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Prinsendam Grand Voyage around Africa 73 days....3/11/2008


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We have our documents, shots, most shore excursions, Hal is doing the Visas, what have I forgot???....We ship our luggage on Monday, March 3...State Department says problems confined to Nairobi and Rift Valley to the West of Nairobi, our over night to Tsavo is on a high plain between Mombassa and Nairobi. My Doctor practiced in Kenya and told me there are no mosquitos at Tsavo. There are some in Mombassa at night though!...I am most anxious to get going...There are a good many of us sailing from Fort Lauderdale if I am counting correctly...Is there anyone who wishes to organize some kind of a meet/greet on one of our sea days?....Is there anyone who even knows how it is done???....Rob.:cool:

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What tour company are you using for the Safari? I've tried to go to Masa Mari, but they can't get me out on the plane. Apparently HAL has the flights tied up or are chartering them. We don't arrive early enough to take the one to Kichwa Tembo camp.


There is one that goes by land to Tsavo, but don't know which area is best. The tour companies I have contacted in Kichwa Tembo have dropped their teeth at what HAL is charging.

:) gerena, I do not know if it is of any value for you but we are going on an over night to Tsavo on a tour organized by our agency in Seattle (CSI). The tour is actually conducted by A&K who are very good in Africa and Asia..

Perhaps you can book through A&K. I hope this is of value to you. Rob.

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Hi Gerena,


We have booked two safaris - one from Cape Town up to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and then from Mombasa to Masai Mara with CCAfrica. In our experience, they have some of the finest camps - and people - in Africa. Their website (I guess I'm allowed to put this, aren't I) is http://www.ccafricasafaris.com, and my contact has been Ms. Karen Richards, who is marvelous. They made all of the flight arrangements as well. I recommend them highly. And yes, to someone else's comment, making your own arrangements saves nearly 50 per cent over HAL - and with much better accomodations.


Best regards,



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Rob....i saw your comment about knowing someone who practiced medicine in Kenya. I am booked for the two night trip to the game reserve in Masai Mara. any information from your friend about mosquitos there? i have had about a zillion shots for this trip but i haven't obtained the malaria pills yet....i was wondering if just drinking lots of gin would do the trick?

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Gael, it is my Doctor who practiced medicine in Kenya as a young man....He has given us the same thing to have with us as we had for the Amazon. It is an antibiotic pill that We are to take one of a day for 12 days if we are in an area of mosquito infestation. If,however, I should get bronchitis, then I am to take two pills a day for 12 days....He really did not seem concerned about Malaria unless we were going to be out at night in Mombassa.....I do not know anything about your destination in Kenya but Mikemo might be able to help you as he is a physician.....Me, I'm a retired butcher....Rob.:)

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Hi Gerena,


We have booked two safaris - one from Cape Town up to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and then from Mombasa to Masai Mara with CCAfrica. In our experience, they have some of the finest camps - and people - in Africa. Their website (I guess I'm allowed to put this, aren't I) is http://www.ccafricasafaris.com, and my contact has been Ms. Karen Richards, who is marvelous. They made all of the flight arrangements as well. I recommend them highly. And yes, to someone else's comment, making your own arrangements saves nearly 50 per cent over HAL - and with much better accomodations.


Best regards,




Thanks for your reply, Brian. I have been in Mexico for 2 weeks and just not getting back to my e-mails. I have been working with CCAfrica, too, but they told me that they couldn't get me out in time as the ship arrives too late for the flights. They can get me back, but not out? I have had numerous contacts with them and they are so upset that they can't help me. It's not that there wasn't space available, but the flight arrangements don't work. Are you going to Kichwa Tembo camp? That is the one that CCAFrica represents. Also contacted another company and the same problem. They were appalled at the price of the ship's tours. Can you give me more details of your arrangements. What time are you leaving Mombassa, etc., etc. Out of desperation, I signed up for the HAL one, but of course can cancel. I would really like to go independently. I was working with Melissa Addey (since Jan 6.) Please help!!! Also, what arrangements were made just in case we don't get to port in Kenya?

