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Am I wrong?


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I have been reading questions like "are shorts or jumpsuits ok for formal night?" Maybe I'm wrong but when I think of formal I think of dresses and a few beautiful pantsuits. I know that people are dishing out at least serveral hundreds for these cruises, so it can't be the money. I bought serveral long formals on ebay for a terrific price, and for once I felt (and looked) like a queen instead of the standard court jester! I know that tradition is slowly going by the way side for "I want to do what I want, and to heck with the rules" but shouldn't someone stand up for this? I'm only 47 and have only taken a few cruises but even my first one when I was only 26 my husband and I fit right in. Even if the dress isn't floor length, women let's look our best!

I'm really not trying to offend any one but I think we need to teach others that we really need to take pride in ourselves.

I hope every one has the best cruise to wherever you're going.



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No offense taken by me :)


I used to write here that women would be comfortable wearing something they would wear to an evening wedding for semi-formal. Then, the last two evening weddings I went to I was absolutely shocked at how casual people were dressing.


I've always considered formal to be the dressiest you will ever dress. While I'm not crazy for formal (would prefer semi-formal every night with no casual nights ;) ) I dress according to what the ship politely suggests. Many people today do not realize that a request or suggestion is a polite way of saying "please dress this way", rather they take it as just a suggestion, then they can do as they please.


At the end of the day, I don't worry so much about other people, I can't tell them what to do. What others wear does not really affect me, it would make me happy to see everyone dressed appropriately, but I'm not going to let it ruin my experience. I like to get to know the people in the clothes, not the clothes themselves and we've met great people not dressed to "code".

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I agree with Happy. I really wish they enforced the dress code still but I dont worry too much about what others are doing or wearing.


Some people save up just to go on the cruise and really cannot afford to buy a bunch of new things and may not have formal wear. I figure it might be the only cruise they ever get to go on.


I know you can get great deals if you know how to shop. I have several things I am taking that are very expensive designers but I paid less than 20 dollars for pieces that normally would have been several hundred, and I did not buy them on ebay - not that there is anything wrong with that.

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First I want to say I do dress to the dress code with the exception of a formal dress, I prefer cocktail dresses which is fine on any cruiseline.


While I don't agree that shorts are appropriate in the dining room on formal nights, IMO I don't think there is one thing wrong with wearing nice shorts or nice jeans on any other night with the exception of formal night. This is just my opinion and my take on this. I am me and this is who I am and I don't dress for someone else but for myself. (Now PLEASE remember what I said in the beginning);) I don't think it's right or fair to call others names just because they are not dressing to what the cruise line suggest, (it's not a rule just what they suggest) now there may be some cruise lines that do enforce the dress code and until the rest of the cruise lines start enforcing it then really there is nothing anyone else can do about it but complain.

By all means stand up for what ever you want to voice your opinon in that is your right. But just the same everyone else has that same right.


In all honesty I probably should have just kept quiet about this but IMO I think everyone should look at all sides. :)

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While I do see the point that RCCL is my fav is trying to make, I can't entirely agree.


When one signs up for a cruise, the dress suggestions/regulations are front and center. If one does not want to abide by those suggestions, they are welcome to try another cruise line or exploration another vacation option. It is not like cruising is the only way to see these islands or locales. There are all inclusives where they can wear their beautiful, casual birthday suit.


Certainly there are many people who patiently wait while they save their money for their cruise and they may not have the means to purchase clothing that will only be used for this one occasion. But I think most of us find it perfectly appropriate for some one to make an effort and do their best. A simple sundress that is clean and pressed, with brushed hair, a nice pair of shoes and maybe a pretty necklace will certainly suffice in my book. For me it is all about making your best effort to respect the cruise lines requirements, and your fellow passengers.

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labmom, I agree with you. When we cruise we look forward to formal evenings and take extra time to really dress for them. I would love to see the cruise lines enforce the dress codes on formal nights. One doesn't have to spend a lot of money on fancy clothing; a lady can do well with a plain black skirt and top, accompanied by some jewellery or scarves, and a man can dress in a suit. Both outfits can be purchased at consignment or goodwill stores for very little outlay of cash. I like the old fashioned idea of cruising and dressing for dinner is one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of it. We will continue to sail on cruise lines that "expect" their passengers to dress up for dinner. Others might wish to remain in casual clothes both during the day and evening, and for them there are specific cruise lines, too.


