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Religious Services on Carnival.

Attack Dog

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im sorry, but i find this funny, not trying to be rude :) just tring to make light of the comment.

very often they sell an inside cabin at $399, for 7nights, and i have even seen them much cheaper. Now thats with port charges included. so if they gave a minister a free cruise, and even included the port, well thats $0.20, yes 20 cents. Even if there are only 1800 pasengers that is only 22 cents.

Now lets take it a step further, i dont go to lots of the shows, but i still pay for the performers, i also refuse that glass of wine they offer me which is included in my price.

i Also pay for Abortions, in my taxes, which i dont support. Should i go on...

Now do you see how silly this comment is


As for the OP, good idea,


Good point. Even if the cruise is more expensive it wouldn't amount to a dollar. I think it likely that the priest or minister would stay in the crew member area like Fr. Bayer did on the Legend. The only time I saw Fr. Bayer anywhere besides the religious services was in the gym. He was working out on the tread mill.


Besides Carnival is a private entity not a goverment organization using tax payers money. Although we can ask Carnival to spend a small amount on room and board for the clergymen it is ultimately up to Carnival on how to spend it's own money. Even if Carnival raised the rate to cover the cost of a clergyman a few cents won't affect anyone. The clergy member might pay for himself as it could be a perk of cruising that would make taking a cruise more desirable for some people.


Since you like my idea please e-mail her.

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To all of you that keep on keeping on my back.....


Cut me a break already!



I hope you don't think I was attacking you... Like I said, I took offense to you lumping mixed race into religion... just don't see the place for it... and while I don't agree with what you posted or how you posted it, I respect your right to say it, and I'm sure it is much harder to get your point across through the written word... I can tell you aren't a racist person, so I'm sure you didn't mean it that way... no worries!!!


By the way... I don't like basket weaving :D

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On the Carnival Legend in early April there was a good turn out at the religious services offered by the priest. There would seem to be a lot of people who would appreciate having a religious service available while they are on vacation. What is so wrong or intolerant about people going to church on vacation? If it turns out that there isn't enough interest to have religious services offered then christians will have to be content with praying in their cabin as they do now. I for one will not loose sleep over the issue as I wonder about some of you who oppose our worship service.


I think the fact that you went around Easter could account for a higher turnout... I know that during any of the Holy days churches usually fill up a little more... Good luck in your quest... my only issue is that they are going to have to accomodate everyone, not just Christians, so I do hope you are tolerant of all other religions, and don't expect a cruise line to only accomodate Christians when it comes to worship services... you keep saying "so that Christians can"... we have to respect that there are people from so many backgrounds and religions on a cruise, and surely they want to be included too... so perhaps you should say "for those who wish to worship"... just a thought!! Good luck!

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To all of you that keep on keeping on my back.....


Cut me a break already!


Read this whole post, take it for what it's meant to say & stop putting words in my mouth that aren't there! I haven't talked to anyone the way I have been talked to, almost like I'm so kind of unworthy animal. So some respect, I've given you people plently!



Hear what you want to hear I don't really care anymore. As I said earlier I've heard it all. If you want to keep your mind closed to the full conversation so be it.


BTW everyone on this friggin earth is equal I don't consider myself any better or any worse then anyone else. Just because I have a heart & I actually honest do give a piss about everyone in the world


Funny, I never heard any priest in the church I used to go to, express themselves quite in the same way you have :D :eek:

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Your very welcome. Thanks for your thanks, I appreciate it very much.


To Attack Dog:

I apologize that there has been so much craziness in this post that seems to be somewhat consumed by some of the things that I have posted. Please know it wasn't my intention, I was just placing honest answers to questions. I'm sorry if I worded them the wrong way to cause any confusion. Thank you so much for letting us know about the opportunity that we have to email Carnival about this matter. I hope that if I ever post something that leads into some of the craziness this post has led to I hope you chime right in on mine, cause a little ruckus & give some hope in the process. :) No one should have their good intended original post lead into the craziness that has been bestowed on this post. I hope the next thread you start will be alittler tamer! ;)


Be blessed, be a blessing!


I can't say I agree with everything you said. However, I don't blame you for the mess. I don't know were JulesNBama gets off calling us racist. However, there are a lot of people on this thread that are voicing their own insecurities. I'm surprised that this has turned into such a controversal subject.


