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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I've decided to take a class once a month from different trainers. Since I have been fostering, I've been on my own a bit more than I like. So yesterday was a refresher on the difference between a "watch me" and a "leave it" Then off for a group outing to a grocery store and lunch. I showed up at the last minute and as the trainer was getting ready to assign me a dog, the other trainer took her aside. I asked them what was up and the other trainer said that dog would be to easy for me. I think there was a compliment in there somewhere as I was with a bunch of new volunteers. So, I got assigned a 16 week old Mini doodle. This was a cross between the small poodle(not the toy and not the standard) and a golden retriever. All of the doodles I've been working with have been standard poodle/golden mixes. This pup was sooooo cute and very smart, but small. My back was a bit tired by the end of the outing as I was bent over so much praising the good watch me and nice loose heel. Next week, Cooler get's introduced to the pool. I think she is going to Love it!!!

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I've decided to take a class once a month from different trainers. Since I have been fostering, I've been on my own a bit more than I like. So yesterday was a refresher on the difference between a "watch me" and a "leave it" Then off for a group outing to a grocery store and lunch. I showed up at the last minute and as the trainer was getting ready to assign me a dog, the other trainer took her aside. I asked them what was up and the other trainer said that dog would be to easy for me. I think there was a compliment in there somewhere as I was with a bunch of new volunteers. So, I got assigned a 16 week old Mini doodle. This was a cross between the small poodle(not the toy and not the standard) and a golden retriever. All of the doodles I've been working with have been standard poodle/golden mixes. This pup was sooooo cute and very smart, but small. My back was a bit tired by the end of the outing as I was bent over so much praising the good watch me and nice loose heel. Next week, Cooler get's introduced to the pool. I think she is going to Love it!!!


OMG! How cute this dog must be!!!!! What color is it?

I want Brenny to work until she's 102 but, when she does retire......I am going to request a "doodle" for her successor. If for no other reason than my allergies and asthma.

You are so amazingly wonderful how you can move on with your training of these potential "miracle workers."

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So sad I didn't have my camera with me. This pup was a reddish color.


I'd be afraid that I'd NEVER get anything done.....and, all I'd want to do is cuddle and play! I wouldn't care if the dog broke all the rules, I'd be "snickering" the whole time! Loving and munching on that face and that curly, gorgeous hair!

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I also teach Martial Arts, gearing my instruction toward children with disabilities, particularly autism. I have 2 black belts and am working toward my third in another style. I compete and enjoy mixed martial arts(IE, UFC Style fighting.)


Welcome, Karla!


That's really cool about teaching martial arts to disabled kids, especially those with Autism. I think I saw a reality show one time where the Autistic kid on that episode was into martial arts and it was really great for him!


I scuba dive when I have the time, or when my MS is flaring up. I have found, along with my Neurologist, that O2 under pressure seems to help in my flare ups. Which reminds me, I need to go diving tomorrow---plus I get to catch lobsters!!!!!Which I don't eat, but sure do have fun catching!!!!:cool:


That's really interesting about the MS flares and the oxygen under pressure! (Sorry for my ignorance, but does that mean just being on any oxygen tank would help? Or that you have to be on oxygen underwater?)


How come you don't eat the lobsters? I have some friends who do SCUBA and they eat their fish and lobsters.


Anyway, good to see you on here! :cool:

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When I breed my girls, they automaticly go on a low dose of thyroid---BTW, if you are having skin and ear problems and have a lab or a golden, I would encourage you to have thyroid checked----Alot of the time that is the problem---Especially if there are weight issues combined.


For those that do this, realize there are multiple tests that can be done. You can either start with the T-4 and then do the other tests if that's abnormal or do all the tests for it (which is what I would recommend, since you wouldn't have to go back to the vet and possibly pay another vet fee - though, if your vet is like mine, they may just have a vet tech do it and not see your dog themselves so you're not charged the vet visit fee).


My dog is fine on her thyroids, but I did a free test as part of that free eye testing day for service dog event the other year and they must've messed that T-4 test up, as it came back indicating there was a problem. I did the full thyroid screening by Dr. Dodds (one of the premiere vets in the country for thyroid, overvaccinating, etc.) and everything was normal, thankfully, but it was definitely worth it to know!


I think it behooves all of us to be very well educated in all types of food. As much as I would like to feed a generic food like Eukanuba(available worldwide), it just won't work!


