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Cheated, poisoned, insulted & ignored.


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Because I think the original poster is a scam, why on earth were my posts removed :confused:


Because according to the guidelines of this board, you are not permitted to say that: Quote . If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person. Postings of this nature will be removed from the boards.Unquote

You also are not permitted to ask on this public board why your post was removed..You should send an e-mail to the Hosts..


I agree with Dave, Heather, Jade et al...The OP used a very poor choice of words..He wasn't poisoned or scammed & most definitely I would never involve my child in this forum..This should be a discussion among adults.


However, I do feel very sorry for what the OP & his Wife went through..If any of our Agents or Crew ever treated a Passenger this way, they would be severely disciplined if not fired! I hope he gets a prompt & satisfactory apology from HAL.


And if it was an allergic reaction & the DR. on board believed this was the case, I don't believe he would have called for a med-evacuation of the Passenger..The Dr.s are used to treating emergencies such as allergies, sprains, colds, viruses etc...More serious emergencies such as Heart attacks, Strokes, Broken Hips, Legs etc would warrant a Medical Evacuation.


As far as Dr.'s being baffled, it is very naive to believe that Physicians are all knowing & are never baffled..I volunteer in our local Hospital & two nieces are Nurses..Many Physicians have been completely baffled with Patients symptoms..Often times Patients have not been diagnosed properly until it's too late..That's why I always ask questions of all my Dr.'s & write down their answers, so I can be in charge of my health care & understand my Dr's reasoning..DH's Dermatologist had no idea what is causing Roseaca & tried many different things & Med's to find what he was allergic to..We finally realized that he can't eat his daily Chocolate bar..(It's killing him) But it was trial & error before the symptoms were diagnosed & began to clear up...


JMO..:) Betty

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You can all call me a cynic if you would like , but when I see titles of threads like this that look more like headlines for the New York Post than cruise topics:)


.Like Dave said "poisoned" ,"cheated" all very effective to get a rise.


I am not saying that the OP did not go through a terrible ordeal and certainly didn't deserve to be treated rudely by the staff.


Babyher, your post is almost identical to mine:D except I said "The Enquirer"!!!


Although I stopped at saying I doubted the authenticity of the post because I really don't know. I just believe the title was created to incite and then when the mission is accomplished the OP cries foul! Makes no sense.;)

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And if it was an allergic reaction & the DR. on board believed this was the case, I don't believe he would have called for a med-evacuation of the Passenger..The Dr.s are used to treating emergencies such as allergies, sprains, colds, viruses etc...More serious emergencies such as Heart attacks, Strokes, Broken Hips, Legs etc would warrant a Medical Evacuation.


JMO..:) Betty


If I was a ship doctor and my patient had a severe allergic reaction like this do an unknow allergen that is on the ship, even though he is not in crisis after the treatment is given, I would be concerned about another reaction since this gentleman didn't know what caused it and the doctor didn't give him an epi pen.


Of course we are all assuming that it was an allergy - we do not know for sure. Just that all the symptoms lead me to believe this is highly likely: Only one who got it, unconsciousness and un-rsponsive, Large painful welts (most likey hives), difficulty breathing - all signs of a severe allergic reaction. Of course we do not know the time frame for these symptoms nor do we know what treatment was given while he was unconscious. I am confused because he says the symptoms happened over a few days and also that 'the day after the indicent' so I can't tell if all these symptoms happened at once, or one after another...all the symptoms sound allergy related to me, what did the doctor see that told him something else was going on like being poisoned or virus?

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If I was a ship doctor and my patient had a severe allergic reaction like this do an unknow allergen that is on the ship, even though he is not in crisis after the treatment is given, I would be concerned about another reaction since this gentleman didn't know what caused it and the doctor didn't give him an epi pen.


Of course we are all assuming that it was an allergy - we do not know for sure. Just that all the symptoms lead me to believe this is highly likely: Only one who got it, unconsciousness and un-rsponsive, Large painful welts (most likey hives), difficulty breathing - all signs of a severe allergic reaction. Of course we do not know the time frame for these symptoms nor do we know what treatment was given while he was unconscious. I am confused because he says the symptoms happened over a few days and also that 'the day after the indicent' so I can't tell if all these symptoms happened at once, or one after another...all the symptoms sound allergy related to me, what did the doctor see that told him something else was going on like being poisoned or virus?


