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Religious Services on Carnival.

Attack Dog

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I was on a cruise recently that had a Catholic Priest on board to say mass and he also did non-denominational services. The group that brought the priest on board said they were trying to convince Carnival to have religious services on most of their cruises. The turn out for the Catholic Mass and the non-denominational services were great.


Anyone interested in having religous services on most Carnival cruises, Catholic Priests, Ministers and all other Clergy forward information to:


Carnival Cruise Lines

3655 NW 87th Avenue

Miami, Florida 33178-2428

Attention: MSOP-304n




I hope I see many positive replys to this thread.

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I'm definitly interested in seeing how far this will go to what I think imo would be a positive thing, however I want to remind everyone that regardless of what Carnival decides to offer or not offer it doesn't matter where you are....or who you pray to....you can pray freely at anytime where ever you are & you don't need anyone other then yourself.....and in my case God to be there!


So happy praying no matter the outcome!


Remember just because the rest of the world doesn't feel the way you might, doesn't mean that you can't do your own thing! If it makes you happy...DO IT! ;)


Be blessed, be a blessing! :p

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I want to remind everyone that regardless of what Carnival decides to offer or not offer it doesn't matter where you are....or who you pray to....you can pray freely at anytime where ever you are & you don't need anyone other then yourself.....and in my case God to be there!



very well said:)

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I'm definitly interested in seeing how far this will go to what I think imo would be a positive thing, however I want to remind everyone that regardless of what Carnival decides to offer or not offer it doesn't matter where you are....or who you pray to....you can pray freely at anytime where ever you are & you don't need anyone other then yourself.....and in my case God to be there!


So happy praying no matter the outcome!


Remember just because the rest of the world doesn't feel the way you might, doesn't mean that you can't do your own thing! If it makes you happy...DO IT! ;)


Be blessed, be a blessing! :p


Amen to that!!! :) What cruises are you going on? Sounds like my family has something in common with you! God bless!


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Took the Celebration over the Easter weekend and thought there would be some kind of service but no, there was nothing, in fact the purser acted as though I was crazy when I asked what was up. I was told there was never any service on Carnival, "even Christmas" to quote the purser. While I agree you can pray anywhere I feel on occasions such as Easter, the highest of holy days for a christian, it wouldn't be expecting to much for Carnival to accomodate us. Last year we went on Holland America and there were two services every day, Catholic and non denominational. My wife is limited when she can take vacation so Easter week is always a good choice, but I really enjoy the structure that comes with a more formal service, soooo next year back to HAL.

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Took the Celebration over the Easter weekend and thought there would be some kind of service but no, there was nothing, in fact the purser acted as though I was crazy when I asked what was up. I was told there was never any service on Carnival, "even Christmas" to quote the purser. While I agree you can pray anywhere I feel on occasions such as Easter, the highest of holy days for a christian, it wouldn't be expecting to much for Carnival to accomodate us.

It's often difficult for clergy to take vacation at Easter - any more, there's only one clergy member in a given church and Holy Week is the busiest week of the year for them. I joked with my parish priest (who cruises fairly often) this past Palm Sunday about how every profession has some time when vacation is out of the question. My accountant friends can't vacation from after Christmas until April 15. My brother-in-law in retail can't vacation from Labor Day until after Christmas. And for our priest, a vacation during Easter just isn't going to happen. I think he does offer to hold a service when he is on a cruise, though.


There was a Mass offered on our first cruise on Victory in 2004 - the morning we docked in Halifax. I don't know if the priest was a passenger or from a parish in Halifax. Other than that, I've never seen a service listed.

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I am a Baptist pastor who is cruising the Glory in September. I hope no body takes this question the wrong way, but does Carnival compensate these priests or pastors for doing the services? I preach and handle church business every week so I can understand why ministers might just want to be on vacation when they are on a cruise (like everyone else who wants to leave their work behind). I love my job and wouldn't mind doing a non-denominational service on the Sunday of our cruise but was just wondering if Carnival compensates the person or do they do it just because they love doing it.