I think some people are just looking for ways to misinterpret and twist your words around. The Admiral has even done that to me concerning the angry face icon.:mad: I think that they are just looking for anything in your words that they can use against you.


Perhaps I wasn't clear when I said, "It's interesting that on a cruise eveyone seems to be tolerent of each other's differences. Why is that same respect not shown here?" I was actually refering to how people were attacking you.


It is amazing how people are getting so upset about something that doesn't have any impact on them. When you and I walk away from the discussion we will be at peace. Some of the other poster will leave angry.


I don't go to the "Friends Of Dorthy Meetings" or "Friends Of Bill W." However, I do respect the fact that the cruise lines allocate resources to fill the nich. Does anyone know how many people go to these meetings?

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im sorry, but i find this funny, not trying to be rude :) just tring to make light of the comment.

very often they sell an inside cabin at $399, for 7nights, and i have even seen them much cheaper. Now thats with port charges included. so if they gave a minister a free cruise, and even included the port, well thats $0.20, yes 20 cents. Even if there are only 1800 pasengers that is only 22 cents.

Now lets take it a step further, i dont go to lots of the shows, but i still pay for the performers, i also refuse that glass of wine they offer me which is included in my price.

i Also pay for Abortions, in my taxes, which i dont support. Should i go on...

Now do you see how silly this comment is


As for the OP, good idea,


Not quite true. The person who would have rented the room goes to the casino and drops $400 and drinks $250 in beverages. They also take side tours of which the cruiseline takes a cut and buy a couple of photographs. And the passenger is good natured and buys a few drinks for people they met on the cruise. Total lost revenue $1200. $1200 X 52 weeks a year = $62,400 per ship. Glad you are humored by the post.

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I think the fact that you went around Easter could account for a higher turnout... I know that during any of the Holy days churches usually fill up a little more... Good luck in your quest... my only issue is that they are going to have to accomodate everyone, not just Christians, so I do hope you are tolerant of all other religions, and don't expect a cruise line to only accomodate Christians when it comes to worship services... you keep saying "so that Christians can"... we have to respect that there are people from so many backgrounds and religions on a cruise, and surely they want to be included too... so perhaps you should say "for those who wish to worship"... just a thought!! Good luck!


Excellent point. Even while I wrote "so that Christian can..." I was wondering how some might take it. I only mentioned Christians because I don't wan't to speak for another group that I'm not a part of.


As far as accomodating other groups. I beleave that is a valid concern. I suspect that a cruiseline will decide who to accomodate based on demand for the service. They are a private entity so they can choose to accomodate everyone. No one. Or based on the demands of the customers. I'm just hoping that enough Christians will be interested in such a service. The accomadations demands, if any, may dictate future cruise ships designs.


I hope that the cruiselines will be very accomodating for those that wan't to worship. For those who don't wan't to worship then they have plenty of things they can do instead.


For some that are opposed to this I wan't to say that I don't tell you what to do when your on vacation. Please don't try to stop me from doing what I wan't to do.

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Good point. Even if the cruise is more expensive it wouldn't amount to a dollar. I think it likely that the priest or minister would stay in the crew member area like Fr. Bayer did on the Legend. The only time I saw Fr. Bayer anywhere besides the religious services was in the gym. He was working out on the tread mill.


Besides Carnival is a private entity not a goverment organization using tax payers money. Although we can ask Carnival to spend a small amount on room and board for the clergymen it is ultimately up to Carnival on how to spend it's own money. Even if Carnival raised the rate to cover the cost of a clergyman a few cents won't affect anyone. The clergy member might pay for himself as it could be a perk of cruising that would make taking a cruise more desirable for some people.


Since you like my idea please e-mail her.


Carnival is not a private entity. Carnival is a publicly traded corporation that is owned by shareholders. Carnival is responsible to shareholders period. You would make a good politician. Most of them have the same opinion. Its just a few cents for this cause or that cause......and next thing you know you are in the 40% tax bracket. Spend your own money not others.

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Excellent point. Even while I wrote "so that Christian can..." I was wondering how some might take it. I only mentioned Christians because I don't wan't to speak for another group that I'm not a part of.


