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little swimmers


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Just my 2 cents. I was at a hotel pool with my kids. There was a little pool with less than a foot of water for the little ones to splash in.


My son had a swim diaper on and while sitting in the water, I noticed brown ooze coming out!!!


Although he had done his "business" beforehand, he still ended up having an unexpected epsiode of diarrhea that the swim diaper did NOT contain.


Besides being mortified and yes, even disgusted, I felt bad about contaminating the pool.


What you could do is bring some plastic containers so your little one could still splash around the water while sitting on deck. Most kids are happy to just play with water and splash rather than actually get in the pool and swim, especially if it's salt water.

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I live in the UK too.


One of my friend's has an 8 month old baby and has just started swim lessons with her son - there is a special baby swim session held at a private swimming pool at a holiday cottage resort in a neighbouring village. Apparently they have to buy special "rubber pants" to place over the swim nappies to ensure no leakage of any type. My friend was told that they couldn't just use swim nappies because the private owners of the pool didn't like any contamination... So, fortunately, that baby swim class does have a responsible approach (unfortunately I don't know the make of the outer rubber swim pants).


Another thing - that I recounted on here just a few days ago - was the "poo" episode at the outdoor pool at my gym/club last Summer. When I was in the pool one sunny Summer day, I heard this little boy (probably about 5 or 7 years old - so potty trained) keep saying to his mother that he wanted to poo in the pool. I soon got out of the pool and went on my way. The next day I heard that they had to close the outdoor because some kid had poo-ed in it the previous day (bet it was that little boy who kept saying that he wanted to... :rolleyes: ). No they didn't drain the pool, clean it and refill it. They just upped the dose of chemicals and closed the pool for 24 hours - letting the chemicals and filetr do it's job. Personally I wish that they took a more conservative American view of the situation and cleaned the pool properly - I avoided the pool for a couple of weeks.


As far as "drinking" pool water goes. Depending on how you swim (especially kids who often swim under water), it is hard to completely avoid getting water in your mouth/nose/eyes. Ok the idea of pee isn't great, but it probably wont kill you. However if a toddler pees in a swim nappy, that pee circulated past poo and then leaks out into the pool... you could easily get particles of poo (with all the germs it carries with it) in the water.


Non-potty trained kids are still only allowed in the "non-potty trained kids pool", even on the new ships (and not in the main pools). So it is sort of on an "at your own risk" (or rather your toddler's risk) basis. You can share your toddler's germs with others non-potty trained kids, providing you don't mind them picking up other toddler's germs.


I don't use public pools in the UK and personally I would be a lot happier if my gym didn't allow babies in swim nappies either.




I do not want to get into a big row over this. Suffice to say we are not from the USA and it was in no way obvious to us that swim nappies would not be allowed, hence when I saw a one line comment on one page of the RCI website I posted my question.


In Europe they are widely accepted and in the UK all public pools allow babaies with swim nappies, in fact we are encouraged to start treaching our children to swim in public pools from 6 months of age after their first vaccinations.


Perhaps it was an oversight of mine not seeing the other thread, but I absolutly did not expect to be vilified in this way asking what seemed to be a harmless question.


I would point out that people in Europe and the UK are not falling over dead because we swim in the same pools as babies.


The snobery comment was not made directly at any one person it was over the feel of the many replies I got.


I think the post following mine about the new ships proves my point, this is exactly the facility I was asking about, clearly RCI have realised babies are not that dangerous to world health.

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We were on the Explorer last March. The ship is beautiful and we loved it!



We actually liked it better than the Freedom. :)

Have a great time on your Cruise. Take your little one to the beaches at the different Islands. Mine loved sitting near the water and splashing around.

Enjoy your cruise!

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Thanks to the last few posters for their comments.


We were unaware that the pools were salt water, I am sure there are plenty other facilities for us on board we will just go with the flow and stop reasurching our holiday.


Just getting excited as its getting close and new to us.

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If a child is too young to be potty-trained, they are young enough not to notice what they are missing!

Not necessarily at all. My 2-1/2 year old would certainly notice not being allowed in the pool. That's why we're not cruising with him until he's potty trained.




In Europe they are widely accepted and in the UK all public pools allow babaies with swim nappies

Here in the US too. I have yet to find a pool that doesn't allow swim diapers. The only place I've ever heard about it was on the cruise ships. I'm sorry you were flamed for asking a simple question. It's a hot topic around here. Try not to take it personally.


There's a thread over on the family cruising board about people bringing blowup pools for their little ones. You might find that useful.


