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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Karen: I forgot to mention the wonderful meals that were provided for all us who were in Team Training for 2 weeks. The most amazing volunteers from all over the north of California and beyond came and fed us lunch, everyday! I've never been the recipient of your banana pudding but I bet it's delish! We were so grateful to these people who made us feel so special and made each day so much easier for us!

Cindy: I'm so excited for you. You and John will learn commands that will stay with you forever. Your dog will be so responsive it will all seem so natural to you. You're a dog person so most of this stuff will just be second nature to you.

Please let us all know when you go to Team Training and, most importantly when you come home, you'll have to introduce your new "partner" to us. We want to hear all about it!

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You MUST inform the cruiseline that you will be bringing her with you (did you book through a TA?)...When you check-in at the pier (and, if you are not pre-boarded with her), they may decline your entrance to the ship....you wouldn't want that.


Call your TA or Carnival direct - 800-438-6744 -Guest Access Services. They will tell you what pre-cruise documents are required by them to board.


After you've boarded the Pursers desk will contact you either before or during the cruise for the necessary documentation that they must give Immigration at the various ports.

1. Agricultural Inspection Form

2. Immunization record (should be on the above form)

3. Letter from your doctor or training org. documentation stating that your dog is a Service Dog.

4. Copy of city Dog License.

5. Copy of your id (preferrably one with a picture) ie. drivers license or passport.

As i said before, Carnival will need directives from you as to how/where your dog will potty.


Roz, I do have a question, since I am going with my sister in law and my neice, we decided that instead of taking Missie into the ports one of us would stay with her on the ship. Like in Cabo San Lucas, I can not use the tender so I would stay on the ship that day. So my question is do they allow that? I would never leave her in my room and leave the ship, I would worry one of the stewards would open the door and she would get out and I would really have a hard time finding her. Another thing, I do not need to take her into the restaurants, so during meal times is she allowed to stay in the room, usually what she does is just go into her little tent that she has (now this dog does not like a crate unless I put it into a little pink tent that disney puts out. Is she spoiled or what? I do not know what I am allowed ro do with her or does she have to stay with me at all times. Thank you so much for all the information and help you have already given me.

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Karen: I forgot to mention the wonderful meals that were provided for all us who were in Team Training for 2 weeks. The most amazing volunteers from all over the north of California and beyond came and fed us lunch, everyday! I've never been the recipient of your banana pudding but I bet it's delish! We were so grateful to these people who made us feel so special and made each day so much easier for us!



The same was true at the Long Island campus. We had volunteers bring us wonderful food for lunch. Many nights we ate the leftovers for dinner.

We even had puppy raisers drive over two hours to bring lunch one day.

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I have a question for the experts. We are taking Orson to Disney World and on the Disney Cruise in July. Even though we won't be in the parks during the hottest part of the day, I am worried about his feet on the hot pavement. I was thinking of using paw wax but I don't know how well it would work, having never used it. I was also thinking about boots. I need help making this decision. If boots are the answer, then does anyone have a certain type that would work the best and be comfortable for Orson?

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I found this thread while looking for something else and have been lurking into your lives for a couple days. Hope you don't mind.


I wanted to share a service dog story with you. One of the counselors at my daughters elementary school had a golden retreiver service dog. The dog ended up being more of a counselor than his owner. Kids would tell hime things they wouldn't tell an adult. He never judged, he just sunggled closer. He also loved to be read to, which was great for first graders struggling with that skill. Again, he never got frustrated or laughed, he just listened and sighed as only a retreiver can. He was also a reward for problem kids who had a good day. The school principal was so happy about the whole arrangement that she gave a talk at a conference about the benefits of dogs in schools.


Thanks for letting me share...


Bailey is my service dog, but she is also a registered therapy dog with Delta. She is in the Read 2 Rover program. My avitar picture is Bailey listening to a child read.

