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Religious Services on Carnival.

Attack Dog

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considering alot of people that read the bible disagree with lesbians, bi-racial people & atheists I used it as a blanket statement.


Now that you have offended a few people that read this board, maybe its time to END IT!


To my gay friends that read this board, i am so sorry you were used as a "blanket statement"

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I question the motives of anyone who complains about any display of signs of peace, love, and goodwill.


But I will support anyone who complains about any display of any signs of hate.

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Christmas is my favorite holiday. Which is why you will never find me on a cruise ship that week.

I prefer to be home enjoying my family, christmas tree, lights, cookies, presents and Santa.

We don't do the religious part, as we gave up organized religion for lent. ;)

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I just got home from work and I was excited to see that this thread was already 3 pages long from when I first started it last night. My excitement quickly turned to disapointment when I discovered that this became a thread for people to show their ignorance, and insecurities.


I'm not going to mention anyone specifically. However, I may of made a mistake by failing to mention a few details because I wanted to post them in a constructive conversation.


The priest was not compensated by Carnival in the form of salary. In fact he traveled in an spare crew quarter. (Of course the ship's facilities were available to him.)The Catholic church has an army of retired priests that are available to provided religious services on all cruise ships. In fact the Catholic Church regularly provides religious services (for all Christian faiths) on Holland America. The group of people that I refered to that were trying to get Carnival to allow a priest on board were actually engaged in a pilot project. They were trying to prove that there is enough interest for Carnival to regularly allow a non-salaried priest on board to say mass and non-denominational christian services for those who want to attend. Furthemore, the priest was restricted to conducting religous services at times and places that were convient for the cruise line. He wasn't allowed to have mass anywhere at any place. Therefore, he wasn't "imposing" his freedom of speech on anyone who's insecurities may be offended.


It was mentioned that some people weren't happy about "subsidizing" clergymen on a cruise. A better analogy then talking about bars and gambling would be some of entetainment staff. Not everyone goes to the shows. Not everyone goes to see the comedians. Maybe we can talk about some of the free facilites on the ship. Not everyone uses the pool. Not everyone uses the gym. ... Does eveyone use the shuffle board and the jogging track?


The cruise lines try to offer things that please their guests. Therefore, would the cruise line be so wrong to offer religious services to please their guests if there are enough guests who enjoy it and therefore justifie having the service available?


Therefore to all you nay sayers.... If there are enough of us to create a demand thus allowing christian religious services then let us have it. I won't "impose" my religious beliefs on you if you can keep your irrational anti-christian sentiment to yourself.


I started this thread to help see if there are enough people interested in having religious services on a cruise ship. Can we please get back to my original point? If you don't want to attend religious services then don't ask Carnival for the services. If you think this is a great idea the speak up and also e-mail the Carnival contact person in my original post. (Post 1)

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...don't even ask :rolleyes: , you will get a multi-page response that does not answer any of your questions, but creates more confusion and additional questions. I have a brother that shoots pool, do I qualify for anything:confused:


I have a brother who likes mixed drinks....can we pass around a plate for people to subsidise that? :D

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Can we please get back to my original point? If you don't want to attend religious services then don't ask Carnival for the services. If you think this is a great idea the speak up and also e-mail the Carnival contact person in my original post. (Post 1)>>>>>>>


A really good idea is only book a cruise on sunday. You don't have to board till 330pm. Plenty of time to get yourself to church in the morning on your way to the ship.

This way you make sure you don't miss your church service. People I know who are religious do stuff like that. Or you can even go sat night.

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This may not make sense to some readers but considering alot of people that read the bible disagree with lesbians, bi-racial people & atheists I used it as a blanket statement. In that particular sense it just becomes a big melting pot of things that are supposed to be no nos biblically speaking. However my belief is too that we are all equals and should all be treated as equals. Believe me if you think I am catching a hard time here for having people like that in my life...you should hear some of the crap I've had to endure in real life over it! Trust me as someone that went to school for ministry & who has also ministered I also get judged by other ministers even though I shouldn't. Believe me there is good & bad in everything. Please don't confuse me as being a judgemental person. Hence the reason why I did state my story above that it was great that if we allow ourselves to open up alittle bit and listen we might find that not every minister thinks the same way, not every atheist thinks the same way as well as anyone else! Trust me I get dug into all the time because I think Eminem has an ispiring story & because I can relate to Marilyn Manson & him feeling upset at the christians for judging him. Ok, that's a whole nother story......but once again some of you will understand exactly what I mean now by I don't judge anyone it's not my job & I do find good in EVERYONE and in EVERY religion.


So back off please I'm not out here to offend anyone, just expressing my opinions & being open to everyone elses thoughts without being crude in the process. We can't learn a darn thing unless we're willing to talk to begin with!


Be blessed, be a blessing!


Who is giving you a hard time for having "people like that" in your life. Nobody here. I actually take offense to you labeling those folks "people like that". Makes it sound like YOU actually find them unworthy. Are "those people" supposed to feel BLESSED, because you have befriended them?