I didn't in the first sense say that I thought the OP was a scam, I suggested that certain ppl were no longer posting on the boards, they have done things like this in the past. After I said I was smelling a rat the OP stopped posting, but then another came in with a comment. I believe I was on the right track. It kind of annoys me that people put up posts so dramatic and some genuine ppl offer such sincere comments and underneath it is all just plain


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My post didn't go thru at first; when I refreshed, I got a message that my post was a duplicate of one I'd sent less than five minutes ago. Thought that was a nifty new feature!


Where ya been?;) I've been getting that for 2 months. Bad part: more of the same BS. Good part: at least you know your post wasn't eaten up!

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Well, this sure has been an interesting thread, hasn't it?:rolleyes:

Great post, Dave!!

S7S, the U.S. Coast Guard specializes and does most of the aerial Medevacs (Medical Evacuation) from cruise ships but the U.S. Air Force (and Canadian Air Force) can and will do it also with some of their specialist units based around the country. It comes down to the expertise of the unit, its pilots, and the availability of specialized equipment and personnel (USCG rescue swimmers and USAF PJ's). Now, those gents earn their living and deserve our utmost respect and gratitude!

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We had a passenger removed from the Statendam last Sept, on our Alaska cruise. It was really fascinating to witness the smoothness of this operation. Apparently the gentleman who was evacuated had slipped on the wet deck and badly broken his hip. I loved the way that Captain Bos kept the passengers informed, his whole attitude and caring towards the injured person was extremely impressive. The coastguard came out to the ship and the gentleman was lowered by tender and then to the other vessel. The next day Captain Bos informed the passengers that the gentleman was safely in hospital and on the last day he also informed the passengers that he had checked on the gentleman and he was doing very well.


This is why I felt it was unfair to slag the captain and crew of the other ship, I just found it too hard to swallow!!


The only other time I have witnessed an evacuation was many years ago when the ship I was on had to turn back to Papeetee to offload a female stow-a-way :D

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"My wife went down to the front office to express her concerns regarding the quality of care she could expect from the staff at the kids club, and her reluctance to return until the issue was addressed. The supervisor promised to look into it and call us back. We received no call, no update. Shocked at the lack of concern, I wrote a brief letter to the captain asking him to intercede on our behalf. Days later, there was still no response."




We were on this same Noordam cruise (3/10 - 3/21). So sorry to hear of your illness. Like many have said, it sounded like a terrible allergic reaction.


The behavior of the HAL CLUB staffer was totally unacceptable. After all, babysitting is what they are paid for. And, so what, if you ruined their day in port. They are not the vacationers... we are! To be rude to a passenger as this person was to you was quite unfortunate and you have a very good reason to complain.


In regards to you not hearing from the captain, I don't know if anyone on staff made you aware that Captain Max deBoer left the ship when we arrived in Tortola (after our 2 1/2 days at sea). He flew back to NYC to receive an award for the NOORDAM (he was the captain on board when the ship rescued many people off the coast of Turkey last year). Captain John Scott joined the ship in Tortola. Maybe, because of this switch your letter was passed on to Jason, the Cruise Director. He could have left you a voice mail (no excuse that he didn't). We had two voice mails alone on this cruise from the front office regarding 2 parties we were invited to. I think your predicament was a lot more serious than a party so an immediate personal contact should have been made with you to iron out the whole matter. After cruising with this CD two times, we have noticed that he definitely needs a little more training in "guest relations". Jason is fine if he is being complemented but does not want to hear any "complaints".


Don't be discouraged by some of the comments that have been made. All of us on this board are really avid HAL travelers and most of us want everyone to be as happy as we are traveling on these "dam" ships.


Many of us are really concerned about your dilemma and want to hear about any response you get from the home office in Seattle.

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Val, "to slag" = to criticize?? attack?? say bad things? do the haka on his head? make me write bad checks? All of the above? Enlighten us, please!


"criticize," but not constructively! Glad to help you with those foreign languages, John!


Val: We had someone evacuated on our Alaskan cruise last fall, also (the Infinity), but it was an EMT "heli-ambulance" out of Juneau that hovered over the deck, dropped a basket and winched a young boy (acute appendicitis) and his mother aboard. In the dark!