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I hope no body takes this question the wrong way, but does Carnival compensate these priests or pastors for doing the services?


...yeah I definitely took it the wrong way, I know several pastors that would be appalled with your question... sheeesh!


Moderation in everything - including religion!

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I don't mean to offend anyone but I think this would really open a can of worms. Yesterday in our state 70 muslim workers quit their jobs at a meat packing plant because the plant wouldn't give them time and special space etc for their daily prayers. Of all the faiths in the world and if the cruise lines had to accommodate all the traditions it would be a real mess. I can just see 5 times a day hearing the call to worship over the loud speaker system. And then of course all activities would have to be altered so they didn't interfere with the worship services. This is supposed to be a vacation.......not everyday life.

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I was on the NCL Majesty on Easter Sunday this year, and they had a Baptist minister who handled a non-denominational service. I believe that he headed a Christian school, so did not have a church and congregation of his own (to be away from on Easter).


Another retired Baptist minister that I know travels on NCL fairly regularly to do Sunday services for them. On Easter, he flew out to LA and was on a cruise leaving from that port.


I never asked him, but my understanding is that he was given a free cruise -- not sure if there was any additional compensation beyond that, although a free cruise seems to be ample compensation for a Sunday religious service!

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I was on the NCL Majesty on Easter Sunday this year, and they had a Baptist minister who handled a non-denominational service. I believe that he headed a Christian school, so did not have a church and congregation of his own (to be away from on Easter).


Another retired Baptist minister that I know travels on NCL fairly regularly to do Sunday services for them. On Easter, he flew out to LA and was on a cruise leaving from that port.


I never asked him, but my understanding is that he was given a free cruise -- not sure if there was any additional compensation beyond that, although a free cruise seems to be ample compensation for a Sunday religious service!


If he's given a free cruise then the cost of his is divided amongst the balance of the passengers. So if you have a ship that has 2000 passengers and 200 people go to the service 1800 people are subsidizing the service.

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OP- Thank you for starting this thread. I would love to see mass/religious services offered on cruise lines. I do not mean to sound corny or anything, but for me personally, when I'm on a cruise looking out into the sunset and seeing nothing but beautiful blue water or at night being able to see every star in the star in the sky- I find myself constantly thanking God for all his beautiful creations. So for me, being able to attend mass at sea would make my experience that much more meaningful. It would be the icing on the chocolate melting cake:p !!!



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I have to say I also took the question the wrong way about pay at first. But, also in a way I can understand personally I think they (carnival) should offer clergy one free room and not the engine room for their services. It would give the clergy an oppurtunity to pass God's word on but not hurt the pocket book at the same time while the company is getting a service. Now I am not saying that everything should be free just the room and port charges excursions you are on your own. JMHO

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I would think that if a special religious holiday was that important to anyone, they would be home celebrating it with family , friends, and thier congregation.....not on a cruise ship somewhere.

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If he's given a free cruise then the cost of his is divided amongst the balance of the passengers. So if you have a ship that has 2000 passengers and 200 people go to the service 1800 people are subsidizing the service.


I see what you are saying but I don't believe that EVERY ship sails full every time it leaves port. So I think that if they average out the number of times a ship leaves with one or two room empty to the number of ships sailing it would equal out in the long run.

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I see what you are saying but I don't believe that EVERY ship sails full every time it leaves port. So I think that if they average out the number of times a ship leaves with one or two room empty to the number of ships sailing it would equal out in the long run.


It might be possible to have a pastor/minister on last minute call in case a ship had a vacancy. I'm not sure how many ministers would be willing to travel last minute unless they lived quite close to the port and were retired. But lets say you were quite devout and "expected" that there would be a minister on board only to find the ship was sailing full and a last minute minister wasn't possible. Then the cruiselines would have people complaining because their sailing didn't have clergy onboard. No win situation.


Some of the ships have small chapels. I think a small chapel which allows anyone of any faith to enter and reflect would be the best course.

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...yeah I definitely took it the wrong way, I know several pastors that would be appalled with your question... sheeesh!


