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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Boy! Talk about turning off service dog handlers from cruising......



Current Service License from an accredidated organization


OK stupid question here. Blitz is my first Service Animal and I have no idea what this Service License your speaking of. He came to me with the help of the VA and is registered in my local area as a service animal but other than the VA prescription that was used to get him I have no idea what your referring too.


My first cruise is in May and and will be on Carnival and while I have a ID card for him and myself it was purchased at a internet service dog supply website. So am I missing something? Rather find out now than in May when the cruise happens.


Thank you

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OK stupid question here. Blitz is my first Service Animal and I have no idea what this Service License your speaking of. He came to me with the help of the VA and is registered in my local area as a service animal but other than the VA prescription that was used to get him I have no idea what your referring too.


My first cruise is in May and and will be on Carnival and while I have a ID card for him and myself it was purchased at a internet service dog supply website. So am I missing something? Rather find out now than in May when the cruise happens.


Thank you


Guitarest: Welcome. I have just a few questions for you. You mentioned that Blitz was obtained through the VA [who officially trained Blitz?]

Have you contacted Carnival Access Services yet? If not you need to call them at: 800.438.6744 Ext. 7025. This should have been done by your TA [unless you called Carnival and booked direct.] They will tell you exactly what they will need for you to get Blitz onboard and will ask that you fax them back a filled out form, that they can send via email.

While on the phone with Carnival I ask for the Pottybox to be placed on our veranda with "mulch" inside. If you have an inside cabin ask that the box be placed in a "crew service area" close to your cabin. They will notify the ships Hotel Manager one week prior to your cruise. To make sure that this will be done [as I like it] I ALWAYS call Access again, one week prior to my voyage.

My Working Dog, Brenda, was obtained from Canine Companions for Independence (CCI). [i had to go to Team Training for 2 weeks, where I learned dog behavior and was taught how to work with a Service Dog]. The dog has already gone through 1 to 2 years of intense training before we're matched. After I graduated I was given a "Certification" of training from CCI. Not all training Orgs. give these [and, they are not necessary to obtain Public Access by the ADA.] But, they sure do make going through life with a Service/Working Dog so much easier when the TSA/Dock Workers/Immigration and Registration folks see it.

You should have some form of reference to the dogs training from the trainer/doctor/VA, that states the dogs name and what training it's had. Although it is illegal for anyone to ask, "what's wrong with you?" And, "why do you have this dog?" It's not illegal to ask, "what problem does this dog mitigate for you?" Remember: The ADA is protecting you-not the dog. Brenda is always well behaved and respectful in public. I ALWAYS put her in a sit/stay or down/stay when I'm stopped and asked questions. It's good to show her obedience training and sometimes is all they need to see.

You MUST obtain a State of [where you reside] Department of Food and Agriculture Animal Health and Food Safety Services Animal Branch - Certificate for Interstate or International Movement of Small Animals form BEFORE you sail. You receive this from your Vet [not all Vets are licensed to give these] ask if yours is. If not, call around to find a Vet that can give you this. There will be a charge for it because the Vet MUST examine your dog. You may get lucky a find a Vet who does this for "free" for Service Dogs. You MUST have a Rabies Certificate. A city dog license from your city is also good to have a copy of. I make 3 copies of each of these documents and hand copies at registration/to the pursers desk and keep a copy on me.

I don't know where your cruising, but some countries require a Rabies Titer be done within a certain amount of time before entering and others may require that the Rabies Vaccine be given within a certain amount of time.

Ask your TA for the various phone numbers or ask Carnival Access Care for the phone numbers of the various countries you may need to contact.

Sometimes the cruise is all about the ship and being out at sea and you may have no intentions of ever leaving this beautiful, floating hotel. In this case you only be required to have the necessary doc's to enter the vessel and nothing more to go on land in a foreign port.

Sorry for the long post....but, it seems that travel with a Service Dog can get a bit complicated. Please don't let that stop you.......it's so worth it.

