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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Everyone: I just purchased a "Scooper Genie" - ScooperGenie.com -

I love it.....It's a wand, with a bag attachment, to pick up "pooh." I can tell you that it's a wonderful item. It works so easily with a "push button" to release the bag into the trash.

I highly recommend it. It will save your back and hands. And, I plan to take it along on our trip to Seattle, in September and then onboard the Golden Princess.

Amazing what they will come up with to save us from having to bend over and pick-up!!!!!! ;)

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Everyone: I just purchased a "Scooper Genie" - ScooperGenie.com -


I love it.....It's a wand, with a bag attachment, to pick up "pooh." I can tell you that it's a wonderful item. It works so easily with a "push button" to release the bag into the trash.


I highly recommend it. It will save your back and hands. And, I plan to take it along on our trip to Seattle, in September and then onboard the Golden Princess.


Amazing what they will come up with to save us from having to bend over and pick-up!!!!!! ;)


I am going to check it out! I don't mind cleaning up, but it is hard to find a place to wash up afterwards. Somehow "Purell" just doesn't seem as good as soap and water when it comes to poppy hands. Even when using a bag and never touching the poop. I'm going to pick up a 9 month old golden this afternoon. Going to have for a short home visit and of course hospital outings. I'll keep you posted. Those two I had last week were super cute black lab mixes, but boy were they an armful. They just sparkled they were so frisky and curious, and bold, and ........

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Everyone: I just purchased a "Scooper Genie" - ScooperGenie.com -


I love it.....It's a wand, with a bag attachment, to pick up "pooh." I can tell you that it's a wonderful item. It works so easily with a "push button" to release the bag into the trash.


I highly recommend it. It will save your back and hands. And, I plan to take it along on our trip to Seattle, in September and then onboard the Golden Princess.


Amazing what they will come up with to save us from having to bend over and pick-up!!!!!! ;)


I had to laugh at the first demo video. The woman picks up the poop from the carpet then drops the "open" bag into a trash can in the house. I don't want to be the next person to open that trash can!! :eek:

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I had to laugh at the first demo video. The woman picks up the poop from the carpet then drops the "open" bag into a trash can in the house. I don't want to be the next person to open that trash can!! :eek:


Me either......that's the one thing I didn't like about it, for home use. However, the wire attachment is part of the bag, so it makes it heavier when you drop it into a recepticle, it falls [open end-wire first] into the can, kind of sealing it off but not really.

I'm going to use it in the "rest stops", along our car trips, at CCI, at the office [the recipticle is located in the back, outside.] I'm never going to put it into a can located in an indoor environment, without putting it into another [sealable] bag!

It's still a great item.....especially, on those (I can't bend over) days!!!!! I'm so glad I got it.

I forgot to mention.....if you are a CCI Graduate you can purchase it with a 30% discount. When ordering just tell them you are a CCI Grad.

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Back to the SD relief areas at airports for a moment. Here's an article I read on MSNBC last week about pet relief areas: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31189966/


More important, here is a PDF document listing airport relief areas, locations, materials used, etc, compiled by Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air: http://www.alaskaair.com/as/www2/help/faqs/Animal-Relief-Areas.pdf

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Back to the SD relief areas at airports for a moment. Here's an article I read on MSNBC last week about pet relief areas: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31189966/


More important, here is a PDF document listing airport relief areas, locations, materials used, etc, compiled by Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air: http://www.alaskaair.com/as/www2/help/faqs/Animal-Relief-Areas.pdf


Kim: Excellent information...thank you. For everyone who went before us and struggles and made it easier for the next.......THANK YOU!

In reference to the "Scooper Genie", I don't know if the discount is for ALL Service Dogs or just CCI dogs.....It's worth an ask.

I purchased three of them [one for the office, one for my car and one for a friend] and saved almost $18.00. My friend said, "it's never been so easy to pick-up the pooh in her backyard, the wired bag really allows her to get under the "stuff" and, waahlah!!!!!"

I swear, I don't work for the company but, I will give them a testimonial, if they ask......I really like this product!

And, why didn't I think of that?

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Reporting back; after several uses of my "Scooper Genie"...I still love it....However, when I'm walking Brenda through the office to her relief area and I'm carrying it, it tends to look like I'm a butterfly catcher! I've gotten a lot of comments in that regard!!! :p

I love, love not having to bend over and scoop with my hand inside a plastic bag, again.