Indeed! One needs to be educated on what the ingredients really are, which ingredients one really needs to stay away from (like BHT and by-products and stuff), and allergies (chicken is the number-one protein allergen in dog food). Also, of course, be aware of what foods are poisonous to dogs (chocolate, raisins/grapes, macadamia nuts, onions, and more) and what fresh foods are good to supplement with (yogurt, ricotta cheese, certain fruits and veggies, certain meats and fish, etc.) from time to time.

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Karla: Some great "food" for thought! You are correct, CCI does get their food donated and do recommend Eukanuba. If we give Brenda any kind of meat or chicken she immediatly gets diarrhea. As a matter of fact, if we change her diet at all her tummy gets upset.

Some dogs have very sensitive stomachs, so you have to make food changes gradually over time. You can successfully change foods pretty easily, you just have to gradually mix the new food into the old food until it is all new food - there are instructions all over the Web for how to do this (the proper ratios and stuff, which I'm not sure of 'cause my dog's stomach is made of steel, LOL, so I've never had to do it). I think it takes about ten days to do the full change.

Karla, can allergies also cause these problems Brenda has? I can't recall.

Eukanuba is prob'ly one of those foods that uses rendered pets. That's one of the reasons I don't use grocery/pet store foods, plus most of them have by-products, chemicals like BHT, unnamed meat sources, meat from who-knows-where, meat that was killed who-knows-how, etc. in them.

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I want to do some small dive charter(Live aboards) in The med, sometime in the next couple of years. I love old stuff, and figure seeing stuff underwater would be great!


I hadn't heard of those cruises before, but that's really cool. It definitely would be cool to see old stuff underwater like that! You will NEVER find me doing that, though, 'cause I don't do being underwater well!! :p


What do you do with your service dog when you dive? Or have you not done a multi-day one so have only left your dog home when you go?

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It is just a suggestion to use that food, since the dog has been on it.


Rotating a dog's food is actually a really good thing nutrition- and health-wise. Of course, it also keeps the dog happy 'cause who wants to eat the same thing every single day (or twice a day) for the rest of their life?!


We just got a email from HAL. They want a letter stating what Wex does for John. They want to make sure he's not a pet. You would think that they would keep that information in the computer, or ask for a copy of his ID card.


Asking what tasks the dog does is legal. Asking for the ID card is not. And I have no idea why they don't keep such records, but I read a lot in other threads about ppl with all different types of disabilities having to re-submit their disability-related paperwork each time, too. I guess they don't want to have to go to the effort of looking up old paperwork.


Of course at the vet last week, they put us in the room where she passed. I figured that would happen. Just my luck.


Ugh! That would not make me happy!


I heard a horrible story on the news. A guy's pet dog was very ill and in a lot of pain, couldn't walk well and stuff, so he decided to get it euthanized at the vet's. He took the body home so he could decide what to do with it (bury it in the yard or something else), so he put it in the garage that night. The next day, he went into the garage and his dog was ALIVE! :eek: It was awake and moving around/trying to move around! The guy was SOOO glad he hadn't buried it or gotten it cremated right away, as his beloved pet would've been buried or burned alive!!


What kind of vet would be sooooo bad that they wouldn't realize the dog was still alive?!?! :mad: He said they put two vials of stuff into the dog when they (attempted to) euthanize it. The guy and his family (including two kids) now have to go through the dog's death all over again, too! (They better find a different vet to go to next time!!!) :(

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I want Brenny to work until she's 102 but, when she does retire......I am going to request a "doodle" for her successor. If for no other reason than my allergies and asthma.


Not all of those "doodle" mutts (they're not a breed) are hypoallergenic. It either happens or doesn't happen. If you must have a hypoallergenic dog, go with a purebred one like a Poodle or one of the other hypoallergenic breeds out there. Although, even in purebreds there is the occassional improperly-coated dog that has an undercoat.


I'm allergic to dogs, too, so have a hypoallergenic breed. I do react when she is in need of a bath (the dander has built up in her hair) and when she licks me (itchy skin where she has licked), but nothing like with a dog (or cat) with fur.


(For those who have heard ppl say there's no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, that is incorrect. That is said by ppl who don't know the meaning of "hypoallergenic". It doesn't mean everyone won't have an allergic reaction to the item; it means there is much less chance that one won't have an allergic reaction to the item or that most ppl won't have an allergic reaction to the item. Just like with hypoallergenic jewelry and cosmetics - some ppl do react to these, but most ppl don't or the reaction isn't as bad.)