Have a wonderful cruise. Make sure you have all the necessary paperwork done and you and Blitz will have a "blissful" time!!! :)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Blitz is part of a new program in my area; and he actually came from a breeder who specializes in K9's and its a huge learning process for me, the breeder and the local VA is watching to see what results we have with him. Prior to my mobility getting to where it is today I used to train dogs; in fact after Katrina CNN picked up and ran a report about Me and my GSD (German Shepherd Dog) King helping catch and hold looters and deter others from looting. This is how my children's mother (Im divorced) found out the kids were OK and we survived the storm. King performed many of the same tasks but did not have the paperwork like Blitz; sadly it was Kings passing last year that resulted in the need of another like Blitz. So far Blitz is "Rocking and Rolling" and doing great in his training. We are scheduled for "K9 Good Citizen" cert in two weeks; and his services to me is picking up item, carrying items in his pouch, helping me walk. His other duty that he has decided is to be a Ambassador of his breed (German Shepherd) and show children and their parents that even a dog who looks like a mean dog, can be loving and caring. We can't go any where without attracting attention; both good and bad. Even though I use a cane many will turn around and walk the other way when we walk approaching them (those usually look like those who are carrying drugs; lol) or we get mostly children who really wish to pet him and their parents who have many questions about him. So far most of his training has been done by myself although starting next week Blitz and I are going over to the breeder and she has agreed to assist us on small matters so that Blitz and I can move up to another level of training. I have zero issues with him; and he is great with what he is doing for me now my fear is the boat/cruise so since the breeder has more experience on this training she is going to help us. I am certain I have nothing to worry about; surprisingly my biggest fear is that 4X4 litter box. As far as part of Blitz's training while I am walking he stays on my right side, if I stop he will stand next to me unless I give the command to sit, then after 5minutes he automatically will lay down until I tell him its time to leave.


Thank you for your reply, you are like the end all be all when it comes to crusing with Service animals. Prior to finding this site I was set on leaving him home and just staying on the boat but I would greatly miss him and have to rely on my children more (who are both adults). I am a little better off now since reading the reviews here.

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Guitarest: Welcome.


Thank you again, I noticed your in S Calif I should be in the Palm Springs area in 3 weeks visiting with my Son and his family. He is in the USMC and just got back from his second deployment and I really want to see him, his family and drop off a 8 week old German Shepherd puppy who happens to be Blitz's little sister from another litter.

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Blitz is part of a new program in my area; and he actually came from a breeder who specializes in K9's and its a huge learning process for me, the breeder and the local VA is watching to see what results we have with him. Prior to my mobility getting to where it is today I used to train dogs; in fact after Katrina CNN picked up and ran a report about Me and my GSD (German Shepherd Dog) King helping catch and hold looters and deter others from looting. This is how my children's mother (Im divorced) found out the kids were OK and we survived the storm. King performed many of the same tasks but did not have the paperwork like Blitz; sadly it was Kings passing last year that resulted in the need of another like Blitz. So far Blitz is "Rocking and Rolling" and doing great in his training. We are scheduled for "K9 Good Citizen" cert in two weeks; and his services to me is picking up item, carrying items in his pouch, helping me walk. His other duty that he has decided is to be a Ambassador of his breed (German Shepherd) and show children and their parents that even a dog who looks like a mean dog, can be loving and caring. We can't go any where without attracting attention; both good and bad. Even though I use a cane many will turn around and walk the other way when we walk approaching them (those usually look like those who are carrying drugs; lol) or we get mostly children who really wish to pet him and their parents who have many questions about him. So far most of his training has been done by myself although starting next week Blitz and I are going over to the breeder and she has agreed to assist us on small matters so that Blitz and I can move up to another level of training. I have zero issues with him; and he is great with what he is doing for me now my fear is the boat/cruise so since the breeder has more experience on this training she is going to help us. I am certain I have nothing to worry about; surprisingly my biggest fear is that 4X4 litter box. As far as part of Blitz's training while I am walking he stays on my right side, if I stop he will stand next to me unless I give the command to sit, then after 5minutes he automatically will lay down until I tell him its time to leave.


Thank you for your reply, you are like the end all be all when it comes to crusing with Service animals. Prior to finding this site I was set on leaving him home and just staying on the boat but I would greatly miss him and have to rely on my children more (who are both adults). I am a little better off now since reading the reviews here.

Wow! You've had some very interesting experiences. Thank you for what you and King did after Katrina. What a mess that was. I'm sorry for your loss of him.

I think one of the most important [and, it is one of the most important] is for our dogs to ALWAYS REMAIN CALM in any given circumstance. It's the beauty of the highly trained Service Dog. No barking/growling/sniffing or acting out in any way!!!!! You will represent ALL OF US who will come after you.

