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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Happy New Year to all! Great to see your plans for the cruise next year. We have to stick to those pesky holiday and summer cruises since we have one of the unmentionables - you know - a kid. Ha, Ha.


We are "rooting" for Brenny's recovery (oh, that was bad - sorry all).


Back to the what have our dogs done that was a little like Marley . . . we were visiting my brother and sister in law in CT for the holidays and all was going very well. Werin was her best self and putting up with their kids petting her and grabbing her all the time. We then were all going out to restaurant and decided to leave Werin home to have a little rest without the little ones around. My sister in law had made a huge gingerbread house that was her pride and joy and set up in a prominent place in the living room. You guessed it, when we got home we all stared in astonishment at the one gumdrop that was left on the table in a scattering of sugar. I don't know how she didn't get sick from it, but she didn't. No real way to effectively apologize to your sister in law who spent so much time on it. Uggh!

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WOW, Nancy that is so great! Your hubby sounds like a sweetheart:)

So which one are you booking?


It will be the one everyone here decides on. Hubby like to cruise as much as I do, the grandson also. Grandson got a replica of a ship on his last cruise, when you push down on the smokestack, it blows the fog horn. I have to do it every once in awhile to remind me of cruising. Like that needs to be done.


Oh my goodness, sweet Werin ate a gingerbread house? No wonder she is so "sweet"! I don't think Reno has ever eaten any of our food. Loves to steal kitties toys and try and shread them. Speaking of which he killed her last "mouse". I will have to replace that for her. Right now she is playing with the label I cut out of a sweatshirt. I told her to call 1-800-inhumane and report him! :D


Everyone have a great day. We only had about 5 explosions last night. (fireworks) Sounded like missles! I don't know what they were launching. Reno even heard it and he is going deaf.



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Nancy, so happy you are game for the cruise. I hope we get others with SD to join us.


I know it wasn't funny at the time, but it did make me smile to think of Werin with a Gingerbread house!


Today I got a new brochure from Holland and one from Princess. Prices are still coming down!

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I went online yesterday and ordered my new Princess Brochure. Tap, tap, tap, waiting for it to get here!

Our town is so little the only travel agent in town closed down several years ago. I have always thought about being a travel agent, but want to specialize in cruises only. We have a large population of Correctional Officers and law enforcement. We have two prisons in town and a good number of them live here. What I am saying, they make good money and like to spend it. I think the travel agency would do good, I'm just not sure I am the one to own it! Maybe an employee.....Just need to find the investor! And teacher. :DAnother day.


Looks like everyone is enjoying their weekend, be very quiet in here.



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ok ear remedy i SWEAR BY .... vetrinarians best ear relief wash avail online




Thank you so much for posting this. We started using it a few days ago and it has made an amazing difference already in our older lab's ears. Her ears are no longer red. The smell is gone, and she is not shaking her head as much. I just hope it keeps working.

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Just back from the new years camping trip .... ok im all caught up DEC 5th on PRINCESS is good for us ... ROZ we def need to talk.... maybe your TA can do it all for us ??? sounds like he gives you same prices as the princess website ??? 550 isnt bad id really like to do a 7 day

does anyone know what the requirements are for a SD into mex rivera? any special permits we need??

cari and D

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OK, I missed this post. What was the name of the ear rinse. (Although the chiuauaua has long since left "grammies" house, and I only needed to deal with them once. Never know when my lab might need it.


It is called vetrinarians best ear relief wash.

Here is the PetSmart link to it.



Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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December 5 works for us too. I'm excited about getting to go on Princess! We have wanted to forever. Just never fit in. The prices are right in there, shouldn't be a problem. Do our Carnival cruises act as past guest on Princess? No (unfortunately!)I thought I read that somewhere. We love the aft of the ship. I think I saw some of there cabins back there available. Will wait and see what everyone wants to do!


I'm excited to get to meet your guys and of course the furbabies! :D:p:)


Yeh! Nancy, it'll be great to meet you, I'm hoping we get this all worked out.

Darcie: We did try the rice for Brenny, it definintely worked. She's herself, again. I will have to watch her closely when she's on the grass.....To make sure that she's not digging and eating the roots, etc.

Also, could you speak with your travel agent and see what she can do for us for December 5th. In terms of price and OBC's. I like her attitude when it comes to the SD's and making sure that all is good.

