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Cruise with a 20month old toddler or wait another year?


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We are thinking of cruising Princess next July. Our daughter will be 20 months old then. My husband feels it might be better to wait until she is nearly 3years old and out of diapers.


Any thoughts from those who have cruised with a 18 month to 2 year old? How did your child cope with the travelling and of course how did you as parents cope with a young child on a cruise? We have cruised often before but this will be the first time it is not just the two of us.

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Wait. Traveling with a toddler is really hard IMO. I think that once your child is old enough to go to the kids programs-the whole family will enjoy the cruise more. Gives parents some guilt free time to themselves.


In the meantime, I recommend taking a trip to visit family and friends. It is so much easier to stay at someone's house, with a kitchen and yard. Then you can stay up late with the child asleep upstairs and have drinks and adult conversation. In my experience, these were the best vacations with tots.

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I'll be cruising with a 2 and 4 year old in 12 days. Although you can wait, I would still go. This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me so I can't hold it off. As long as you go with the flow and enjoy yourselves as much as possible I say go for it! Don't let your daughter's age stop you from enjoying, enjoy with her! Just don't stress over the small stuff;)

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I'm not sure where you want to go next July (Alaska?) but if it is a sand and beach destination, I say go for it. I LOVED watching my son play at the beach and have a great time with all of the action. No need to put him in the Kids clubs...even now that he's three, I don't think we'll put him in there because he enjoys being with us and doing the 'adult' things, too.


Only you know your daughter's temperament best and if you think she's flexible enough to deal with the travel and action, then I would say go for it. Sure, it's extra work than what you are used to...but you've already adapted for having a child in your life anyway. If it's an option to you, you may want to ask other family members to go with you. My In-laws LOVE going with us and spending time with their grandchildren, too. And it's added babysitting services that you trust.

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I say GO!


You will never know how easy, or hard, it will be until you give it a try.


Your baby might surprise you and be extremely easy to travel with.


If not, then you now knowthat you should wait until the child is older, right?


I say GO!

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I always say go. :D But I did do more "young child" friendly cruises when my kids were that age. On Disney Magic my youngest was 8 months old. Then when they were 2 we did Carnival and NCL so they could use the kid's programs at THAT age. Then when the youngest turned 3 we switched to RCCL to try Adventure Ocean kid's club. And in August we are back to Carnival.


Are you set on doing a Princess cruise? Maybe switch to one that caters to young children in the kid's camps.

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I say, "Go!!!", too. But make sure you pick a family-friendly cruise line and just read these boards to know what you're in for! We did a cruise when my son was 6 or 8 months, and it was great. He's now going to be 30 months, and we can't wait to go.


Good luck!

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We took our son on the Star Princess when he was 19 months old. It was one of the best vacations we have ever had. He had a wonderful time. There was so much for him to explore and see on the boat, and he loved the beaches. We had a blast and we're doing it again in December!


This is just my opinion, but the cruise was much, much easier than going to visit family/friends. Everything was done for us- yes, the packing was a lot of work, but once you get to your room and get unpacked, you are done for a week and everyone waits on you! Even running around after an almost 2 year old, it was one of the most relaxing vacations we ever had!

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I cruised with my DD when she was 8 months on RCCL. We cruised again when she was 10 months on CCL. In Sept. she will be 20 months and we are going on CCL again. It wasn't bad at all the first 2 times and I am sure it will be fine this time too. She flexable when it comes to changes in her routine so I am not worried at all. Every child is different, you know your child best. Give it a shot and if it doesn't work, wait a few years and try again!;)

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Go now AND when she's 3. Cruising with a toddler is certainly different than cruising alone with your husband, but it's all better than not cruising at all! And the family time together while someone else is doing all the cooking and cleaning is priceless. I cruised Princess with my twin toddlers twice (once at 13 months and again at about 22 months) and we had the best weeks of our lives. Though there is no babysitting available, you can take your sleeping toddler with you to the shows/lounges in her stroller - and you won't be the only one. Or you can consider a cruise line where babysitting will be available.




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We went on the Diamond Princess with our daughter the day after she turned 2...last November. We had a great time. Now, we did bring along my MIL - and she babysat for us after dinner some nights. But all day long and during dinner we were all together. We took "shifts" so one of us could have a break at the pool alone, etc. But overall it was great. We didn't book excursions, but we did always get off the ship and wander around the ports of call with her.


