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NCl Dream or Nightmare


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If it weren't for the ports of call, this trip would have been a nightmare. The ship is clean and the staff is friendly and helpful. They are working under crowded and very hard conditions. Freestyle cruising requires space and the Dream is not big enough. The buffet is a mess, in terms of organization and space. As you walk thru the line, you must remember every thing you need including salt, sugar utensils, and ask the staff for it. They are combating the virus. This is good but hard on the passenger. The lines are long and tables in short supply. Only the special dining rooms accept reservations, so the main dining rooms are hard pressed to keep up with the crowds. I sailed the NCL Spirit and on Princess Line and reservations are used and expected the same. Don't expect formal nights to be announced, they aren't. So pick a night and expect looks from the

clowns with the baseball caps and t-shirts in the dining room. Smoking is restricted to areas and I can't understand any complaints. Smokers are paying in dollars too, not pesos.

The ports are great and this is a great way to see them. The tours all leave from the 10th deck, and it can be crowded but they do a good job getting everyone off.

The evening tours in Saint Petersburg look good on paper, but if you are going on all day or afternoon tours, it is cutting it short to make the evening. In Copenhagen, they have a shuttle to Tivoli for $29 including admission, but they don't advetise it until the day before. so ask before booking more expensive tour.

I won't travel NCL again, experiences on the Dream and the Spirit have turned me off.

If you are going to the Baltic, enjoy the Kiel, bring clothes to layer and really comfortable shoes.

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Prepare to be flames for posting a negative review with your first post.


I am sorry NCL Freestyle is not for you. Some like it some do not. I like to come here and find out everything about a ship before we go so there are no surprises. I also check out the excursion forum to get ideas about where I am going. Hope your cruises in the future are better!!!!!

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Prepare to be flames for posting a negative review with your first post.


I am sorry NCL Freestyle is not for you. Some like it some do not. I like to come here and find out everything about a ship before we go so there are no surprises. I also check out the excursion forum to get ideas about where I am going. Hope your cruises in the future are better!!!!!


Now, why would you expect that? :eek:


Just about everyone posting a review on the Wind or Dream have stated the Sports Bar Buffet is too small, including me.

The Buffet line often stretches back to the aft elevator bank landing.

But there are two lines for the Buffet, just walk past the first and get into the second line is my top hot tip. :cool: As for the limiting seating at the Buffet, which is true, take your food down the stairs to the restaurant a deck lower, or out onto the Lido Deck, or back to your cabin if you can't find an open table.;)

The Four Seasons Restaurant amidship is larger than the Seven Seas Restaurant aft, which is the opposite you'll find on every other NCL ship. So my hot tip #2 is be willing to switch restaurants if one has a much longer line than the other, they are using the exact same dinner menus.

Other than those two shortcomings, caused by its smaller size, the Dream can be a great ship to sail on. Taller ships can't sail through the Kiel Canal, so the Dream does offer somethings the newer larger ships can't offer.

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You should discuss your wants with your travel agent so he/she can get you on the right ship. Sounds like you should not be on any NCL older than the Dawn.


When does a ship newer than the Dawn sail a Baltic itinerary? This year, the only NCL ship doing so is the Dream.

Next year, the Jewel will meet your suggestion, but by then the Dream wouldn't be sailing this itinerary. Are you suggesting the ship is more important than the itinerary everytime?


Older, smaller ships can provide a better itinerary than newer ships. For example, the Jewel next year will not be scenic sailing through the Kiel Canal because it's too tall.


The OP's concerns about the Dream are real. But none of their concerns were "nightmares".

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Older, smaller ships can provide a better itinerary than newer ships. For example, the Jewel next year will not be scenic sailing through the Kiel Canal because it's too tall.




Very true but for many people the ship makes the cruise. Some people just don't want to put up with the limitations of an older ship. Some people love old historic homes with interesting small rooms and many love shinney new high rise condos with health clubs, pool, etc. ;)

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First, I'm sorry to hear that your cruise didn't measure up. To each his own. Know, however, that you are one of the last to be able to transit the Kiel. I had hoped to take this cruise in the future, for the destinations only. She's a small ship and I figured that we'd have to make several mental adjustments to sail on her.