Peter: Thank you for your good wishes for Brenny.....they worked, she's much better! I can't believe what Wherin did! She's lucky she didn't get sick! I swear these Labs are made of Goat material!!!!!

I'm sorry you can't cruise in early December.....It really works the best for us.

Cari: My TA is a great guy, we've worked with him for a long time....and, his agency has good deals...but, truly, I do most of the "work" and "planning" for Brenda and her comfort zone, myself! I'm in contact with Princess (directly) about her potty box and all her needs. He does very little to take care of her business and what is needed for her.

I'm willing to go with any agency that will offer us the best deal and give us OBC's. If Darcie's agent can give us a good deal and take care of the dogs needs (as far a potty box set-up's, etc.) better than my agent and I can do, myself.....I'm happy to switch and go with her. I'm going to hold-off contacting my agent....I'll speak with Darcie's agent too....maybe I'll change to her.

Cari, are we meeting at the Souplantation on the 23rd? :confused:

For Mexico you need:

1. The Department of Food and Agruculture Certificate (from your vet). This certifies that your SD is currently up to date on all immunizations; is on Heartguard; is free from fleas/ticks/parasites and on proper preventative medicines and has had a recent examination by his/her Vet.

2. Certificate/license from training org. (If you have it.) or letter from your doctor justifying need of service dog (If you have it.)

3. City dog license

4. I provide a copy of my passport

I keep all of the above together and make several copies for safe keeping.

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Roz, I sent you the info on TA. I am VERY price senisitivee but I also like the service. :)


Here is email from Allison @ Princess today

"I just wanted to let you know that Princess is now moving forward on our project to have all the ships have the exact same type of mulch/woodchips on the ships. We are still debating between several brands but our goal is to ship large amounts out to the Ships this way they always have it onboard, and then when they run out we know exactly what to send them. The idea is to get the ships to track the mulch like food and when they are running low to let us know so that it can be re-ordered and onboard before they run out.

Hopefully this will be in place before to long. And thank you for the feedback it is always good to know what really took place on the sailing. "


Making progress...


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ROZ- your so good at adressing each person LOL im horrible

ok YES lets see what darcies guy can do .... i want to do this . I am looking for a friend who wants to go as hubby will not go hes a party pooper ...... i will go though either way

YES lets meet at soup place or anywhere else? just be good to finally meet you ... what time? id say lets shoot for around 530 but i will not know until i book acess from the GDA campus a few days prior but i will tell them i need to be there by 530

keep us posted darcie !!! lets get this ROLLING


cari and D

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Cari: 5:30 on January 23rd, at the Souplantation in Northridge. My DH, Brenda and I will be there! You'll recognize us....I'm the tall blonde with the beautiful black Lab in tow!

If anyone else cares to join us, come on! I know, it would mean some of you would have to fly in! I ask: Are we not worth it?

Just kidding! :rolleyes:

Darcie: I am so happy to hear that Princess is working on the "bedding" for the potty box. They should contact NCL and see how they do it. I didn't like their cruise ships but I did like their potty box! It was the best on any cruise ship we've ever been on. And, that's a lot!

I'll wait to hear from you in reference to what your TA can do for us. If she can beat mine.....I may have to change or put mine up to the challenge!

I've been with mine for so long......I'd find it hard to change but I'm so ready to save the $$, if we can!

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Roz, I would be tempted to fly in and meet you guys. Too bad it wasn't a couple of weeks ago when we were in So. Cal. oh, well another time.


It is nice Princess is working on their relief boxes. I personally love this kind, and they can be made easily. Has anyone else used the artificial turf?







Of course they need to be 4x4 but that is the type Westminister uses for their dog show too.

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Darcie: Don't laugh! It's what Brenny uses on our patio (or a version of the same.) We live in a condo, we have a huge patio and we're on the 3rd floor in the back of the building. The walk for Brenny to go to the bathroom was ridiculous so we built a 4x4 box; I trained her how to use it....I used to use sod but changing it was really a burden and it didn't last long and although there is a company that does this, the service is so expensive.

So, I thought of the astro-turf and found a company that makes it for dogs; "In the Company of Dogs" and, waalah! Who knew I was preparing Brenda for cruising....funny, how things work out!

It's so much easier for all of us and it stays clean and always looks like new!