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I started this thread to help see if there are enough people interested in having religious services on a cruise ship. Can we please get back to my original point? If you don't want to attend religious services then don't ask Carnival for the services. If you think this is a great idea the speak up and also e-mail the Carnival contact person in my original post. (Post 1)


So if I don't think it is a good idea I am supposed to shut up and not contact anyone:confused:


...why is it that Christians tend to be the least tolerant of opposing viewpoints and have to post with angry faces. That is not what I learned about the teachings...

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So if I don't think it is a good idea I am supposed to shut up and not contact anyone:confused:


...why is it that Christians tend to be the least tolerant of opposing viewpoints and have to post with angry faces. That is not what I learned about the teachings...


Not all of us are intolerant of opposing viewpoints ;) My grandparents, who are VERY diligent about attending mass, or at least SOME sort of service, always find a way to attend, and it impresses me... even cruising, they don't have a problem. As a Christian, I find it odd that there are some that want Christian services, but fail to even recognize that there are other religions out there, and that Cruise lines carry passengers from all over the world... then again, I think that is also part of the "ugly American" thing too... too many times we think that everyone in the world is just like us :rolleyes: I like the fact that Carnival does at least do what they can to have services on the holy days... and at other times, if there are people that say they cannot find any services to attend during the week, they just aren't looking... and like I said, his door is always open 24/7... you don't need a church in order to have a meeting ;)

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Not all of us are intolerant of opposing viewpoints ;) My grandparents, who are VERY diligent about attending mass, or at least SOME sort of service, always find a way to attend, and it impresses me... even cruising, they don't have a problem. As a Christian, I find it odd that there are some that want Christian services, but fail to even recognize that there are other religions out there, and that Cruise lines carry passengers from all over the world... then again, I think that is also part of the "ugly American" thing too... too many times we think that everyone in the world is just like us :rolleyes: I like the fact that Carnival does at least do what they can to have services on the holy days... and at other times, if there are people that say they cannot find any services to attend during the week, they just aren't looking... and like I said, his door is always open 24/7... you don't need a church in order to have a meeting ;)


I agree, the ones that impress me the most are those that practice their faith dilligently, quietly and consistently without having to be in people's faces - they always are respectful and find value in opposing viewpoints because they are comfortable with themselves, they don't have to laundry list their accomplishments or list the "others" they have befriended :rolleyes:


Very well said Chris!!!

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If you want to have your religious services on board, then feel free to do so (in an appropriate place).


However, I do not think that Carnival should have a full time minister/priest/rabbi/imam/whatever on board.


If a paying passenger wants to lead a service and there are others willing to listen, then that is wonderful; but do not make me pay for it in my cruise fare!


Amen to that! :)

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I cruised once over Passover and a fellow Jewish pax held a seder in the Lido during dinner. Anyone who wanted to join the seder, Jewish or not, could join if they wanted to. We had a great time and got to celebrate Passover in a way we won't ever forget.


A religious leader (Rabbi, Pastor, Priest) doesn't have to be on board to lead a religious service. Pax can certainly do that for each other if necessary.

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So if I don't think it is a good idea I am supposed to shut up and not contact anyone:confused:


...why is it that Christians tend to be the least tolerant of opposing viewpoints and have to post with angry faces. That is not what I learned about the teachings...


Have fun contacting whom you will.


Speaking of intolerance. Let's pretend I'm asking people to suggest to a cruiseline to have basket weavers on board to teach their trade. Then I went on this website saying there are basket weaver instructors available to teach for free minus room and board. However, the cruiseline doesn't think there is enough demand for such a class. Therefore I needed anyone interested in basket weaving to e-mail kiain@carnival.com (That's not a real e-mail.) to request that Carnival reconsider it's position. No one would get upset. I doubt anyone would make silly statements about me asking everyone else to fund my hobby. Furthermore, no one would say that I was being intolereant of other peoples hobbies. I doubt anyone would say that Carnival would then have to allow other people's hobbies on the ship.


I go to church on the Sunday or Saturday before or after the cruise. However, on some of the longer cruises the option of going to a worship service before or after (or during in port) is often not an option. On the Carnival Legend in early April there was a good turn out at the religious services offered by the priest. There would seem to be a lot of people who would appreciate having a religious service available while they are on vacation. What is so wrong or intolerant about people going to church on vacation? If it turns out that there isn't enough interest to have religious services offered then christians will have to be content with praying in their cabin as they do now. I for one will not loose sleep over the issue as I wonder about some of you who oppose our worship service.


I have suggested to Carnival before that they could allow one of the crew members to lead a non-denominational prayer service. Of course this would be on a strictly volunteer basis for the crewmember.


It's interesting that on a cruise eveyone seems to be tolerent of each other's differences. Why is that same respect not shown here?

