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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Each cruise dock has it's own pros and cons.....I've learned how to manipulate L.A. and Long Beach. Easier than San Diego....but, would not refuse to leave out of it....if I loved everything else about the cruise!

Hopefully, one day, we'll meet onboard one of those fabulous ships!!!!

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Nancy: How scary was that? I'm used to seeing these critters, living in the desert-like surroundings that inhabit Southern California and I've been surprised many a time on our walks. But, as long as they stay away from me I'm fine with them! Otherwise, I turn into a "screaming-meemie" at the sight of them! :eek:


My DH suffers from Neuropathy caused by his Diabetes.....He can lose the strength and muscle control in his legs, at any time and has been known to simply collapse while walking! He wound-up in a wheel-chair on one of our cruises on the Oosterdam (a perfect ship for a wheel-chair bound person!) This ship is so wheel-chair friendly, it even has power activated doors with heavy-duty magnets to hold them open when approaching an outside deck. Very convenient for a person with mobility issues.


When not in a wheel-chair he will look for a place to sit, while I do all the "paperwork" stuff at the dock; in the airport; in the hotel...etc., etc.


He looks like a strappingly healthy older man....but, he definitely has his limitations.


It doesn't stop us from cruising and traveling as often as we can!;)


We'll be going to the Mexican Riviera, on November 15th, aboard the Sapphire Princess....come-on, we'd love your company! And, Brenny will be onboard for the extra pats! :)



Wow! now Brenney will be doing the job of 2 dogs. I'll bet she is doing her best to help having been trained in so many medical and physical practices. Make sure that you give your husband a lot of extra hugs. It's hard when you look healthy and young. I started having trouble numbing of both legs. (and I was a nurse) I have had several boughts of neuropothy causing a few falls. I eventually had to give in and quit nursing and got my first Pride skooter. (just of cruising ) Right. Now I'm having another that I hope that someone can help me with. I have a light weight skooter but I can't lift it into the car. Are there any light weight scooters out there that don't need to be taken apart before lifting and are still light weight. To me ( who can't put a round peg into a round whole) if you have to take it apart and put it together I'd rather stay home. David does it for us now but my mom needs one that I can handle,:eek: :confused: any hope??????????????

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Up early this morning, because my sweet 18 month old golden service dog in training doesn't seem to understand what Saturday is!!! So, know that she has had her breakfast and outdoor time, she has gone back to sleep and I am wide awake?? Whose in charge here after all.;)

I had her at the Children's Hospital yesterday for visitation, first time in the hospital for her, and she just glowed. I think maybe she needs to be placed with young children, because she had the best time. Snuggled up, let them read to her. tolerated lots and lots of hugs and pats! What a rough life.

It was good to see how she handled a hospital environment, because sometimes SD need to go to the hospital with their recepient and it can be a scary place. Full of smells, noises, beeps, beds that go up and down, etc.

Off to check out my roll call and the Princess boards.

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Up early this morning, because my sweet 18 month old golden service dog in training doesn't seem to understand what saturday is!!!


I saw that this morning, and my first thought was, where does she live that she is already a day ahead of us!


I guess puppy is really do great with training, she knew it was Friday! I can't even get my grandson straight on days. Can I borrow puppy to teach him?


Everyone have a great day. I'm knee deep in paperwork, but had to take a break and read some uplifting words of wisdom.:D

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Me too, I have neuropathy really bad. I broke my leg and had a Cage on it, 4 metal rings going around my leg and 16 pins going through it for 9 long months! :Neuropathy is worsed, I have to use a walker or scooter full time but what a blessing I don't have the CAGE on anymore. I love reading about your wonderful dogs, you are all so uplifting and makes me feel much much better. Thanks! Nancie:cool:

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Mornin' Everyone:


I got an email about the UScoot. I forwarded it to DH. At least he read it. Said he wanted to talk to our friend about what kind he has. So, he actually is thinking about it. I didn't think he would. He also mentioned cost and I told him with his medical condition, we should be able to get it free or reasonable. He hadn't thought about that. He's very impatient and always want to get where we are going in a hurry. I think its so he can get off his feet and legs. I on the other hand don't mind little inconveniences if it will help in the long run. I know a scooter would help him tremendously for mobility, especially cruising.