Did you get to see the Dream flip her top when you transitted the Kiel? What was that like? How long does it take for them to flip her top?


Months ago I came across a nice video on YouTube which I posted (it's here on the Video message board). I was amazed at what I saw and really wanted to go on the Dream. We were already booked for this year so it was going to be one of those "maybe in 2008" trips). Well..we don't always get what we want and now I'll have to be satisfied watching the video.


NCL has many ships...our first was on the Dawn...freestyle worked perfectly for us and the staff was terrific...each and every one of them. I've read before that freestyle doesn't work as well on the older ships...but as I said above, to each his own.




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First, I'm sorry to hear that your cruise didn't measure up. To each his own. Know, however, that you are one of the last to be able to transit the Kiel. I had hoped to take this cruise in the future, for the destinations only. She's a small ship and I figured that we'd have to make several mental adjustments to sail on her.


Did you get to see the Dream flip her top when you transitted the Kiel? What was that like? How long does it take for them to flip her top?


Months ago I came across a nice video on YouTube which I posted (it's here on the Video message board). I was amazed at what I saw and really wanted to go on the Dream. We were already booked for this year so it was going to be one of those "maybe in 2008" trips). Well..we don't always get what we want and now I'll have to be satisfied watching the video.


NCL has many ships...our first was on the Dawn...freestyle worked perfectly for us and the staff was terrific...each and every one of them. I've read before that freestyle doesn't work as well on the older ships...but as I said above, to each his own.





Sorry no videos, but I do have some photos taken in Houston last December.




I really wasn't expecting to see this in Houston, so I guess the passengers on my cruise saw something special.

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Freestyle cruising requires space and the Dream is not big enough.
This is so true. The Wind and Dream were my favorite ships for a few years and then they switched to Freestyle and I stopped cruising on them. Freestyle doesnt work on those ships.
The buffet is a mess, in terms of organization and space. As you walk thru the line, you must remember every thing you need including salt, sugar utensils, and ask the staff for it.
The smallest buffet I've ever seen. I thought it was a mistake to transform the Sports Bar into the buffet area.
They are combating the virus. This is good but hard on the passenger.
Ironic because it's usually the passengers spreading the virus.
Don't expect formal nights to be announced, they aren't. So pick a night and expect looks from the clowns with the baseball caps and t-shirts in the dining room.
It's not at the top of the Freestyle Daily anymore?
The ports are great and this is a great way to see them. If you are going to the Baltic, enjoy the Kiel, bring clothes to layer and really comfortable shoes.
The ports are the star of this trip. It's still my favorite cruise after 5 years. And transiting the Kiel Canal is one of my favorite days on a ship. I'm sorry your trip was hot or miss. At least you had good ports.


Prepare to be flames for posting a negative review with your first post.
Maybe if people didn't say stuff like this in their posts, it wouldn't happen? If you've read the board long enough, you know the kind of one post wonders that create problems. This is a short review pointing out some good and bad. No reason to think this person isn't giving genuine comments.
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Maybe if people didn't say stuff like this in their posts, it wouldn't happen? If you've read the board long enough, you know the kind of one post wonders that create problems. This is a short review pointing out some good and bad. No reason to think this person isn't giving genuine comments.


I have yet to sail on (1) a cruise or (2) a ship that's absolutely perfect in every way.

(1) I've read many posters complain about a specific port, either being too commerical or too rustic. Let's face the facts, some passengers want rural, rustic, untouched by human for ports, others want highly commericalized seaside resorts for ports. That's why most itineraries include both.

(2) NCL has or is still building six ships based upon the Star's class hull, yet each pair of ships built to this design is slightly different from the rest. NCL has added and dropped features with each following pair of ships. Which proves the first NCL attempt wasn't absolutely perfect in every way, or why did NCL change the design slightly? Those who prefer a larger kids pool area may prefer the first pair built over the last pair. Those who prefer bowling will prefer the last pair. And I'll bet there's something people prefer about the middle pair too.


Cruise lines will experiment with their ships' designs and itineraries forever, attempting to attract ever more new passengers, and attempting to maximize rebookings from previous passengers. Some experiments work at making profits larger, others don't.