Not that I wouldn't do anything for my girl.....sometimes when I'd walk her before we'd go into a restaurant, it was just too much for the stomach to bear!!!!!

I will keep one in the car just for such occasions......

It comes with "black" bags and I bought more refill bags which are a "peach" color......I prefer the black...but, I don't remember seeing where I had a choice of bag color.

Anyway, I thought I'd share my latest and newest device to make my life easier with a Service Dog!

Take Care! :) ;)

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Hello Again,


This is Kim with Keldon (son's SD). I thought I would identify by SD since I have not posted a message for a few weeks and we have another Kim posting messages as well. Maybe i will try to put a picture of Keldon by my name. Is that easy to do?


Roz, I finally contacted Allison at Princess. She said I needed to write them a letter stating we wanted to bring Keldon. She also told me what Princess would provide re: toileting and and that we could leave keldon in the cabin or that one of the staff would like to watch him at the desk if we went ashore. I am not sure whether we will be going ashore or at what ports. I told her I would confirm the toileting arrangements closer to the sail date. What do you and Brenda prefer for in the toilet box?


Thanks for all the information on the relief areas at the airports.


Glad to hear Orson is going on his first cruise. How far in advance did you start with the Tortola permit process? Is that the same one you need for other ports in the Bahamas?



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Hello Again,


This is Kim with Keldon (son's SD). I thought I would identify by SD since I have not posted a message for a few weeks and we have another Kim posting messages as well. Maybe i will try to put a picture of Keldon by my name. Is that easy to do?


Roz, I finally contacted Allison at Princess. She said I needed to write them a letter stating we wanted to bring Keldon. She also told me what Princess would provide re: toileting and and that we could leave keldon in the cabin or that one of the staff would like to watch him at the desk if we went ashore. I am not sure whether we will be going ashore or at what ports. I told her I would confirm the toileting arrangements closer to the sail date. What do you and Brenda prefer for in the toilet box?


Thanks for all the information on the relief areas at the airports.


Glad to hear Orson is going on his first cruise. How far in advance did you start with the Tortola permit process? Is that the same one you need for other ports in the Bahamas?




Hi Kim: You're right, there are two Kim's. You may post a picture by going to the "usercp" at the top left of the page and clicking on it....it will take you to all the directions of everything you ever wanted to know or do.

I prefer the "mulch" for use in the potty box. Brenda hated the paper pellets that Princess used on one cruise. I let Allison know after our last cruise, in April, that the mulch was perfect and to please ALWAYS suppy it, while dogs are cruising.

It's a good idea to contact her at least one week prior to your cruise to remind her of the mulch and where you'd like the box placed. Here are your choices:

1. On an outside deck.....(My least favorite)

2. In a crew closet down the hall from your cabin... (My second favorite)

3. On your veranda...(DH doesn't like this)

4. In a stairwell....(Usually the one in the aft portion of the ship...this is my most favorite....it's out of the way of the public, it's easy to get to [with pj's on] and, it's very roomy. :)

Don't forget "potty bags", it's a good idea for YOU to pick-up the waste and leave it in a tied-up plastic bag and drop it into the recepticle or by the side of the box.

The crew will do it for you but, I NEVER expect them to! That's going beyond the call of duty!!!! :o

Please give yourself lots of time to get all your necessary paperwork done. Some ports require different paperwork than others.

"DisneyKidsDad" is "Orson's" "person" and, may be able to help further with the Tortola question.

We do not leave the ship in some ports, only because of the loose dog thing. Some ports have absolutely no restrictions on stray dogs and I don't want to take the chance on Brenda being attacked!

The crew [most of them] are missing their own furbabies so much, that they will do anything for you and "Keldon". Utilize them, if they want to babysit him....let them! Don't worry about it! They'll give him the "star" treatment and you don't have to worry about him having to be alone! ;)

On one of our cruises the assistant Cruise Director would call, and ask if he could walk Brenda. We let him on a few occasions!

When is your cruise? Have a wonderful time!

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Hi Kim: You're right, there are two Kim's. You may post a picture by going to the "usercp" at the top left of the page and clicking on it....it will take you to all the directions of everything you ever wanted to know or do.