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If he's given a free cruise then the cost of his is divided amongst the balance of the passengers. So if you have a ship that has 2000 passengers and 200 people go to the service 1800 people are subsidizing the service.


im sorry, but i find this funny, not trying to be rude :) just tring to make light of the comment.

very often they sell an inside cabin at $399, for 7nights, and i have even seen them much cheaper. Now thats with port charges included. so if they gave a minister a free cruise, and even included the port, well thats $0.20, yes 20 cents. Even if there are only 1800 pasengers that is only 22 cents.

Now lets take it a step further, i dont go to lots of the shows, but i still pay for the performers, i also refuse that glass of wine they offer me which is included in my price.

i Also pay for Abortions, in my taxes, which i dont support. Should i go on...

Now do you see how silly this comment is


As for the OP, good idea,

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Who is giving you a hard time for having "people like that" in your life. Nobody here. I actually take offense to you labeling those folks "people like that". Makes it sound like YOU actually find them unworthy. Are "those people" supposed to feel BLESSED, because you have befriended them?



To all of you that keep on keeping on my back.....


Cut me a break already!


Read this whole post, take it for what it's meant to say & stop putting words in my mouth that aren't there! I haven't talked to anyone the way I have been talked to, almost like I'm so kind of unworthy animal. So some respect, I've given you people plently!


Trust me there is nothing here anyone can say to me that I haven't heard already, my skin is thick even though my heart is soft.


This is too deep of a conversation for me to go into anymore just online. I guess there is sometimes no way to be the good person in a conversation because no matter what you do people will always turn it around.


Hear what you want to hear I don't really care anymore. As I said earlier I've heard it all. If you want to keep your mind closed to the full conversation so be it.


BTW everyone on this friggin earth is equal I don't consider myself any better or any worse then anyone else. The people I associate are none of your business if I thought I was better then they are they probably wouldn't communicate with me. I'm not going to get them online so they can tell you this just to satisfy any of you, because frankly there is no way I'd put them thru that especially not for people who just assume the worse in everybody. Just because I have a heart & I actually honest do give a piss about everyone in the world & give the shirt off my back freely and don't expect anything in return doesn't mean that that is not my honest intentions for someone else other then my owns well being. I wasn't put on this earth for my own self satisfaction rather to help other people.


My name let's break it down for you:

Sandra means Helper of Mankind

Eileen means Light


I can't help it if I like to shed a little positive light into the world by helping other people. It's my nature, it's the way my God intended for me to be & I'm sticking to it & whether that gives me friends or enemies in life, I really frankly honestly don't care because I live for my future eternity not by what some fool who doesn't know me has to say about me on the internet.


As far as adopted on the internet means.......I met those people on line & they filled certain places in my heart. The one girl needed a mother....she didn't have one....I filled the place of a mother. The other girl....same thing. The adopter brother in India....well we both want the same thing in life happiness for all mankind, peace in the world, unity among mankind and kindness towards each other as we each share our different beliefs. Hence even though we honor two different Gods we are both somehow united in this world thru unseen bonds. People don't have to be your blood for you to have them as your family. Personally in my life I've have made alot better friends as family as what I did having some family to begin with.


Be blessed, be a blessing.

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As far as adopted on the internet means.......I met those people on line & they filled certain places in my heart. The one girl needed a mother....she didn't have one....I filled the place of a mother. The other girl....same thing. The adopter brother in India....well we both want the same thing in life happiness for all mankind, peace in the world, unity among mankind and kindness towards each other as we each share our different beliefs. Hence even though we honor two different Gods we are both somehow united in this world thru unseen bonds. People don't have to be your blood for you to have them as your family. Personally in my life I've have made alot better friends as family as what I did having some family to begin with.



Thanks for answering... I was actually interested. I thought perhaps you meant some kind of sponsorship, wasn't sure.

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I would think that if a special religious holiday was that important to anyone, they would be home celebrating it with family , friends, and thier congregation.....not on a cruise ship somewhere.


I agree with this reply,,,,,,,,,,,,,can I e-mail Sonia Pineda with Carnival and express my disgust with this racist/christian idea being pushed on the cruise line. If they are going to represent one religion then they must represent them all. If you so concerned about having religous services, TAKE A CHRISTIAN ONLY CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for answering... I was actually interested. I thought perhaps you meant some kind of sponsorship, wasn't sure.



Your very welcome. Thanks for your thanks, I appreciate it very much.


To Attack Dog:

I apologize that there has been so much craziness in this post that seems to be somewhat consumed by some of the things that I have posted. Please know it wasn't my intention, I was just placing honest answers to questions. I'm sorry if I worded them the wrong way to cause any confusion. Thank you so much for letting us know about the opportunity that we have to email Carnival about this matter. I hope that if I ever post something that leads into some of the craziness this post has led to I hope you chime right in on mine, cause a little ruckus & give some hope in the process. :) No one should have their good intended original post lead into the craziness that has been bestowed on this post. I hope the next thread you start will be alittler tamer! ;)


Be blessed, be a blessing!

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