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Roz, I do have a question, since I am going with my sister in law and my neice, we decided that instead of taking Missie into the ports one of us would stay with her on the ship. Like in Cabo San Lucas, I can not use the tender so I would stay on the ship that day. So my question is do they allow that? I would never leave her in my room and leave the ship, I would worry one of the stewards would open the door and she would get out and I would really have a hard time finding her. Another thing, I do not need to take her into the restaurants, so during meal times is she allowed to stay in the room, usually what she does is just go into her little tent that she has (now this dog does not like a crate unless I put it into a little pink tent that disney puts out. Is she spoiled or what? I do not know what I am allowed ro do with her or does she have to stay with me at all times. Thank you so much for all the information and help you have already given me.


You may leave "Missie" in your cabin. Carnival will give you a "DO NOT DISTURB SERVICE DOG IN CABIN" sign. They had them on our last Carnival cruise. If they don't supply you with one, you may make one of your own and bring it along or use your regular "Do not disturb" sign.

Your Steward has already been informed by the Hotel Manager that there will be a dog onboard, in your cabin. So, there really are no surprises.

Leaving your dog in your cabin is totally acceptable. You need to tell him/her that when your sign is on the door, that he/she may NOT ENTER. They'll totally understand!!!! They want you to be comfortable and if that makes you happy, it makes them happy!!!

I would also inform the front desk (Purser's desk) of the sign and your "no entrance" policy. They'll make sure to tell any workman to obey your sign.



Disney: We tried using the "booties" for Brenda, when we were in Mexico and on my daughter's new hardwood floors, she hated them......she would constantly shake her paws and it took her focus off of her job.

I live in an area of L.A. that can get very, very hot. I am constantly looking for shady areas or sidewalk to walk her on, in the summer time. I will drop her off with my DH and then go and find a parking space, if it's on black top.

I have not tried the wax. Maybe someone who has used the wax or booties can help you.

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Disney Dad, We used the paw wax without success in Disney in June. The poor dog was so miserable and hopping around from the hot pavement that we had to reorganize our day into indoor or more shaded areas until we could get back to the hotel to get them. From that day foward, we used the booties. He hates them, but you could tell in his eyes that, when we put them on, he knew they were going to help his feet. He didn't try to flick them off at all. You'll probably want the boots for the beach on the cruise anyway.


Nancy, so sorry to hear about your dog. We lost a cat almost a year ago and that was very difficult. The bond we've all made with the dog (he's my husband's Seeing Eye Dog) is quite different.


I am very jealous of the conversations about the Alaska cruise! We went to Anchorage (no cruise) last September. I would love to go back. There probably won't be much sun, and bring a winter coat, hat and gloves. The scenery was just beautiful without the sun. I can only imagine what it would be like with it!

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CJ: About booties; my husband says that I walk so fast that Brenda's paws don't get a chance to heat-up! She's getting older and starting to balk at my fast pace!

And, thanks for the suggestions of outer-wear for the Alaska cruise.


I bought Brenda a red sweater with her name monogrammed on it! She hates it, (she has a beautiful purple raincoat, too, but hates it, as well!) I'll make her wear them in Alaska. :o


I also bought her some of the most beautiful party collars of all different colors and materials. I know, I know, she's not my child and she's a Service Dog but I love her so much and she's so cute in her special stuff!!!! I don't let her wear the collars in public, only at my work and on cruises!!!!!

She'll be gorgeous for Mexico and then Alaska! :p

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Thanks CJ & Roz,


I think we might pick up an inexpensive set of boots and give them a try before the trip. This way we can see how Orson reacts to them. We never stay in the parks during the hottest part of the day. We go back to the hotel and spend time at the pool. But that may not be the case on the cruise. So now I start the search for boots.

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Thanks CJ & Roz,


I think we might pick up an inexpensive set of boots and give them a try before the trip. This way we can see how Orson reacts to them. We never stay in the parks during the hottest part of the day. We go back to the hotel and spend time at the pool. But that may not be the case on the cruise. So now I start the search for boots.


Try: entirelypets.com or inthecompanyofdogs.com.

Please let us know how it went and how our boy liked them.

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I have a question for the experts. We are taking Orson to Disney World and on the Disney Cruise in July. Even though we won't be in the parks during the hottest part of the day, I am worried about his feet on the hot pavement. I was thinking of using paw wax but I don't know how well it would work, having never used it. I was also thinking about boots. I need help making this decision. If boots are the answer, then does anyone have a certain type that would work the best and be comfortable for Orson?