The Dream/Wind class was one of the first cruise ships to have standard balcony cabins that weren't suites, before they were stretched. That experiment proved to be a great success, as more and more standard balcony cabins can be seen aboard ships. The small sports bar buffet experiment has been proven unsuccessful. Newer built NCL ships have larger buffets. The Wind's refurbishment into the Superstar Aquarius changed the Sports Bar into an exclusive Sports Bar, and the Four Seasons Restaurant into the Buffet. So even old ships can be changed to fix unsuccessful experiments. Cruise lines have, are, and will be always tweaking the ships's designs and itineraries.

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I certainly agree that the Norwegian Dream is not well-suited for "freestyle. Was on her sister, Windward, back in 9-94, before the stretch and name change.


As far as the Kiel Canal goes; Oceania sends its Regatta through several times a year on the Baltic run; Princess is sending Royal Princess through in '08, and HAL's Prinsendam also transits the Kiel.


We did the Kiel back in 5-99 on the Norwegian Dream. Loved the itinerary, weren't wild about the ship.


Did the Kiel again 8-05, on Regatta. Loved the itinerary and the ship; best food we have had to date on a ship.

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As most of us know, the Dream doesn't do well with freestyle, but she is a popular ships for many. It is one of those ships that is a love/hate thing. You, obviously were the Hate part. I would have to agree with the poster who said, your travel agent should or could have filled you in as to what to expect. To do the itinerary you did your choices are few. At least you did like what you saw, that is probably the most important thing.


As Druke mentioned you can sail Oceania but you will pay about 3 times more than you did for the Dream. It is nice to know other ships are adding the itinerary, again, the prices will be on the high side.



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I wrote honestly and clearly about my trip on NCL Dream. I was suprised that the replys were angry and condesending. You would think I was talking about their first born.

I read all the posts on the Dream prior to leaving.

I have cruised Freestyle on three ships before and the problems did not exist on the other NCL and Princess cruises.

I have a fair mind and do not have unrealistic expectations.

I have sailed often- 12 times at least so I am not naive about ships.

I did praise the staff for doing a good job under trying circumstances.

The ports were wonderful and I think the best way to see the Baltic area.

Sorry if I offended someone, but the ship and NCL is not my choice for carefree cruising.

Thank you to those who accepted my opinion and didn't flame me.

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I'm not exactly sure why you didn't post this on the existing thread.


I'm also not exactly sure what you are talking about as far as being flamed. You actually have hardly got flamed at all. Most first time posters who post negative things about NCL get slammed very bad. I also didn't see any really condensending remarks. (could you give some examples.) Most of the people I thought were agreeing with you that Freestyle does not work on the Dream and, if anything, were attacking your TA more than you for not filing you in.


There are always going to be those who will comment against what you say, whether it be positive or negative. The other thing to remember is that your review is basically YOUR opinion of what took place. You are entitled to that just as others are entitled to theirs which, in many cases on this board, will be different.


Personally, I thought you explained almost of all of your negative points with facts to support your opinion of what you experienced. (the only one I didn't understand was the comment about the smokers...I couldn't tell if you were defending NCL's limit on smoking areas or the smokers right to smoke.) Most of the regulars on this board have weighed in to your review and I think you came through relatively unscathed...lol


This is the NCL Board and most of us on here are regular NCL cruisers who personally love their product. Anyone who comes on this board and makes a negative comment should plan to get flamed at least a little.

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I thought your post was fine. It was not emotional and it clearly states some good and some bad points of the ship.


People do get a little wierd with things they are loyal to. Don't let that get to you too much. It could be much much worse.


I read a review where the poster complained bitterly about the weather. It was too cold, it rained a lot of the time, she was looking forward to getting a tan. She is never cruising on THAT cruiseline again.


She was treated to a royal (well-deserved) flaming. You only got the medium-rare flame.

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I guess I don't understand why you started a new thread either. You did a nice job of saying what you didn't like about the cruise and I feel like people that read it that are considering that cruise can then decide if the things that bothered you would be a big deal to them or not.