As far as accomodating other groups. I beleave that is a valid concern. I suspect that a cruiseline will decide who to accomodate based on demand for the service. They are a private entity so they can choose to accomodate everyone. No one. Or based on the demands of the customers. I'm just hoping that enough Christians will be interested in such a service. The accomadations demands, if any, may dictate future cruise ships designs.


I hope that the cruiselines will be very accomodating for those that wan't to worship. For those who don't wan't to worship then they have plenty of things they can do instead.


For some that are opposed to this I wan't to say that I don't tell you what to do when your on vacation. Please don't try to stop me from doing what I wan't to do.


Thank you for clearing that up... I certainly don't begrudge you the desire to do this... in this day and age you have people changing the words to the Pledge, banning Christmas trees (don't dare mention anything religious around this holiday, but let me get gifts :rolleyes: grrr, don't get me started!! LOL!), etc... I would never tell someone they shouldn't or aren't entitled to worship... and considering how many people in this country attend services on a weekly basis, it has always surprised me that they don't have SOMETHING... I'm not fighting for it because to be honest, I know I wouldn't go... and I think it would be a difficult thing to do... I just don't think a cruise board is a place to get into a religious debate, or start preaching to people, it's not well received most of the time (not saying that is what YOU did!!!)

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Carnival is not a private entity. Carnival is a publicly traded corporation that is owned by shareholders. Carnival is responsible to shareholders period. You would make a good politician. Most of them have the same opinion. Its just a few cents for this cause or that cause......and next thing you know you are in the 40% tax bracket. Spend your own money not others.


Sorry, I work for goverment so I'm used to spending your money out of habit.:D :D

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I would think that if a special religious holiday was that important to anyone, they would be home celebrating it with family , friends, and thier congregation.....not on a cruise ship somewhere.



I am mainly concerned with Sundays. It's impossible to do a seven day cruise without a Sunday. Although a Sunday mass would be great, iIcan understand not serving any specific denomination. A nondenominational service would be appreciated. On the one and only Prince Cruise I was on there was such a service--and it was very well a attended.


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Thank you for clearing that up... I certainly don't begrudge you the desire to do this... in this day and age you have people changing the words to the Pledge, banning Christmas trees (don't dare mention anything religious around this holiday, but let me get gifts :rolleyes: grrr, don't get me started!! LOL!), etc... I would never tell someone they shouldn't or aren't entitled to worship... and considering how many people in this country attend services on a weekly basis, it has always surprised me that they don't have SOMETHING... I'm not fighting for it because to be honest, I know I wouldn't go... and I think it would be a difficult thing to do... I just don't think a cruise board is a place to get into a religious debate, or start preaching to people, it's not well received most of the time (not saying that is what YOU did!!!)


I agree.

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I am mainly concerned with Sundays. It's impossible to do a seven day cruise without a Sunday. Although a Sunday mass would be great, iIcan understand not serving any specific denomination. A nondenominational service would be appreciated. On the one and only Prince Cruise I was on there was such a service--and it was very well a attended.



no problem. Go to early service or sat night service and as soon as you get off the ship the following sunday make the time to find another service.

problem solved.

There are always solutions. It's just how much do you want to look for them or do you require others work to meet your needs?

If I felt the need to attend service, I certainly would include it into my travel plans. There are places of worship all over the place in every port city in america.

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To all of you that keep on keeping on my back.....


Cut me a break already!


Read this whole post, take it for what it's meant to say & stop putting words in my mouth that aren't there! I haven't talked to anyone the way I have been talked to, almost like I'm so kind of unworthy animal. So some respect, I've given you people plently!


Trust me there is nothing here anyone can say to me that I haven't heard already, my skin is thick even though my heart is soft.


This is too deep of a conversation for me to go into anymore just online. I guess there is sometimes no way to be the good person in a conversation because no matter what you do people will always turn it around.


Hear what you want to hear I don't really care anymore. As I said earlier I've heard it all. If you want to keep your mind closed to the full conversation so be it.


BTW everyone on this friggin earth is equal I don't consider myself any better or any worse then anyone else. The people I associate are none of your business if I thought I was better then they are they probably wouldn't communicate with me. I'm not going to get them online so they can tell you this just to satisfy any of you, because frankly there is no way I'd put them thru that especially not for people who just assume the worse in everybody. Just because I have a heart & I actually honest do give a piss about everyone in the world & give the shirt off my back freely and don't expect anything in return doesn't mean that that is not my honest intentions for someone else other then my owns well being. I wasn't put on this earth for my own self satisfaction rather to help other people.


