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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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Hello everyone,

I have been lurking for a few weeks now. I just bought the Alli starter pack tonight and plan on trying it. I am scared like many others but I am going to make sure to read everything bf I start. I am not very good w temptation and often have lots of goodies out on the table in the break room at work, cupcakes, cookies, sing serving cheesecakes in a variety of flavors etc..... You can almost always catch me popping one of those into my mouth upon entrance into the break room or on the exit or both:eek:

SO here we go, I need to lose about 35 lbs to be at a healthy weight for me.

I have enjoyed reading all your posts.

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So far so good on Alli. It's been only 4 days and my weigh in is on Wed., so we will see. I am on WW so my fat intake wasn't bad anyway. BUT my problem was the nibbling here and there, which was probably counter-productive. I know now with Alli, I can't grab that handful of potato chips! No TE, so I expect that I will be ok.


I was wondering about the holidays coming up though. I am not going to deprive myself of not eating and celebrating with my family for 1 day this month. When should I stop taking Alli so I won't hae any effects, and then start up again???

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Some people stop taking Alli 4-5 days before vacation, or holidays. I just stopped the day before, and everything was alright.



Ok, well this Thursday we are having our church's womens Thanksgiving. What will really be bad about this one is I will have to watch what I eat for the very first time! I always have before, but with Alli, I can't possibly factor in all the fat grams! But my motto is "you have to want to change more than you want to stay the same" so if that means no pumpkin pie, then so be it!

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Hi Carnival Pirate! I also have IBS. Is your IBS-D like mine is? I was VERY nervous to try the alli because of it but, I have been perfectly fine! Just keep your fat grams low. I kept mine under 15 grams each meal. I had no TE's (treatment effects).


Another thing I use for my IBS-D is calcium. It has worked wonders! I take two-three a day and it really 'firms' things up! I read about it on an IBS forum. I also stopped eating bananas. I think they were ruining me! I'm sooo much better now.


Give the alli a try. I've lost about 20 lbs on it over the last few months. It helped me keep on track. Once you take that pill with your meal, you don't DARE overeat!! Good luck and let us know how you do.




Yes, I have the same type of IBS. I have been losing about a pound a week, but I'm wondering if this would help speed it up a little bit. Also, I tend to have a high fat diet and I think this would help get me into a lower fat lifestyle which would be much better for my health. I've also heard that you have more energy when you cut down on the fat.

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This is probably going to be a long post so sorry in advance.


I'm a 42yr old male with a large frame. I've lost 65 to 100lbs twice in my life. The last time I kept about 30% to 50% (4yrs) where I'm currently at. I don't know exacts because I don't believe in the scale anymore after being obsessed by it on former diets. Because of my large frame, broad shoulders and big legs (not at all fat in those areas) I look anorexic 15 to 20lbs above what most charts say is my ideal weight to the point where compliments from friends which are rewarding turn to concern from friends speculating that I have fatal illness!:(


I love how y'all just let it all hang out here so I'll do the same. I started plumping out about 4yrs ago and it's just continued exacerbated by high blood pressure medication. I am a Pescatarian (20yrs) and don't eat beef, pork or poultry (fish & dairy yes). I go to the bar everyday after work and DJ there for fun on weekends which means I drank ALOT, mostly Madris drinks (Vodka, Cranberry and OJ).


For me to muster will power a switch needs to go off in my head. 8 days ago it did and when that happens I'm TOTALLY dedicated to loosing weight and won't quit until I'm at my goal. Sunday 11/04/07 I started Alli. Since I already had several days of healthy food and food reduction under my belt I had no adverse reaction Sunday or Monday (I'll get to Tuesday in a bit).


The first thing I did was cut out alcohol all together...I still go to the bar everyday (all my friends go there and it's a great way to wait out rush hour) and drink a can of diet Rockstar (1/2 Rockstar with club soda on the rocks)...one can stretches to 5 or 6 drinks! First lesson learned...I'm not an alcoholic...just a socialholic.


I'm a good cook and I'm finally using my new kitchen after having put it in a year ago. I'm eating Fish, Shellfish, Oatmeal, veggies, cottage cheese and the best thing this time of year Squash. I've been making extra of the side dishes and storing them in the fridge for later meals. My favorite fast meal so far is taking a squash (spaghetti squash, acorn etc...) cutting it in half long wise, (wrapping 1\2 for tomorrow's meal) cleaning out the seed cavity and adding enough water to fill the cavity 1/2 way. Microwave on high (no container) for small 8 minutes, large 15-17 minutes. Set aside and cover the squash with any lid that will fit. Then I sear my seafood (cooking spray) and YUM.


