can. We have been taking at least one cruise per year, and are doing 2 this year. I also go to Las Vegas 2-3 times a year with my DD.

As long as my health and finances permit, I will continue to travel. I encourage my DDs and SILs to travel as much as they can, and not to "wait till the kids are on their own", because none of us knows what tomorrow will bring (or take away from us). I am happy to be able to be the "sitter" for the grandkids, so my adult children can get some alone time for long weekends or more, and sometimes I get invited to go along on whole family trips with them. It's the best of both worlds for me.

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I cruise every year because I almost died TWICE (2 years apart) ... I am a cancer survivor and I promise myself at least one cruise a year (if not more) ... it is nice that DH and parents are able to come also ... just wished the dog could come to:D

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As a child I always wanted to go on a trip to Disney with my parents and each year the answer would be no. I was told it just wasn't in the budget. This went on for about 6 years. On my 12 birthday my mother and I finally made the trip to Disney and it was everything I ever dreamed it would be. We had so much fun together.


I guess I was about 30 years old when I finally realized the reason it took 6 years for my mom to take me to Disney is because she had to save up for that trip. God has really blessed me with great parents. I'm now 46 years old and when my life is out whack and I need to calm down so I can sleep, I use the memories of the Disney trip I took with my mom to help me relax and remember how blessed I am.


For my 40th birthday I got a chance to do something special for her--I took my mom on a trip to Paris! She kept saying she couldn't belive she was in Paris! I will always remember that. I wish I could have taken father too but he passes away 10 years ago.


On September 1 we are leaving for a cruise to Bermuda. She wants to treat me this time. I told her she didn't have to but she insisted. I finally received my BS degree so she wants to do something special for me, as if she hasn't done enough.


If you begin making memories for your children they will remember and appreciate the sacrifice you made for the rest of their lives.

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As a child I always wanted to go on a trip to Disney with my parents and each year the answer would be no. I was told it just wasn't in the budget. This went on for about 6 years. On my 12 birthday my mother and I finally made the trip to Disney and it was everything I ever dreamed it would be. We had so much fun together.


I guess I was about 30 years old when I finally realized the reason it took 6 years for my mom to take me to Disney is because she had to save up for that trip. God has really blessed me with great parents. I'm now 46 years old and when my life is out whack and I need to calm down so I can sleep, I use the memories of the Disney trip I took with my mom to help me relax and remember how blessed I am.


For my 40th birthday I got a chance to do something special for her--I took my mom on a trip to Paris! She kept saying she couldn't belive she was in Paris! I will always remember that. I wish I could have taken father too but he passes away 10 years ago.


On September 1 we are leaving for a cruise to Bermuda. She wants to treat me this time. I told her she didn't have to but she insisted. I finally received my BS degree so she wants to do something special for me, as if she hasn't done enough.


If you begin making memories for your children they will remember and appreciate the sacrifice you made for the rest of their lives.

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Hubby and I are taking our first cruise in just 2 weeks and we did it as a new adventure. But we are taking the kids with us in December and I am planning on 2 cruises a year if we like these! One short one (5n) for hubby and I and one 7n or longer WITH the kids.


My kids are going to miss a total of 7 days of school. Oh well, life is too DARN short to not spend time like this as a family. My daughter had a heart defect at birth that was missed, they found it when she was 2. Now, 6 years later, she is perfectly healthy with NO heart defect. While I was going through that, I realized how in the blink of an eye, my kids could be gone. I have bills to pay and I always will (geesh, 19 more years til my mortgage will be paid off ;) but these are memories I am building with my kids and they are too important to pass by. Same for time with my husband alone. Our marriage is too important to not take time just for US!

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My DH almost died of a massive heart attack 3 years ago, he survived by the sheer luck that he had been having "niggles" and had gone for a check up, so was at hospital when it struck.


We used to take 1 cruise a year, but now non-essential spends can wait, the house will still be here long after we are gone, so we get away as often as we can, preferably cuising. We now have loads of wonderful memories of things we have done or tried, and not one penny of it will have been poorly spent.

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My DH almost died of a massive heart attack 3 years ago, he survived by the sheer luck that he had been having "niggles" and had gone for a check up, so was at hospital when it struck.


We used to take 1 cruise a year, but now non-essential spends can wait, the house will still be here long after we are gone, so we get away as often as we can, preferably cuising. We now have loads of wonderful memories of things we have done or tried, and not one penny of it will have been poorly spent.



Congratulations on the New Grandbaby!

My DH and I subscribe to the same view you have regarding focussing on enjoying ourselves before it is too late.



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My mother had open heart surgery in 2004. I spent five weeks taking care of her after she got out of the hospital. One day, while having lunch I asked her if she could do anything in the world, what would it be. She told me she wanted to see Hawaii before she died. Upon returning home (I live in TX, mom in MN) I told my husband this. We started researching Hawaii and found it cheaper to cruise than to fly and stay in hotels. We ended up on Island Princess from LA to all the islands. Mom was having trouble walking so we got a wheelchair from the cruiseline for her to use. Boy was she mad! When my husband told her that if she didn't want to use it she could push him around, she changed her tune and actually had a better time. Watching her eyes while in Hawaii it was worth every penny we paid for the trip. She still looks at the pictures we took and makes comments about places we saw. After returning home it was discovered that mom needed hip replacement surgery (no wonder it was hard to walk), which she had in June 2006. After that surgery she said she never wanted to travel again. I think she didn't want to have to go through security at airports and buzz. We finally convinced her to come to TX for Christmas last year and she found out it wasn't that bad.