Moderation in everything - including religion!



Did you not read the rest of my post? I love what I do and would be more than happy to preach/lead a service for free any time or place because that is what I am called to do. It was simply a question and I am sorry if it offends you. I don't believe it would "appall" most pastors, ministers, or priests that I know (and trust me I know a lot).


Seeing as how this isn't a religious board I would hate for this debate to come to such! Moderation may be your view but not everyones so please keep that kind of comment where it belongs (on another board!).


I am considering emailing Carnival and offering my services (not asking if they will pay me but simply offering) if they do I will report back.

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I don't mean to offend anyone but I think this would really open a can of worms. Yesterday in our state 70 muslim workers quit their jobs at a meat packing plant because the plant wouldn't give them time and special space etc for their daily prayers. Of all the faiths in the world and if the cruise lines had to accommodate all the traditions it would be a real mess. I can just see 5 times a day hearing the call to worship over the loud speaker system. And then of course all activities would have to be altered so they didn't interfere with the worship services. This is supposed to be a vacation.......not everyday life.


I tend to agree. It's unfortunate, because the idea of having worship services on the cruise was suggested (and has been done in the past) with the greatest of intentions. But today, in this uber politically correct and litigious climate that we live in, I'm afraid Carnival would be subjecting themselves to trouble down the road, even with a non denominational service. Frankly, I'm for a non denominational service, but pragmatically, I see where it can cause potential issues.


But luckily, I think just about all of us in our respective religions can find a way to exercise our individual faith without having Carnival sanction it.

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Are there religious services on board?


When available, a clergyman will be on board for Christmas, Easter, Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; this is subject to availability of booking clergymen during their most holy days.

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I would think that if a special religious holiday was that important to anyone, they would be home celebrating it with family , friends, and thier congregation.....not on a cruise ship somewhere.


that's exactly how I feel. If it's so important to you to be in your place of worship, you need to be there and not somewhere else.

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Some things I’d like to share with you in addition to what I stated earlier:

Please keep in mind that this is a little long, but I hope considered worth the read.

1st I’d like to say thanks for the positive feedback on what I had to say, that means a lot to me & it should to you as well as it’s always nice to know that whether we are friend or foe that the heart of mankind still all wants the same thing & that is to have peace with his fellow man & to find that they too have a kind heart used for sharing & to look into it by seeing beyond what they see.

Secondly I’d like to say that so you guys know a little bit more of my background I did go to school for pastoral ministries & Christian counseling. Some of that there you might not agree with since I am female, but we are all hands, fingers, toes, feet, leg, eyes, ears, mouths & so on in the body. There is no one that cannot tell you any different when you hear it from God himself. When you believe so much that there is something you must do no matter what it is you just do it, you don’t ask questions, you don’t take no for an answer & people’s point of view though important doesn’t get in the way of you doing what you know is right. I did not graduate with a degree however, I went on to do ministry work at a local flea market preaching on Sundays from a pulpit, letting people pick up however many free tracts & bibles they wanted to. I didn’t force my beliefs on anybody, I still don’t I just open that line of communication & let them take the reigns from there. He had me do many other things from there, that here are too many mention, just let me say I felt the spirit in everything and that what I did I knew was right for the goodness of the body.