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Hi Gerena,


Let's see what my arrangements are. My itinerary shows an 11:30 flight from Mombasa to Nairobi, lunch and town tour, then a 3 something flight up to Kichwa Tembo from Wilson Airport (not Kenyatta International) Two nights at Bateleur Camp. Then flight back to Mombasa, arriving at 4:30 on the 30th with car and driver back to the ship. As to contingencies pending the situation in Kenya, CCAfrica has offered to give a credit to other of their properties if we wanted to cancel now, but as I read it - if the ship doesn't dock in Mombasa, then we're out the money. That's probably the biggest reason to go with HAL's shore excursions, I guess. Hope the above helps.





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Hi Gerena,


Let's see what my arrangements are. My itinerary shows an 11:30 flight from Mombasa to Nairobi, lunch and town tour, then a 3 something flight up to Kichwa Tembo from Wilson Airport (not Kenyatta International) Two nights at Bateleur Camp. Then flight back to Mombasa, arriving at 4:30 on the 30th with car and driver back to the ship. As to contingencies pending the situation in Kenya, CCAfrica has offered to give a credit to other of their properties if we wanted to cancel now, but as I read it - if the ship doesn't dock in Mombasa, then we're out the money. That's probably the biggest reason to go with HAL's shore excursions, I guess. Hope the above helps.






Thanks for your reply Brian. I'm going to see how cost effective this is, if we would not stop in Kenya. Perhaps my agent from CCAfrica was trying to get me a direct flight to the Camp without Nairobi. I had also checked with 2 other companies and the story was the same and they really tried to help me. My husband is not going on the safari and perhaps I should just settle with the HAL excursions as much as I don't want to. I have booked it just in case--to hold a spot. My daughter, who is very adventurous said I should go with the ship's group on this one since I would be by myself.

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What are you using for money for all the ports? Don't want to get a lot before we go. Has anyone done research on whether every place takes American dollars? We are on the 2nd leg of the trip from Capetown and are going to CT 4 days early, so may get their currency there. Will we be able to cash traveler's checks on the ship--seems to me like the last time I was on the Prinsendam and Rotterdam, that we were able to do that.


Also, which is the best thing to do? I can always use a credit card, but don't like the 3% conversion fee. I do get back 1% on my card. Some have said that the exchange rate is better when using a card. Does the 3% conversion rate nullify that? I may just have to look at it as a convenience factor for not carrying a lot of cash.

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to gerena: i am in great britain, ireland and europe pretty regularly and last year in egypt and turkey...i use credit cards or ATM card almost exclusively...never had a problem...credit cards for large items...friends who been in africa recently said several stops will take US dollars, as did turkey so i take a bunch of ones for like markets and stuff. even with credit card fees, i find them small enough since i get the best exchange rate and the convenience!!!! haven't used travelers cheques in years and i don't carry large amounts of cash!!!! i was told that south african money is really pretty with animals and stuff so i want some of that to frame...the rand is about 7 to one dollar right now. i checked with a jeweler i trust and am not expecting more than a "ship's in" discount on diamonds in port lewis :( with gold at $925 an ounce, i fear no deals anywhere on that!

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The husband and I play trivia while onboard ships. We don't normally play other places. On our last Holland America cruise we got in trouble with the other players for excessive wins. If we win any sun hats or coffee cups, you may have them.


Gerena, probably too late for you to get one now, but we have a Visa card and an ATM card from our credit union that we use on trips abroad. Credit unions do not seem to charge the 3% fee for international use. They only charge the 1% fee that they have to pay Visa. And we use the credit union ATM card because there are no ATM fees, unlike bank cards which add fees. Another advantage is that we keep a limited amount of money in the credit union account, so if the account were to get accessed somehow, our losses would be limited. I will take another bank ATM card for back-up, intending to not have to use it.