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It's not just RCCL that doesn't allow it, it is a health and safety issue. If something leaks out from your little ones swim diaper, than the entire pool will have to drained and cleaned leaving the rest of the passengers inconvenienced for the whole day. Please keep your baby out of the pool until he's potty trained.

The key here is not if something leaks out, but WHEN. A non potty trained child is going to avoid using that diaper for something when they get in the water. Not much different than swimming in a . . . .(that is a little too gross to include, but I think you get the message.



BTW, on land pools are not drained when contaminated, simply LOT of extra chlorine is added, however since the ship's pools have no chemicals, they would have to be drained, and while there is no costs since they are sea water there is a time factor where others cannot use the pools.

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One of the issues is you have 3000 people in a confined space where disease is EASILY spread. Think norovirus. All it takes is a "spill" from a diaper in the pool and you don't know how many people can get sick.


And a spill takes the pool out of commisson for more than a day because it has to be drained and disinfected before it can be used again. Then you'll hear people screaming about an empty pool.

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I agree with Jettdt. A simple No would have been enough. There is no reason for everyone to be jumping all over someone else just for asking a question. It's not that they didn't like the answer as someone mentioned, it was the tone that everyone is giving. These boards are to be helpful and fun. I'm sure the point is understood that no, they are not allowed, so give them a break.

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. . . Cruising is trying to get a name of being family friendly the tone of some of these replies to a genuine harmless question does not help dispel the image of snobery assosiated with this type of holiday.
I think the travel industry does a disservice to everyone when they promote cruising as a great choice for EVERY family. Vegas was trying to promote itself as a family choice a few years ago, and I see that they finally gave that up.


I agree that it'd be difficult to bring a water-loving child on a cruise, let her see the swimming pool, and tell her, "No, honey, that's for the big kids!"


If it's a short cruise, and you're going to be making several beach stops, then you're fine: you can plan beach days so that the baby can get in her "water time" and you can do other things onboard. If it's a whole week cruise, though, with several at-sea days, it'd be rough.

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I think the travel industry does a disservice to everyone when they promote cruising as a great choice for EVERY family. Vegas was trying to promote itself as a family choice a few years ago, and I see that they finally gave that up.


I agree that it'd be difficult to bring a water-loving child on a cruise, let her see the swimming pool, and tell her, "No, honey, that's for the big kids!"


If it's a short cruise, and you're going to be making several beach stops, then you're fine: you can plan beach days so that the baby can get in her "water time" and you can do other things onboard. If it's a whole week cruise, though, with several at-sea days, it'd be rough.

That's all well and good, but the government dictates that no non-potty trained children are allowed in pools, what would you suggest they do?
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I agree with Jettdt. A simple No would have been enough. There is no reason for everyone to be jumping all over someone else just for asking a question. It's not that they didn't like the answer as someone mentioned, it was the tone that everyone is giving. These boards are to be helpful and fun. I'm sure the point is understood that no, they are not allowed, so give them a break.


Zactly! Many people on this board like to feel superior because of how well they know RCCL, their particular ship, each other, (cyber relationships) or even how to spell better than someone else. It's, be nasty first, then answer, and then tell you to have a nice cruise!


I don't know why I come back? LOL Yes I do! I don't really care about all of that, as I do get good information. Admittedly, you have finally gotten good information when all was said and done. Just don't worry about how it's said. :p

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I had a customer a few years ago that went on a vacation somewhere in Mexico and they believe he picked up something in the pool water which damaged his liver and killed him.


I have, as of yet, used a ships pool or hot tub.



20 some years ago something very similar happened to my sons friend. He was 14 at the time and was at a water park, he had a small scratch and he contacted some feces that got into his blood stream and after many months of illness he died. We were all devastated.


OP.....sorry you were offended by some of the posts.....its one that has been debated over and over until we just can't stand one more thread about it. :D


Geez.....that brings to mind....Folgy, where has he been. He would of loved these threads! ;) ;) Folgy, where are you????




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As a nurse, I wanted to respond to this thread. The pools on the cruise ships do not allow small children or older adults who wear swim diapers in the pools because of fecal contamination. Urine as it leaves the body is sterile - no bacteria or virus is in it, unless the person has a kidney or bladder infection. The swim diapers do not contain fecal material and the e.coli bacteria in the fecal matter. This is the main reason that anyone in a diaper cannot use the pools. Another consideration is the fact that when these diapers become wet and rip, the gel material inside of them goes everywhere and can clog the filters and drains. I have seen the gel in the summer pool we belong to and it makes a mess - very hard to scoop out with a skimmer.

