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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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I have not lost anything yet! I also have not taken 3 pills everyday. Maybe I am not getting my calories in like I should or something.




If I get a late start on my brkfst and eat around 9ish take my alli, then lets say I am hungry for lunch by 12 can I still take another alli? Today it seemed like I had just taken one and was reaching for the 2nd pill.



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HELP!!! I'm so discusted with myself. I lost 2 lbs. this past week, which was good. Then I worked the late shift today (9pm), didn't take time to eat a propper supper & stopped (went out of my way to boot) at McDonalds & ate greasy junk. Not only that I brought some home to my DH & he doesn't need it either. WHY, WHY, WHY???? Now I know I will have to suffer the consequences with the horrible side effects. You'd think I'd know better.


sandyjabs - as long as you only take 3 pills / day you or O.K.

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Wanasail, thanks for your response.


I did the same thing yesterday :eek: Only it was not due to being busy at work, it was due to lack of self control!

My daughter was spending the night at a friends house so on the way she wanted a Chicken Bacon Ranch salad from McDs- We pulled up to the drive thru and on the menu board my eyes were fixed on EGG NOG SHAKE :eek:

I can not resist egg nog so I found myseld ordering a MED one. I guess I could have done worse and ordered a LG but needless to say- that darn shake was gone in record time (no brain freeze either) and then the WHY did I do that set in. The holidays are going to be tough................:(

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I found these waffles and I think that they are within guidelines to eat.

They are the new Red Berry Special K waffles. The nutrition info is for 2 waffles-

160 cal

2.5 gms fat

31 carbs

4 gm protein

I use the spray butter 0 cal 0 fat, and the sugar free Log Cabin syrup (splenda) 35 cal 0 fat

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Sandyjabs, I feel your milkshake pain. The waffles look good. I'll have to see is we have them up here. The U.S. tends to get all the new stuff before we do. I'm going to Grove City, Penn. in a couple of week for a shopping spree at the outlet malls for a girls weekend & we always come home with diet goodies that we can't get in Can. I do not have to contend with Turkey Day since we have already had ours in Oct. but tonight is our staff Christmas party. It is a posh 5 course meal at a country club, food is excellant & hard to resist as they just keep it coming. But once I get this over with I should have clear sailing until Christmas. Oh, I forgot the weekend away!!! Control, control, control. I'll get it right sometime (I hope).

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Oh Happy Day!!! Feeling really good that I got through my Christmas party & didn't fall of the wagon (much). I passed up the large Italian rolls, no butter on anything,had only the broth from soup, ate all the salad, small taste of pasta (very small), had skinless chicken breast in a light sauce, mixed veggies & only one small new potato. For dessert vanilla icecream with fresh strawberries & blueberries & a drizzle of chocolate. In a very small stemmed glass. 2 gin & tonics & black coffee. And one blue pill with no se's. Not bad for me. I gotta say I'm rather proud of myself, I thought I'd blow it bad.

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Oh Happy Day!!! Feeling really good that I got through my Christmas party & didn't fall of the wagon (much). I passed up the large Italian rolls, no butter on anything,had only the broth from soup, ate all the salad, small taste of pasta (very small), had skinless chicken breast in a light sauce, mixed veggies & only one small new potato. For dessert vanilla icecream with fresh strawberries & blueberries & a drizzle of chocolate. In a very small stemmed glass. 2 gin & tonics & black coffee. And one blue pill with no se's. Not bad for me. I gotta say I'm rather proud of myself, I thought I'd blow it bad.


You did do very well. My Christmas Party is Dec. 8th and I already know that I will not have much of a choice for dinner. It is at Kobe' Steak House but it is not your typical steak house it is Japanese and you sit around a huge grill and the chef cooks your food right in front of you. Chicken, steak, shrimp, veggies, rice and noodles.

I think that you made some great choices and did not fall off the wagon much at all, not even enough to skin a knee ;)

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Sandyjabs - You'll do O.K. & if you don't, it's only one night, a special night to boot & you got to live a little. I find if you get too strick on your diet, you might as well give up. I personally start to feel sorry for myself & splurge, just because I can. No sense, no logic, just plain spite. I feel deprived so I'm doing it. i.e. tonight I've been freeling under the weather (a cold) & I didn't eat all day so I attacked the box of chocolates I won at my party. Now I feel guilty. Tomorrow I have to attend a conference in Toronto & I know I'll be good & try to make up for the mess today. I guess all I can do is keep trying, bit it's really hard. I envy all of those that can just take control & run with it. I have to fight all the way. Even with the pills it gets frustrating & I say to hell with the consequences. Give myself a kick!!! :(

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I'm stilll here. I'm just really busy. I'm cooking this year. We usually travel for Thanksgiving but we're staying home this year after the horrific summer vacation with DH's family. So instead of inlaws I have my parents. They're usually okay but they are bringing friends whom they seem to have confused with some type of royalty. My mother is calling several times a day for the "update". I'm trying to be patient but that's really not one of my virtues. And with the whole dieting thing she keeps asking what I'm going to eat.....


