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First timer with a Legend Review--only one complaint!!

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We were on the Legend for the 6/17-6/24 cruise. Having never even really seen a cruise ship up close before I only had expectations of having a great time. They were achieved. I didn't have any one cruise line picked out or any destination other than it needed to be out of Tampa (my mom lives nearby) and we needed to be on A ship on June 20th for my 20th anniversary. That narrowed it to Carnival Legend (and we would be in Cozumel on our anniversary). We travelled with our 3 children (6, 8 & 10), my mother, brother, his wife and 2 children (5 & 8). Mother had outside room with balcony and my children were listed in her room as they wanted to be with their MIMI more than us I think. The room was great with a Queen and sofabed with a bunkbed from the ceiling. The other two rooms we had were inside staterooms so we did enjoy "visiting" mom and her balcony. DH and I had a room about 2 doors down with just a Queen. Brother had a Queen with 2 ceiling bunks with ladders to each bunk so you don't have to touch the queen bed at all while getting to the bunks. The bunks were all lowered while we were eating the first night and kept out for the duration of the cruise. We all had plenty of room for what we were needing the room for anyway...sleep for the next days activities.

Had the muster drill before sailing. Very organized. The crew stand at the stairways and direct you where to go. All children 11 years and under get a green wristband that they must wear for the entire voyage. Makes for an interesting suntan but if it's loose enough it will be ok. We were in the 2nd row (against the ship) and thought we were ok until all the stragglers finally decided to show up more than 20 minutes after the call. There were about 5 rows total. With all of us wearing life jackets it became very stuffy. My husband said, "Ok, on future muster calls we are going to be last so we won't be so hot". You future muster drillers don't really do that or you'll make the rest of us more upset for following the rules.

We had requested the first seating (5:45pm) but were torn on the first night. So much is said on these boards about going under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge that we really wanted to be there but we had early seating and knew we would miss it. We decided to just eat on the Lido deck so we could enjoy the bridge spectacle. And I would do it again next time. I lived in Florida, 30 minutes away from the disaster that happened in 1980 and it had an extra effect for our family. We actually drove over the bridge the day before so we could get a feel of how high we really were. I was the driving and to be honest with you my stomach was turning driving over it....and then I had to come back over it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunshine_Skyway_Bridge

There truly is only about a 6ft clearing of the funnel and the bridge...unbelievable and amazing!! We ate on the Lido deck afterwards. However, if you don't go to the dining room that first night you won't know what color team you are on unless you ask the waiter the next night at least. No big deal but it was fun to clap with your "teammates" when you do find out.

My mother and I did the hot stone and massage and it was $200 each. I knew it going in and I'm sure they are cheaper on land but we were cruising man and I'm taking advantage of it. Since this was my 2nd massage ever and 1st hot stone one I thought it was ok to do. She was massaging the bottom of my feet and I could feel her concentrating in one area on my left foot (and it was sensitive a little) and she asked if I had an upset stomach. I told her I had the night before and she said, "I can tell because of this area". I said, "You are amazing". I'm still shocked that she could tell that.

First Formal Night- Very enjoyable and like someone said on one of these boards is like an adult prom (even my kids loved dressing up). I got another use out of my sons ring bearer suit and daughters flower girl dress from last October. My advice to everyone is that this night and every other night they take many pictures before, after and during dinner. So, unless you like paying the $21.99 for an 8x10 or $7.99 (5x7) then I would suggest bringing your own camera every chance you get. I bought a couple of "can't resist" pictures but was happy by taking my own. Believe me, MANY will be taken....every dinner, at ports as you get off the ship with a decorated person. Also, a tip...don't think after a couple of days you will gather all the ship photos and put them together in one place to find later to decide which ones you will get. The staff will take them and replace them all right back in their proper sections. Just leave them and get them all at the end or buy as you go.