Mary Anne

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As a nurse, I wanted to respond to this thread. The pools on the cruise ships do not allow small children or older adults who wear swim diapers in the pools because of fecal contamination. Urine as it leaves the body is sterile - no bacteria or virus is in it, unless the person has a kidney or bladder infection. The swim diapers do not contain fecal material and the e.coli bacteria in the fecal matter. This is the main reason that anyone in a diaper cannot use the pools. Another consideration is the fact that when these diapers become wet and rip, the gel material inside of them goes everywhere and can clog the filters and drains. I have seen the gel in the summer pool we belong to and it makes a mess - very hard to scoop out with a skimmer.

Mary Anne


What a pleasant informative post! Thank you! ;)

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This is an interesting article: http://www.lifesaving.org/acrobat/Resources/pool_contamination.pdf


And what should be done when a pool is contaminated... it is not a matter taken lightly



and by the way people do get sick from contaminated public pools, a simple search on the net will provide ample cases, so this is a serious issue, not just a debate.:(

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Without getting into any argument, here is the direct quote from RCI's website:


Please note: Children who are not toilet trained and diaper and pull-up free are not allowed in the pools or whirlpools.


I do not understand how this is in any way ambiguous. And it is an extremely important issue. abridalmaven is absolutely right about the seriousness of the issue. RCI's policy makes no allowance for "swim diapers." I am uncertain as to how it can be interpreted any other way. (BTW, for anyone who doesn't know Merion Mom. She is an absolute gem here. That she answered as emphatically as she did is exactly because so many parents ask this question, sometimes more than once, hoping for a different answer. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that she is probably as frustrated as others can get--me included--when a straight-forward policy is so often questioned.)




p.s., Hi Carol. How goes the classroom business these days?

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Without getting into any argument, here is the direct quote from RCI's website:


Please note: Children who are not toilet trained and diaper and pull-up free are not allowed in the pools or whirlpools.


I do not understand how this is in any way ambiguous. And it is an extremely important issue. abridalmaven is absolutely right about the seriousness of the issue. RCI's policy makes no allowance for "swim diapers." I am uncertain as to how it can be interpreted any other way. (BTW, for anyone who doesn't know Merion Mom. She is an absolute gem here. That she answered as emphatically as she did is exactly because so many parents ask this question, sometimes more than once, hoping for a different answer. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that she is probably as frustrated as others can get--me included--when a straight-forward policy is so often questioned.)




p.s., Hi Carol. How goes the classroom business these days?


Sorry, the ambiguaty was, there was no mention if there is a kids splash pool, in the broucher there are pictures of a kids pool and slides. Also the one line comment you have posted required following a couple of links and scrolling to the bottom of a page. It was not clearly stated at all at the time of booking, in fact the RCI telesales staff were at lengths to tell us how baby freindly the ship was due to our very specific concerns of taking a young child aboard. I would suggest that they could have mentioned then we would not be able to use the pool.


The points people are making are valid and we were unaware that the pools were salt water as again it is not mentioned in the brouchure, or if it is I did not find it, no doubt soemone will tell me the paragraph, page and font now.


Once we were told you cannot take him in the pool that was no longer an issue for us, the question was answered. So why people are still posting about the health issues etc I do not understand. It is funny to see people moaning about repeat threads and then repeating an answer given in the same thread!


That said I have recieved some very good advice and I suppose it is like anything else on the net, you need to sort the wheat from the chafe.


I thank the posters who seemed to see where I was coming from after my first post and yes I do wish I saw the earlier post on the subject, lesson learned.


BTY I also reaserched the ports of call and myself was thinking how can so many people ask how to get to Horseshoe Bay or what is the best Jeweler in StThomas, do they not read the other threads. Should take my own advice I suppose.

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Welcome to Cruise Critic and the best info boards around for cruse info.


If you haven't figured it our yet, the two constantly reoccuring hot topics on the boards are "Pool Poop" and "Chair Hogs"


You sort of got jumped on by a few long time members of the boards who feel that these topics are coming up too often.


Anyway, Welcome Aboard if no one else has said it to you yet.



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It is funny to see people moaning about repeat threads and then repeating an answer given in the same thread!


That said I have recieved some very good advice and I suppose it is like anything else on the net, you need to sort the wheat from the chafe


LOL This cracked me up. Don't forget that the wheat had to grow along with the chafe until it was separated at harvest! Hence this tall grass were in! ;)

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Welcome to Cruise Critic and the best info boards around for cruse info.


If you haven't figured it our yet, the two constantly reoccuring hot topics on the boards are "Pool Poop" and "Chair Hogs"


You sort of got jumped on by a few long time members of the boards who feel that these topics are coming up too often.


Anyway, Welcome Aboard if no one else has said it to you yet.





You forgot the "How do I need to dress for formal night" question, too.

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