Hi DisneyKidsDad,


We use paw wax all the time. Light pavement has been fine with Werin with paw wax, but we are VERY careful to limit time on blacktop, if at all. Disney is a mixed bag with both light and dark, but we found that getting around the blacktop was relatively easy. Same story with other parks locally like Hershey here in PA. A mix of blacktop and light makes walking an adventure.


BTW, we got the map at EPCOT a few weeks ago for the "off-stage" areas, and they worked like a charm. A little grass in the middle of our walking did wonders for Werin, not just for toilet breaks, but walking on grass as well.

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The same was true at the Long Island campus. We had volunteers bring us wonderful food for lunch. Many nights we ate the leftovers for dinner.

We even had puppy raisers drive over two hours to bring lunch one day.



The new Long Island Campus sounds great. We were there right after they acquired it, but before the dorms were ready. We had to pay for the hotel at the Residence Inn a little ways away for the two weeks. What was hilarious (sort of) was the Residence Inn tried to charge all of us the "pet" charge. It is the only time it has ever happened to us, but wouldn't you know it would be in their backyard.

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Hi Folks


We are off on our transatlantic cruise in two weeks. Starting in Fort L and ending in Rome.


Just a couple of notes - please check with your cruise line re leaving service dogs alone in the cabin. This will be our third on Holland America and it does not allow you to leave your Service Dog in the cabin alone. It even sends you a letter specifying this.


If you are going to Europe and your dog had a microchip implanted in the US or Canada it is no good for the European Nations(EU). A second will need to be implanted. EU microchips work on a different frequency.


A tattoo will only be accepted for entry to the EU until June 2010. After that a readable EU microchip will be required.


And then there is the muzzle law in some EU countries! Urgh!!!


Getting Oz ready for this trip has been a learning experience.:)


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MCDW: What is the "muzzle law?"

We only needed her tattoo number and all the Vet/AG.Inspection forms/Certification of training from CCI/City License and my passport for our travels to the EU.

We NEVER leave Brenda in the cabin alone but, I know that some of you do and, as I stated in a prior writing, Carnival supplied us with a "Do Not Enter, Dog in Cabin" sign for our door and Princess allows her in the cabin alone, as well! If this is necessary, it's important that a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign be placed on the door, with an explanation to the Purser's Desk, as well as your room steward. It's really not for the safety of those who enter, it's for the safety of our SD's! But, we all knew that!!!!!!!

And, Holland America needs to brought current on this.....some folks need to allow their SD's to have some "down time" in the cabin and maybe they will have to be alone, they need to be taught that this is not a bad thing!

Thank you for the updated information.

Are you a member of IAADP (Independent Association of Assistance Dog Partners)?

They had an article in one of their publications about what is needed to travel to the EU. I don't recall the "muzzle law" but I do recall reading about the microchip and the expiration of the allowance for the tattoo's.

We're not planning a trip overseas in the near future, however we are going into Canada. I'll inquire as to any changes they may need.

Have a wonderful trip, please tell us how you enjoyed it, upon your return. And, again, thank you for keeping us apprised of the changes and requirements for our amazing Service Dogs!

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Hi Again:


I have spoken to colleagues in Rome and it's law is muzzles in public. Not sure about the rest of Italy. This information is also on numerous websites re Rome. It is only recently service dogs have been allowed on public transportation. There are no Italian laws re accessibility for accommodation. I ran into this problem when booking accommodations.


Nothing compared to the ADA in the US or the Charter of Human Rights in Canada. :(


Our guide school is a member of the International Federation of Guide Schools.


You will have no problem bringing a service dog into Canada as long as the shots and vet health certificate are up to date.....Enjoy our fine country. If you need/want information about where you will be going in Canada, just ask. Take care

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Hi Again:


I have spoken to colleagues in Rome and it's law is muzzles in public. Not sure about the rest of Italy. This information is also on numerous websites re Rome. It is only recently service dogs have been allowed on public transportation. There are no Italian laws re accessibility for accommodation. I ran into this problem when booking accommodations.


Nothing compared to the ADA in the US or the Charter of Human Rights in Canada. :(


Our guide school is a member of the International Federation of Guide Schools.