I prefer the "mulch" for use in the potty box. Brenda hated the paper pellets that Princess used on one cruise. I let Allison know after our last cruise, in April, that the mulch was perfect and to please ALWAYS suppy it, while dogs are cruising.


It's a good idea to contact her at least one week prior to your cruise to remind her of the mulch and where you'd like the box placed. Here are your choices:


1. On an outside deck.....(My least favorite)

2. In a crew closet down the hall from your cabin... (My second favorite)

3. On your veranda...(DH doesn't like this)

4. In a stairwell....(Usually the one in the aft portion of the ship...this is my most favorite....it's out of the way of the public, it's easy to get to [with pj's on] and, it's very roomy. :)


Don't forget "potty bags", it's a good idea for YOU to pick-up the waste and leave it in a tied-up plastic bag and drop it into the recepticle or by the side of the box.


The crew will do it for you but, I NEVER expect them to! That's going beyond the call of duty!!!! :o


Please give yourself lots of time to get all your necessary paperwork done. Some ports require different paperwork than others.


"DisneyKidsDad" is "Orson's" "person" and, may be able to help further with the Tortola question.


We do not leave the ship in some ports, only because of the loose dog thing. Some ports have absolutely no restrictions on stray dogs and I don't want to take the chance on Brenda being attacked!


The crew [most of them] are missing their own furbabies so much, that they will do anything for you and "Keldon". Utilize them, if they want to babysit him....let them! Don't worry about it! They'll give him the "star" treatment and you don't have to worry about him having to be alone! ;)


On one of our cruises the assistant Cruise Director would call, and ask if he could walk Brenda. We let him on a few occasions!


When is your cruise? Have a wonderful time!


Roz, If we are ever on the same cruise do I get to walk Brenny???

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I have an 8 month old golden home today. I picked her up Monday night, so she is getting used to me and the house. My own dog gives her two paws up, she wasn't too crazy about the lab puppies I had home last week:D. This one doesn't like her crate during the day. She barks a bit at night and then settles down. I've put her in a few times today, but she still barks and barks. We went on a few outings this morning, but it is so hot, I don't want her paws on the pavement of the parking lots. So we are doing in door work. Oh well, that is why they are "in training". She is about the prettiest dog I've had in a while. Big dark eyes, and a black, black nose. Looks like she is wearing black lip stick when she gives that big doggy grin.

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Glad to hear Orson is going on his first cruise. How far in advance did you start with the Tortola permit process? Is that the same one you need for other ports in the Bahamas?




Kim, We started about two months ago with the Tortola Permit process. The first thing you need to do is get a titer test done. That's a blood test that has to be sent to Kansas State University. It can take up to a month to get back. Then the vet had paperwork to fill out, and so did we.

I then sent everything down, along with a $10 certified check via Fed-Ex.

It got there the next day. Then in about two weeks, after a few e-mails back and forth, they faxed me the permit.

Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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Roz, If we are ever on the same cruise do I get to walk Brenny???


I wish, I wish, I wish, that we would cruise together. With all the work that you do to ensure that puppies are turned into amazing Service Dogs, I would be honored for Brenda to walk along side you. YOU are my hero.

Brenda would probably love you.......and, I would have to struggle with her listening to me again, after she's been with you!

You dog wisperer you!!!!!! ;)

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I have an 8 month old golden home today. I picked her up Monday night, so she is getting used to me and the house. My own dog gives her two paws up, she wasn't too crazy about the lab puppies I had home last week:D. This one doesn't like her crate during the day. She barks a bit at night and then settles down. I've put her in a few times today, but she still barks and barks. We went on a few outings this morning, but it is so hot, I don't want her paws on the pavement of the parking lots. So we are doing in door work. Oh well, that is why they are "in training". She is about the prettiest dog I've had in a while. Big dark eyes, and a black, black nose. Looks like she is wearing black lip stick when she gives that big doggy grin.


AWWWWWW! Hopefully, that fear of the crate will pass. I've seen dogs who did not pass final Team Training because of their anxiety with the crate and separation. Hopfully, with all your good training and time with her, she will get over it and let herself move-on!!!!

It's so funny about the "lip" thing. Brenda has the most beautiful mouth I think I've ever seen on a dog. It looks like she's wearing some "punk rock" black lipstick. And, she's had some Botox treatment to plump them up!!!!! :p I swear, it takes all my restraint to not kiss those lips while I watch her sleeping!

