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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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30 plus days is a long cruise !!!!! i would only be able to handle a 14 day i think.....

roz- if it is too windy at soup place maybe we could pick somewhere else ... we will just have to wait and see what the weather is ..... fire danger IS scary huh ?

cari and Denver


Cari: The weather outside is not as frightful as it was......the winds have died-down a lot! Let's keep it the same! See you there!

Besides, we who walk with a Service Dog are a tough bunch.....I only left there because my DH kept insisting that he didn't like it.....I would have braved it and, well, poor Brenny she kind of shleps wherever I do...and, besides, I wanted some yummy soup! Oh Well, another day!

When a news crew came to broadcast from (in front of the Souplantation), the woman could hardly stand up straight. It was really very funny to watch, not much fun to be in!

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Mr Sunshine and I love the idea of a long, long cruise. Like one of those round the world ones. We have been on a 15 day cruise and a 10 day cruise, and were not ready to leave!. We really enjoy the sea days, but stay super busy on port days. We laugh that we would retire on a cruise ship. And we only started crusing in 2005.


By the way, a few months ago I wrote about a SD in training I had at home that was pretty shy and probably was going to be placed as a facility dog instead of going into service. She graduates tomorow, She started perking up, got more confident and they gave her another try at camp. I am so pleased for her and her recepient. She was very smart, just had trouble with transitons. I love training camp weeks when you see these dogs go out into the real world. I served dinner at the hotel and there were lot's of tails wagging!!

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Sunshine: I, too, love to hear "success" stories about these amazing dogs who don't give-up, if people don't! I know there are some dogs that just can't finish and they do become "releases" but you saw "something" in this shy, wonderful dog and you were right!

I can't get enough of the graduations and the workshops where I get to see all the wonderful dogs and the people that they work for.

There has been some controversy on how "happy" are these dogs and I can understand why some people question it. But, from my perspective and I see them a lot, I can tell everyone whose ever asked that question that these dogs are so loved and made to feel so special. And, they have a "purpose" and they know it. They love working and performing tasks. It really gives them a full and rich life!

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How wonderful, you have a little one at home to keep you busy.


A 32 day cruise!!! I hope you do it! I love cruising but I don't really think I could do it. I must see and be on land after 14 days (the most I've cruised). Not just to visit for a day but for days.


The Panama Canal is a wonderful cruise and San Diego is a lovely port to leave from.


There are changes coming down from the Governator, I hope they don't effect you too badly.

Roz: Travis is the grandson we are raising, so keep me busy? And then some. I don't know how long this tired body can keep up with him. :D

Yes, he did narrow it down to a 28 dayer! It would be hard, but the 14 day to Hawaii seemed like it ended too soon. I guess we acclaimate. I've been on some 4 dayers that I thought would never end! I'm sure it won't be this year, but maybe in our future. I have seen the 18 dayers that also go to the canal and turn around and come back. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

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Nancy: I forgot, you did mention it once before. Just think how young he'll keep you! ;)

I'm sure if I was forced to do it, I could manage to cruise for longer than 14 days......

I now have 4 weeks paid vacation time at work......A 30 day cruise? Wow! I don't know? :rolleyes:

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Personally, I think if a dog does not want to work, they should not be a service dog. Chewy loves to work and is part of the family. When he sees his harness or you grab the keys he is ready to go. When I leave him at home he feels left out and just lays on the rug in front of the door waiting for us to come home.


We are leaving in the morning. We have his paper work and all his new goodies for the trip (new leash, life jacket, and chew toys) When we get back we are going to Busch Gardens for the day and then heading home. See ya

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Personally, I think if a dog does not want to work, they should not be a service dog. I agree!!! It's not much fun to watch a dog do refusals at everything it's asked to do....it's very sad. And, that dog should be allowed to join the civilians and live out it's life as a "pet!" Chewy loves to work and is part of the family. When he sees his harness or you grab the keys he is ready to go. The day that Brenny does not beat me to the front door, is the day that she can stay home with PaPa and get lots and lots of rubdowns! When I leave him at home he feels left out and just lays on the rug in front of the door waiting for us to come home.


We are leaving in the morning. We have his paper work and all his new goodies for the trip (new leash, life jacket, and chew toys) When we get back we are going to Busch Gardens for the day and then heading home. See ya


Have a wonderful, fun, relaxing trip. Please tell us all about it when you come back! We love traveling vicariously through each other!