If anyone has any personal experience or opinions on scooters, please share.


Everyone have a great day.


The other Nancy

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Nancie: Welcome! Do you have a Service Dog? With neuropathic symptoms....the presence of an SD can be extremely helpful! I know they don't eleviate the symptoms but they sure do help psycologically and emotionally! My DH has a whole different look on his face when he's stroking Brenda, as she lies next to him! And, she's always "there" for him to grab her shoulder for a lift up!!!! Or, to pick-up something he's dropped!

My DH is not ready for a scooter, yet! We use a "cart", you know the kind; my grandson refers to them as "Granny carts!" We take it everywhere with us. We put ours and Brenny's stuff in it and wheel it to the airplane/train/boat (well, you get the picture). It serves a dual purpose and only gives the impression that it's being used for all the "stuff" we need to take along! DH likes it this way....and, it's all he needs to keep him steady, until he can find the next place to sit!

I find myself using it too! For the convenience of it all! The TSA and cruise authorities allow us to roll it through the screening process, without having to pick it up! Of course we have to empty all the contents onto the conveyor belt but he still uses the cart to walk along with.

Nancy: I've seen many cruisers with scooters and I've seen that they come in all shapes and sizes (the scooters, that is). On some ships they don't fit through the doors in "regular" cabins and, seem to do better in handicapped cabins. They need to be folded-up or taken away and then retrieved again from the steward (since it's against cruiseship policies to keep them in the hallways).....an inconvenience, for sure!

Sunshine: I am ALWAYS amazed at Brenda's reactions to the hospital environment.....she's very, very hypervigilant....it's all the smells and sounds that are so different than the norm! She looks like a "sentry" onguard for the "attack!" It amazes me!!!!!!

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We use a "cart", you know the kind; my grandson refers to them as "Granny carts!"


Nancy: I've seen many cruisers with scooters and I've seen that they come in all shapes and sizes (the scooters, that is)(The people too!). On some ships they don't fit through the doors in "regular" cabins and, seem to do better in handicapped cabins. They need to be folded-up or taken away and then retrieved again from the steward (since it's against cruiseship policies to keep them in the hallways).....an inconvenience, for sure!

Roz: Thanks for the info. I don't know what you mean by a "cart". Can you give me more info. That really sounds like more of what we need. And, yes the scooters sound like a big problem caring and storing for them.


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Maybe someday I will get to have a SD, in the meatime, I enjoy all of yours and hearing all the stories!

I have a scooter, it's a Pride gogo elite and I just love it. I ride it to the plane door, they take it and give it back to me at the plane door after we land. It's wonderful on the cruise ship and any place I have to go. We also take my walker for the room and I think that's what the "cart" may be. You can hang and carry lots of stuff with it!

Check on line for all the different kinds of scooter that are available. There is one that folds like a stroller too.

There are lots of posts about them but be sure you try them out in person.


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The cart has four wheels/the handle adjusts to three different heights and has a comfortable grip (works great for us because we're both tall) and, as I've said, we use this cart all the time, everyday; it's heavy duty in construction with a coated, white finish; it folds flat; the back wheels are larger than the front and the front wheels swivel for better control. It holds up to 75 pounds (I've put my grandchild in it, when we were in Disneyland!) Along with my purse, camera and Brenda's food and water dish. It's 21 1/2" High, 17" in Width and 15" in Diameter.

I purchased mine from the Brylane Home Catalog for $39.99. It can come with a liner for another $8.99 (never tried the liner).

I have loaded this cart with ALL of our bags and incidentals for every cruise, in the past 8 years. It really takes a lot of abuse! And, has saved my back and given my DH a wonderful sense of stability. It folds into the back of our SUV (on top of the bags) and is the first thing out, when we unload! It folds flat against the wall, behind the drapes in hotels and on the ship. It's been a God-send!