With these things in mind let me share with you my most recent experience on a cruise ship. We met 4 other great table mates, we became really good friends with all four of them, we went to many of the ship events together & even exchanged phone numbers, email addresses & other information. On the 1st night one of the guys said something a little religious & the wife said, “Don’t get started on religion!” Well I didn’t think much of it at the time, it really didn’t matter to me because everyone has their own opinions & we’re just looking to make friends on a ship right? We’re not looking to discuss this that or the other, just that we’re here to have fun & the like. Well the 2nd night came and well I opened my mouth because it had been on my mind since last night, so I asked and just started a conversation. Well the response was awesome & it turned out that the guy’s mother was a minister! So after that it was smooth sailing….lol! You know what I mean! Well our one set of tablemates weren’t there that night, so they missed that conversation. However on the last night of our cruise all 6 of us went to one of the clubs dancing. Yes believe it or not people that are willing to share the word also like to relax and have a little good clean fun. Well we’re talking about loosing weight (something that should be cruise voodoo while on a ship….lol…..oh the weight, it kills me!)…but anyway we’re talking about this that & the other and different things and of course I mention prayer in the middle of this. Well the other two turn a little white. I didn’t know they were not of the same mind as I was, we hadn’t talked about it, but I sure realized it right then and there. Well needless to say the conversation went on & here we are we’ve all become great friends in the last now five nights and I’m in the middle of a dilemma what direction do I take this conversation to next without them thinking I’m a pushy person just there to show somebody my way? Well we stop talking about it for a few minutes as I can tell I might be on thin ice, so we get up & all dance some more & have a great time….only to once again start the conversation on the dance floor….I’m still thinking we’re here to relax & chill out but I’m still hearing that tiny voice saying do it this way, so I listen I tell them how I feel & that I’m not trying to give anyone a bad night, I’m not trying to push anyone I’m just simply stating what I believe in. I’m also telling them that we should look in the heart of the matter, not to judge other people, as it’s clearly not our job & so on. Well next thing I know there’s a smile on both of their faces…they’d not have anyone as just a simple Christian ever explain to them the way they felt, they thought all of us were pushy idiots that were just wouldn’t give an inch and not take the time to explain without being judge & jury as well. So with that in mind they really opened up to me that evening, not just to me but to their hearts as well. It was a truly God intervened moment that I guess I won’t soon will forget and neither will they. It got them to realize that not everyone that is Christian is trying to push something down their throat & that there are people that listen from the heart & talk back from it and that its ok we don’t have to agree on everything in the process. So there I was in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico when God opened a window. I was there and He used me & it was ok that I wasn’t at home or online working the online part of the ministry He gave me. I wasn’t getting paid….I don’t now anyway….and honestly don’t care if I ever do….I just give it from the heart.

With this in mind we never know when we are going to be asked to do something that we weren’t looking to do, it shouldn’t matter whether there is a paycheck in it our not and it shouldn’t matter if we disagree in the middle only that we agree that in the end we’re all friends looking for the same thing….other people with good hearts that don’t give a darn what’s on the outside….don’t care about anything else….only that we are here for one another to be good too. The next state of our lives last for eternity whether I am right of where mine is going or whether you have a different opinion, none of us will never know whose right whose wrong, but in the meantime, let’s just try to be kind to one another. I truly believe there is good in everyone & in every religion as if there was there wouldn’t be people willing to so strongly stand up for what they believe in.

All this let me remind you is in my own honest opinion it is not meant to make you do anything or believe in anything that you don’t already it is meant for us as a way to communicate what is in our hearts & on our minds. If we agree that’s great & if not that’s ok too!

I have more thoughts on what the ships should think about doing, but for now I’m going to close this part of my thread & post that later on.

All have a great day!

Be blessed, be a blessing! :p

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If you want to have your religious services on board, then feel free to do so (in an appropriate place).


However, I do not think that Carnival should have a full time minister/priest/rabbi/imam/whatever on board.


If a paying passenger wants to lead a service and there are others willing to listen, then that is wonderful; but do not make me pay for it in my cruise fare!

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If he's given a free cruise then the cost of his is divided amongst the balance of the passengers. So if you have a ship that has 2000 passengers and 200 people go to the service 1800 people are subsidizing the service.

So what is your point? We don't drink or gamble, but I'm sure that part of the money that we pay for our cruise goes for salaries for the dealers and the bartenders....doesn't that mean that we in a form subsidizing your cruise in a manner of speaking?

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So what is your point? We don't drink or gamble' date=' but I'm sure that part of the money that we pay for our cruise goes for salaries for the dealers and the bartenders....doesn't that mean that we in a form subsidizing your cruise in a manner of speaking?[/quote']


Actually since you don't drink or gamble, those of us that do are subsidizing the low fare you paid to cruise, since those are Carnival's two highest revenue centers....:rolleyes:

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