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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I'm just so glad that their are choices out there for people in need of a service dog. I'm taking a week off from pups and dogs and giving my own dog some extra attention and exercise. She so graciously( and sometimes not so graciously)shares her home and her people with these canine's in training. I'm competing in a mini triathalon this weekend and want to get some last minute swims in as well. I snooped around the web site I posted and found some later training camp videos that I hadn't seen. Some of my special friends were on and I had some aaaaahhhhh moments. The house has recovered from "Thing1 andThing2" :Dso maybe I can start thinking about another couple of pups for a visit soon.


Also, my own dog wears a CFD (canine flotation devise)from outward bound. It fits her well, she wears it when she is out on our ski boat whenever the boat is underway. I like that it is bright green for better spotting and has a handle to help haul her in if needed. I can't see why anyone would want a camoflouge life jacket for their dog. If my dog goes overboard, I want to SEE her.


Good luck with your triathalon......I'm a big supporter of those that can do these.....and, I cheer you on.....GO SUNSHINE....GO!!!!!

Brenda's life vest is a bright [and, I do mean bright] orange!!!!

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Those who are waiting for new dogs have my empathy. I am also playing the waiting game. Soon I'll be applying for a successor guide dog, and my heart hurts when I think of my Rufus retiring.


I wonder if Royal Caribbean provides dog life jackets? They didn't offer us one for Rufus, and that never crossed my mind beforehand.


It's not just the black dogs who get stepped on all the time, unfortunately. I think most people are just preoccupied and don't look where they are going, and they don't expect a dog to be there. The caution tape is a good idea. I might have to get some, even though my husband will laugh at us.


BTW, to make is easier to tell Kim & Keldon apart from us, I prefer being called Kimberly. :D


~Kimberly & guide dog Rufus

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I'm just so glad that their are choices out there for people in need of a service dog. I'm taking a week off from pups and dogs and giving my own dog some extra attention and exercise. She so graciously( and sometimes not so graciously)shares her home and her people with these canine's in training. I'm competing in a mini triathalon this weekend and want to get some last minute swims in as well. I snooped around the web site I posted and found some later training camp videos that I hadn't seen. Some of my special friends were on and I had some aaaaahhhhh moments. The house has recovered from "Thing1 andThing2" :Dso maybe I can start thinking about another couple of pups for a visit soon.


Also, my own dog wears a CFD (canine flotation devise)from outward bound. It fits her well, she wears it when she is out on our ski boat whenever the boat is underway. I like that it is bright green for better spotting and has a handle to help haul her in if needed. I can't see why anyone would want a camoflouge life jacket for their dog. If my dog goes overboard, I want to SEE her.


Good luck with your triathlon this weekend!

~Kimberly & guide dog Rufus

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BTW, to make is easier to tell Kim & Keldon apart from us, I prefer being called Kimberly. :D


~Kimberly & guide dog Rufus


That works for me Kimberly! A friend of mine knows 3 of us and we are often in the same place at the same time. Since I m the first one she knew I am Kim, then there is Mama Kim and Teacher Kim. It gets a little crazy.


Thanks for the information on the dog life vests. I will look into it on the internet. I saw some at REI, but I hope I do not have to pay that much!!!!


Good luck Sunshine. Or neighbors do that. I just stand around and admire!



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Sunshine, Even though I knew I shouldn't click on the link, I did and made it the first 1:07 before I had to turn it off. Those darn graduations with the video and music kill me! When we would go to the graduations, I would leave when they did that part. It is inspirational but tear jerking too. I assume this is the place you work for and I will check it out better when I compose myself. Thanks for posting that, I love to read about other organizations.


And Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there!



Hey Cindy, have to tell you that the end of the clip is SO great!!! I had a huge smile on my face (of course, I was still wiping away a few tears from the beginning). Try to watch again - it is wonderful!!!

For me, I went from crying to smiling at the point where they show a little boy obviously being comforted by his mom and then a shot where their dog then puts a paw on the boy ... and finally the boy is smiling from ear to ear hugging 'his' dog!!!

It is a great video! Thanks for posting Sunshine.


PS. Hope everyone is well. Been a while since I've checked in.