My DH feels good using the cart; as he has said, "it doesn't make me feel like an invalid!" No one has a clue that I'm using it for walking assistance or just for the load that we carry! It's a personal thing for him!!!! But, needed very much!!!! :) ;)

I have seen some carts with attached seats that can fold down, I have not tried them, yet!

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Nancie: I will look into the "Pride" and see if my DH can keep "his" and still use it!!!! :o

You are funny Roz!!!! How does one find out if they are eligible for a SD?? I saw one scooter that folded up like a stroller and it really looked great! I'll find the link. Nancie:cool:


Ok..try the above link and see what you think.

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Nancie: Thanks for the info. on the scooter....Now, the really important stuff....CCI (Canine Companions for Independence) trains dogs and gives them to people with all sorts of physical challenges (except vision!) They train Labradores and Lab/Retriever mixes. From the time they're puppies....they have their own breeders and puppy raisers....so, they know their dogs from the moment of inception!!!!! No surprises!!!!!

Before the dogs are handed over to a person....there is a process....It's not difficult; it's wonderful and changes your life forever....in so many positive ways!

There are:

Service Dogs: Assist adults/children with physical disabilties for performing daily tasks.

Hearing Dogs: Alerting the deaf and hard of hearing to important sounds.

Facility Dogs: Work with a professional in a visitation, education or healthcare setting.

Skilled Companions: Enhance independence for children and adults with physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities.

If you fall into any of the above categories and can obtain a letter from your physician stating your physical challenges and that a Service Dog would enhance your life; there are interviews/training classes/tests/graduation, etc., etc. It's so much fun!!!! And, when your dog retires....CCI will help you get a "successor dog!" And the process will continue for you, the rest of your life!!!! As long as you can handle and care for your Service Dog....you'll always be part of their program!

CCI is located all over the USA. In California the main office is in Santa Rosa (near San Francisco) and they have a facility in Oceanside (near San Diego.)

I HIGHLY recommend that anyone who themselves has or has a family member with some of the above issues....look into a Service Dog.....imagine; going on a cruise or in an airplane or on a bus or train with a wonderful/amazing Service Dog by your side......life doesn't get any better than that!!!!!!!! I promise you!!!!!

There is NO FEE for these wonderful dogs from CCI (who are worth in the range of $30 to $40,000.00)....(except for a nominal $100 to cover the cost of the collar/leash/feeding bowls, initial vest and grooming supplies that you will be sent home with, after graduation.)

If you want help in finding out more information go online and look into their organization.....They are a wonerful, non-profit agency, that knows exactly what they're doing...... :)

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Thanks for info on cart and SD. I went to SD first,of course. What an amazing program they have. Went to the stocks section and was disappointed, once again that we live "no where". We have one grocery store, Albertsons, not on their list, a KMART, not on their list and ACE Hardware, also not on their list for making donations each time you shop at one of these stores. I am in at least of them, it seems like everyday.


Went to Brylane Home and couldn't come up with the cart. So did the google thing and it comes up there with Brylane Home. It looks like a geat way to travel. Then I would have to only use one hand, unless DH was using it, and I would have one hand free to corral the grandson! :eek: Book marked it and will give it some serious thought.



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Nancy: Don't fret about not finding a shopping place to donate to CCI - Just keep saving those extra pennies and write them a check.....I have automatic withdrawl from my checking account, every month. I can't think of anywhere else that I would rather have those "write-off" dollars go to!

Also, I just got my new Brylane Home catalog and the shopping cart is now $49.00 instead of $39.00 (so what else is new?) God forbid the price of anything should stay the same.........Oh! Wait! It has! The cost of receiving one of the most phenomenal assistance dogs in the world has stayed the same for many, many years! LIFE IS GOOD! :)


I'm into the "Cruising Mode" again....planning for our upcoming November cruise. I love the anticipation thing!!!!


1. Update Brenda's Agricultural Inspection Form, from the Vet - (This is important for Immigration at the various ports.)

2. Schedule her beauty shop appointment.

3. Order more Heartguard and Advantix. (Your dog should be on both of these, anyway but especially while traveling abroad.)