When you are onboard a cruiseship Blitz and you will be exposed to every environment you can imagine.....wheelchairs & walkers zooming all around/children running & screaming and even running up to him to distract him. Carts of towels, sheets etc., being pushed by him/smells of food, drink and salt water everywhere. Lines, lines and more lines; where he will be forced to get up only to get down again. Brenda had her tail run over by a person pushing someone and not looking where they were going. We now place ourselves in an area where no wheelchair can go, when we are sitting in a lounge or show. I have never heard Brenda cry like that, and I hope to never again!!!!! :(

Blitz's senses will be testesd to the inth degree. Be ready for it. You both will have to walk up and down the most bizzare ramps/stairs/etc. etc. Brenda does the worst on these. She hates the cruiseship ramps and tries to either run up or down them....pulling me from behind. She takes a very firm hand to keep her in control on them. And, some very stern corrections.

Don't leave him at home........when he's received all the training he needs to be in the public venue, take him with you. Make him part of your life. All that you do will become second nature to him. The more he is exposed to life the more socialized he will become and the better your life will be.

Have fun and I wish you the very best. Bon Voyage to you and Blitz.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Thank you again, I noticed your in S Calif I should be in the Palm Springs area in 3 weeks visiting with my Son and his family. He is in the USMC and just got back from his second deployment and I really want to see him, his family and drop off a 8 week old German Shepherd puppy who happens to be Blitz's little sister from another litter.


I am in the Los Angeles area. A few hours from Palm Springs.

Tell your son THANK YOU from me and my family. THANK YOU for keeping the promise to protect and serve and, for keeping us safe.

You must be very proud. You're quite a family of hero's.

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Wow! You've had some very interesting experiences. Thank you for what you and King did after Katrina. What a mess that was. I'm sorry for your loss of him.



So far Blitz has been exposed to much of what you have written although the tail being ran over would be a new one. I find stairs very difficult so the ramps and elevators will be my route. I am sure he will do fine; sadly I will be the one who will worry enough for the both of us. Currently Blitz is in the living room laying next to me with those big ole paws straight up in the air sleeping away since today was a huge play day since we had great weather although my legs are telling me a cold front or weather front is on the way to our area.


Thank you for the kind words about my son; yes I am very proud of him. I was medically retired from the Air Force just before I could put on TSgt and its been one heck of a ride since then with my health slowly going down hill. I just found out today my son is to put on Sgt very soon and he is attempting to get recruiter duty so he can be near me with his family and so I can see my grand daughter more often. I think he wants a near babysitter but I am more than cool with that. I am getting two cabins on the cruise and my grand daughter is staying with me and Blitz during the cruise.

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Here is a older picture of Blitz during his off duty time guarding my bed from the dreaded bed thieves and keeping it warm so I don't have to run the heat. A service he does do extremely well is keeping the bed warm since I have issues with lack of circulation so a warmer bed is always a good thing for me.



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So far Blitz has been exposed to much of what you have written although the tail being ran over would be a new one. I find stairs very difficult so the ramps and elevators will be my route. I am sure he will do fine; sadly I will be the one who will worry enough for the both of us. Currently Blitz is in the living room laying next to me with those big ole paws straight up in the air sleeping away since today was a huge play day since we had great weather although my legs are telling me a cold front or weather front is on the way to our area.


Thank you for the kind words about my son; yes I am very proud of him. I was medically retired from the Air Force just before I could put on TSgt and its been one heck of a ride since then with my health slowly going down hill. I just found out today my son is to put on Sgt very soon and he is attempting to get recruiter duty so he can be near me with his family and so I can see my grand daughter more often. I think he wants a near babysitter but I am more than cool with that. I am getting two cabins on the cruise and my grand daughter is staying with me and Blitz during the cruise.


I love when Brenda lays on her back with her big old legs in the air [bent at the knuckles], so, so cute. It always makes me smile because her jowls are flapped down and she looks so goofy!!!!!! Love it!

I know our kids need us to help them watch their kids.......but in the end it brings us all closer together!!!!

Again, have a wonderful time with your family and Blitz.