My name let's break it down for you:

Sandra means Helper of Mankind

Eileen means Light


I can't help it if I like to shed a little positive light into the world by helping other people. It's my nature, it's the way my God intended for me to be & I'm sticking to it & whether that gives me friends or enemies in life, I really frankly honestly don't care because I live for my future eternity not by what some fool who doesn't know me has to say about me on the internet.


As far as adopted on the internet means.......I met those people on line & they filled certain places in my heart. The one girl needed a mother....she didn't have one....I filled the place of a mother. The other girl....same thing. The adopter brother in India....well we both want the same thing in life happiness for all mankind, peace in the world, unity among mankind and kindness towards each other as we each share our different beliefs. Hence even though we honor two different Gods we are both somehow united in this world thru unseen bonds. People don't have to be your blood for you to have them as your family. Personally in my life I've have made alot better friends as family as what I did having some family to begin with.


Be blessed, be a blessing.






I've tried sincerely to read your posts and can say with certainty that there ARE NO WORDS IN YOUR POSTS that aren't there. In fact you've pretty much covered the entire dictionary.


The only things missing are proper punctuation, sentences that do not run on and on, proper conjugations, and proper paragraphs.


Oh, the other thing missing is a logical thought process.


So blessed be to you or whatever.


I think those who "KNOW" why some imaginary being put them on this planet are delusional and dangerous. They also have no concept of either the laws of chance or the forces of entropy and enthalpy.



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I just got home from work and I was excited to see that this thread was already 3 pages long from when I first started it last night. My excitement quickly turned to disapointment when I discovered that this became a thread for people to show their ignorance, and insecurities.


I'm not going to mention anyone specifically. However, I may of made a mistake by failing to mention a few details because I wanted to post them in a constructive conversation.


The priest was not compensated by Carnival in the form of salary. In fact he traveled in an spare crew quarter. (Of course the ship's facilities were available to him.)The Catholic church has an army of retired priests that are available to provided religious services on all cruise ships. In fact the Catholic Church regularly provides religious services (for all Christian faiths) on Holland America. The group of people that I refered to that were trying to get Carnival to allow a priest on board were actually engaged in a pilot project. They were trying to prove that there is enough interest for Carnival to regularly allow a non-salaried priest on board to say mass and non-denominational christian services for those who want to attend. Furthemore, the priest was restricted to conducting religous services at times and places that were convient for the cruise line. He wasn't allowed to have mass anywhere at any place. Therefore, he wasn't "imposing" his freedom of speech on anyone who's insecurities may be offended.


It was mentioned that some people weren't happy about "subsidizing" clergymen on a cruise. A better analogy then talking about bars and gambling would be some of entetainment staff. Not everyone goes to the shows. Not everyone goes to see the comedians. Maybe we can talk about some of the free facilites on the ship. Not everyone uses the pool. Not everyone uses the gym. ... Does eveyone use the shuffle board and the jogging track?


The cruise lines try to offer things that please their guests. Therefore, would the cruise line be so wrong to offer religious services to please their guests if there are enough guests who enjoy it and therefore justifie having the service available?


Therefore to all you nay sayers.... If there are enough of us to create a demand thus allowing christian religious services then let us have it. I won't "impose" my religious beliefs on you if you can keep your irrational anti-christian sentiment to yourself.


I started this thread to help see if there are enough people interested in having religious services on a cruise ship. Can we please get back to my original point? If you don't want to attend religious services then don't ask Carnival for the services. If you think this is a great idea the speak up and also e-mail the Carnival contact person in my original post. (Post 1)


If you are this "gentle" Christian, why is your call name "Attack Dog"?

I also wasn't aware that retired priests constituted an "army"?

Are THEY waiting to attack some unsuspecting cruiser? How many of these retired priests are known pedophiles?


How does a CATHOLIC priest conduct a Non-denominational service for OTHER Christians, when the entire point of the origin of Protestantism was to disregard the papacy's claim to primacy and infallibility (and the latter only at the end of the 19th century). If I were a non-Catholic Christian I would be offended by the presumption of a Catholic priest whose very presence at this kind of service would be a contradiction.