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

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First I want to say I do dress to the dress code with the exception of a formal dress, I prefer cocktail dresses which is fine on any cruiseline.


While I don't agree that shorts are appropriate in the dining room on formal nights, IMO I don't think there is one thing wrong with wearing nice shorts or nice jeans on any other night with the exception of formal night. This is just my opinion and my take on this. I am me and this is who I am and I don't dress for someone else but for myself. (Now PLEASE remember what I said in the beginning);) I don't think it's right or fair to call others names just because they are not dressing to what the cruise line suggest, (it's not a rule just what they suggest) now there may be some cruise lines that do enforce the dress code and until the rest of the cruise lines start enforcing it then really there is nothing anyone else can do about it but complain.

By all means stand up for what ever you want to voice your opinon in that is your right. But just the same everyone else has that same right.


In all honesty I probably should have just kept quiet about this but IMO I think everyone should look at all sides. :)


You can speak up... no worries! BUT


I dont really see anyone name calling, did I miss something? Maybe I misunderstood.. LOL anything is possible with me.


All I said was I wish they did go back to enforcing the dress code. I have no issue with someone not wearing the best or fancy clothes. I have seen a lot of things, never really pay much attention to what others are wearing unless it stands out then I might notice, wont ruin my cruise because I am wearing what I want and I dont know what their circumstance is, it might be the best they own. Now if you come in jeans with holes and dirty and wife beater shirt, I might take notice and have to wonder... LOL


I remember reading a story on the RCCL forums, I believe, where a family had been sitting at a table with some folks. They mentioned they would not be there formal night because they did not have the right clothes, they had saved all they could so the family could afford a nice vacation. The rest of the table told them to come anyway, so this family shows up formal night, they were dressed up, but in their Sunday church clothes. They said they brought the best things they had in case they needed to dress up. I remember the person talking about this said everyone thought they looked fine, sure they did not sparkle and glitter or have long gowns and tuxes on, but they were clean and dressed in a respectful manner. I thought it was a sweet story and when I see a family or couple not so dressed up as much as some, but at least made an effort to clean up and dress nice, I remember that story.


Dress has gotten so much more casual, does not mean I have to like it or not complain right? I really dont care much, just like to see folks dressed up a bit. I remember when you would not dare step foot in church without a dress on for women and men with a tie. Now it is a free for all in church too. Times are a changing!

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I think RCCLismyfav is mistaking the Fashion Board for the other cruise line specific boards :p


While there have been a few threads here and there that can get a bit snippy, most of the women here are much more polite than that, hardly any name calling going on here :)


From time to time, the moderators move a clothing related thread over here, those are the ones that are nasty and name calling. The thing that amuses me about it so much is that we're know here as fashion diva's or fashion police (both in error) and the nastiest posts are from men. I suppose it's because a lot of men out there don't wear suits often enough to realize that their neck and waist sizes aren't what they once were and their stuffing themselves into too small clothes ;) Therefore, they are uncomfortable, so all formal clothes must be uncomfortable.


I'll end with my take on jeans in the dining room. I've not yet noticed a nice pair of jeans being worn in there. Probably because a nice pair of jeans would fit in better than a ratty pair and would not catch my eye. The ones I've noticed are the kind that a person would also be comfortable wearing while cleaning the garage, sporting a T-shirt from the same genre.


I'll not look down on a person for wearing such attire, but I will notice. My thoughts are they could give a rats hiney what I think :D

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I think, if you plan ahead, dressing formal should not be a problem. I carefully shopped before my cruise, and found formal outfits on sale racks. They are lovely, very formal, and I did not spend that much. I feel that part of the cruise experience is dressing up, as it is something that people rarely get to do anymore. Few occasions call for people to dress up, so I feel people who do not on formal night do so out of the fact that they just do not know how to dress formal! We have a casual society, with dress-down Fridays and jeans everywhere. It is good to dress up every now and then, as it makes you feel good about yourself, gets you safely out of your comfort zone and trying something new and can be just fun!