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Well, we got the last of our cruise documents in yesterday. Because Disney lets you do on-line check-in, all we got were the luggage tags. Now the only thing left is to get the international health cert. filled out ten days before the cruise and then running it to the state vet to rubber stamp. :D And then we wait. :(

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Well, we got the last of our cruise documents in yesterday. Because Disney lets you do on-line check-in, all we got were the luggage tags. Now the only thing left is to get the international health cert. filled out ten days before the cruise and then running it to the state vet to rubber stamp. :D And then we wait. :(


Does your state vet charge for the rubber stamp? Also, our state vet says the dog's regular vet who fills out the international health certificate has to be an approved vet (approved by them or on their list) or they won't rubber stamp the international health certificate! Did you run into this as well?

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I wanted to let everybody know about the new requirement for entering the Bahamas. I'm not sure when they implemented it, as I haven't been there since the beginning of the year, but I just got my latest import permit and the new requirement is on it.


The new requirement is that every animal must be microchipped (Home Again or Avid or Destron or Trovan brands), the vet doing the paperwork in the country of export must scan the microchip to verify the microchip number, and the microchip number must be on every health document requested. There is a form the vet fills out and signs in regards to the microchip and they send said form with the import permit.


Your SDs (and pets) should be microchipped anyway, IMO, but in case they aren't already, you'll have to get it done before entering the Bahamas. (It doesn't say the microchip needs to have been implanted before vaccinations like other countries require, so the animal's vaccinations will still be valid.)


Note that members of IAADP can get free microchip registration (I think it is) for their SD.


My SD has an Avid chip and I recommend that brand.


DisneyKidsDad did you notice this on your Bahaman permit? Is Orson microchipped?

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I emailed 6 islands last weekend. We only heard back from 1 of them. Now thats over a week ago and still haven't heard anything. We tried to email some official dept, you would think they would have responded by now. I guess I'll wait another week and email them again.


Hi Cindy,

Sorry this is such an old post I am asking about. Do you still have e-mail info for any of these ports you could pass on? We are going to Grand Turk (not one I recall you mentioning), St Thomas, St Martin and Princess Cays (Bahamas).





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Does your state vet charge for the rubber stamp? Also, our state vet says the dog's regular vet who fills out the international health certificate has to be an approved vet (approved by them or on their list) or they won't rubber stamp the international health certificate! Did you run into this as well?


Yes our state vet charges for the rubber stamp. We were told the fee is based on the number of islands you visit. In our case it's two islands and the fee is $107.

The vet we are using is USDA acredited. I think that may be the requirement. The form we filled out for the Bahamas does not have a spot for Orsons microchip number. But we are bringing that information with us anyway because we need it for Tortola.

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Kim, I don't know much of anything...sorry. St. Thomas is an American island so I think just the rabies and that other form is all you need. For some reason I had a really hard time getting any answers from these islands. I emailed many times, I even called consulates. Maybe some of the others have more answers than me. As you read we didn't end up with the dog, so he never travelled with us. We were thinking that when we get the new dog, that we might try a New England-Canada cruise. I figure it would be easier to deal with one country and no airplane just to see if we like travelling with the dog. We never cruised with our other dog. Sorry I couldn't be much help. :(



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Because Tortola is in the British Virgin Islands, they follow the same rules as if we were taking our SD to Great Britian.


The exact same? Or, unlike England/Ireland, do they allow dogs who have been in the Bahamas (and other countries who haven't gotten themselves on the approved list) within the last six months? Make sure of that, if you are going to the Bahamas before Tortola.

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Your pet may travel with you but you must meet all the conditions of the TCI Environmental Health Department Veterinary and Animal Control Unit. This includes an Import Permit, Veterinary Health Certificate, Vaccination Certificate and Laboratory Test Results which must ALL be submitted at the port of entry to obtain veterinary clearance. If you don’t have your documents in order the result may be that your pet is quarantined, deported or euthanized.


A – Z: Contact details for TCI Environmental




You are best off calling the U.S. office for Turks & Caicos. I did, since Internet info. was either hard to find or it was contradictory between Web sites. When I called, the lady said all I would need was the rabies certificate and health certificate. This was in question for my SD on a cruise at the beginning of next year.


If you get any different info. than what I got, do let me know! Thanks!

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Will people bring small dogs and cats not appropriate for travel such as, animals prone to motion sickness, yapping dogs, cats that cry and claw at the carrier the entire flight? How will they plan for the discomfort to the animal’s ears on take off and landing? What about grooming standards that service dogs must meet for the safety of other passengers and animals (dander, fleas, ticks)?