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ohhh a 14 day to hawaii that would ROCK !!! I have 2 uncles there in the coffee buisness .... i want to go to hawaii so bad ... its on my list of either by air or sea ....


roz- i cant wait it will be fun !!!! hey if you like graduations you shouid go with me to GDA for one sometime .... i try to go every febuary it is usually the first weekend on a sunday morning ... i give the grads a little something from Denver ... it marls the month i graduated in and is special to me . Think about it ... its alot different than a graduation for people with sight .... and alike a graduation for other disabilitys is alot diferent than a graduation for the blind .


Ohhh i cant wait i go to learn to ski in march !!!! its not a cruise but it will be fun !!!!

cari and Denver

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Cari: I love graduations with Service Dogs, of any kind. Unfortunately, working a full-time job can make my comings and goings a bit limiting. I try to make as many CCI graduations as I can but even those are becoming difficult with my time at work. I work for a non-profit and we have events on the weekends too!

That's why cruising is such a gift for me. It means no one can reach me by phone.....Yippee!!!!!

Good luck with your ski lessons....you have such heart and enthusiasm for everything that you do!

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Hi Roz

E mail me off list so we can swap numbers for next friday ... also have you seen princesses 2 for 1 deals to alaska???? VERY TEMPTING from 379!!!!!! HMmmmmmmmm i wish i could do it again i might just have to call for that price LOL if that 379 is for 2 people who could beat that balconys were under 8 hundred

Ahhh yea the non profit world ... i know it so well as I too work for one .


what is everyone else up to on this board?? any funny doggie stories lately ?

cari and D

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Cari: Yes, I did get the email from Princess about the 2 for 1 deals to Alaska....I am seriously thinking about adding that one on either September 5th (Golden Princess) or 6th (Star Princess). I will email you my phone #'s.

Darcie: A lot of folks are wondering why some people got the email and some didn't. We've done a lot of cruising with them, maybe that's the reason. I really don't know.

You can either contact Princess directly and ask about it. Or if you send me your email address I'll forward the email to you.

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Hi Roz

E mail me off list so we can swap numbers for next friday ... also have you seen princesses 2 for 1 deals to alaska???? VERY TEMPTING from 379!!!!!! HMmmmmmmmm i wish i could do it again i might just have to call for that price LOL if that 379 is for 2 people who could beat that balconys were under 8 hundred

Ahhh yea the non profit world ... i know it so well as I too work for one .


what is everyone else up to on this board?? any funny doggie stories lately ?

cari and D



No funny dog stories, but a wonderful success story from graduation last night. One of the dogs that had to be returned (after only two weeks out) was having difficulty adjusting, bonding with anyone but her trainer etc. She was a super smart dog, so don't know what happened during those two weeks:mad:. Anyway, she graduated last night. It was as if she was waiting for her perfect "person". She looks like she will make a huge difference in this person's life, and he will make one in hers as well. I think my heart grew 10 times. It was all I could do not to give a great big "Woo Hoo!!!!" from the back row.

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No funny dog stories, but a wonderful success story from graduation last night. One of the dogs that had to be returned (after only two weeks out) was having difficulty adjusting, bonding with anyone but her trainer etc. She was a super smart dog, so don't know what happened during those two weeks:mad:. Anyway, she graduated last night. It was as if she was waiting for her perfect "person". She looks like she will make a huge difference in this person's life, and he will make one in hers as well. I think my heart grew 10 times. It was all I could do not to give a great big "Woo Hoo!!!!" from the back row.


This brings tears to my eyes.....before Brenda came to me she graduated with another woman (in a wheel chair) and had learned skills for that woman; she lived with her for 3 months, she bonded with her and then something happened....she completely "shut down", she refused all commands and the bonding between them became a huge cavern that just couldn't be filled.

Brenda was returned to CCI and became a "lead" dog with the trainers. She was taught additional skills....so, now she's a genious. Then, I came along and we both looked into each other's eyes and well, need I say more......She's been with me for 7 years.

So, your story truly hits home how things can change for these dogs for what ever reason......

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hi riz

ok so im SERIOUSL?Y thinking alaska too i just hope the 349 price isnt said to be two for one but is really 349 PP you know ... if it was 349 total i think i would book for sure HEY maybe we could all go on that one !!!! since we have all sailed princess before

i think if you didnt get the e mail jusr call them they will give it to you if they want ur buisness !!!!

roz lets talk alaska friday ok ?