I also think that a "non-denominational" service would necessarily be so watered down as to be totally uninspiriing to those present whose separate beliefs are at odds with one another. As a matter of fact, the beliefs are initially at odds, once you bring a "god" into the equation.


The questioner who asks "Do you believe in God?", is always making the assumption that a "yes" answer implies that the responders belief is consistent with their own.


Why don't you all simply go on a cruise, keep your religions private, do whatever it is that you do to beseech these supernatural beings in your own thoughts and in your own places, and leave the rest of us alone.



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Not quite true. The person who would have rented the room goes to the casino and drops $400 and drinks $250 in beverages. They also take side tours of which the cruiseline takes a cut and buy a couple of photographs. And the passenger is good natured and buys a few drinks for people they met on the cruise. Total lost revenue $1200. $1200 X 52 weeks a year = $62,400 per ship. Glad you are humored by the post.


excuse me, we are talking about a human being who would or would not spend just as much onboard as any other person who paid for the room, in fact if i got onboard for free, say i won a cruise, i would tend to spend more on the ship than i would if i had paid for the room, thus the ship wouldnt actually be out anything. Why would you just assume that a member of the clergy would spend any less than say if I or anyone else was in the room. Sure he may not gamble, etc, but that is not to say he /she wont spend any less money onboard than another. What your saying makes no sense, This person is no different than others who may have paid for there half of the room.

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How does a CATHOLIC priest conduct a Non-denominational service for OTHER Christians, when the entire point of the origin of Protestantism was to disregard the papacy's claim to primacy and infallibility (and the latter only at the end of the 19th century). If I were a non-Catholic Christian I would be offended by the presumption of a Catholic priest whose very presence at this kind of service would be a contradiction.


I also think that a "non-denominational" service would necessarily be so watered down as to be totally uninspiriing to those present whose separate beliefs are at odds with one another. As a matter of fact, the beliefs are initially at odds, once you bring a "god" into the equation.


I have to admitt as a christian i do agree with this, i can see having a inter-denominational service, however i couldn't see a catholic priest leading it. Only because the beliefs are so different, it would be very difficult.


*not aiming at any specific comment, put as a sterio-type, people tend to assume christians should allways be quiet, pollite, not agressive, and when a christian speaks up they get shut down, like you have no right to speak like that "i thought you were a christian" etc. But remember we are not holier that tho, and yes we do make mistakes, cuz were human. But a christian is not ment to sit back, they are to stand up for what they believe in, just like everyone else. If you cant stand up for what you believe, than you should question your beliefs! This entire post has gone way out of hand, which allways seams to happen when God is mentioned, as people who don't belive in God imediatley put there guards up, and do get defensive. The truth is that a christian, or Catholic, puts up with in a sence "worldly" services all day on the boat and in life in general. When i say "worldy i refer to things that are not Godly acts". So for them to ask for a hour service for them, is not much to ask for. Just think of it as another form of entertainment, one that some will not want to go to, just like others would not want to see tha adult comedy act, for example.


Anyhow thats my 2 bits, :o

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"Forgive me Father for I have sinned"


This thread is TOTALLY retarded! I can say that and mean it....as I have a retarded sister...and always can come down to her level and rationalize....a cruise ship simply does not have the space or where-with-all to accomodate ANY type of religion or beliefs available for the duration of ones cruise...............example..........I have read what 5 pages of "opinions" and still have yet to hear about "quanza" (sp?) is it "kwanza" If the catholics get a spot the christians get a spot and then the rest of the Believers have to have there spot...if they dont....FREE CRUISE!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOO!


Research for all you "die hards"......how many hotels/motels no longer have The Bible in the nightstand next to your bed? Have you been to the DMV lately......we now have 9 different language tests here in LA....so all can understand.....hence there are no longer "Bibles" in the drawers.....why....if I cant read it Im going to complain..AND THEN SUE..is it because I cant read it.......NO......its the principal of NOT being able to read it if I want to! LAWSUIT!!!!!!!! No organization like Carnival can keep EVERYONE happy.....all the time.....if they got religious on us.....jeez louise could you imagine the mayham and lawsuits.....