Sunday I took 2/3 cup OJ and 1/3 cup Tamari (lighter soy sauce) a bit of honey and reduced on the stove until almost syrupy. Added a few chopped walnuts to the sauce after removing it from the heat. Served large seared sea scallops on the spaghetti squash drizzled with the sauce and my better half said it was one of the best meals I've ever cooked! I've spent entire days cooking one meal and this 25 minute meal was one of the best (?)


Soooo.....yesterday I got home and looked in my fridge. I had some bean salad and some sauteed zuchinni with tomatoes and onions. I had fresh salmon so I ate the bean salad (a little over 1/2 cup) and the fish on top of the zuchinni.


(this part is gross) Today woke up with no gas, no upset stomach and felt great. Went to the bar for a bit and started feeling a movement coming on. I left to head home but got stuck in traffic so by the time I opened my door I barely made it to the bathroom and it was basically too late by the time I got there...suffice it to say at this moment that the walls in my bathroom are cleaner than ever and I'll be replacing my shower curtain! While this incident (or TE or TA) might discourage some it gave me more resolve. First Alli works. Second I made the bean salad and zuchinni healthy but added a bit of olive oil. This combined with the salmon (which after checking on line has the fat for one meal by itself) caused the incident. I deserved it! Thanks for all your previous posts...I'll keep you posted on my progress (but it won't be in pounds...I might weigh every couple of months)

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rpdr - thanks for sharing your story with us, sounds like you may stay on track now for sure huh? :D


Ok, well today was my first weigh in since I started taking ALLI and I did lose more weight this past week than I have on weight watchers alone. Not a HUGE amount, but 3.2 pound weight loss for me in one week is pretty good. I'll take. it!

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Hi RP. Nice to have a guy join us...if you can put up with all our menstrual/hormone stuff.


Are you sure it was the Salmon? If you said you had a big greasy meal I'd believe it but Salmon?


Did you have salad that day? Sometimes they treat salad greens with a preservative that makes that happen?


Good luck with the diet. The one I'm on only lets me eat the most gruesome(plain) food. As a gourmet cook its been daunting but I'm trying to hang in there.


How is everyone else doing?



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Chinook salmon has 21 grams of fat for 1/2 a fillet! Add to that the zuchinni and bean salad...The only other thing I had yesterday was cottage cheese.


Don't mind the female stuff, as a result I felt free to mention my TE/TA whatever it is.


I'm actually struggling to get to 1000 calories a day w/o getting full and today I found myself adding fat to every meal to get near 15 grams.

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Chinook salmon has 21 grams of fat for 1/2 a fillet! Add to that the zuchinni and bean salad...The only other thing I had yesterday was cottage cheese.


Don't mind the female stuff, as a result I felt free to mention my TE/TA whatever it is.


I'm actually struggling to get to 1000 calories a day w/o getting full and today I found myself adding fat to every meal to get near 15 grams.


Okay 21 grams is a lot of fat. I myself don't eat fish---too many Catholic Fridays growing up-----.


You should eat more than 1000 calories or you won't lose anything at all.


Since I've been on my gruesome diet and can only have very limited amounts of fat my taste buds have changed. A serving of fat is two whole walnuts. Come on who eats two walnuts. That's like the prelude to the walnuts. Anyway since I've been breaking up my two walnuts into tiny pieces to put on my yogurt and 1/2 banana I've noticed how rich and buttery those walnuts are. Its like I can taste the fat in them. Very weird.


Have a great day!

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I started on Alli on Tuesday. I have had some gas but no TE's as yet. Did anyone notice a change in their bowel habits? I have not had a BM in since I started Alli. This is not the norm for me.

Also I was put on RX meds today for "Shingles":eek: Will Alli interfer with this treatment?

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Hi! Well, we had an awesome time! 9 nights was just right! The ship (NCL Pearl) was a beautiful ship. Our first full day was at sea so, we had fun checking out the ship. Beautiful weather!! Our first stop was in Samana, Dom. Republic. Didn't want to go to Cayo Leventado, so we went to a little beach that was absolutely gorgeous! Our next stop was in Antigua. We found a great beach there too. Unfortunately, there was a terrible rip tide and we almost lost my sister! I was real scared but, managed to make it out. Used my old life guarding skills and ended up pulling three older woman out of the crashing waves. A real scary day in the water but, a beautiful beach. Then, we went to Barbados and did a private catamaran cruise and swam with the sea turtles. Awesome day! We'd highly recommend Silver Moon Catamaran. Also went to St.Lucia and Tortola. The last time we were in Tortola we went over to Virgin Gorda to the baths. This time we went to a beach on the other side of the island. It was 'ok'.