I had booked a cruise for my son, husband and I to Alaska for this September for my son's graduation present (he graduated from a school for audio engineers). He has since gotten a job where he cannot take time off yet. Called mom and said, pack your bags, we are off to Alaska in September. She is now as excited as we are to be going. Mom is 79 and we have always been very close, more like sisters than mother and daughter. I am more excited that she has agreed to go with us because I know that even though she has had some medical issues that have been handled, she will not be with us forever, and I want to spend all the time with her that I can.

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I don't think there is a "solution". My DH was also conservative about vacations....we didn't take them! Then at age 35, in the best shape of his life, on active duty in the Marines, he had his wake up call. He had been feeling "odd" when out on his runs, and after weeks of mis-diagnosis (heartburn), they discovered he had a 99% blockage, the "widow maker". I was 8 months pregnant with our fourth son and came within heartbeats (the surgeons words) of losing him! He had bypass surgery the next day. We have vacationed regularly since, taking our sons all over this country and cruising to new places whenever we can. The older sons are married now and their wives and children sometime join us; we are making some great memories! That was 17 years ago and we make a point of taking time to enjoy our life together. Two years ago we had another scare, but this time stents were possible to fix the problem, and again, when his surgeon walked in he told us that my DH has to be the luckiest man alive....again one artery, two blockages..... I honesty think that no amount of talking prior to those events would have changed his way of thinking; unfortunate but true. Best of luck to you; I hope you can change his mind!

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Always remember that your children are only lent to you for a certain period of time in your life. My DH and I are so lucky because we work for two major airlines and always put travel and holidays as a priority, we make full use of the perks we are lucky to have. Our two sons have travelled the world, missed school lots and lots of time. I always ensured that whilst we were away they covered the normal acamdemic subjects by coverting currency, reading menus etc in foreign languages and english, studied the geography and history of where we were visiting, the different religions on the countries we visited. We discovered cruising whent he boys were 10 and 12 and had many many great holidays, all on RCI. They boys are now grown and now we are looking forward to cruising with our eldest son and his girl friend on the Adventure of the Sea. Remember that children are only lent to you and if you set them free by teaching them to be independent they will come back to and you can share their adult life. One day i was talking to my father he was 68, five minutes later he was dead, he died suddenly, he taught me to value holiday and time spent together. I thank him for the lessons i then taught my own children. Live life to the full, you will never know when it will be over.

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  • 1 month later...

This is why we cruise! How bout you?



Why do you cruise?


We had a wake up call about how precious life and our relationship is.

It was a MIRACLE she survived, thought we plan a group cruise the MIRACLE...

Next up our CC Group cruise 2/27/08 "It's a Miracle" 8 Days>>

Never really took vacations as our kids were growing up...Now we do what it takes to sail away together instead of taking everything for granted.


So, why do you cruise?



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Life is precious and so is the time we spend with those we love.


We try to cruise every year because our youngest son who is special needs (PDD-NOS) LOVES to cruise and his love of it drives us try and schedule one every year - we skipped a year to save for Alaska. Don't get me wrong - we all love crusing - he is THOUGHLY ADDICTED.


I've book a cruise for next year but haven't told him yet as he will drive us ALL crazy asking several questions a day about the reservation. Right now he is only asking every few days if we are going on one next year.


Our older son (now 20) was 12 on his first cruise. We will continue to invite him along as long as we can afford it (which I hope will be always) as it is time we truely enjoy together. He met his current GF on a cruise in 2003 when they were both 15. She lived in Houston - us in DFW area. They kept in contact and in June 2006 her family moved to the DFW area after her father was promoted with his company. They have been inseperable since. She even transferred to UNT so they could go to school together. Her family also enjoys cruising - so I can see a lot of cruising in our future.

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here's my story


raised by hard working parents who never took a trip, saved for the rainy day-------- dad passes away, mom has a severe stroke-- now living in a nursing home -- all those savings paid to a nursing home for her care ..now my memories are of mom lyng in a bed - not able to walk or talk


woke me up, made me realize i dont want my kids not to have memories of me laughing and enjoying spending time with them, i want my kids to understand that while working hard is important, if you dont take time to smell the roses the beauty of the rose is wasted


this was a heartbreaking lesson to learn, tomorrow is promised to noone

live love and laugh as if its your last day on earth


God Bless

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My dh spent his life studing and working hard. The "real" travel would wait until he was established in his career and the children were a little bit older. He died at age 42 after 4 months with cancer. Next summer, I'm taking 3 kids, including a 3 year old :rolleyes: on a Mediterranean cruise. Life can't wait until the "perfect" time.

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