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Teacher Discount

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I dont want to get into details, I know there are rules on this board about this kind of stuff. You are right, if you want certain cabins, you almost have to book directly with the cruise line. My wife and I could careless about the cabin we stay in. Balconies are great, but we'll take any room just to be on the ship. When I'm old a retired, then I'm sure I'll get much pickier about the cabin we are staying in.

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Karen, do they offer the same discount for Doctors, or fireman, or policemen, or trash collectors?




All the people above.... earn more than teachers do, on average.


HAL and a few other cruise lines offer discounts to teachers. Most of these discounts came to light after 9/11. HAL calls their rates "community appreciation rates".


Teachers, Police and Firefighters are all underpaid for the most part. Teachers in particular are forced to vacation at high season because of their jobs. (Never mind often buying classroom supplies, offering extra time to students without pay and dealing with stress and a hostile workplace.)


If you haven't been a teacher, you most likely won't understand how stressful and hostile a workplace it can be.


It has been a bone of contention in Quebec for a long time that trash collectors earns more than a teacher and yet doesn't have the same skill requirements. It's front and centre every single time they negotiate the collective agreement (which is generally forced upon the teachers.)

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Phoenix Cruiser is "a little harsh" for asking a legitimate, intelligent, and perfectly logical question ? ?


That I don't get.....:rolleyes:


I thought he/she was being sarcastic with reference to the garbage collector.


I apologize if I misread/mistook/misunderstood his/her post.

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Does RCCL give any discounts to teachers??? Several cruise lines do. Does anyone know?

Only reference I see on a site is always check is HA.


Holland America is offering xxxxx customers who are active police officers, firefighters or teachers special prices on select sailings. Police officers and firefighters must present a copy of their official ID or badge, and a driver's license, at the time of booking. Qualifying teachers must present a photocopy of teacher's certification, union card or letter from principal on school letterhead

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For anyone who might wonder why...


I have several friends who are teachers, and while the pay scale has probably improved in recent years, it still remains one of the lower paying professional jobs out there. And when you consider how important good teachers are to the very survival of our nation in a competitive world marketplace... well, it's pretty pathetic.


Beside all that, the main reason teachers could use a little bit of a discount is that they are prohibited from taking advatage of the lower priced cruises. Teachers are generally not allowed to take a vacation during the school term. The only time they can take vacation is when school is not in session, which is when everyone else is on vacation too! Everyone knows cruises are more expensive during these times, and this effectively prices many teachers completely out of the cruise market.


I would love to organize a group of my friends, including several teachers for a cruise, but most likely, it will never happen.


Just some thoughts...




Students fall into this same exact scenario. They can't cruise during the lower-priced cruises. Maybe they could add a student discount as well so it's not so expensive for us to take the kids cruising during the summer months.

Plus, my mom is a breakfast lady at our local school district. She can't go during the school year, so maybe they could add a school cafeteria worker discount too. Come to think of it, the school secretary and the custodian look like they could us a vacation too, as does my kids' bus driver. Surely they'll add summer discounts for them too.

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Having just come off a 12 hour night shift as an ER nurse- where someone having a psychotic meltdown tried to bite me and a pregnant heroin addict slapped my hand as I tried to start an IV, I find this particularly amusing! Hey - keep the discount. I'm tired and going to bed. LOL. I am thankful for all of your occupations.

Karen O , Cincinnati

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I don't think you can assume how much any profession makes. There is a high and low end. Here in Pittsburgh, teachers make an average of $58,000 in our district, and have the summers and all holidays off. Very few in the public schools buy the supplies for their classes. They also have the best benefits and pay nothing toward their health care insurance--resulting in many strikes recently.


Teachers have an important job, but so do farmers, trash collectors, utility workers--all of which our society could not function without. It seems unfair to offer a discount for one job---just my opinion

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Having just come off a 12 hour night shift as an ER nurse- where someone having a psychotic meltdown tried to bite me and a pregnant heroin addict slapped my hand as I tried to start an IV, I find this particularly amusing! Hey - keep the discount. I'm tired and going to bed. LOL. I am thankful for all of your occupations.

Karen O , Cincinnati


Nurses also get the Promotion from HAL !!!!