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Here is a older picture of Blitz during his off duty time guarding my bed from the dreaded bed thieves and keeping it warm so I don't have to run the heat. A service he does do extremely well is keeping the bed warm since I have issues with lack of circulation so a warmer bed is always a good thing for me.




OMG! What a beautiful face! I love this dog! You are very lucky to have such an amazingly gorgeous partner!

Thank you for sharing him with us!

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Here he is showing me how to look proper in my Mustang when cruising around town...




Here he is at 8 weeks old, look at them ears....




Finally here is King, myself and my daughters dog Willy; look at them sexy scars on my leg; yummy...... lol



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Guitarest: Welcome. I have just a few questions for you. You mentioned that Blitz was obtained through the VA [who officially trained Blitz?]


Have you contacted Carnival Access Services yet? If not you need to call them at: 800.438.6744 Ext. 7025. This should have been done by your TA [unless you called Carnival and booked direct.] They will tell you exactly what they will need for you to get Blitz onboard and will ask that you fax them back a filled out form, that they can send via email.


While on the phone with Carnival I ask for the Pottybox to be placed on our veranda with "mulch" inside. If you have an inside cabin ask that the box be placed in a "crew service area" close to your cabin. They will notify the ships Hotel Manager one week prior to your cruise. To make sure that this will be done [as I like it] I ALWAYS call Access again, one week prior to my voyage.


My Working Dog, Brenda, was obtained from Canine Companions for Independence (CCI). [i had to go to Team Training for 2 weeks, where I learned dog behavior and was taught how to work with a Service Dog]. The dog has already gone through 1 to 2 years of intense training before we're matched. After I graduated I was given a "Certification" of training from CCI. Not all training Orgs. give these [and, they are not necessary to obtain Public Access by the ADA.] But, they sure do make going through life with a Service/Working Dog so much easier when the TSA/Dock Workers/Immigration and Registration folks see it.


You should have some form of reference to the dogs training from the trainer/doctor/VA, that states the dogs name and what training it's had. Although it is illegal for anyone to ask, "what's wrong with you?" And, "why do you have this dog?" It's not illegal to ask, "what problem does this dog mitigate for you?" Remember: The ADA is protecting you-not the dog. Brenda is always well behaved and respectful in public. I ALWAYS put her in a sit/stay or down/stay when I'm stopped and asked questions. It's good to show her obedience training and sometimes is all they need to see.


You MUST obtain a State of [where you reside] Department of Food and Agriculture Animal Health and Food Safety Services Animal Branch - Certificate for Interstate or International Movement of Small Animals form BEFORE you sail. You receive this from your Vet [not all Vets are licensed to give these] ask if yours is. If not, call around to find a Vet that can give you this. There will be a charge for it because the Vet MUST examine your dog. You may get lucky a find a Vet who does this for "free" for Service Dogs. You MUST have a Rabies Certificate. A city dog license from your city is also good to have a copy of. I make 3 copies of each of these documents and hand copies at registration/to the pursers desk and keep a copy on me.


I don't know where your cruising, but some countries require a Rabies Titer be done within a certain amount of time before entering and others may require that the Rabies Vaccine be given within a certain amount of time.


Ask your TA for the various phone numbers or ask Carnival Access Care for the phone numbers of the various countries you may need to contact.


Sometimes the cruise is all about the ship and being out at sea and you may have no intentions of ever leaving this beautiful, floating hotel. In this case you only be required to have the necessary doc's to enter the vessel and nothing more to go on land in a foreign port.


Sorry for the long post....but, it seems that travel with a Service Dog can get a bit complicated. Please don't let that stop you.......it's so worth it.


Have a wonderful cruise. Make sure you have all the necessary paperwork done and you and Blitz will have a "blissful" time!!! :)


Ladies and Gents, meet our new CCI travel agent!! :D What a great post Roz!!

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Another question, while I know Blitz can swim how many people if any bring a life jacket for their service animals? I have like thousands of questions; thanks....


I bring my own [purchased at Outward Hound, on line] but, if you're traveling via Princess Cruises they will supply you with one. They didn't always do this and started doing it after Brenda's 8th cruise on them.

She wears her own to the Muster Drill and always gets lots of "oooohs" and "ahhhhhs!"

If you're traveling by airplane to your cruising dock. Anything that you bring for your Service Dog is considered "medication" and you should not be charged for it. Not all airlines are aware of this and you just need to remind them!!!!!