Couple tips:

-Get a table for just your family. That way you can go as fast or as slow thru the courses as you want. And contrary to what a lot of people think... I would pick the traditional dining over the anytime. (Even the cruise "Experts" will tell you to do the anytime dining.) But with that - you MAY NOT get the time you want to eat - those reservations book up fast. And we all know that it's not fun to be waiting for a table with a hungry toddler. So we did the early sitting (which was her normal dinner time - 6pm.) The waiter got to know her and what she liked. He'd have all the little things she liked to munch on waiting for her at the table, etc. etc.


-Book a room with a balcony. That way when toddler is sleeping (whether it's during the day or evening) you can talk, read, etc. where the baby can't hear you.


We went back and forth whether we should go with her and we are so glad we did. We are going on another cruise in October, but on the QM2 this time... and their kids club actually starts at 1 year old. And it supposedly has a top-notch kids program - even if it isn't widely advertised. Good luck!!!


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I was skeptical too about taking my 26 month old, but I'm glad we did!


We just got off the TRIUMPH (5/26) with my DH and DS2. We told ourselves to not have high expectations on this cruise... to basically take it easy and go with his flow. We had a balcony cabin which really helped -- he would take his 2 hr afternoon naps and I would enjoy the view. We had the early seating (5:45pm) which was absolutely perfect. Like Lily'sMum said, we ate with our friends (who also had a 6YO and a 3YO), so we ate at our own rate (of course, we were usually the last ones to go). He didn't like Camp Carnival so we had him throughout our cruise.


Considering we had him, we had a wonderful time. He really enjoyed the beaches at the ports. I loved that he was exploring around the decks with us. Everybody loved seeing him in his formal attire on formal nights. Plus it was nice to get a professional family portrait taken!



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THANK-YOU so much for all your replies. It really helps to know that you have actually taken a toddler on a cruise and still had a wonderful time. I do agree that taking a granny (or two!) with to help out will be even better! :)

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We cruised (crossed) wit our son at 13months! It was fantastic! So much so we have two more booked, next one he will be 23 1/2months and then 27months.


We went back and forth whether we should go with her and we are so glad we did. We are going on another cruise in October, but on the QM2 this time... and their kids club actually starts at 1 year old. And it supposedly has a top-notch kids program - even if it isn't widely advertised. Good luck!!!



We crossed on the QM2 and the kids program was fantastic! This link will take you to my review! I know you will love your trip Karin.

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We haven't taken him on one yet, but DS will be 18 months when we cruise in October. I just left him last weekend for the first time, and I could barely handle being without him for 2 days, so I know that a week is out of the question! :)


We are actually really excited to take him on the cruise. I know he will have such a great time, and so will we. Sure, we'll have to watch him the whole time (except for the very limited babysitting that Carnival provides for the under-2 crowd), but so what? We watch him at home! At least we'll be having fun and doing vacation things instead of worrying about cooking, cleaning, running errands, working, etc.

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We will be bringing my then 17 month old grandaughter on our Sept cruise. Her mother (my single daughter) decided that cruising with the baby was better than staying at home with the baby!!! We are taking a 16 yo friend with us. We are giving her an all expense paid trip and all she has to do is help my daughter with the baby some and take her back to the cabin after our second seating dinner and put her to bed. My grandaughter is very flexible and will sleep anywhere. She slept on the beach under a sunshade and in a pool chair covered by a towel and her sun hat on a Memorial Day trip to the beach. She is also accustomed to dining out and will sit for a couple of hours in her highchair in a restaurant. Here's hoping the dining room will go well.

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We will be bringing my then 17 month old grandaughter on our Sept cruise. Her mother (my single daughter) decided that cruising with the baby was better than staying at home with the baby!!! We are taking a 16 yo friend with us. We are giving her an all expense paid trip and all she has to do is help my daughter with the baby some and take her back to the cabin after our second seating dinner and put her to bed. My grandaughter is very flexible and will sleep anywhere. She slept on the beach under a sunshade and in a pool chair covered by a towel and her sun hat on a Memorial Day trip to the beach. She is also accustomed to dining out and will sit for a couple of hours in her highchair in a restaurant. Here's hoping the dining room will go well.

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I was on a Princess Cruise last December and had decided to leave my then 14 month old at home. I missed my son horribly and getting managing e-mail was pure torture on princess. Something I knew before I left but I didn't imagine it was that bad. We had 120 minutes and only managed 1 e-mail a day on a 7 day cruise. Anyway there were toddlers all over the ship. The parents seem to be having a good time and so did the toddlers. We are going on a cruise this coming December and our then 26 month old will be coming with us.