What I am planning to do is get local money from an ATM when I get off the ship if it appears I will need local money. You will probably also be able to get local money from the ship's purser just before each port by trading dollars or travelers checks.


And for those of you worrying about how ill-informed we Travel With Alan folks have been, be advised that YESTERDAY we finally received our sailing packets, and our first notice of what flights we would be taking to get there and back.

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Jujuju2......I play trivia only aboard ship also. My wife (Teddy) does not play. Thanks for the offer but I have enough dam cups already.....How shall we hook up and find a few more players?..There may be a morning game on Wednesday our first sea day ???....We are Rob and Teddy McGregor in cabin S-014....By the way, debit cards are by far the best way to get local cash,(imo) credit cards are good for large purchases. We have found ATM machines all over the world, never a problem. I monitor my charge and bank accounts daily via the internet as that is also how I pay bills etc. while traveling or at home. very safe and convenient. Rob.:cool:

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We both received (Rob & Teddy) a letter from HAL over Stein Cruse's signature that detailed what and why they did in regard to Libya and it then went on to say they had people in Kenya monitoring the situation there. They still have Mombassa scheduled but have a contingecy plan if things do not work out. They do not reveal that plan. I'm sure all of us are receiving the same letter but thought I would pass on this much.....Also received a call scheduling time of day Monday for Fedex to pick up our luggage.....I am really ready and as anxious now as my wife.....Rob:cool:

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They do not reveal that plan. QUOTE]



Todays latest news regrading Kenya looks good: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/29/world/africa/29kenya.html?hp=&pagewanted=print


Let us hope it stays that way. I'm almost finished with a book titled, "The Fate of Africa" by Martin Meredith. Even though we have been in portions of Africa before, I thought that I would really get into the history of the many and complex African nations before embarking on this relatively comprehensive voyage. Let me tell you, real scary, historical stuff.


We have about two months remaining before we reach Kenya. Almost anything can happen before then, positive or negative. If you look at the history of the African territories they have by and large been real unstable, to say the least, reading their history one can become very pessimistic. On the other hand, perhaps an evolutionary cycle has kicked in where rationality and deference to their fellow humans has finally become a factor.


In their letter to all of us, HAL says, they have a contingency plan. That is good.

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Rob, you have a wife named Teddy, and I have a husband named Teddy. Isn't that cute? I am Judy. I don't know what schedule they have for trivia games on a trip this long. On our previous Holland America cruise , one week to Alaska, they seemed to schedule a game every day. I am sure we will meet at one of the games.


We don't have an assigned cabin yet. I am hoping like crazy that means Travel With Alan is holding out for an upgrade for us. We are booked into one of the very few inside cabins. Before I booked the cruise I looked at the specs on inside cabins, and they seemed to be the same size as the ocean view cabin we had on the Volendam, which was just fine. Just this week, I happened to click on the pictures of the inside cabins on the Prinsendam, and it scared the bejeebers out of me. VERY strange picture. It looks like two couches with thin foam pads pushed into the corner of the cabin. Surely that is not what an inside cabin looks like, but then why would they put that unflattering picture in there (except to upsell)? We are joking about who is going to be sleeping in a deck chair and/or sleeping standing up. Oh well ...


Oh, and if anybody reading here has seen an inside cabin on the Prinsendam and can reassure me it is not two couches shoved into corners, please have at it.

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Well, and now that I have been Googling inside cabin Prinsendam, everything is clear as mud. Some reviews have said the cabins are spacious. Some have said they are tiny. Of course, the guy who said they were tiny had 11 pieces of luggage. We will have two 25" and two 22" suitcases and two smallish backpacks. Unless we don't need the second 22" ...


Good news for you folks with suites is that all the suites seem to have walk-in closets. Good for you.