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I agree! For the most part, I really dislike jeans. They are heavy, warm and not very comfortable. We have never dressed inappropriately and if we decided to dress down, we always booked alternative dining (Celebrity, it's casual) or had dinner in our cabin. I have bought many dresses for less than $10 and I just bought another on clearance at Dillard's for $20. With consigment stores, ebay, etc.....I do not see any reason for sloppiness! I always try to buy dresses that can be worn for other functions and I have no doubt that 99% of cruisers buy at least one new item before sailing! Why not a nice outfit for formal night? Who knows! The other threads that get mean are the ones where a poster asks if they can wear them or if others have seen them.......This one always gets a lot of flames! LOL! :D

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I love to dress up while cruising!

I do not get the chance to wear dresses as much as I would like, so when cruising, it feels good to get all glam.

Although, when I am on vacation, I focus more on my family and our happiness, that I don't notice others all that much.


While I do notice what others are wearing, I really try not to judge. Depending on where you live in the country, everyone has their idea of what they think formal is. People come in all different sizes, have different financial issues, and just different experiences.


Some people swear that formal means only floor length gowns, while some feel that it is the material that makes the dress....we all have our opinions on what is a requirement for formal.....and in some instances, they are right......

But, who am I to judge someone who wears a coctail length dress on formal night. Maybe they fell in love with that one dress and couldn't find.... or afford another.


As long as they are clean and look decent, I don't care. I would rather sit at a table with someone wearing dressed up jeans and a dressy top, than someone who is sitting there judging every person who walks through the door. I find a poor attitude is more offensive than attire.


Life would be very boring if we all dressed the same. I look forward to seeing what what others are wearing to admire their style....or even their courage.


I agree that we should dress up on formal night, adhere to the dress codes, and be an example....but I am not going to let the few who do not ruin my vacation. :)

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I'll end with my take on jeans in the dining room. I've not yet noticed a nice pair of jeans being worn in there. Probably because a nice pair of jeans would fit in better than a ratty pair and would not catch my eye.


Exactly. Someone wearing fashionable jeans that fit well with a pretty blouse and sexy sandals would not attract my eye in a negative way on a non-formal night.


The ones I've noticed are the kind that a person would also be comfortable wearing while cleaning the garage, sporting a T-shirt from the same genre.


I'll not look down on a person for wearing such attire, but I will notice. My thoughts are they could give a rats hiney what I think :D


Whether we like it or not, what we choose to wear speaks volumes about us and tells others who we are and how we feel about the world, ourselves. Anyone who shows up to a dining room looking like they're dressed to clean the garage is someone I look at as not my kind of person. But they probably look at me dressed well and figure I'm not their cup of tea either. We're both making judgements and there's nothing wrong with that.

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I am probably one of the few women that does not own jeans.. I have a couple pair of denim capris, one for wearing around the house, doing yard work etc, the other a little more dressy for maybe shopping with the girls.


My mom does not own jeans either.


Wait let me correct that, we own denim pants, I have a brown pair, and I think mom said she has a white pair, but that is as close to jeans as we get. I was not allowed to wear them growing up so am not comfortable in them now. I have worn them but always find them to be uncomfortable to me.

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Jane110, I do agree with some of what you said but don't agree with what we choose to wear speaks volumes about us. IMO How one presents themselves, and cleanliness speaks volumes to me. If someone appeared in the dining room with jeans on and was clean and pleasant to be around I would not think anything about it. But if one showed up and was wearing a nice tux, and formal with all of their bling but was total weenies to everyone, to me that speaks volumes to me and everyone around. I have exerienced the latter and honestly our table of ten was hoping it would be a table of 8 the next night and we were all dressed to the nines. ;) I try not to judge to quickly. I also feel that this issues has some to do with the area of which these people come from. People in NY don't act, dress, speak, think like people in the South. that doesn't mean they are not good, hard working, classless, uneducated people that should not be on a cruise.


Now if someone showed up in their jeans that they would wear in their garage (which my DH has low class jeans as he refers to them, these are jeans that have worn holes and stains from working , middle class a little worn but no stains and these are worn if he has to run to town for parts or what ever, and his high class jeans that are still dark in color and look great on him are worn if we go out to dinner, church on Saturday nights, and or out dancing ) I would probably just giggle to myself and shake my head.


RachaelD :) You sound like a wonderful down to earth person!


I enjoy dressing to the nines but I will admit there are times I don't feel like wearing a dress or dress slacks but yet I don't want to eat in the buffet line. Be it what it may I love the food in the diningroom and don't want to give that up.