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This thread could go on forever. So, I'll put in a plug for the ministers, rabbis and other religious leaders! I only know about churches, and what I know is that some churches don't require theological education for ordination, but the major denominations do. That means four years of college plus another three years of seminary. And while some of us do quite well, most earn salaries that are not too great.


That said, I have never understood why my profession should make me any more deserving of a discount than the person who works at the local supermarket or big box store or any other place making minimum wage. And, I'm not even sure I understand senior discounts even though I do admit to taking them.


Please no flaming, but I'd be interested in comments about the rationale behind discounts for people who have either had or made opportunities for themselves while others either didn't or often couldn't avail themselves of those opportunities.

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I thought that post was a little harsh... but you're right. The right to question everything is necessary. I guess I'm just a little sensitive to the issue?






Sorry I misread your post to be harsher than it obviously was. I've read other threads and even here in Canada a lot of people openly bash teachers and I honestly don't understand why they do.


I honestly want to understand to bridge the gap between ppl as an aspiring teacher to be.


Sorry for mis-reading your intentions in your post - I apologize.:o



i am so tired of teacher bashers

i am a high school teacher

if anyone thinks it is easy to teach inner city kids who would rather do anything else but be in school -to maintain discipline and try to make them learn something please go right ahead do my job for a week or a month

so far my grade 8 groups have gone thru 4 english teachers 3 french teachers 2 math teachers


because they are unruly and they exhaust everyone and no one feels the substitute salary justifies the rise in blood pressure or the constant stress

on an individual basis these kids are not so bad but together they are a challenge and a half

and i am in a 'good school'


yes i heard hal gives teacher discounts ncl gives union member discounts

good luck

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It's not my intention to bash anyone, especially, but not just teachers. And certainly a cruise line can offer discounts to anyone or group it chooses. And I do indeed take advantage of the senior discounts and am thankful for them and would accept a discount for clergy if offered. I'm not a purist in all of this.


I'm just curious about the rationale behind the decisions for some groups to get discounts and others not to get discounts.

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I get more upset with senior discounts. People that age usually have their finances pretty much settled (just the fact that many senior passengers here go on several cruises a year attests to that) and have just the 'two of them' to worry about. I vote for single Mom discounts, or a discount for anyone who can prove they need it to be able to go.


Then again, maybe not. Maybe they should just do a lottery system instead. :p

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MissChievous, what you're implying, and I guess I am, too, is that this is not a justice issue. And I'm not suggesting it should be. Any corporation can do whatever it chooses.


But I still remain curious about how cruise lines determine which groups get the discounts.

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MissChievous, what you're implying, and I guess I am, too, is that this is not a justice issue. And I'm not suggesting it should be. Any corporation can do whatever it chooses.


But I still remain curious about how cruise lines determine which groups get the discounts.


It isn't just the cruise lines though, hotels do the same. Government employees (such as teachers) get expensive hotel rooms for $90-$150 a night at many of the top rated hotel chains. Maybe in some way they get a cut back in taxes when they do so (or who knows what). There has got to be a solid reason, or they just wouldn't do it.

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I think it comes down to what society views as an important role in society.


Doctors, nurses, etc. keep us healthy and alive.


Teachers educated the next generation.


Tim Hortons and Starbucks employess just serve coffee.



I'm not saying this is how I feel, but I think society looks at work in these ways. Whether or not we agree with it or not.


BTW, I totally disagree with the Senior thing. Just because you're a senior doesn't mean you have $. My mom is a widow and the only way she is able to support herself is because my dad was a teacher and had a kick pension that is basically providing her with an extra salary. She is 65 I don't even think she can retire anytime soon b/c she simply couldn't support herself.


Does that make her less worthy of getting a senior discount on our Alaskan cruise? Because we did get a senior discount on the room, but I paid for the cruise b/c it is not something she could realistically afford (and it was a gift ;) for her 65th birthday ;) ).


Do you think this is fair - just for a conversation? :)


So many seniors can't even afford their medication (and we know this to be true!) so I think any little bit that can help them would be completely fine.

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I don't think you can assume how much any profession makes. There is a high and low end. Here in Pittsburgh, teachers make an average of $58,000 in our district, and have the summers and all holidays off. Very few in the public schools buy the supplies for their classes. They also have the best benefits and pay nothing toward their health care insurance--resulting in many strikes recently.