When I take Brenny to work there's a huge lawn, in the back of our building (all closed in) and, she loves to run freely and go potty on it. It's where she dug-up the lawn and ate some of the grass roots and got so sick! I watch her more closely now! This could never have happened on her "astro-turf potty!" :D

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Hi Roz

ok 530 is good for us !!!! Do you mind of my friends and their baby boy come along? they frequent the place... just say no if you dont like kids .... i wont invite them ....LOL . We are all blind but im partial and they are total . Spotting you will be easy for Denver , maybe not me LOL I will tell him about his black beauty he will be looking for .... do you have a tag silencer on brennys collar? if not i should be able to hear her. We will meet you inside the door is there room ? or is outside better?

cant wait !!!

ok astro turf !!!! how much for the 4x4 size? could we request EMPTY boxes ona cruise and fill it with our own astro turf ? if it was under 40 bucks and i could leave it when i was done i would do it .... heck maybe they would even save it and learn a thing or two LOL

cari and Denver


ps just a thought maybe brenny got sick from a lawn chemical vs . the actuaql roots???? just a thought

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Hope y"all have a great meet and greet at the soup place. It would be a little far for me to join you from Atlanta, but I'll be thinking of you. Isn't it fun to make cyber friends and then meet up in person. I have a 12 month old golden at my feet right now. She is doing so well in her training. Full of energy and a real sweet heart. I handle the energy with lot's of ball throws and walks and the sweetheart with hugs and kisses. After re reading Marley and Me, I noticed that she downs in the same way and I catch myself saying "incoming" LOL. She helped me unload my dryer yesterday, but wasn't much help when if came to folding the socks Too bad dogs don't have opposable thumbs.

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Hi Roz

ok 530 is good for us !!!! Do you mind of my friends and their baby boy come along? they frequent the place... just say no if you dont like kids .... i wont invite them ....LOL . I adore kids and so does Brenny! I'd love to meet them! We are all blind but im partial and they are total . Spotting you will be easy for Denver , maybe not me LOL I will tell him about his black beauty he will be looking for .... do you have a tag silencer on brennys collar? No! Although, there are definitely times I wish I did. You will hear her! I thought about this after I mentioned "look for a tall blonde"! I'll find you! Not to worry! if not i should be able to hear her. We will meet you inside the door is there room There's lots of room inside. We'll meet you inside the door, where there is also a place to sit. or is outside better?

cant wait !!! We're looking forward to meeting all of you!!! ;)

ok astro turf !!!! how much for the 4x4 size? It was actually a bit expensive; it cost me $139.00. It's really of great quality; it's made to allow for drainage and is very hardy; not something that you'd want to purchase and leave behind on a ship. I'd like to see Princess purchase one. It's easy to clean and can take a lot of wear and tear. Princess could use it over and over again on many, many sailings.could we request EMPTY boxes ona cruise and fill it with our own astro turf ? if it was under 40 bucks and i could leave it when i was done i would do it .... heck maybe they would even save it and learn a thing or two LOL

cari and Denver


ps just a thought maybe brenny got sick from a lawn chemical vs . the actuaql roots???? just a thought

I looked into that and was told by the gardner that he does not use any chemicals on the lawns due to the children who frequent it. Brenda was chomping on the lawn in back of my office, which is also used by the pre-school, located in our building.

See you soon!

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Hope y"all have a great meet and greet at the soup place. Thank you! It would be a little far for me to join you from Atlanta, but I'll be thinking of you. Isn't it fun to make cyber friends and then meet up in person. Yes! We're looking forward to it! I have a 12 month old golden at my feet right now. She is doing so well in her training. Full of energy and a real sweet heart. I handle the energy with lot's of ball throws and walks and the sweetheart with hugs and kisses. After re reading Marley and Me, I noticed that she downs in the same way and I catch myself saying "incoming" LOL. I love that "incoming" thing! She helped me unload my dryer yesterday, but wasn't much help when if came to folding the socks So funny! I bet if you worked on it, you could teach him to fold! There are many dogs who assist their owners in dressing and undressing. "Folding" should be easy!!!! :p Too bad dogs don't have opposable thumbs.
OMG! If they did, they'd take over the world......not such a bad idea!!!!!
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Sunshine: "Dog spit" So funny! :p It just conjurs up so many moments in my life when I'm quite sure I've swolled at least 22 dogs hairs or eaten out of the same hand that I just picked up her poop with - (Did I wash afterwards or didn't I?) Or, I've kissed Brenny square on her lips and, well, need I say more about that one?