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I'm not even going to consider a cruise (and we've done many pre-baby) until our boy is potty-trained and able to go to the kid's program. He is only 2 1/2 right now. I just can't see it being much of a cruise vacation if I have to be chasing him all the time. Ok, I'm ready for the flames to fly...I love my son but sometimes I really miss hubby and me time.


The last two years, and this winter too, we are taking a three-week Hawaii land vacation. I'd rather have the open condo and land for him to run in than have to constantly try and corral him into a state room.


That being said, we are currently booked for January 2009, 14-night to Australia on Celebrity. My little guy will be four years-old and ready to party in the play room!





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If you are going to do a family vacation anyway, I think cruising is the easiest form of family vacation--you don't have to worry about where and what to eat. The food is always there.


Although you won't be able to use the swimming pool on the ship and you will probably have to take turns eating in the dining room (if the child acts up) or doing activities on the ship, it's still easier than land vacation. And if the price is right, I say, go for the cruise.


If you are on the east coast, do the Caribbean itinerary and if you are on the west coast, do the Mexican Riviera itinerary. This will avoid time zone changes. You will be able to find swimming pools and beaches for your child to enjoy going on these itineraries. I won't do fancy itineraries (Panama or South America) because the child is too young to appreciate these locals. But since you are from South Africa, you may want to consider cruises near your area that provide easier pre- and post cruise travels.


Technically, you can send your child to Kids' club at 3, but unless your child had daycare or preschool experience, your 3YO will not go to kids' club willingly without a big struggle. My kids never adjust to kids club until they've attended preschools, so we are looking at 4YO+. I don't think you want to wait that long to cruise if you like cruising.


Another option is to pay premium for Disney cruises and I believe they offer babysitting services for kids under 2.


If you do choose to go on a cruise with your 20M old, I would suggest that you bring a portable DVD player with a stack of new (but your child's favorite) DVDs. Play it during dining hours and you will be able to have a good meal with your spouse. This of course hinges on whether your child has had a good nap. In the past, my kids simply fell asleep in the stroller while we enjoyed our dinner meals in the dining room.


I like the "meal plans" on cruiseships. Your 20M old would be at an age where they are learning to eat adult foods. There will be dishes that they devour and there will be dishes that they won't touch. What better place to find out what he/she likes but a buffet line on a cruise ship?! The waiters are very good at bringing out food that a 20M old may like. It's like having your own short-order cook when you are on a cruise.


Anyways, search back on previous threads and you'll see tons of posts on what to bring on the cruise if you have a toddler.

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Thanks again so much to everyone for your views and advice! We booked the cruise yesterday and will be sailing the Grand Princess roundtrip fm Southampton on a Norwegian Fjords cruise. Coming from South Africa, the flights to London are alot easier for us. Also we have access to the most beautiful beaches so we do alot of beach holidays here in South Africa and wanted something different to a Caribbean cruise. (We cruised Alaska for our Honeymoon, the next year was E Caribbean, the next year was Trans Atlantic to New York, then the next year was Scandinavia/Russia and lastly Antarctica). This will be our first Princess experience.


Merela - thx for your suggestions on the DvDs - our little girl LOVES "Baby Einstein" so I'm sure it would help to bring some of those along.


Oh and we are taking a granny with us, so hope to have some family time and some "us" time!

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We cruised with our 19 month old in May, This was her 3rd cruise. She loves it. We had a great time. She loved exploring the deck and ship. We would go to empty lounges and run around. She especially loved climbing up and down the stairs.


Carnival and NCL have "under 2" times when you can bring them and play in the playroom with them. RCCL has playgroups everyday for them too. While it may not be as relaxing as previous vacations it's still tons of fun.


DH and I took turns with her so each of us had some break. We enjoyed the balcony during her nap times. We brought tons of toys, some old, some new and Einstein dvd's for dinner. We did early seating and ate in the dining room each night. Only one night did we have to leave early because she was acting up. She even liked the shows all the lights and music!


We brought a small portable booster seat that we just hung from her stroller so we wouldnt have to worry about chasing down a highchair. We also brought a blow-up pool for the shower to make a "bathtub". They provided a crib but we brought sheets for it.


Go, you will have a great time if you keep everything flexible and keep to your child's routines.



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