Teachers have an important job, but so do farmers, trash collectors, utility workers--all of which our society could not function without. It seems unfair to offer a discount for one job---just my opinion


Let me just enlighten you a bit about teachers and their fluffy work schedule. Yes we have weekends, holidays and summers "off." What people don't consider is that most of my weekends are spent grading papers, doing report cards or planning for my next week of instruction. I don't know how you know that teachers in your area don't buy their own supplies, but I'd like to find out how that works. See, during the summer when Staples and other places put out the best sales on school supplies go into the store and watch as swarms of teachers grab everything possible. You know why that happens? Because while we are given a small budget each year (some teachers get none, by the way) that budget usually goes to something sillly, like paper.


I plan my vacations around my school holidays and summer vacation. Do I expect a discount? NO, but I wouldn't turn it down if they offered it and I wouldn't feel bad because other professions didn't get it. And why would kids need a discount during vacations and summer months? When their parents book a vacation they just pull them out of school and ask us to get a weeks worth of work together for their darling (oh, and I do that on my own time by the way). I love the line, "Are they going to miss anything important?" No we are just going to hang around anticipating their return and then we'll start the important stuff.

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Let me just enlighten you a bit about teachers and their fluffy work schedule. Yes we have weekends, holidays and summers "off." What people don't consider is that most of my weekends are spent grading papers, doing report cards or planning for my next week of instruction. I don't know how you know that teachers in your area don't buy their own supplies, but I'd like to find out how that works. See, during the summer when Staples and other places put out the best sales on school supplies go into the store and watch as swarms of teachers grab everything possible. You know why that happens? Because while we are given a small budget each year (some teachers get none, by the way) that budget usually goes to something sillly, like paper.


I plan my vacations around my school holidays and summer vacation. Do I expect a discount? NO, but I wouldn't turn it down if they offered it and I wouldn't feel bad because other professions didn't get it. And why would kids need a discount during vacations and summer months? When their parents book a vacation they just pull them out of school and ask us to get a weeks worth of work together for their darling (oh, and I do that on my own time by the way). I love the line, "Are they going to miss anything important?" No we are just going to hang around anticipating their return and then we'll start the important stuff.


I could swear this was typed by my wife (2nd grade teacher), who even has to pay me to help grade papers.

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To me this isn't ultimately about teachers. Of course they work hard for little pay in terms of what coporate managers and others earn. And, they pay out of pocket for lots of expenses. I taught for one year way back when and swore never to do so again.


Ultimately, IMHO, this is about how cruiselines or other corporations for that matter decide who gets a discount and who doesn't. And none of us has that answer as it's probably as individual as each cruiseline is or each corporation is.

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I don't think you can assume how much any profession makes. There is a high and low end. Here in Pittsburgh, teachers make an average of $58,000 in our district, and have the summers and all holidays off. Very few in the public schools buy the supplies for their classes. They also have the best benefits and pay nothing toward their health care insurance--resulting in many strikes recently.


Teachers have an important job, but so do farmers, trash collectors, utility workers--all of which our society could not function without. It seems unfair to offer a discount for one job---just my opinion


Farmers, trash collectors, and utility workers do not spend several years in college at great expense. They are probably not required to update their knowledge and skills as often as teachers. Generally speaking, they also don't face the liability issues that teachers do. In addition, many folks don't know that today's public schools are some of the most dangerous workplaces in America. Statistically speaking, teachers in metropolitan areas are more likely to be assaulted than police officers, and teachers don't carry guns, tasers, nightsticks, pepper spray, or bulletproof vests. I have gone to the hospital with work related injuries 4 of the last seven years.


Having said this, I feel that I am justly compensated as a teacher. Sure, I wish it paid better, but I definitely didn't go into this profession for the money. In my opinion, if teachers were paid much more than they presently are, the profession would attract people that enter it for the wrong reasons. Most teachers become teachers because they love kids, and they love teaching. Though it is difficult to maintain the idealism we enter the job with in today's cultural and societal atmosphere, we are for the most part, a group of dedicated professionals. Most teachers I know are certainly sharp enough to have chosen other, better paying career paths given the educational hoops they had to jump through. The thing I believe that bothers myself and my colleagues is the devaluation of education in general. If the product is looked upon as marginal, the facilitators will suffer the same fate.


Thank God for everyone that puts in an honest days work for an honest days pay!

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