I'm looking forward to late Thursday night.....when its all over....sort of sad.



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Hi Marina! I've been going nuts since I got back from my cruise a week ago. I am wicked busy at the salon. Tons of last minute calls. Not for just haircuts but for colors and highlights that take almost 2 hours each. Then, people forget their appt and want to know when I can squeeze them in before the holiday. UGH!!! Then, my mom missed a basement step and landed on her butt and broke her knee cap! ? Figure that one out! She is 75 and has the beginning of osteo. so, maybe her brittle bones had something to do with it. The dr's say it's real hard to break a knee cap so, we can't figure it out. Anyway, I am doing all the driving in between hair appts. She has to have surgery to pin it together tomorrow and will come home on Thanksgiving day!! Guess we'll be postponing turkey day for a bit!


As for my diet, forget it. I can't get back on track and can't lay off the fats long enough to start taking the alli again. ARGHHHHH! I just knew that this was going to happen after the cruise! Hopefully I'll get back on the program before my jeans start getting tight! lol

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Pam, that's awful about your mother having to have surgery. Hope she's doing well.Let me know. I'll be thinking about you today.


I am losing it again today. My parents brought over the food for tomorrow that is their contribution. After all they couldn't just bring it tomorrow because the "royalty" would have to be in the car with the food smells and that would be unacceptable. To top matters off my father(the most difficult person in the world aka--Mr. High Maintenance) had words with "Mr. Royalty last night and a fight with my husband this morning. Go figure---aren't the holidays wonderful.


I need to go to my happy place. Unfortunately that involves mass quantities of Vodka. Hope you are all having a better day than me!


And I was going to post that I bought my first pair of size 14 pants that fit---its been since the 90's. This is a big one for me---yippee.


Have a good holiday.


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Hey Marina! I hope your Thanksgiving with 'the members of royalty' go well. LOL -you crack me up.


I'm about ready for a good stiff shot of Absolute myself!!!! Friday night I've got a 'girls night out' so, I'll have one.......or...many!


Mom's surgery went well. She might come home tomorrow. Going to wait and see if they can get her up and moving a bit first. Hopefully we won't be having dinner at the hospital cafetaria. Hmmm.... wonder how many different dishes they can make out of turkey?? UGH... could be interesting. ;)


I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be thankful for.



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What happens if you don't stick to the low fat, diarrhea? Id like to start it but not sure what all of the side effects could be, also sounds like you must be vigilent in watching your fat content in foods.




After reading what the Mayo Clinic wrote about this plan- you will have more than the normal bathroom trip if you over exceed by eating too much fat-gram filled products. When they state: " Gas, Oily bowel movements" I am thinking if I need to purchase depends and then some....


This must be a good thing to try. My cruise is in Mid March. I would like to lose 25 pounds....20 would put me at my goal weight.My problem is that I have a solid build. So when I work out- I gain more muscle and end up looking kind of....strange.....I dunnno.......Blessings to you in whatever you decide.


To All of you!



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Marina CONGRATS on the new pants girl! It is starting to get cold here and the big pants that I wore last year at this time are Oh so tight! I am disgusted. I decided I will just have to deal w it, bc I am not buying the next size up.

I have been working alot these past few days and have not been on the computer. My cruise is in less than 200 days now and I think I should panic now. I have had some TE's but nothing really drastic, mainly the orange oily crud but I will spare you all that. Of coarse I deserved it having the egg nog milkshake and so on.......... If I could just be consistent I know it will work. So back on the wagon we go.....Hope everyone has a great week.

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So everyone back on the wagon today!!!! Right?


Sandy, I feel your pain about the egg nog milkshake and all....I'm supposed to be keeping a food journal but I told them there's no place to put the bloomin onion:).


Thanksgiving was a NIGHTMARE. My husband and father got into it. It was awful. I don't remember eating I was so upset. All that work.....


Talk to you all later---I'm going to need some moral support.



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Me too!


Besides not being able to find the refills when I ran out (I finally got a bottle at WalMart (the last bottle at the back of the shelf; good thing I'm tall!)), and Thanksgiving, I was off Alli for at least a week!


I weighed this morning and I've gained back a couple of pounds.


So, my "net" loss, from day 1, is only 4 pounds. :(


We sail 3 weeks from today, so I'm going to really be good for the next 2-1/2! Unfortunately, I've had a little GI distress today. Probably had so much fat in my system that my morning pill didn't like me very much!


The good news is, I found some cruise clothes yesterday. I'd been stuck between as 12 and a 14 for months, with neither fitting well.