4. Order more Virbac chews.

5. Pick-up ear relief Pet Swabs - (these are Q-Tips for dogs, with a solution inside for cleaning their ears - I also use the ones for her tear staines around her eyes.)

6. Check with Princess and make sure they are prepared with her "potty box", upon our embarkation.

GO SHOPPING FOR ME!!!!!! :) You know that "fun" stuff that every gal needs!

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The check is a great idea. I will put that on the "to do" list. I just wish, every time I shop, a portion could go to that wonderful organization.


Brenny will be beautiful for her next cruise! I need to get Reno's toe nails clipped. I have always been afraid to do them. He really doesn't like his feet messed with and I'm afraid he will jerk and I will clip and I will be in tears and he will have sore tootsies. The groomer charges $15.00 for all of the five minutes it takes her!:eek: I think I need to learn. Kitties nails need to be done also. I guess its time for Toe Nail 101 training.


Everyone have a great day.



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I went back over to CCI re-read the escrip portion. I can't believe our little po-dunk town has 15 sponsors! Most are churches and schools. I think I will copy some of the info and take it to Albertsons and talk to manager. If I don't ask, it definately won't happen. If I ask, 50/50 chance! Of course the printer is out of ink, will have to order from Staples and get it soon. I'm excited.

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Ok, so I guess I got overly excited yesterday. The 15 organizations that I thought are sponsors are actually groups that are signed up with escript. I copied some of the pages from CCI and escript and will go to Albertsons this morning. I just may put some folders together and go to KMART, ACE Hardware and Rite Aid also!


Everyone have a terrific Friday.



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You go woman! Watch you "roar!" :)

I'm going to teach Brenda a new skill, this weekend. She consistently takes all her toys out of her toybox and leaves them all over the living room for us to trip over!

I'm going to teach her that when she's done, she MUST put them back. I will use the word "put"...since most other common terms are used for other commands.

She's so smart, I'm sure by Monday she'll be putting her toys where they belong!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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I went to Albertson's, manager was in a meeting with big wigs. Assistant manager came down but was less than attentive. You know looking over my shoulder as I was explaining the different pages I had copied. Then when I'm done, she says, you will have to talk to the manager! Ok, and you came down here for what reason? I know, smarty pants I am. So, I will just be persistent. I have to go there everyday to buy a newspaper. We are so far out of the main stream, we can't even get home delivery on newspapers!

That's funny about Brenda's toys. But, I have no doubt by Sunday, she will be picking them up. When Reno was about 4 months old, we made him pick up his toys in the yard and put them on the patio. I still have visions of him running out in the yard, big ole ears a flapping and picking up one toy at a time. Then put it down and race back out for another. He doesn't have toys anymore. I guess he is too mature (or chubby) He does have his two kong toys, but he doesn't play with them much any more. His favorite one was the old motely one he has had for 12 years. The top rung had been chewed off years ago. I bought him a new one for Xmas, four years ago and he wouldn't have a thing to do with it.

Everyone have a great weekend and have lots of cruise dreams until your sail date comes up!


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I'm back from taking a one year old golden/lab mix(looks mostly lab) to the local highschool football game. First time exposed to this type of event and she did GREAT! Plus, we went down and had a picture taken with the cheerleaders(I had put team colors on the dog, and the girls just loved it). Kind of fun, now getting ready to go to bed. I only have my friend overnight, probably will take another one to a football game in a few weeks! Maybe she will be placed with a high school student, we know she knows how to behave at the game!!!

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Do you notice a difference in behavior between the boys and girls? We love our boy to death, we wanted a girl, but only boys were left in the litter. We always thought, on an average that the girls were less rambuncious. (sp) I was just curious.


Good for baby girl. That is one thing that never got done with our boy. Socializing. Now he acts like a fool when we have company. He is just so excited about people coming over. We don't get alot of vistors, so when we do, he thinks they come to see him!


Everyone have a great weekend. We have heated back up. I think the temps are the highest they have been all summer, then humidity on top of it, yuck.



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