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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Hi folks - July 2 I weighed in at 284 - this morning 242.5

This was done with a total change of diet - no cookies/ice cream/candy/soda/bread. Lots of veggies and fruit - very little meat other than chicken and some fish. Also some of my wife's Nutrisystem meals and the Hormel compleats meals.



Going on the Tahitian Princess 12./30/07


Larry - Great progress!! Are you looking to lose more? If so, then why don't you set a new 10% goal and join us on the board?

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Happy Friday Losers!! Congrats to all of you for doing so well this week. My numbers were wrong too, but I weighed in today, and lost another lb, so they are right now.


I stayed on track pretty well this week, but not much exercise... Need to work on that one. I'm more than half-way now, so I'm pretty happy about that.


Have a great weekend!


RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

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Good Morning All,


Way to go Larry! You are doing great!! Keep up the good work!!! :D

RB...you have really gotten back on track, good for you on your 2.4lb loss!! :D :D

Beth ~ you keep right on going downward, congrats on the loss! :D


I had a acceptable week, losing 1.2lbs! I'm happy and am off to get in my 4th day at the gym this week. Hope that you all have a terrific day and those of you weighing in, good luck!


RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.2 / 5.8 /12 to go! Friday 9/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go


:) Cherie

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Well, I am going to forget the list this week. At weigh in last night I had gained 0.5lb. No proper excuses but I have had a rotten cold since last Saturday, not felt well enough to go to Curves all week and ate some ice cream just to try and cheer myself up. Also had a few quick things like sandwiches, albeit low fat ones, when normally I would have cooked more with lots more veg.


Never mind, back on track today and am going to Curves Sat am.

Well done to the Losers. I will be back with you next week!



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Larry - Great progress!! Are you looking to lose more? If so, then why don't you set a new 10% goal and join us on the board?


I am looking to lose another 10% yes to get to 220 and then maybe 10% after that - 200 is my college graduation weight in 1979 !

I will check in periodically - I know I will have a bit of a hiccup Oct 18 when I go on my Carnival Miracle 2 day to knowhere cruise though !



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Well, I am going to forget the list this week. At weigh in last night I had gained 0.5lb. No proper excuses but I have had a rotten cold since last Saturday, not felt well enough to go to Curves all week and ate some ice cream just to try and cheer myself up. Also had a few quick things like sandwiches, albeit low fat ones, when normally I would have cooked more with lots more veg.


Never mind, back on track today and am going to Curves Sat am.

Well done to the Losers. I will be back with you next week!




wouldn't sweat .5 too much; body weight fluctuates so much, that it is not a significant change, up or down.

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How do I get added to your lists of stats? Began 09/02/07 at 222.8 lbs down 4lbs on 09/09/07. Final goal is for my cruise in Feb. 8, 2008. Eventually though I'm gonna make it to my goal weight of 176 lbs.


Tomorrow is weigh in, been really good this week. Drinking more water, pulling back on my caffeine. I know I'm in that righteous mode, nothing is going to deter me now! But that will fade, and need to stay strong, with all the goodies the holidays will be bringing here to my job.


Any way guys, thanks for you all being there for us all. Hey, I know how that feels when you go to someone's for dinner and there it all is, laid out for you and everyone is eating it too! I'm trying to actually carry something with me, so my hostess doesn't feel like she has cook different for me. Have a bridal shower to go to tomorrow...ugh. It's dessert party!! :eek: Going to eat before I go, bring my diet cokes, and a legal snack and stay as far away from the food table as I possibly can get. Hardest part will be all the people saying....Oh you can have a little, that's no way to have a good time, enjoy yourself, you can start again tomorrow! NO, NO, NO!


Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me! I'll let you all know how it goes.


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Definitely back on track. Made soup and a lovely Lamb casserole with lots of veg in it today.

7 weeks on Monday till my next cruise. Really keen to reach the 10% before then.




Way to go Cinnamon!!! Great day!! You are going to be a success!! :D


:) Cherie

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Cinnamon, glad you're feeling better, you'll do better this week!


Donna, just copy the latest stats list and paste it onto your reply, then add your stats to the list. lbs lost this week/ lost to date/ lbs to goal. You are doing great, be strong at your party, you can do it!!


Cherie & RB congrats on your losses!

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Three more pounds this week....I have now lost a total of 40 pounds. (twenty before I joined this thread). The gym is really paying off...we'll except I am still a little sore, but that's OK....

RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.2 / 5.8 /12 to go! Friday 9/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 3/20/8 to go Sunday 9/16

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Have a great week, LOSERS !!!! ;)

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How do I get added to your lists of stats? Began 09/02/07 at 222.8 lbs down 4lbs on 09/09/07. Final goal is for my cruise in Feb. 8, 2008. Eventually though I'm gonna make it to my goal weight of 176 lbs.





Hi, Donna. I've added you below. In order to update your numbers, just cut and paste the last version of the chart and update your own data. I used 22 lbs for your 10% goal. I understand that you're looking to lose more. Once you lose this 10%, then you can start on your next 10%!


The first number is your last week's loss, the middle number is your loss since starting the challenge, and the last number is the weight remaining to your 10% goal. Great start!!



RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.2 / 5.8 /12 to go! Friday 9/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 3/20/8 to go Sunday 9/16

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

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RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.2 / 5.8 /12 to go! Friday 9/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 3/20/8 to go Sunday 9/16

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

Ok, that should be at the bottom of this post but at least I figured out how to do it! At least this went right for me...

I have been good all week on my diet, and I got on the scale today and I have lost a big fat NOTHING. ZIP, ZERO, NADA! Guys, I've been so good...I even helped my daughter this am making food for a bridal shower she's giving, made all kinds of really yummy things and I did'nt touch a thing. In fact I mindlessly licked my finger and you'd of thought I'd put poison in my mouth. My daughter thought I was making too much of it, but I know how much I love that stuff and that puts me on the slippery slope to MORE!

So I'm feeling down and frustrated. No I'm not going to go eat, but I was hoping for something.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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How do I get added to your lists of stats? Began 09/02/07 at 222.8 lbs down 4lbs on 09/09/07. Final goal is for my cruise in Feb. 8, 2008. Eventually though I'm gonna make it to my goal weight of 176 lbs.





Hi, Donna. I've added you below. In order to update your numbers, just cut and paste the last version of the chart and update your own data. I used 22 lbs for your 10% goal. I understand that you're looking to lose more. Once you lose this 10%, then you can start on your next 10%!


The first number is your last week's loss, the middle number is your loss since starting the challenge, and the last number is the weight remaining to your 10% goal. Great start!!



RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.2 / 5.8 /12 to go! Friday 9/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 3/20/8 to go Sunday 9/16

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

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Hi Donna. Please hang in there. If you are faithful to your WOE, you will lose!!! I lost about 20 pounds quickly, and then I was stuck on the same number for 3 weeks!!! I was so frustrated, but I didn't give up...and then the weight started dropping and I have had weight losses almost every week since then....even lost 1 pound on my cruise. I think, at least for me, that my body needed time to recover from the big loses in the first weeks. A lot of it was water weight to start and then your body has to readjust that level. I've had some trouble with my ankles and lower legs swelling, but now that's better, too....My Mom told me today she could see my ankles! :D Progress....


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Three more pounds this week....I have now lost a total of 40 pounds. (twenty before I joined this thread). The gym is really paying off...we'll except I am still a little sore, but that's OK....


Fantastic Swansonia, a great loss this week. Congratulations.

Any special tips on how you did it?



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Thank you again Karen!! I was just hoping to drop big during these two weeks and use that inspiration to keep me motivated. Induction can be soooo boring. But I'll keep trying. So good to hear of your losses!!! And your dedication to working out! Thanks again, and I'll be in touch!

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Hey there 10% ers!

I am so happy that I'm back on track enough to be a loser this Monday Morning!

Monday weigh in's are brutal! Things look pretty good on Thursday and then wham-o , which meal on Fri,Sat or Sun did I shoot myself with that isn't good for the weigh in!?!? Anyway - and pound is a pound, is a pound - and I'll take it! :D

So here is the last Stats chart and I'm changing mine! I haven't got to in like 3 weeks so yiippee!:D

RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 1.0/11/12.0 to g0! 9/17

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.2 / 5.8 /12 to go! Friday 9/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 3/20/8 to go Sunday 9/16

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

Swansonia - your staying on track - and it's showing! Good for you!

Donna - You hang in there girl! Quick loss is encouraging - but the steady loss, week by week is what will stay with you a lot longer down the road!

Twin123185- Welcome! Glad you have your goal set! Post often-it helps!

And Keep Going Everyone! October seemed so far away when I signed up for 3 month - yikes - it's just around the corner! But I have my good eye ;) on my goal and if it's a pound at a time - then it's a pound at a time - but I have a Goal and I'm working towards it - just like all of you!


Have a Great Week!


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Hi everyone i weighed in today abd i lost 2.5 pounds yay:) :)


RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 1.0/11/12.0 to g0! 9/17

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1.2 / 5.8 /12 to go! Friday 9/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 2.5/12.5/4.5 to go Wednesday 9/19

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 3/20/8 to go Sunday 9/16

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/11/9 to go! Friday 9/14

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

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Sheila - You are doing so great! Keep it going! Are you running a lot more now that the fall days are here and it's not so hot? Your so close to your goal! I think I should have signed up for the 10% in 6 months, because I think that's going to do it for me - but RB Bonzo didn't start that thread (JK RB!) so I have to stick to this one! :) LOL!

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Sheila - You are doing so great! Keep it going! Are you running a lot more now that the fall days are here and it's not so hot? Your so close to your goal! I think I should have signed up for the 10% in 6 months, because I think that's going to do it for me - but RB Bonzo didn't start that thread (JK RB!) so I have to stick to this one! :) LOL!


Thank you Jean. I am running alot. I have been training for a marathon since april. The marathon is september 30. I am ready. It is so nice running now in the cooler weather, and it is so beautiful with the leaves changing. I had to look back to see when i started my 10%. It was july 11. I was relieved because i knew ther was no way i would lose 4.5 more pounds by oct 1. Hopefully i can do it. After that i will need to lose 10 more to get to my goal at ww. I know that is going to be the hardest.

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