Grand Cayman- http://grandcaymancruiseexcursions.com/ Less than 15 minute tender. We booked the catamaran buccaneer and went to Stingray City. After finally finding the charter place (the directions they gave us were not real accurate due to a traffic light not being where they said but we found it pretty easy...all in walking distance) we got registered. Turns out we were one hour early because of the time difference. No problem...we shopped. After about a 20 minute drive we got to the catamaran. Went to the Stingrays and 2 other snorkel stops. The water seemed pretty rough that day. Everyone was getting knocked off their feet then try to regain footing without stepping on a ray. I am a pretty fearless person and couldn't wait to get in the water with them. I had my 6 yr old piggy backing me but I must admit that as soon as you get in the water and they start swimming up to you or by you it does freak you out for a little bit. Our guide grew up with the stingrays and even says he has his favorites. The one he got us he says was "Jennifer" which totally excited my 6yr old because that is her name. I could even distinguish her with her spot. The Stingray...not my daughter. I even saw a small one with no tail at all...I wasn't afraid of that one. Actually none of them...they were all gentle and just wanting food. And yes, I kissed one...got the pic to prove it. By the 3rd stop we were all pretty tired from the first 2 stops but we got out and enjoyed our last stop. We got back to the bus and they drove us right to the tender knowing we had only 10 minutes before the last tender left. No problem since there were about 200 people in line before us waiting for the boat. We got to the top of the tender and with a bad migraine I wasn't feeling too hot. The tender got against the ship preparing for us to unload and the unimaginable happened. I puked. At least it was in the garbage can. I blew past all the people in order to make it on the ship. (I do get seasick but I had been on the ship for 2 days with absolutely no problems...I believe the smaller catamaran is what did me in). I rested in the stateroom for 3 hours (and vomiting once more) I left the family to go eat in the dining room without me. Which was ok because I got to order room service. Yummy portabello sandwich on foccacia bread. Did I say yummy?!

Cozumel- http://cozumelcruiseexcursions.com/ Loved Cozumel. We had a reservation at Nachi Cocum through the above link. But we decided to shop first. At the pier you go through MANY vendors claiming to give you the best price to take you anywhere. I mean, they are pretty aggressive but I led my pack of 10 and got us the deal. One guy said that he could be our personal taxi for 4 hours for $200. What? I told him that we wanted to just go to the Forum Shops (learned through Carnival that this was the place to start shopping and work your way down). We went to a regular taxi (van) and asked him how much to the Forum Shops, he asked how many people, I told him 5 adults and 5 children, he said $20 and I said LET'S GO. He dropped us off and we were there for about 2 hours. While there we went in a shop that had shirts for 4 for $20. Another customer who was of spanish descent and cruising with an american husband I guess was very sweet and told us that the worker will give us a bottle of vanilla extract with our purchase because he had offered her that. He came over and they both spoke in spanish and I could see him shaking his head and then he said in english to me that he couldn't do it because the sirts we were looking at was not their promotional item. Mind you that there are no signs for any of this and I wouldn't have known about it without that nice customer approaching us...and she asked for us...I didn't even ask. Anyway, he went back to conversing in spanish to her. I took 4 years of French in high school so I don't understand...HOWEVER....when out of the blue I hear him say to her blah, blah, LATINA, blah, blah. I jumped in and said, "Oh, I understand, it's because I'm not spanish and you are giving her a deal". They both laughed and he went to ask his supervisor and she said yes to the extract. I thanked the customer. When I went to the checkout counter he starting talking to me in spanish. I told him I don't speak spanish but I knew what he was doing back there. DH was mad when I told him of the incident and the favoritism. When we left the Forum Shops there was a van just like we had driven there and he said $30 from there to the beach. We would be driving back to the pier and beyond for about 15 minutes. He asked when we would be done and we told him 4:30. He said he would be back at 4pm. He volunteered to come back and he was there. He wanted $30 to go back to the pier. So $80 total compared to the $200 wanted by that first guy. Nachi Cocom was very nice. Inclusive. We got all the drinks we wanted...sodas, bottled water, pina colada...whatever. DH says that his drinks were weak but the one time he went over there to watch him make it he loaded it up more. They had a freshwater pool, hot tub, and swim up bar. We also had a 3 course meal. All this for $49 adult and $12 child. Would definitely do this one again.