All in all, we loved all the islands. (we'd been to them all before) but, I wouldn't recommend the Dom.Republic. It is a very poor island and can be dangerous. There is not much to do there. Everyone was talking about it after and seemed to agree that we don't know why the ship stops there. I guess we're trying to bring some economy to a very poor island.


Food was good although, we found the dining room menus have definitely gone down hill and they didn't have a large variety which kind of forced us to go to the other restaurants which had a cover charge. (most of them) There were a few that were free. All the food was AWESOME in the restaurants. The other drawback was that you had to get on the phone at 7:00 am the morning before to book a reservation for the following evening otherwise, you wouldn't get in. Just made for a lot of planning ahead. Many people were also complaining about that. I think we will go back to Royal Car. next cruise.


Weather was great. Sunny and hot everyday. Came back with a nice tan and also came back to 30 degree weather! YUCK!


Already searching for another cruise!!!!


Hope all is well with everyone. I thought of all of you when I was eating my yummy desserts!!! lol I only gained 2.5 lbs so, I'm fairly happy. I really thought it was going to be about 5 lbs! Today is my birthday so, I gave myself another day to get back on track. ;) Tomorrow is a new day!

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Hey everyone!


I decided maybe I needed to pay a little more attention to fat grams and calories to see what I was actually consuming.


I had to go out-of-town on Thursday am, so haven't had a pill since (I only had 2 left and I can't find them ANYWHERE that aren't in the starter packs. Doesn't any place sell just the pills? I don't need another set of their little books!).


Anyway, on Tues & Wed of last week, I consumed only 25-26 fat grams and 1050-1125 calories per day. Is that too little?


I was down 7 pounds total since starting. Weighed myself yesterday a.m. to see if I'd gained it all back over the long weekend sans pills and eating out, and was up 1.5 pounds, which I didn't think was too bad. I did NOT cave in and order a big, juicy cheeseburger and fries like I really wanted!


I sail in 5 weeks, though, so I'd really like to drop another 5!


No TE other than occasional gas.

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Pam, happy birthday!!!! Thanks for posting the review. I'm glad you had a good time. And its awesome that you only put on so little weight. You weren't a big pig like I was on mine. LOL


Missed you around here.


As for finding Alli---did you check Sam's club or walmart. Its my understanding they have them. I'd be buying them online if I were taking them.


Had lunch at P.F. Changs today. It was sooo good but I've used up all my salt, fat, and starch exchanges for the day. I guess I'll try to be good.


Six weeks till Christmas. One of our radio stations started playing Christmas music today at noon. A bit early for me. Made DH turn it off. My confession is thast after I left my office I listened to it the whole way home. Its Florida ---tough to get in the spirit anyway.....

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I'll check at Wal-Mart.


Yeah, there are 2 stations here that went all Christmas music last week.


Sorry, but this has been one of my pet peeves for years. I'm SO burned out by the time it comes around that it just doesn't mean anything to me. There's just DD & me these days, so we'd rather cruise the week before and just hang out a couple of days for the holidays when we get back.

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Dear NC Tribe---My husband is from Fayetteville and we met in School at Campbell---s.e. of Raleigh. We're usually there for Thanksgiving but this year we're skipping it cause we saw his family for a week at Topsail where we rented a house last summer. I used to really like this time of year in NC. I liked spring too. In the Northeast----PA where I grew up springs were wet and cold.


Anyway---enjoy the holidays the triangle is so nice.

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Another newbie here. Just found this wonderful site. Up here in Ontario, Xenical is an R/X . It is the same as your Alli. I am lucky since it is an R/X our insurance pays for our scripts. It was first prescribed to my DH because he is diebetic & it helps control his fat absorption & therefore controls his blood sugar. He is on insulin & it is just one of the tools that helps his control. Since he was taking it & doing so well, I asked our Dr. & I jumped on the band wagon. I started at 210 & am now down to 199. I was so happy to crack the 200's. We are cruising in Feb. & I am aiming for at least another 25 lbs. I have lost weight before without Xenical but this seems to be different. I can get into a size 14 pant now whereas before I was 190 & still wore a 16. It seem that I am losing inches rather than a lot of lbs. So happy to find you happy losers & please cheer me on.

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Marina: I love the weather here. I grew up in Cleveland, OH and the winters were brutal. I lived for about 15 years in the mountains on NC, and when DD went off to school at ECU, I said "no more snow for me!"


Of course, the weeks on end of 95 degree heat and humidity is pretty brutal, too. And it does get quite cold in the winter, just doesn't snow (but when it does, look out). The ice storms are not nice, either.


Wanasail: That's excellent! I also feel like I'm losing some girth, which is really what I'm hoping for. I don't actually need to lose much weight, but the fact that it is ALL located in the midsection means inches rather than pounds would make me very happy!

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