Many airlines have allowed pets in the cabin (in bags/containers like Southwest is doing) for many, many years. Yes, sometimes you'll hear a dog/puppy yapping for much of the flight. :-P If the dog had fleas, I'm sure they wouldn't let it on the flight due to the health risk to human passengers.


Dogs' ears don't "pop" like humans' ears do, as they are designed differently.


According to the FAQ section of the SWA web site, s” Southwest does not require a health certificate or any other documentation from the Customer’s veterinarian for pets to travel.”

But according to their Pet Policy “Southwest Airlines accepts small vaccinated domestic cats and dogs.” How do they know they are vaccinated and with what vaccines?


A lot of (all?) airlines don't ask for a health certificate except dogs travelling as cargo. They likely just assume the dog is vaccinated, as most dogs whose owners want to take them with them are loved enough to get good vet care. Unvaccinated dogs are usually the kind left in the backyard all day and night - you wouldn't find somebody taking one of those in a plane cabin (they are also usually larger dogs, not small enough to fit beneath the seat and therefore travel as cabin pets).


No, I am concerned about Aunt Betty’s dog, Fifi and for her fellow passengers. Betty can’t stand to leave little Fifi even though Fifi is a terror, yaps constantly, bites ankles, and small children.


It has taken years of education and the proven track record of service animals working well to gain the current level of acceptance. I just hope I don’t have to sit by a yapping dog for the whole flight.


Again, pets have been on airplanes for many, many years. It isn't an issue and doesn't have anything to do with SDs unless one of the pet owners tries to let their pet out of the bag, which they are not allowed to do on the airplane or in the airport (but I've never seen anybody enforce this, even when I was in line at a ticketing counter and a large-breed puppy, who was getting ready to be shipped in the belly of the plane, was out of his crate on a leash and attempting to distract my SD [my SD just stood/sat/lay there thinking, "What is this immature little guy's problem?" and eventually the puppy learned from her and he downed 'til it was time for them to go] and there were security ppl standing by watching. They watched to be sure he didn't do anything to my SD, I assume, but they didn't make the couple put the pup in his crate, which was right next to him).


If you sit in bulkhead, you won't have any pets in your row (though there's a chance one will be behind you/under your seat) since FAA regulations don't allow luggage in that row.

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DID YOU KNOW?: The ADA(American With Disabilites Act)/DOT (Department of Transportation)/IAADP (Independent Assoc. of Assistance Dog Partners) and the TSA (Transportation Sercurity Administration) have been working together to get all Airports to have "relief" areas for Service Dogs by May 13, 2009. Also, "escort" services, known as "Meet-And-Assist Personnel" will be required to show you to these areas and escort you to your next gate or destination, if needed.



This is a part of the new ACAA (Air Carrier Access Act) that went into effect in May. All U.S. airports are REQUIRED by this regulation to have a designated relief area for service dogs. They are also REQUIRED to have an employee or independent contractor of theirs escort you to the potty area.


It is too bad that they did not require the areas to be in the secure area of the airport, as likely most areas will be at the airport entrances and such, which doesn't work for ppl with connecting flights (too far to go and having to clear security again). But, something is better than nothing! Unfortunately, they also did not put any requirements other than it exist and you be led to it, so some airports are trying to tell ppl to just use the bushes inches away from the road! :mad: This does not fly (no pun intended).

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Everyone: I just purchased a "Scooper Genie" - ScooperGenie.com -


I love it.....It's a wand, with a bag attachment, to pick up "pooh." I can tell you that it's a wonderful item. It works so easily with a "push button" to release the bag into the trash.


I highly recommend it. It will save your back and hands. And, I plan to take it along on our trip to Seattle, in September and then onboard the Golden Princess.


Amazing what they will come up with to save us from having to bend over and pick-up!!!!!! ;)


I use Dispoz-A-Scoops, which have been around for a while. They are bags attached to pieces of cardboard via a U-shaped metal piece. You never touch the bag/poo through the bag because you touch the cardboard top (which also has a perforated area you can punch out to use as a purse-like handle for carrying if a trash can isn't nearby). When you are done scooping, you just push straight down on it and the metal part goes into the cardboard part, sealing the bag. Then you toss it - and it is 99% biodegradable.


You can purchase a plastic handle to use with Dispoz-A-Scoops if you can't/don't want to bend over.