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Ok girls, I think we went off course a little. All of you have great opinions, but I don't think that any of us would be rude to some one that isn't dress appropriately, or want to sit with some one that is ill mannered and dressed to the hilt. I was blessed to go on a cruise for FREE by winning a contest. We brought along another couple with us, and I remember seeing this women in an older but very clean and nice "Sunday go ta meeten" dress. I remember thinking how lovely she looked!, and then seeing a guy with a pock-a-dot shirt with shorts and DRUNK! Now the guy was to the extreme, but I just love seeing all the girls dress so nicely and the men in suits or tuxes, and I think that some men don't like dressing up because then they have to realise that their bellies have gotten a little bigger than they thought! I haven't seen to many pull up pants with suits!lol

I love all you thoughts on this!!


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Wouldn't it just be easier if the cruise lines themnselves would post specifically what is allowed in the dining room and what is not, it is just like the signs for no smoking or no shoes, no shirt no service, if something was posted that jeans, shorts, swimwear, etc...not allowed on formal nights maybe it would simplify things.

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How one presents themselves ... speaks volumes to me.


I have always considered ones appearance to be part of what they are "presenting". I can't say that it does not make any impression on me, because it does. Also doesn't mean I "judge" someone on how they are dressed. I consider it as part of the whole package.


For me and my son, we truly enjoy formal dressing. I'm kinda lucky - my 14 year old loves to dress well - he was just nominated "best dressed" at school!!! :)

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Labmom you're not wrong and it creates a lovely ambience getting all dressed up for dinner on a cruise. There is something to be said for some of the fine old traditions but the "times are achangin" I could say it's due to the fact that

cruising is more affordable and the clientele is more along the Walmart strata but it's not entirely the case. We have friends that have been fortunate in life and cruise only on Crystal , Silversea etc. and they refuse to dress up...think it's ridiculous, they're there to travel and hate conforming to other's rules. So in my opinion I think it's the old pendulum swinging ..all started with dress down Fridays!!!:o:o

I am thrilled to observe the dress codes and I will ignore the dress of those who don't! Ca sera sera !!

By the way I love my beautiful Lab. Wish the whole world was filled with human's that had Lab qualities!!:):)

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Wouldn't it just be easier if the cruise lines themnselves would post specifically what is allowed in the dining room and what is not, it is just like the signs for no smoking or no shoes, no shirt no service, if something was posted that jeans, shorts, swimwear, etc...not allowed on formal nights maybe it would simplify things.


My thought exactly! I have said so many times that until the cruise lines decide to enforce the dress code then all of this is worthless! :o

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Wouldn't it just be easier if the cruise lines themnselves would post specifically what is allowed in the dining room and what is not, it is just like the signs for no smoking or no shoes, no shirt no service, if something was posted that jeans, shorts, swimwear, etc...not allowed on formal nights maybe it would simplify things.



They already do that ;)


How could this be enforced? How many people would throw a fit at the door of the dining room if not allowed in?


The dining room staff is by far more gracious than many of the passengers onboard and would never cause a scene like that. That people don't read the guidelines or agree with them is unfortunate.


I have to agree with some that have observed people dressed in their best, perhaps not by others standards, but you can tell they have tried to look good. Who am I to say they are not formal? Perhaps they come from a very small community where what they have on is dressed to the nines. Perhaps they have been gifted this cruise, or saved for years and cannot afford a lot of new clothes. I love people and I try my best to not put them into categories (sometimes it's too obvious), but I've been proven wrong too many times to make assumptions.

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They already do that ;)


How could this be enforced? How many people would throw a fit at the door of the dining room if not allowed in?


The dining room staff is by far more gracious than many of the passengers onboard and would never cause a scene like that. That people don't read the guidelines or agree with them is unfortunate.


I have to agree with some that have observed people dressed in their best, perhaps not by others standards, but you can tell they have tried to look good. Who am I to say they are not formal? Perhaps they come from a very small community where what they have on is dressed to the nines. Perhaps they have been gifted this cruise, or saved for years and cannot afford a lot of new clothes. I love people and I try my best to not put them into categories (sometimes it's too obvious), but I've been proven wrong too many times to make assumptions.


This is so true and well said. Thank you:)

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