I reread back through the replies to your post and felt like people were very understanding of your comments and did not seem angry at all. I think you did exactly what everyone should do when posting their trip reports, give examples of what you liked and didn't and you've obviously figured out that this cruiseline might not be to you liking. Hopefully you'll find one that is. Janice

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I am also not sure why this is on a new thread. I found most posts on your original thread supported you views on the weaknesses of the Dream. The things you pointed out have be reported by many.


If you think the replies were angry and condescending I am not seeing it. This is a message board and everyone will post their opinion so don't expect all to agree with anything we post.

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I guess I've made the most replies to your earlier thread, and I didn't flame you at all.

I stated what you said as true, and offered tips to help smooth others through these same pot holes.


If you really want to complain about being flamed, I bet others will oblige.

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I wrote honestly and clearly about my trip on NCL Dream. I was suprised that the replys were angry and condesending. You would think I was talking about their first born.

I read all the posts on the Dream prior to leaving.

I have cruised Freestyle on three ships before and the problems did not exist on the other NCL and Princess cruises.

I have a fair mind and do not have unrealistic expectations.

I have sailed often- 12 times at least so I am not naive about ships.

I did praise the staff for doing a good job under trying circumstances.

The ports were wonderful and I think the best way to see the Baltic area.

Sorry if I offended someone, but the ship and NCL is not my choice for carefree cruising.

Thank you to those who accepted my opinion and didn't flame me.


Uhm - having just read through you original post and all the replies I am truly not sure what the problem is. I know I did not see anything that I would consider remotely flame-like or angry. Everyone seemed to agree with your major points about the ship.

I suppose if you really want to be flamed I could manage a feeble flicker - my only complaint with your comments was the "nightmare" description which I thought was an unnecessary use of exaggerated and inflamatory language. There - are you happy now? The rest of your comments seemed quite reasonable to me.

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I wrote honestly and clearly about my trip on NCL Dream. I was suprised that the replys were angry and condesending.
Do me a favor and point these posts out. Thanks.
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I wrote honestly and clearly about my trip on NCL Dream. I was suprised that the replys were angry and condesending. You would think I was talking about their first born.

I read all the posts on the Dream prior to leaving.

I have cruised Freestyle on three ships before and the problems did not exist on the other NCL and Princess cruises.

I have a fair mind and do not have unrealistic expectations.

I have sailed often- 12 times at least so I am not naive about ships.

I did praise the staff for doing a good job under trying circumstances.

The ports were wonderful and I think the best way to see the Baltic area.

Sorry if I offended someone, but the ship and NCL is not my choice for carefree cruising.

Thank you to those who accepted my opinion and didn't flame me.


haven't read your other post that some are referring to, but now I am wondering if you are here to start an arguement or what? I can't see one post that flamed you in any way. Yes, the suggestion was made: your travel agent could have helped you but it appears you choose not to use one. This is certainly your decision and we all know everyone has his/her opinion of TAs versus booking on your own. NCL not being your choice for "carefree cruising" what is? That is one thing NCL does well, even if some things they don't do perfectly.


Noone ever accussed you of having unrealistic expentations. I think you may be a little to sensitive. Still, if NCL isn't your thing, that is fine. There is a reason for so many cruise lines, all doing well I may add.



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I wrote honestly and clearly about my trip on NCL Dream. I was suprised that the replys were angry and condesending.


I re-read the replys twice and did not see any angry and/or condescending replies except for Silkhair's "beware" of such:confused: .


Since I haven't sailed the older NCL ships, I appreciated your post and the replies.

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We all have expectations. Whether they are unrealistic or not is entirely subjective. What one person enjoys, another may not. I recently spent almost a month on the Dream. I chose it for the itinerary, not really knowing anything about NCL but what I learned here. I have no complaints and enjoyed myself thoroughly. My motto is a bad day cruising is better than a good day at work. I am now back to work and I WANT TO GO CRUISING.:rolleyes:

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Love cruising on Norwegian. I have been on the Wind, the Dream, Pride of Hawaii, and soon the Dawn. You make a cruise, not the ship. Where else can you get so much for your money? Have tried Royal Caribbean, and I am planning on cruising Princess this summer.


I have NEVER had a bad cruise. I didn't say PERFECT!



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