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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I heard it is a mutual affair. Cracker's tail is wagging constantly and the little girl can't stop smiling. I hope to get a nice picture at graduation. I have his first valentine "teddy" bear to give them as well as a photo album. I took lot's of puppy pictures, because Cindy and Roz said how much the recepeint would value them. Do you think they might want the "teddy" that he loves to play with everytime he comes home with me. He makes a beeline for the toy basket, and empties out the toys until he find it. I make a game out of it sometimes. I'm leaning towards sending it.

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I'm always so jealous when you guys talk about your puppyraisers.....I didn't get very lucky. Brenda's PR's did'nt follow her growth and development as a Service Dog. if they would have, they would be so proud of her.

It's starting to get really hot here in L.A. I love hot/dry weather. Hate, hate humidity and so does Ms. "B"!

Stay cool everyone! ;)

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Roz and Brenda are a sight to see together. Being the partner of someone who uses a service dog on a daily basis can be very difficult. I have to walk a fine line between wanting to just love and play with Brenda when she needs to be on task. The hardest thing for me is to do is not get eye contact with Brenda. Once we look at each other, it's over. I'm hers and she's mine. I love when Roz sleeps in, then Brenda's all mine.


She's over 10 years old but still wants to work. She wants to do "something", when she's not sleeping or eating she want to have a job. She loves when Roz asks her to "get" or "find" or "tug" or "push" or "alert". She literally sits and stares at her just waiting for the next job. Roz has to use the "release" command to get her to just go lay down and relax.


I pray that Brenda lives a long life and stays well.


We don't cruise again until November, it seems like a long time away. It's great to have one to look forward to. Hope to see one of you on our cruises.




I know it's difficult for you. And, I so appreciate all that you do for both Brenny and me. My most favorite thing to do is to cruise with you and Brenny. YOU make our lives so much better.....I LOVE YOU!

Rozzie & Bren

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Hi All, It feels like I haven't been here forever! We have been very busy and it's been very HOT!!!!! I hate the heat!! :mad:


Nancy, So glad you are finally home and I'm sure your babies are too!


Karen, I'm so happy for Crackers and so sad at the same time. I feel we have grown to know him and I'm going to miss him something awful! I can't imagine the mixed feelings you must have. I know its a great thing, but I could never imagine losing a buddy like that. I can't put into words how much admiration and respect I have for you and people that do what you do. All I can say is "Thanks".


Yesterday was Wexlers birthday. He is 3 already. He got a few toys and a kong filled with yogurt and dog food, that we froze for him. His puppy raisers sent a few things and a nice card. They made him something and when I take a pic I'll post it here.


In a few weeks we are thinking about going to NJ to see our puppy raisers and our friends that graduated with us, then maybe attending the summer graduation at CCI.


Well another day in the 90's and humid! Yuck! Poor Wex hasn't been getting enough walks and playtime cuz it's been so hot. Looks like he will be chasing the ball down the hall of our apt building.




Welcome back! We missed you!

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I heard it is a mutual affair. Cracker's tail is wagging constantly and the little girl can't stop smiling. I hope to get a nice picture at graduation. I have his first valentine "teddy" bear to give them as well as a photo album. I took lot's of puppy pictures, because Cindy and Roz said how much the recepeint would value them. Do you think they might want the "teddy" that he loves to play with everytime he comes home with me. He makes a beeline for the toy basket, and empties out the toys until he find it. I make a game out of it sometimes. I'm leaning towards sending it.


Take it from a skilled companion team graduate. They will LOVE the pictures and they will really LOVE his favorite toy. It meant so much to us

to have the pictures. We still keep in touch with Orson's puppy raisers.

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I heard it is a mutual affair. Cracker's tail is wagging constantly and the little girl can't stop smiling. I hope to get a nice picture at graduation. I have his first valentine "teddy" bear to give them as well as a photo album. I took lot's of puppy pictures, because Cindy and Roz said how much the recepeint would value them. Do you think they might want the "teddy" that he loves to play with everytime he comes home with me. He makes a beeline for the toy basket, and empties out the toys until he find it. I make a game out of it sometimes. I'm leaning towards sending it.


Yes, Yes, Yes.....I can't believe, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes as you're relating your tales of Crackers. You are so strong and such a giving woman. I would be so proud to have you as my Puppyraiser.

The album, the valentine teddy......it's part of Crackers [then and now], it ties his life together with this little girl and her family. It's so important to know our dogs when they were pups, it just helps in the bonding process, afterall, we never got to see them be silly, little puppies.

Please let us know how it goes......I'm sending you a big (((( :o ))))) hug for how much you helped Crackers to be the Service Dog he will be. :)

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I have a friend who took her guide dog on cruise. The potty box was set up for her dog, who refused to use it until the crew moved plants around it.. to give the dog privacy. Once, the plants were in place, the dog was happy and able to relieve. My friend was asked to dine at the Captain's table.