Well, even without proper foundation garments (you know, the long-leg squeezing panties :p ), I was able to buy the lovely cobalt-blue cocktail dress in a 12!



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Hope everyone has a good weekend. We're off to Disney---they're filming the Christmas parade tomorrow and we've been selected to be in the audience. Now, If I could only win that night in Cinderella's castle:).


Yes, Hannah Montana, the Jonas brothers and the cast of high school musical are supposed to be there. If you don't have kids in the 7-14 age bracket forget it. You've never heard of them. But for those of you who do, you know what a very big deal this is. Will report back on Monday whether we were able to get in front of a camera. Then you'll know what I look like. :)


Talk to you soon,



P.S. Pam, how's everything?

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Hey Marina! Hope you have a great time in Disney. Let us know all about it! We're supposed to have our first snow storm on Sunday evening. The kids are already excited to have a 'snow day' on Monday!!!


Everything's good with me. Helping mom out a lot with her knee problem. Slow but sure!


Not back on the alli. I want to but, need to behave for a few days before I start up again. So hard to get back on track. Not losing but, not gaining either.


Hope to talk to you soon.


Cheryl, you around??



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Ok I am almost at the end of my bottle and this past week was just awful. I am not even eating my full fat grams per meal and I am having uncontrolled TE's. It really grosses me out and I have not seen any benefits yet.


I am going to try something else. I signed up for the B-12 shots and nutritionist. I go 3x wk. I did this before back in July to August for one month and I lost wt. My records show that I have gained 14 pounds since August!!:eek: :eek: :(

I have no clue how I could have gained that much, but their scale says the exact same as the one I have at home. I hope that anyone reading this does not get scared to try Alli. I just think that my body could not handle it after using it for a period of time bc at first I was doing fine.

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Ok I am almost at the end of my bottle and this past week was just awful. I am not even eating my full fat grams per meal and I am having uncontrolled TE's. It really grosses me out and I have not seen any benefits yet.


I am going to try something else. I signed up for the B-12 shots and nutritionist. I go 3x wk. I did this before back in July to August for one month and I lost wt. My records show that I have gained 14 pounds since August!!:eek: :eek: :(

I have no clue how I could have gained that much, but their scale says the exact same as the one I have at home. I hope that anyone reading this does not get scared to try Alli. I just think that my body could not handle it after using it for a period of time bc at first I was doing fine.



I haven't posted for awhile because I am in the same boat(haha) as you, except not with the TE's. I am still on Xenical but I can eat a fat laden supper & a pound of chocolates & have no TE's at all. I don't know why I have no reaction at all now. Does your body get used to this stuff? I will say that I think it has reshaped my body as I went shopping this weekend & was able to buy my regular brand of jeans in a sizer smaller. But the scales are still the same. I'm getting a little fed up. I've just started the 3 day diet that someone started a thread about a while back, just to give myself a kick start. I'm on day 2 & I feel great, but I'm also taking my Xenical just in case. I have had friends that did the B12 shots & lost a minimal amount of weight. They decided it was too expensive for the amount of benefit they got. It is a very expensive program in Ont. I don't know the cost to you. Good luck with it & let us know how it goes.


Wasn't you Christmas party this past Sat. Hope you had a good time.:)

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Yes the B12 shots are kind of pricey-but I really needed something to jumpstart me too. I lost 6 lbs this week, mostly water since they also have me taking a water pill 2x/wk, but I am going the right direction on the scale. I do not know if your body can get used to the Xenical?? I noticed that I got the TE's when I took all 3 pills daily. I did take a few this past week also when I felt that what I was eating was a bit too high in fat, no TE's just some mild gas. I know that they don't recommend that you take it that way but I figured since I already bought the pills I should use them up.


My Christmas party was very nice. I almost decided not to go bc I could not find anything to wear that I felt comfortable wearing. Kept asking DH (Does this make me look fat?) LOL then I would change into something else and start the process all over again. That also helped me get my mind into losing this weight since everything I was trying on was very tight. I ended up bringing most of my dinner home in a box.

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Right, well I've been really, really good since I started back on Alli after Thanksgiving. I mean, really good.


And I lost only 2 more pounds. :(


Certainly didn't lose like I thought I was going to when I started on them. I got off to such a great start, I thought 10 pounds would go quickly and that I might even end up losing 15. Instead, I've lost about 7-1/2.


Of course, I did very little in the way of exercise. That's totally my fault and I shouldn't really expect a big weight loss from simply taking a pill and changing my diet a little.


Some of the clothes I wore last December don't fit, so I'm short on cruise clothes and I'm sure as heck am not going to try to find any more, now.


Anyway, I'm going to take my last pill in the morning with breakfast and then stop. That'll give me over 24 hours before we fly.


I'm going to go on my cruise, take the stairs all the time, like I always do, and hope I won't gain 10 pounds.

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