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Greetings -- I think you should divide your problem into two parts -- the medical issue, and the administration issue.


Regarding medical, you were given a warning that not many people get, considering your description of the symptoms. Sounds like you were going into anaphylactic shock based on the breathing problems, the welts, etc. The fact that the symptoms came on suddenly is common. Many people build up a sensitivity to a substance without manifestation and then presto, it appears, first time! In addition, some may be super sensitive when it appears for the first time. I know people who are in the same room with a person whose brother ate peanut butter two days earlier and it appears.


You may be in a dangerous situation. Get yourself a board certified allergist to do a workup and determine your risk. He/she may want you to carry an injectible drug as well as a bracelet.


Emergency room doctors are equipped to deal with emergencies if you make it to them in time. But allergists can find out why. You don't say when you went to the hospital, but if it was soon after June 1, beware that the rotation in of new interns from medical school could mean that you received an opinion that wasn't based on much experience.


Regarding administration, I had something somewhat similar happen to me. I had come down to one other cruise line and HAL. I looked at the other cruise line and decided to book a cruise. I checked the availability of the room on my computer, which it was, and was given a double occupancy price and a single occupancy price, and since I am single I proceeded to book at that rate. As many times as I tried, it told me the room was not available! But when I went through the motions for booking with two or more people, it WAS available. I immediately threw away that company's book and went to HAL. I don't do business with that kind of a company.



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Val, "to slag" = to criticize?? attack?? say bad things? do the haka on his head? make me write bad checks? All of the above? Enlighten us, please!


You are a clever fella John, you got it.

I would sure love to see you doing the haka on your head :D

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..........In regards to you not hearing from the captain, I don't know if anyone on staff made you aware that Captain Max deBoer left the ship when we arrived in Tortola (after our 2 1/2 days at sea). He flew back to NYC to receive an award for the NOORDAM (he was the captain on board when the ship rescued many people off the coast of Turkey last year)......


Love Cruises; great post! Couple of minor things if you don't mind; Never heard of Captain "Max deBoer", pretty sure however, you are refering to Captain Johannes "Hans" Mateboer. He, along with John Scott, have been Noordam's captains

Question: C/D Jason, was that Jason Venner by any chance?

Finally, referring to YNOTTONY, his complaints and his letter to Captain Mateboer. Eventhough the captain is in overall command of the ship, it's the hotel manager who is in charge of the hotel operation. Personally, if I would have been in the OP's shoes, I would have written a letter and/or attempted to make contact with either the Guest Relations Manager and/or the Hotel Manager with his specific complaints re; the Club HAL rep and his lesser complaint of the Front Office attendant. They would have been able to address the situation "better" than the ship's captain and/or cruise director.

Thanks for the foreign language lesson Val (ladies first) and Dave!


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you said it all except I don't know about the NY Post part? LOL




The New York Post is legendary for its sensationalist headlines, photos, and journalism.


Two of my favorites have been


The one about a local mob figure whose decaptiated body was found in the backroom of the strip club he owned





and one about local Jewish groups who were upset over an exhibit of Adolf Hitlers personal effects coming to NYC.



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Because you and I were talking about past banned people! :D Mine were removed too.


Oh golly gee jtl, we are very naughty people eh! Are you folk down in Florida a bit like us folk down-under, like to push the boundaries :D


Must admit however, I have done it all my life, just love to push the boundaries, apparently I was even doing that as a three year old. I guess its made me a little more interesting than some eh! :D ;)

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OK Copper pray tell me, what the hec are chads???


From the Troublemaker, you can call it that, I call it "pushing the boundaries" :p :D


Joke about the 2000 Presidential election - political thing - probably should leave it at that on this forum!:rolleyes: (just google it and you'll get a lot of answers)

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As long as we're totally OT here, can someone tell me why my username is in red all of a sudden? Did I do something WRONG?:(


Or right for once?:)


You must have clicked on it to check something. :) When you do that your cache will show your name in red for a while. No big deal.

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As long as we're totally OT here, can someone tell me why my username is in red all of a sudden? Did I do something WRONG?:(


Or right for once?:)

What it really means is that Big Brother is watching your posts. :D
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