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Many service dogs are "cross-breeds". I imagine the term "mutt" was used in jest, it did sound a bit condenscending. The young pup I am working with is 3/4 golden 1/4 lab and is so very smart and doing well. The "doodles" at CA are a cross between golden retievers and standard poodles. And Quam is correct, many of these doodles don't have poodle coats, but more golden. They are still smart dogs and most do very well as service dogs.

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OMG! How cute this dog must be!!!!! What color is it?


I want Brenny to work until she's 102 but, when she does retire......I am going to request a "doodle" for her successor. If for no other reason than my allergies and asthma.


You are so amazingly wonderful how you can move on with your training of these potential "miracle workers."


Is CCI training Doodles now? Or are you going to go somewhere else?

If so...we will hunt you down and bring you back to your senses. :D

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Is CCI training Doodles now? Or are you going to go somewhere else?

If so...we will hunt you down and bring you back to your senses. :D


You're so cute! :p I only heard through a very unrealiable source that CCI was looking into breeding the "Labradoodle". I wish, I wish!!!!!!

I'm going to the Workshop next week, in Santa Rosa, and I'm going to ask about it. It will be my first question when they ask for questions from the crowd!

I honestly don't think I could go anywhere else. I'm such a CCI supporter!!!! They changed my life!!!!!

They've got some really cute greeting cards on sale - in their website store. I know because I spent a fortune yesterday. They make such cute Xmas gifts and, I send them too. The pups, in the pictures on the cards, must be seen by all!!!!!!

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You're so cute! :p I only heard through a very unrealiable source that CCI was looking into breeding the "Labradoodle". I wish, I wish!!!!!!


I'm going to the Workshop next week, in Santa Rosa, and I'm going to ask about it. It will be my first question when they ask for questions from the crowd!


I honestly don't think I could go anywhere else. I'm such a CCI supporter!!!! They changed my life!!!!!


They've got some really cute greeting cards on sale - in their website store. I know because I spent a fortune yesterday. They make such cute Xmas gifts and, I send them too. The pups, in the pictures on the cards, must be seen by all!!!!!!


OK Roz...your safe for now. But we'll be watching! :eek:

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Many service dogs are "cross-breeds". I imagine the term "mutt" was used in jest, it did sound a bit condenscending. The young pup I am working with is 3/4 golden 1/4 lab and is so very smart and doing well. The "doodles" at CA are a cross between golden retievers and standard poodles. And Quam is correct, many of these doodles don't have poodle coats, but more golden. They are still smart dogs and most do very well as service dogs.


I, of course, want the one with the curliest, poodlliest coat. Any coat that even remotely resembles a Poodle's coat would be better than the Lab coat.

OMG! Speaking of "coats" I could have made enough coats to clothe all the children in China and, I could have built more than 100 dogs from the fur that Brenny has shed in the past 8 1/2 years.

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LABS, LABS, LABS!!! There are other kinds of dogs??? :eek: Wex is my (well maybe not really mine) 4th lab. I just love them, and would never get anything else. I am not a little dog fan, but there are some cute ones.


DKD did you see my honey in the northeast companion? :D The photo right next to our "friend".



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OMG! Speaking of "coats" I could have made enough coats to clothe all the children in China and, I could have built more than 100 dogs from the fur that Brenny has shed in the past 8 1/2 years.



I figure someday I will be skinny when I cough up that hairball I've been growing in my stomach after 4 labs!! :eek:

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Dog Wars!!! Doodle Dilemma!!!! Got to love this thread....

(PS: I have a doodle home for the night. His name is "boom" and he is 3/4 golden 1/4 poodle and looks like a muppet. He lives in the same room as Cooler and he wanted a sleepover with Cooler's mom, so now he has it. Plan for a dinner outing, he's helping with the laundry and then back home in the morning. ) Roz, I'll try to get a picture, he sure doesn't look like a classic doodle, not seeing much shedding though.

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I'm not sure I have a real reason. It's just a dog that I ever wanted to own. Other than the Husky we used to have, our last four dogs were Labs or Lab/Golden crosses like Orson. Oh yeah...then there's my wifes Yorkie. :p



Gotta love those Labs and Golden's and their crosse's. I totally understand the love that everyone has for them!

Although, I must tell you we've had everything from Chihuahua's to Great Dane's and a lot in between, I just love them all!!!!!

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