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Well, and now that I have been Googling inside cabin Prinsendam, everything is clear as mud. Some reviews have said the cabins are spacious. Some have said they are tiny. Of course, the guy who said they were tiny had 11 pieces of luggage. We will have two 25" and two 22" suitcases and two smallish backpacks. Unless we don't need the second 22" ...


Good news for you folks with suites is that all the suites seem to have walk-in closets. Good for you.

Judy, keep in mind that the Prinsendam was built by Royal Carribean lines to be the biggest and best "Cruise ship" afloat. It was not built with modular cabins as is the practice now. It took almost three years to build and was the first built with verandas...Even though it is now twenty years old, You will get the feel of not only a newer ship but one of a higher quality from "Stem to stern". I would guess that the inside cabins are about 185 sq. ft....Someone here will know and report. The cruise itself is way underbooked and I would imagine that the up-grade fairy will be very busy this week....As to the suites, they are smaller (489 vs. 562 sq ft) but are of a better design and we actually prefer them to the R and S class HAL ships. We have never been on a Vista and will not be on one as they are just too DAM much ship for we older folks....Hope to meet you aboard...We have early dining in the Starboard side diningroom at table 9 or 11(2 top), stop by if you are an early diner and say hello..Rob...PS, When she was in college at UCSBC in the early 1950's, my Teddy received a draft notice....
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Rob, thanks for your words of encouragement. I am sure everything will work out in the end.


Hahahahaha on your Teddy getting a draft notice. Our Teddy was of age in the Vietnam War era, so he enlisted in the Navy as a precaution against getting drafted. He already has his sea legs.


I think we are wait-listed for early dining. I am sure we will meet up onboard at one point.


All right, off to pack some more. We are schlepping, not shipping, luggage.

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We are assigned cabin D 363 for the Africa cruise - looks like the view may be obstructed by a tender.


Does anyone know if that is true?


We requested late dining, but are waitlisted for MainDining. What does that mean? We seldom eat dinner before 8:00 while travelling.


Hasta pronto.



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We are assigned cabin D 363 for the Africa cruise - looks like the view may be obstructed by a tender.


Does anyone know if that is true?


We requested late dining, but are waitlisted for MainDining. What does that mean? We seldom eat dinner before 8:00 while travelling.


Hasta pronto.



Hi Mike.....Don't know about your cabin but late or "Main" seating will not be a problem I bet. The dining room manager, Sander, is a really nice person and will help you if possible. If, when you get to your cabin and see what your dining assignment is, it is not as you requested I would go immediately and ask to be seated at the later seating....I have been using google earth a lot and Funchal really looks interesting...Rob

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We are assigned cabin D 363 for the Africa cruise - looks like the view may be obstructed by a tender.


Does anyone know if that is true?


We requested late dining, but are waitlisted for MainDining. What does that mean? We seldom eat dinner before 8:00 while travelling.


Hasta pronto.




Looking at your room D-363 it looks to me like you have a good room and an unobstructed view stateroom at that. I can’t see how a tender would possibly hinder your view, since they are hanging over the lower promenade deck above you and are suspended from the promenade deck above that deck. Only some of the C cabins on the lower promenade have tender problems it looks like. Of course, when in a tender port, and if they allow a tender above you to dangle part way down you might not see much for a while.


Fed Ex picked up our bags yesterday. A word of caution---in case you haven’t had yours taken yet, be certain to follow the directions and put the “senders copy” inside an outside pocket or inside your suitcase. The Fed Ex tag pouch can get ripped off. About 5 AM we got a call from a lady with Fed Ex. She wondered what the deal was with one of our bags, as the tag pouch was missing. I told her we followed the directions so look in the pockets for the copy of the US airbill. Sure enough, she found it and sent that bag onto Ft. Lauderdale to join the rest of our luggage.


Well, I guess the upgrade fairy came today. We are now in A-152. Except inflation has changed things from my day experience with the old tooth fairy, this upgrade was not exactly free.

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