My hubby is not so restrained.......he kisses her, square on the mouth, all the time!!!!!! She just looks at him......as if to say, "you, sir, are so madly in love with me, I've got you right where I want you!!!!!" ;)

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You described this girl's smile to a T. Botoxed lips:D. I swear she looks at me like ""I'm ready for my close up". She has a great heel and really watches me well. I think she is going to be great. She was super sweet at the hospital yesterday, of course it was a tough job snuggling with children in their beds, but someone has to do it.

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You described this girl's smile to a T. Botoxed lips:D. I swear she looks at me like ""I'm ready for my close up". She has a great heel and really watches me well. I think she is going to be great. She was super sweet at the hospital yesterday, of course it was a tough job snuggling with children in their beds, but someone has to do it.


This one's going to be hard to part with!!!!!!!

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Hi Kim: You're right, there are two Kim's. You may post a picture by going to the "usercp" at the top left of the page and clicking on it....it will take you to all the directions of everything you ever wanted to know or do.

I prefer the "mulch" for use in the potty box. Brenda hated the paper pellets that Princess used on one cruise. I let Allison know after our last cruise, in April, that the mulch was perfect and to please ALWAYS suppy it, while dogs are cruising.

It's a good idea to contact her at least one week prior to your cruise to remind her of the mulch and where you'd like the box placed. Here are your choices:

1. On an outside deck.....(My least favorite)

2. In a crew closet down the hall from your cabin... (My second favorite)

3. On your veranda...(DH doesn't like this)

4. In a stairwell....(Usually the one in the aft portion of the ship...this is my most favorite....it's out of the way of the public, it's easy to get to [with pj's on] and, it's very roomy. :)

Don't forget "potty bags", it's a good idea for YOU to pick-up the waste and leave it in a tied-up plastic bag and drop it into the recepticle or by the side of the box.

The crew will do it for you but, I NEVER expect them to! That's going beyond the call of duty!!!! :o

Please give yourself lots of time to get all your necessary paperwork done. Some ports require different paperwork than others.

"DisneyKidsDad" is "Orson's" "person" and, may be able to help further with the Tortola question.

We do not leave the ship in some ports, only because of the loose dog thing. Some ports have absolutely no restrictions on stray dogs and I don't want to take the chance on Brenda being attacked!

The crew [most of them] are missing their own furbabies so much, that they will do anything for you and "Keldon". Utilize them, if they want to babysit him....let them! Don't worry about it! They'll give him the "star" treatment and you don't have to worry about him having to be alone! ;)

On one of our cruises the assistant Cruise Director would call, and ask if he could walk Brenda. We let him on a few occasions!

When is your cruise? Have a wonderful time![/QUOT


Thanks Roz. Was Allison receptive to what you told her? In other words is she going to try to provide the mulch every time for everyone?


We are scheduled to go November 15th. I suppose I should probably get that titer test done right now. Is it too early?


We are staying aft so I think option 4 sounds closest and best for us too! I would not like to trudge all the way to the front of the ship in my pj's. HAHA.


I do not think we will be taking Keldon off at many ports. Possibly Princess Cays, but I am just too worried about stray dogs in the other ports. On St Martin we were hoping to just walk about and I am afraid of what we will encounter. Plus a CCI classmate of ours told us they were denied access on St Martin?!


As to the Princess personnel is it really ok to leave the SD with them? We rarely leave Keldon with anyone, although I would leave him with Sunshine in a heartbeat.


DisneyKidsDad: You guys are getting so close! You will definitely have to let us know how it goes since we will be newbie first timers too. Does the test have to go to Kansas State University? No disrespect to Kansas...but is there no other place in the country?



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Hi guys, I haven't been on for a long time either. I am the "mother" of Valentine a 10 pound Japanese Chin. We have traveled to the Eastern Carabbean several times and all that we have ever been required to have is a health certificate and shot record. For Naussa we did have to send for a certificate from the councilate and fax it to the ship but that has been all that has ever been required except when we travel to Europe. I can't imagine that your friend was denigned access to St. Maartin? Valentine has been there at least 3 times. I'd check it out myself if I were you.


I don't blame you for being on guard for the stray dogs but I have never seen any. Not to say that they are not there just I haven not seen them. Also Valentine is small enough that we just snatch her up out of harm's way. LOL.