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From what we were told, Kansas State University is the only place to have the test done. We also had to give the vet a check for I believe it was $46 to send down with the blood sample.


If you are an IAADP member, you not only get the rabies titer test done for half price ($25), but you get priority in them testing it (it will get done faster than if your dog was a pet/you weren't an IAADP member).

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Kim, I'm not sure if it was you who had asked about the life vests for your dog. Princess will supply you with a life vest for Keldon. I bring my own. I bought it online, the name on the vest is "Outward Hound."


I, too, suggest bringing your own. You won't know if the cruiseline's (if they even provide one, I think most don't) will fit your dog properly (too large or too small).


Be sure that you don't allow the life jacket to get crushed, or it will lose buoyancy. Bring it as a carry-on item in the plane (if flying) and make sure nobody puts anything on top of it in the overhead bins (I use a backpack as my carry-on bag and my SD's life jacket fit nicely on top of it in the bins).


I use the one that KV Vet (I think is the name - you can get an IAADP discount from them) sells. It has a buoyancy collar to prevent the dog's nose/mouth from ending up in the water should he get too tired to hold it up. My SD's is bright yellow. She wore it to the muster drill, like everybody else. ;)

Edited by Quampapetet
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The form we filled out for the Bahamas does not have a spot for Orsons microchip number. But we are bringing that information with us anyway because we need it for Tortola.


That's odd; it should have. It would be on a separate page than the main import certificate. (It comes with the certificate, not with the form you fill out to get the certificate, by the way.) It is a page just for the microchip info., for the vet to sign saying they verify the dog has the microchip number written on that page.


The chip number also goes on the int'l health certificate, of course.

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Hey, all. I've not been on here in a while due to being busy and not wanting to get too much into the cruise stuff in case I don't end up going on the cruise I have booked (am not yet to the final payment time). But, tonight I figured I'd come catch up on the posts I've missed over the past few months. Glad to see everybody is doing well! :) I likely won't be back for another while, so see ya then, haha.

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I watched the end of the video and it was awsome. I'm glad someone told me to skip to the end.



Sunshine, The best of luck in the triathalon, we want to hear all about it!



Thanks for all the triathalon encourgement. I am on a relay team, so am only swimming. I'll see if I am up to doing it as an individual next year. It is the "Iron Girl" and is supporting pediatric cancer research, which is near and dear to my heart.


I'm glad that you watched the whole video. They are always so moving. If you click on the banner above the video, it will take you to a listing of previous training camps. Some of the dogs I have talked about are on those videos.

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"Final Payment" made on our September cruise to Alaska. Whaooooo!!!!! I'm doing the "Doc Dance!!!!" ;) Downloaded eTicket Boarding Pass. Getting all the extra stuff done.

1. Bought 2 pairs of binoculars [everyone says you must have these for all the wildlife and ocean activity], one for me and one for DH. No way do I want to share all there is to see. I got two Bushnell's [small, compact to fit in our pockets].

2. I'm using the paperwork [for Brenda] from our April cruise [to Mexico]. She is not due for any immunizations until June, 2010. She's on Heartguard/Advantix [monthly] and is in good health (thanks to daily doses of Benadryl to keep those persistent ear infections away, and thank to my CC friends.:)) I faxed the paperwork to Princess and all is in order.

3. I'm making myself a note to call Allison Muff, at Princess Access, one week before the cruise, to make sure that the potty box is set-up to my liking.

4. Bought 2 [disposable] rain poncho's. September can be "iffy" in Alaska. And, I've said this before......"My hair hates moisture!" :( And, I will pack Brenda's raincoat.

5. Pre-booked Excursion in Skagway, on the White Pass Scenic Railway.

6. Pre-booked parking in Seattle, since this will be a road-trip-cruise vacation I also had to pre-book hotels along the way from L.A. to Seattle. The cruise leaves on September 5th and our road-trip begins on September 1st.

This will be Brenda's 12th cruise [her 7th on Princess.] She's a Platinum cruiser and proud of it!!!!!

Many of the crew [since this will be her 3rd or 4th on the Golden] will already know her. It's always to see how they greet her and how they remember her name.

Quam: It's good to hear from you. When's/where's your cruise and on what line?

Although Princess ALWAYS has a life vest for Brenda, waiting on our bed, when we arrive. I always bring her own and she does wear it to the Muster Drill. I must say she's the highlight of the drill. :p

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