Or, the day I found myself sticking my hand in her mouth (practically down her throat) to retrieve the biggest piece of a "tootsie roll!" Talk about saliva!

I have not seen "Marley and Me" yet, because I know the ending and I just can't face it!!!!! :o

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Sunshine: "Dog spit" So funny! :p It just conjurs up so many moments in my life when I'm quite sure I've swolled at least 22 dogs hairs or eaten out of the same hand that I just picked up her poop with - (Did I wash afterwards or didn't I?) Or, I've kissed Brenny square on her lips and, well, need I say more about that one?


Or, the day I found myself sticking my hand in her mouth (practically down her throat) to retrieve the biggest piece of a "tootsie roll!" Talk about saliva!


I have not seen "Marley and Me" yet, because I know the ending and I just can't face it!!!!! :o


I talked Mr Sunshine into seeing it with me a few days after Christmas. As we were leaving the theatre he was like, great thanks for taking me to such a "fun" movie. Yet, he was laughing during most of the movie. I asked him if it made him feel better that Marley was abt 13 years old when his family made that final decision, that he was a loyal and wonderful family member to both parents and the three kids, and that it was obviously his time. Plus the family had another lab within a year becuase they recognized how much joy a canine brings. That did make him feel better. Then I read him Grogan's final colum and he read the last chapter of the book. After hugging our resident canine Sandy(a Marley look a like) he said OK, the movie was maybe OK. Plus, he likes yelling "fire in the hole" when I have this Golden do a down. We are so easily entertained!!!

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Sunshine: Another fine "snicker" moment from you. Thanks! I'm going to teach that one to Brenny.......

And, yes, I must remember that Marley was quite a senior (for a lab) and had had a truly wonderful, adventurous, full and meaningful life........Awwww! Nope, didn't help!

But, I will go see it, just because I support any movie made about a dog like Marley! He may have been "yellow" but he was a Lab!!!!!:p

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Hello Everyone,


Princess is asking for imput regarding the amaterial used for relief boxes. :) Here is an an Email I received today:


Hi Darcie,

Thank you for the below. I have looked at them and I am not sure how people's reactions would be to the PupHead product. But I really do like it. Can you please ask your friends on Cruise Critic (yes i read the posts =) ) what they think of that product. Would they be upset knowing other dogs had used the astro-turf before and would the dog's actually use it even though it has been cleaned? Or would they still be able to smell another dog and not use it? (she is referring to the two links I posted previously - basically relief boxes with artificial turf:


http://www.porchpotty.com/?gclid=CLC...FRlRagodkEOCDA or



And if you can also take a look at the attached product it would help me out. I know that you mentioned that the pellets bother Lab's paw's but this product was given to me by a couple that travels at least 3 times a year with two Lab's. "


I couldn't get the picture to print here but the product she was referring to was Purina Second Nature Dog Litter.

Please weigh in with your opinion on the types of material that would work best for you and your partner. Questions to consider:

1) Will the dog use it easily?

2) Is it easy to clean and keep clean?

3) Any problems with order?

5) Any other problems, ie, tracking, sticking in paws, fur, etc?

I think this is wonderful of Princess to ask the users what would work best. Please don't pass up this opportunity to give your feedback and make a difference to other SD teams!

I will copy all feeback and compile it in an email back to her.

Bailey and I both thank you for any help.

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ROZ YOU CRACK ME UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK so lips and kissing .... is there any other way? I always tell Denver he has the best kissing lips ever ...and he does ! tootsie roll hand down the throat LOL LOL LOL been there done that !!!!

As far as my friends coming they want to so i guess we r on . First time I have met the baby so no gurentrees LOL but i think he is a pretty good guy they go out to eat alot. Remember they are both totals(totally blind ) and the baby is sighted... havent been around them to see how it all works , but i will have to remind myself to keep my hand from wanting to help and just watch and learn how they manage a baby .....im sure its manageable but scary if it was me ... i dont want kids bec im partial i cant fathom a baby and being total ... but i know pwoplw do it .... more power to them ... god has his ways


ok so i have been looking at cruises to go and princess has the same cruise we want to do in Dec for like 345 PP ... thats a rockin deal.... how do WE get that ? Do we wait it out???????? i dunno

maybe we ask the agent if we see that good price before we go can he gurentee it? im not used to dealing with a TA i always do everything myself

cari and D

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