I just got back for a cruise out of Baltimore and believe me they were the worst. This is the first time that David did not go with us so it was just my mother, sister, myself and Valentine. First of all there was on one to meet my sister with a wheelchair as was promised and we were kept waiting forever because of my service dog even though I had all of the paperwork as ordered. I tend to be a little shy and if David had been there believe me they would not have kept us waiting. Their answer was that they were all new and only 1 person from Miami knew what to do to get the dog on board. Then they had to walk us onboard like criminals! I was really embarrassed. By the time we got on board I was hot but I guess it was too late because the hotel director and everyone onboard had been expecting her and had everything ready.


We had no more problems about the dog but they really need a dog march on the port of Baltimore. Valentine says that she will lead the way!;)

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DisneyKidsDad: You guys are getting so close! You will definitely have to let us know how it goes since we will be newbie first timers too. Does the test have to go to Kansas State University? No disrespect to Kansas...but is there no other place in the country?





From what we were told, Kansas State University is the only place to have the test done. We also had to give the vet a check for I believe it was $46 to send down with the blood sample.

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Thanks Roz. Was Allison receptive to what you told her? In other words is she going to try to provide the mulch every time for everyone?


We are scheduled to go November 15th. I suppose I should probably get that titer test done right now. Is it too early?


We are staying aft so I think option 4 sounds closest and best for us too! I would not like to trudge all the way to the front of the ship in my pj's. HAHA.


I do not think we will be taking Keldon off at many ports. Possibly Princess Cays, but I am just too worried about stray dogs in the other ports. On St Martin we were hoping to just walk about and I am afraid of what we will encounter. Plus a CCI classmate of ours told us they were denied access on St Martin?!


As to the Princess personnel is it really ok to leave the SD with them? We rarely leave Keldon with anyone, although I would leave him with Sunshine in a heartbeat.


DisneyKidsDad: You guys are getting so close! You will definitely have to let us know how it goes since we will be newbie first timers too. Does the test have to go to Kansas State University? No disrespect to Kansas...but is there no other place in the country?




Kim: Allison wants you to be happy and she wants us all to cruise with Princess, so in a word, YES, she is very receptive to the needs of our dogs. When you call her [661.284.4521 - email: allisonm@princesscruises.com]. You just need to remind her of your booking number; ship and date of sailing. Also, remind of where you would like the potty box placed and the mulch filler.


When I return from my cruise, I always email her to let her know how it went. And, on our April cruise, it was PERFECT!!!!


Remember: When you board go to the Passenger Service's Desk and remind them to: Reserve your seat for the Princess Theatre; and, remind them that you will need special assistance on Debarkation to either get escorted off the ship and away from the people and their luggage or if you "self-disembark", you will need to be one of the first to leave.


Also, if you're stopped by a crew member [sometimes this may happen by someone who has no clue about why/where/what to do with a person with a dog. Just tell him/her, in your best assertive tone that you do not want to be stopped right now and, that you are going to your cabin or the purser's desk and, they may speak with you there.



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Thanks Roz. Was Allison receptive to what you told her? In other words is she going to try to provide the mulch every time for everyone?


We are scheduled to go November 15th. I suppose I should probably get that titer test done right now. Is it too early?


We are staying aft so I think option 4 sounds closest and best for us too! I would not like to trudge all the way to the front of the ship in my pj's. HAHA.


I do not think we will be taking Keldon off at many ports. Possibly Princess Cays, but I am just too worried about stray dogs in the other ports. On St Martin we were hoping to just walk about and I am afraid of what we will encounter. Plus a CCI classmate of ours told us they were denied access on St Martin?!


As to the Princess personnel is it really ok to leave the SD with them? We rarely leave Keldon with anyone, although I would leave him with Sunshine in a heartbeat.


DisneyKidsDad: You guys are getting so close! You will definitely have to let us know how it goes since we will be newbie first timers too. Does the test have to go to Kansas State University? No disrespect to Kansas...but is there no other place in the country?




Kim: I apoligize for being so wordy......but, it seems there's no simple way to shorten these posts......Allison [Princess Access] is very receptive. Be your strong, assertive self and tell her what you need:

1. Potty box to be placed in the stairwell on your cabin deck [if she says that the ship will do this, after you board. Tell her to please let them know to place it there prior to your boarding.]