Belize- http://belizecruiseexcursions.com/ About a 15 minute tender except you wait for another 5-10 minutes waiting for the boat in front of you to unload their passengers for you to get in. Very loud and aggressive people trying to get you to do their excursions immediately after you get off the tender. I am usually a very friendly person and would love to talk with anyone but I learned to keep on walking. We did no excursions here and glad we didn't. Two reasons. We were tired from the first 2 and wanted the break and then the armed guard at what we call "the border" didn't look too welcoming. It looks like about a 15ft flimsy fencing with an armed guard standing at the 10ft wide opening and then about 10 natives standing at that opening but knowing they can't cross that line to come towards us. We bought plenty in the shops that were on the inside that area. One shop of tshirts had 4 guys sitting outside and when I walked in and there were no prices on anything I knew I was going for a ride. I pointed out a shirt I liked and said how much. He said, for you $22. The "professional shoppers" Erin and Drew of Carnival said on TV that you keep saying no until THEY say no. Well, I didn't want to play so I said, "nope, $10". He kept coming down in $2 increments when I kept saying $10. He had the thing bagged for me at $18 and when he finally came to $10 I gave him the money. He took the money and went to another guy to get my $10 change and the guy pulls out a wad of money and gives me my change, never smiling or speaking with me at all. I felt like I was in a drug deal to be honest. Our whole family felt the same way about this country. Let me also say before I start hearing from everybody how they love Belize, etc that my husband and brother are both cops and they too didn't like the "feeling" from this port. I'm happy for anyone else who had a different experience but this is my opinion.


Costa Maya- Very long pier but they have cute little trolley/tractors to get you. Salesman start as soon as you go through the gate. I looked at a Mexican hat and asked how much. She said $25 dollars. I said no thank you and she became aggressive saying she needed the money for her chickens. I swear I thought she said that but my mother said she said children. Haha. She was not happy when I walked away. I later purchased the same hat for $12 without bartering at a different place. The shopping area was enclosed here also with armed guard, fence, etc but the people were very friendly. Inside this shopping area is a huge saltwater pool with fountain, swim up bar and FREE. The kids loved it. If you go to the far end of the pool it makes for some very pretty pictures with the ship in the background.

My brother says he's going to go into Walmart next time and barter on items. I'll let you know how far he gets.

Shows- We saw 2 shows and they were good. We started to see a 3rd. On that show there was a juggler. He was very good and then he left and the next act came out. An older man with a saxophone and he started singing. My brother and I looked at each other and he says to me, "I can't watch an 80 year old man singing, I'M JUST A GIGOLO". I'm not kidding, his first song was that. It was so funny but we had to leave.

Sonya the Karaoke Queen-We went and 4 of the kids sang a few songs (nobody else was singing because they came later in the evening). My son, 8 was chitchatting with her at the table and after a song she announces a story that my son had told her of something that had happened earlier in the day. ((It involves my brother, and married father of 2, ah hem, passing gas in an elevator with his 9 family members stuck in there)). Sonya, announces this to everyone in the room (in her cute English accent) how he fotted in the elevator. She humiliated him into singing his first ever karaoke song ever. It was the best night ever and a memory that will last a lifetime.


OH YEAH, and we got to hear and watch her perform MY HUMPS also on a poor guy. Too funny.

I'm so proud because I had done very well with packing. I had maybe 3 outfits unworn by me and everything was worn between 3 kids and husband. OK, 2 dresses weren't for the girls because we had bought 2 for them in Costa Maya and they wore them that night.