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I have a friend who took her guide dog on cruise. The potty box was set up for her dog, who refused to use it until the crew moved plants around it.. to give the dog privacy. Once, the plants were in place, the dog was happy and able to relieve. My friend was asked to dine at the Captain's table.


I hope the captain's table didn't have plants around it!! :eek:

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I hope the captain's table didn't have plants around it!! :eek:


I was trying to figure out the correlation between the potty box/trees and the Captain's Table myself.

You know when we were in "training" with Brenda one of the things that the trainer's taught us is that these dogs will "relieve" themselves upon command. I learned that Brenda was also a bit "picky" about "where" she will and will NOT go, as well.

I've had her long enough to have it down to a science now but when we first started traveling together, it was a bit frustrating until I learned more about what makes her tick!

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I have a friend who took her guide dog on cruise. The potty box was set up for her dog, who refused to use it until the crew moved plants around it.. to give the dog privacy. Once, the plants were in place, the dog was happy and able to relieve. My friend was asked to dine at the Captain's table.


How funny is that! These dogs, as trained as they can be, will sometimes have weird "quirks" about a myriad of different things.

Brenda HATES to walk on open stairs or landings. She will refuse to walk on the stairs in the atrium onboard most Princess cruise ships and if there's a walkway that has an open on one side, she will place herself against the wall on the other side and will very "gingerly" walk forward. So weird!

I'm going to "force" the issue on this......it's not that important to me.

I hope your friend enjoyed her cruise. Do you know which ship it was?

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How funny is that! These dogs, as trained as they can be, will sometimes have weird "quirks" about a myriad of different things.


Brenda HATES to walk on open stairs or landings. She will refuse to walk on the stairs in the atrium onboard most Princess cruise ships and if there's a walkway that has an open on one side, she will place herself against the wall on the other side and will very "gingerly" walk forward. So weird!


I'm NOT going to "force" the issue on this......it's not that important to me.


I hope your friend enjoyed her cruise. Do you know which ship it was?


The hands are quicker than the brain!!!!! :p

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I heard it is a mutual affair. Cracker's tail is wagging constantly and the little girl can't stop smiling. I hope to get a nice picture at graduation. I have his first valentine "teddy" bear to give them as well as a photo album. I took lot's of puppy pictures, because Cindy and Roz said how much the recepeint would value them. Do you think they might want the "teddy" that he loves to play with everytime he comes home with me. He makes a beeline for the toy basket, and empties out the toys until he find it. I make a game out of it sometimes. I'm leaning towards sending it.


Karen, The little girl will love anything you can give her. Our puppy raisers sent Wex a kong and a recipe for his favorite filling (dog food and plain yogurt). I made it and froze it yesterday and we gave it to him last night. He loved it!! It must have brought back some memories for him. It's little things like that, we appreciate our puppy raisers for.


Roz and Morey, You two sound like a wonderful couple, Brenny is very lucky. I probably have more contact with Wex than Morey does. I take him out alot and feed him I am also in charge of cookies. And since John is in the wheelchair it's hard for him to give belly rubs (Wexs fav thing in the world) so I am the belly rubber. Somehow this works for us. Wex adores John and knows hes the boss but I have my place too. I kept my distance at the beginning so they could bond. Now he has bonded with me too. I also thinks this works out because I go to CT a few days a week and he is alone with John. When he is working, I do not talk to him or make eye contact either.



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Karen, The little girl will love anything you can give her. Our puppy raisers sent Wex a kong and a recipe for his favorite filling (dog food and plain yogurt). I made it and froze it yesterday and we gave it to him last night. He loved it!! It must have brought back some memories for him. It's little things like that, we appreciate our puppy raisers for.


Roz and Morey, You two sound like a wonderful couple, Brenny is very lucky. I probably have more contact with Wex than Morey does. I take him out alot and feed him I am also in charge of cookies. And since John is in the wheelchair it's hard for him to give belly rubs (Wexs fav thing in the world) so I am the belly rubber. Somehow this works for us. Wex adores John and knows hes the boss but I have my place too. I kept my distance at the beginning so they could bond. Now he has bonded with me too. I also thinks this works out because I go to CT a few days a week and he is alone with John. When he is working, I do not talk to him or make eye contact either.




Thank you. Since CCI came into our lives and brought us this miracle dog named Brenda.......life is so much better for all of us!

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I agree completely, all I was saying is if a law were to be written that said

"not allowing any animal into the public venue that does NOT have thorough public access training.", puppies in training would not be allowed.


Dogs without public access training aren't currently allowed under the federal law already. They also have to have trained tasks that mitigate the person's disability, of course.


Some state laws do allow some types of trainers (depending on the state) to bring in-training dogs out, but that has nothing to do with the federal law.