2. You want the box to be filled with mulch.....Just like she did for Roz Silberschein, on her cruise, this past April, onboard the Sapphire. Tell her you want the exact same set-up.

Allison: 661.284.4521 - email: allisonm@princesscruises.com

Call her one week prior to cruising.

Remember: Have extra copies of "Keldon's" paperwork to hand to

1. Registration, at the pier.

2. Purser's desk. This will save time and hassle!

If a crew member stops you once you've boarded, for any reason; simply tell them that you are going to your cabin to put your stuff away; to get your dog his water; and, that you'll be going to the Purser's desk and, they may meet me there.

There are some crew members who think it's their personal job to STOP you. They have no clue about all the clearances you've already been put through in order to board. :rolleyes:

Your job is to make your dog and yourselves as comfortable as you can to begin your cruise on a positive note.

Go to your cabin; locate your life perservers; see where you will need to go for the "muster drill" [the location is on the back of the door of your cabin.] The drill is usually around 4:00 - 5:00pm, before you set sail or sometimes during.

Sometimes the Hotel Manager/Steward or some other crew member will come to your cabin to show you where the potty box is located. If not call your Steward on the phone and ask. There will be a card near the phone that will tell you how to reach your Steward.

Once you've made "Keldon" comfortable and have located his box. Go to the Passenger Service's Desk [Purser's Desk] and, ask them to find you a crew member who can reserve your seats for the Theatre production shows. And, ask them to assist you in disembarking either first or with an escort so that "Keldon" does not get trampled by the people rushing to get off the ship! At this time, they could care less about you or him!!!!

Kim, the folks who work on these ships have been away from their families and furbabies for many, many months and they will want to touch and be with "Keldon!" If they offer to watch him, don't hesitate. Tell them some of his commands and make sure that he has his water bowl. And, go off the ship and enjoy yourself.

I, too, have NEVER been separated from Brenda in the 7 years I've had her. When we cruise, I don't hesitate to let the crew enjoy her. If they want to spend time with her, I allow it! I've gone off the ship and the Cruise Director took her, when we got back Brenda was hanging out with the Captain.

As Valentine's Mom has stated; we, too did not need more than her immunization record/vet check-up, with proof of her use of Heart Guard and Advantix/city license and certification card from CCI.

Maybe a call to Allison will clarify this as well.

Again, have a wonderful time.....you'll see, everything will fall into place and, you will not believe how much fun it is to cruise with your Service Dog!

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Kim: Allison wants you to be happy and she wants us all to cruise with Princess, so in a word, YES, she is very receptive to the needs of our dogs. When you call her [661.284.4521 - email: allisonm@princesscruises.com]. You just need to remind her of your booking number; ship and date of sailing. Also, remind of where you would like the potty box placed and the mulch filler.


When I return from my cruise, I always email her to let her know how it went. And, on our April cruise, it was PERFECT!!!!


Remember: When you board go to the Passenger Service's Desk and remind them to: Reserve your seat for the Princess Theatre; and, remind them that you will need special assistance on Debarkation to either get escorted off the ship and away from the people and their luggage or if you "self-disembark", you will need to be one of the first to leave.


Also, if you're stopped by a crew member [sometimes this may happen by someone who has no clue about why/where/what to do with a person with a dog. Just tell him/her, in your best assertive tone that you do not want to be stopped right now and, that you are going to your cabin or the purser's desk and, they may speak with you there.




I am so sorry about this duplicate and unfinished post.......Brenda came over to my desk placed her mouth on the keypad and "waahlah", this is what happend........She's so talented! I have no idea how she did it.....Maybe she's trying to take my job......I'll have to get her "vested"!

Actually, first, she'll have to join the Union! :p

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Roz, (raising hand and jumping up and down) Can I walk Brenny too????? I wish we lived closer, would love to cruise with all of you! Still no word on a dog :( I was hoping for the August class but it's not looking like we are getting called for that. Oh well guess we will shoot for the November class now. I don't mean to be nosy Roz, but are you in a wheelchair? I have noticed you always prefer your potty box in a stairwell so I assume you are not WC bound. For us the veranda would be the ideal place.


Cari, I sent you a really cool email about a horse from hurricane Katrina, But when I came on here I noticed your email is different from the one I have. Let me know if you got it and since I don't have Roz's email, could you send it to her. Thanks.




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