Sucess stories like that are great !!! Denver and i had a story kinda like that ... i had been matched with another dog a black labbie named Smokey i worked him for 1 week and we just werent connecting something very odd since im an animal person .... anyways when i got Denver they said it was taking a chance and he was full of it and he probb wouldnt work out for the program but i was sort of the person to see if it could work for him.... they saw something in him it just hadnt come out yet and they trained him 6 months... needless to say we worked a half day that day and it was as if we had been together FOREVER that was 5 years ago !

hey roz maybe brennys first recipent ran her toes over with the chair it happens alot and it can REALLY shut a dog down FAST!!!!

cari and Denver

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We took Orson to a new vet clinic today. They have two USDA acredited vets on staff. That should make the cruise paperwork go alot smoother. They are going to look it over and set up a schedule to get all the tests done at the right time. We also gave them the IAADP paperwork. It sounded like they are going to participate with that too. They come highly recommended. And they are alot less expensive than our current vet.

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Great news Disneykidsdad! It sure helps when others cooperate. How did Orson like the new vet? That is also a tell tail (sic) sign if the dog likes them. I have mostly had female vets with Reno and he sure likes them better. I guess they are more gentle with him. I have one male vet that I don't really care for, how can I expect Reno to like him? But unfortunately where we are, we don't have a lot of choices.


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Great news Disneykidsdad! It sure helps when others cooperate. How did Orson like the new vet? That is also a tell tail (sic) sign if the dog likes them. I have mostly had female vets with Reno and he sure likes them better. I guess they are more gentle with him. I have one male vet that I don't really care for, how can I expect Reno to like him? But unfortunately where we are, we don't have a lot of choices.




He liked the new vet. He got microchipped and didn't even flinch.

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hi riz

ok so im SERIOUSL?Y thinking alaska too i just hope the 349 price isnt said to be two for one but is really 349 PP you know ... if it was 349 total i think i would book for sure HEY maybe we could all go on that one !!!! since we have all sailed princess before

i think if you didnt get the e mail jusr call them they will give it to you if they want ur buisness !!!!

roz lets talk alaska friday ok ?


Sucess stories like that are great !!! Denver and i had a story kinda like that ... i had been matched with another dog a black labbie named Smokey i worked him for 1 week and we just werent connecting something very odd since im an animal person .... anyways when i got Denver they said it was taking a chance and he was full of it and he probb wouldnt work out for the program but i was sort of the person to see if it could work for him.... they saw something in him it just hadnt come out yet and they trained him 6 months... needless to say we worked a half day that day and it was as if we had been together FOREVER that was 5 years ago !

hey roz maybe brennys first recipent ran her toes over with the chair it happens alot and it can REALLY shut a dog down FAST!!!!

cari and Denver


Great story. Thanks for sharing. The dog I talked about was one I could not connect with. She would forge ahead, totally ignore me even with added treats and motivation. She was great on the grooming table and seemed to like to play with ball throws, but wouldn't make much eye contact, didn't lean on me like some dogs, etc. She also could be a jumper. She was placed with an older gentleman and the jumping was a huge concern since he has some balance issuses. She never jumped once in the whole two weeks of camp. She was totally into him. Her eyes were never off him, and since she was also trained as a hearing responce dog and he was deaf it was even better!!! I still get chills thinking about it. Just makes you wonder who is pulling the strings when these perfect matches occur.

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He liked the new vet. He got microchipped and didn't even flinch.

That's 2++ then. I've told you before, but I just love looking at his happy picture. I wish you could make an advertisement with that picture and show it to the ones that say service dogs are unhappy, blah, blah, blah.


I really love looking at all the pictures. Silly as it seems I look at the avatar first and go, oh thats so and so mom or dad posting. Denver stearing the boat, Brenny doing her spanish dance with flower in her mouth and Bailey changes hers, but can always tell its her sweet self. She looks like she is getting bigger? Just the pose in the picture or is she. Tell her not her butt looking fat! Taller.

Everyone have a great Sunday and 3 day weekend if you have tomorrow off. I do. Hoping to get something done around here. It's pretty bad when I vacuum and Travis says, "Is someone coming over?" I guess he thinks thats the only time I vacuum! :o



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Nancy, now I had to change Bailey's picture again. This is her tucked into her sleeping bag. She is full grown now. The picture of the two of us she was a SD in training and still a puppy.


Does anyone have an email copy of the 2 for 1 Princess offer? If so, could you email it to me at Andar273@hotmail.com.


Thanks so much.

Edited by Andar
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