Stewards-Our stewards were Justyna and Dewa on the Empress deck. They were fantastic. The kids couldn't wait to come back from dinner to see what towel animal we had. Every ship member knew any question that we asked them. The Maitre D was very personable and we loved when he grabbed his mike at the end of dining and would say, "This is Yusef your Maaaiiiiittttrrrreee D" or "It'ssssss showtime". I feel that he is still with us since my brother is awesome with impersonations and he's got it down perfectly. He even called my room on the last day and for the first 10 seconds I thought it was really Yusef until he said something so silly I knew it wasn't.

Supper Club was fantastic. 2 1/2 hour meal on our 20th anniversary. Very nice and very good.

Land Legs- Boy, you talk about swaying when you get off ship. The adults had it for 3 days. I asked my 10 yr old and she has never felt anything since getting off the ship. Must be an age thing.

Overview-I loved the whole trip...everything...the experience...the memories.

Oh yeah, truly my only complaint is the hairdryers in the room. I'm sure they are fine for someone with short hair but mine is below my shoulders and 3 separate times my hair was sucked in the back of the hairdryer and singed it. The first time it twisted it all up and I had to cut it out. It is about 3 inches after it was twisted. No telling how much hair it had in it. I saved it for a memento. Haha. It did it 2 more times and it actually shorted out the hairdryer. On the second and third time I thought my hair was far enough away but apparently it wasn't.

Sorry, this is SO long but I enjoyed reading others before I went on my first cruise so maybe this will help someone else.


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Belize- http://belizecruiseexcursions.com/ We did no excursions here and glad we didn't. Two reasons. We were tired from the first 2 and wanted the break and then the armed guard at what we call "the border" didn't look too welcoming. It looks like about a 15ft flimsy fencing with an armed guard standing at the 10ft wide opening and then about 10 natives standing at that opening but knowing they can't cross that line to come towards us.





Great review.


I had to laugh about the "Border" fence in Belize. We have been there a couple of times and ventured outside of the fence once. There was a locals flea market outside of the fence. The vendors were glad to have customers even if they had to haggle about prices. We took a taxi tour around town but turned down the offer to be dropped off downtown. The other time we took a guided tour so no issues there.

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What a great review, thanks so much...we are cruising in September and look forward to it....

So you think I should bring my own hairdryer, hahaha...my wife's hair is very long...

Thanks again!!!:D

Absolutely bring your own hairdryer. That would be the only thing that I would pack this time that I didn't before. Otherwise your wife will be having a new hair style...short here, long here, singed here and there. She'll thank me later for this helpful hint. :D

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Great review. We sail on the Legend in September for our 19th anniversary. I drive over the Skyway every day this summer for work. Can't wait to sail under it.


I was really glad to read about Belize and Costa Maya. We don't really have any excursions planned so this is a great help. Great story about the karoke.

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Great review, and so glad you enjoyed the Legend! We did the same itinerary on the Miracle last year, and I have to say, we had pretty much the same experience as yours in Belize. Those t-shirt guys are pretty slick! We will be going back to Belize on our next cruise, and DH says he's not even getting off the ship. We shall see...;)

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Great review. We sail on the Legend in September for our 19th anniversary. I drive over the Skyway every day this summer for work. Can't wait to sail under it.


I was really glad to read about Belize and Costa Maya. We don't really have any excursions planned so this is a great help. Great story about the karoke.


Glad you enjoyed. Noticed that your birthday is the day before mine and we're one year difference in anniversaries. I got married at 9, how about you?:D We would like to think that it taught my brother a lesson and that he won't torture us in the elevator anymore but we know that is wishful thinking. Do you drive to or from Pinellas County? My mom lives in Largo (for now).

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Great review, and so glad you enjoyed the Legend! We did the same itinerary on the Miracle last year, and I have to say, we had pretty much the same experience as yours in Belize. Those t-shirt guys are pretty slick! We will be going back to Belize on our next cruise, and DH says he's not even getting off the ship. We shall see...;)


I'm with your husband on his decision to stay on the boat. I said it was nice to go to ONE time but I have no desire to again. Out of all 4 ports this was our shortest visited one. Just enough to spend a little on souvenirs and then go get some yummy Carnival food. I'm staying on the ship next time.

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