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Oh! NO! I'd make a terrible puppyraiser......my first thought for Crackers was "no" don't pick him. But, it's exactly why you work so hard with him. And, it means that you and he have done exactly what you were supposed to do......I would want to keep every puppy I worked with!



LOL, that reminds me of a lady who came up to me one time. I was waiting curbside for somebody to pick me up from a conference I was at and the lady came up to me to talk about, what else, my dog. For some reason, it just would not click in her brain no matter how many times and ways I said it that she was MY dog, not a puppy I was training for somebody else. She ended up actually bawling, saying she doesn't know how I can give up a dog and she'd never be able to do it and all that stuff, LOL. I had no idea what to say to her at that point, since she just wasn't listening to me telling her the dog is MINE! :rolleyes:

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Dogs without public access training aren't currently allowed under the federal law already. They also have to have trained tasks that mitigate the person's disability, of course.


Some state laws do allow some types of trainers (depending on the state) to bring in-training dogs out, but that has nothing to do with the federal law.


I am well aware of the law. We spent ALOT of time with CCI puppy raisers doing public awareness/fundraisers. We have never had a problem bringing puppies in training anywhere. All I was saying is that if the law were to be enforced, the was it was stated above, it would be a big problem. Relax...I'm on your side.

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On a cheery note: I spent some time last night picking out pictures for my album. Then I had to hunt for Cracker's toy. I'm not sure who hid it this time. Maybe Cracker's was playing a joke on me. Finally found it under the bed. Thanks for all the tips. I'm excited about graduation next week. I know a lot can happen, but fingers crossed this match takes.

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LOL, that reminds me of a lady who came up to me one time. I was waiting curbside for somebody to pick me up from a conference I was at and the lady came up to me to talk about, what else, my dog. For some reason, it just would not click in her brain no matter how many times and ways I said it that she was MY dog, not a puppy I was training for somebody else. She ended up actually bawling, saying she doesn't know how I can give up a dog and she'd never be able to do it and all that stuff, LOL. I had no idea what to say to her at that point, since she just wasn't listening to me telling her the dog is MINE! :rolleyes:


I'm stopped EVERY SINGLE DAY and asked the very same question. "Is that a puppy in training?"

Are you kidding me? Can't you see the gray hair around her muzzle and eyes? [i don't say this out loud....as much as I'd love to.]

I guess that just speaks to how gorgeous my 10 year old girl is!!!!!

If you are not "visibly" handicapped the public just assumes you're training the dog.

When I'm standing still [in line at the grocery store] and I'm asked the question.....it's just easier to say "yes" and move on!

Of course, just like you, Quam, I will get those folks who give me the saddest tale about how difficult it must be to have to give them up. I just smile.

One of the cashiers at the supermarket commented to me, "you've been training the same dog for a very long time!"

Answer: Yes, I have!

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My wife had to take orson to the vet yesterday. He had some yellow discharge coming out of one eye and the eye was a little red. Turns out it was no big deal. They gave us some eye drops to put in for a couple of days. But the next time someone says "look, it's one of those blind dogs",

I'll be able to say..."almost but we got him some drops for his eye!"

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My wife had to take orson to the vet yesterday. He had some yellow discharge coming out of one eye and the eye was a little red. Turns out it was no big deal. They gave us some eye drops to put in for a couple of days. But the next time someone says "look, it's one of those blind dogs",

I'll be able to say..."almost but we got him some drops for his eye!"



You, are of rare and fine form these days. You're cracking me up with your commentaries.

Keep up the good work. I spit my juice all over the screen, and, I'm blaming you for it!!!!!!

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I'm stopped EVERY SINGLE DAY and asked the very same question. "Is that a puppy in training?"


Are you kidding me? Can't you see the gray hair around her muzzle and eyes? [i don't say this out loud....as much as I'd love to.]


I guess that just speaks to how gorgeous my 10 year old girl is!!!!!


If you are not "visibly" handicapped the public just assumes you're training the dog.


When I'm standing still [in line at the grocery store] and I'm asked the question.....it's just easier to say "yes" and move on!


Of course, just like you, Quam, I will get those folks who give me the saddest tale about how difficult it must be to have to give them up. I just smile.


One of the cashiers at the supermarket commented to me, "you've been training the same dog for a very long time!"


Answer: Yes, I have!



I too get this question. I thought all this time it was because she is so small and unusual for a service dog. I have never gotten the sad story though. I'm glad becuase I hate sad pet stories! I've notced since I have had Valentine, I have become SUPER sensitive when It comes to animals. If one of those comercials about abused anmials or puppy mills comes on tv I have to turn the channel right away or I'll find myself crying my eyes out.


I'm glad to hear about Crackers and to be placed with a young girl will be wonderful for a young dog too, Lot's of play time and work to do.

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