You will have no problem bringing a service dog into Canada as long as the shots and vet health certificate are up to date.....Enjoy our fine country. If you need/want information about where you will be going in Canada, just ask. Take care



Does the Charter of Human Rights in Canada overrule provincal laws. We have had problems, esp. in Quebec with taking Werin into restaurants and buses with us. Since she is not a "seeing eye dog" which the provincal law refers to. Any ideas?

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My husband and I are going on Celebrity Millennium next February. He is in a wheelchair and is bring along his service dog. Does anyone know which of the ports we are able to bring her along to?


St. Croix U.S.V.I (we where told yes but LOTS of paper work)

Basseterre St. Kitts

Roseau Dominica

Castries St. Lucia

Bridgetown Barbados

St. George's Grenada

Willemstad Curacao

Oranjestad Aurba

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Hi, I just called Amtrak to get the reservations for the cruise this summer, and the special needs service desk told me that Werin wouldn't be allowed. I redirected them and started asking for names, so they backed off and said they will call me back in a couple of hours after they have researched it, but they felt that Werin's services were a "comfort" animal and not eligible as a service animal.


Oh boy - if they come back and tell me no - I'll not be pleased and will start making waves. More to come.

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Wow, here we go. One persons opinion on something they obviously know nothing about! They should have just told you they would have to research it first, before stating Werin couldn't go. If they only knew what wonderful things Wering has done for your son. Send them some pictures..... But they probably still wouldn't get it. Good luck, let us know what happens.

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I just saw those boots on-line. Do you use the liners too? How long did it take Ollie to get used to them?


We do not use the liners. Ollie still really does not like the boots and tolerates them when he has to. I think, though, he realizes that they do protect his feet and didn't try to get them off. We kept checking to make sure he didn't flick them off though.

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My husband and I are going on Celebrity Millennium next February. He is in a wheelchair and is bring along his service dog. Does anyone know which of the ports we are able to bring her along to?


St. Croix U.S.V.I (we where told yes but LOTS of paper work)

Basseterre St. Kitts

Roseau Dominica

Castries St. Lucia

Bridgetown Barbados

St. George's Grenada

Willemstad Curacao

Oranjestad Aurba


Kim: Welcome! Celebrity was very accommodating to us and to Brenda. Your TA should check for you and should let you know what is required on each island. Or, sometimes our Vets are a great resource for travel information to various countries and/or islands.

Honestly, the laws are changing as we write.....So, it's a good idea to get the most current information.

When you find out what is needed please come back and let us know. Or, maybe someone online can answer your questions.

I believe "Quam" visited these Islands, maybe she can help!

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Hi, I just called Amtrak to get the reservations for the cruise this summer, and the special needs service desk told me that Werin wouldn't be allowed. I redirected them and started asking for names, so they backed off and said they will call me back in a couple of hours after they have researched it, but they felt that Werin's services were a "comfort" animal and not eligible as a service animal.


Oh boy - if they come back and tell me no - I'll not be pleased and will start making waves. More to come.


WRONG - WRONG - WRONG.....That moron did not know what they were talking about......Werin has ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS! I don't want to be them, when you've had enough of them!

Just book your reservations for the train for your family, you're not required to give them any prior notice of a Service Dog boarding.....so, just call someone else and book it!!!!!

It's so aggrevating when we try and give a public venue a head's-up about our SD's and they come back with some ignorant remark.

Some public venue's MUST have a pre-registration or heads-up to accommodate our dogs and others are just going to have to "suck-it-up!"

I suppose, unless you're on a Sleeper car, there's no reason AmTrak needs any advance knowledge of our SD's boarding and even then, they don't supply anything (in the way of a pottybox), so, what's their problem?

I've traveled via. AmTrak and Metrolink and have never been questioned. I buy my ticket, I board with Brenda....I scope out the seat with the best floor space for her and we're done. The engineer and the conductor's have always been very welcoming.......You got the "AmTrak Moron of The Week!"

Aren't I getting braver and braver about this "public access" stuff! Remember when I would get really upset at the folks who would give me a hard time.....Now, I just ignore them and move on. I don't even acknowledge them and I suggest that they call the police to have me and my SD removed, it saves me the phone call!

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