Again this thread is RETARDED........politics and religion no sense on a ship except behind closed doors or in your thoughts......you can thank your God anywhere anytime......I have thanked my God for every sunrise and sunset I have seen on a ship....but dont feel the need to run to a service to say "its ok"....simply because "It will always be OK".....


Christmas is the most celebrated holiday here in the United States....land of the free............home of the brave............why is it that people are becoming so "ENTITLED".....amazing......or like I said before RETARDED!!!!!! My sister has more sense.....




Im done.....I hope this post gets this thread removed...as it really is retarded!

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Yes it did have a point, meaning we never know when we are going to feel called to express our beliefs so each opportunity is an open opportunity. You have your beliefs....I have mine...if you had read what I said in full you would have noted that, with that in mind please go back and reread my post because I am not going to re-explain myself for you.


Furthermore, I did not in any way make any rude remarks concerning anyone elses religion or beliefs, so it would have been respectful for you to have done the same. I could care less what you do or when you do it.


BTW just so you know I have a real brother that is an atheist, two adopted online daughters that are lesbians, several friends that are lesbians, cousins that are of mixed race & an adopted online brother who lives in India & is Jain in his beliefs. I also have several friends that are witches. Our religious beliefs do not effect any of us in anyway...not that being a lesbian is....but some would say its not biblically correct.........but without all this in mind we are still great friends, we are still brothers & sisters, mother & daughters as well as friends & I wouldn't have it any other way. We all love each other despite our differences & there are many many other ways that we are connected. We are connected as being humans and have that bond. A bond that says we have hearts, we have feelings, we have spirits & minds....we also each have our own opinions....and it's ok, cause if we were all the same the world we be a pretty boring place!


So please before you go and say anything about me or judge me by my beliefs, know me, know my heart & don't judge me because truly it's not your place. Trust me if I judged all the people above by the way you are trying to judge me I wouldn't have ANY of them except my blood brother & 2 bi-racial cousins in my life! That would be sad because all of those people have bought positive things into my life!


Be blessed, be a blessing! :p


I was going to stay away from this thread, because I have nothing to offer constructively, but I wanted to say one thing to you. As a gay man, I was not offended by what you said, at all. I understood it. I don't have a religion myself, but you sound like a very cool person who doesn't judge. Bravo!


And to the op, I just feel bad that you started a post with the best intentions, and get so much crap. I can't believe what this thread has turned into. Sad, really.

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"Forgive me Father for I have sinned"


This thread is TOTALLY retarded! I can say that and mean it....as I have a retarded sister...and always can come down to her level and rationalize....a cruise ship simply does not have the space or where-with-all to accomodate ANY type of religion or beliefs available for the duration of ones cruise...............example..........I have read what 5 pages of "opinions" and still have yet to hear about "quanza" (sp?) is it "kwanza" If the catholics get a spot the christians get a spot and then the rest of the Believers have to have there spot...if they dont....FREE CRUISE!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOO!


Research for all you "die hards"......how many hotels/motels no longer have The Bible in the nightstand next to your bed? Have you been to the DMV lately......we now have 9 different language tests here in LA....so all can understand.....hence there are no longer "Bibles" in the drawers.....why....if I cant read it Im going to complain..AND THEN SUE..is it because I cant read it.......NO......its the principal of NOT being able to read it if I want to! LAWSUIT!!!!!!!! No organization like Carnival can keep EVERYONE happy.....all the time.....if they got religious on us.....jeez louise could you imagine the mayham and lawsuits.....


Again this thread is RETARDED........politics and religion no sense on a ship except behind closed doors or in your thoughts......you can thank your God anywhere anytime......I have thanked my God for every sunrise and sunset I have seen on a ship....but dont feel the need to run to a service to say "its ok"....simply because "It will always be OK".....


Christmas is the most celebrated holiday here in the United States....land of the free............home of the brave............why is it that people are becoming so "ENTITLED".....amazing......or like I said before RETARDED!!!!!! My sister has more sense.....




Im done.....I hope this post gets this thread removed...as it really is retarded!


And the winner for saying the word "retarded" the most in one post goes to.....

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"WOW"...no wonder more people have been killed in wars caused by religious beliefs than anything else.

You folks can't even go 5 pages on a topic without wanting to.......Well, I think you caught my drift.:(

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