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Here he is showing me how to look proper in my Mustang when cruising around town...




Here he is at 8 weeks old, look at them ears....




Finally here is King, myself and my daughters dog Willy; look at them sexy scars on my leg; yummy...... lol




Love the pictures......Do you believe those ears!!!!!! The best are the puppy pictures. I can never get enough of those! :)

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I started with simple commands and socialization with Blitz at 6 weeks old, by 6 months he was unbelievable and now he is beyond my dreams with his abilities. I work with him every day and have no issues with him at all, the reason he has not received his K9 Certification yet is because this is Hill Billy He11 and not one certified person in this area to give the test. So I have to wait for a AKC event thats close enough for us to go and get tested.

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I started with simple commands and socialization with Blitz at 6 weeks old, by 6 months he was unbelievable and now he is beyond my dreams with his abilities. I work with him every day and have no issues with him at all, the reason he has not received his K9 Certification yet is because this is Hill Billy He11 and not one certified person in this area to give the test. So I have to wait for a AKC event thats close enough for us to go and get tested.


Keep-up the good work with him. It's a daily activity for Brenda and me. We practice commands daily. She really loves working and performing tasks.

The Shephard MUST be kept busy or they can get into real trouble! Labs are a bit lazier and aren't too unhappy laying around for long periods.

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Welcome to the boards Blitz and his dad! Glad to have more dog teams posting: It is always fun to learn about the different training methods. And how fun to see a Shepherd join the group. Is it Orsan that is a shepherd as well?

Cooler had a great home visit and of course enjoyed classroom talks today. Her advanced commands are really coming along and she demonstrated the fine art of door opening and light switches today. Love that "tug" command. All the children just clapped and I think if Cooler could bow she would have. Of course all those lunch boxes and backpacks on the floor were awfully tempting to her. I showed a training camp DVD since it was shorter and the audience was very young. Of course the one I showed was when Crackers graduated, so my heart was touched.

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Welcome to the boards Blitz and his dad! Glad to have more dog teams posting: It is always fun to learn about the different training methods. And how fun to see a Shepherd join the group. Is it Orsan that is a shepherd as well?


Cooler had a great home visit and of course enjoyed classroom talks today. Her advanced commands are really coming along and she demonstrated the fine art of door opening and light switches today. Love that "tug" command. All the children just clapped and I think if Cooler could bow she would have. Of course all those lunch boxes and backpacks on the floor were awfully tempting to her. I showed a training camp DVD since it was shorter and the audience was very young. Of course the one I showed was when Crackers graduated, so my heart was touched.


Nope...Orson is a Golden/Lab cross.

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Quam: Enjoy every relaxing moment. Bon Voyage!




Well, it wasn't all relaxing, but overall I had fun with my friends and group I was with.


I got sick towards the end of the cruise (Thursday night for a Sunday-to-Sunday cruise) with raging fevers and a deep bronchial cough - definitely not something fun on vacation! I popped the fever-reducing Advil two at a time as often as I could (until Monday morning, when it started affecting my stomach and that was the day I was flying back home - thankfully had no problems other than had to take a later taxi than two of my friends who had flight times near mine). I was very glad I'd brought that with me (I'd brought it for pain reasons, as I'd bought it back when I had that horrid wrist pain in December right before my previous trip and it was in my suitcase, so I just kept it in there just in case)! I went between shivering chills to sweating like a pig as the fevers went on and off. Soooo not fun! I missed my group's activity and dinner (and whatever they did after dinner) that first night I was sick, but I got out to St. Kitts and St. Maarten the following two days. (If I hadn't spent so much money [hundreds between vet bills, mailing costs, and the import permit cost] to get off with my service dog at St. Kitts, I might've stayed on the ship instead.)


In St. Lucia's cruise center, I recommend everyone not go in the Del Sol (I think it is called) store that sells products that change color in sunlight. They did NOT like having a service dog in their store and tried to kick me out. Of course, I stayed and shopped while ignoring their ridiculous comments and the employee they had following me around the tiny shop. When I went to buy the item I wanted, the lady didn't even let me get up to the cash register, she just asked me for the money where I was and gave me the product in a bag - so rude! :mad: Another passenger tried telling the woman, "It is a guide dog!" (we're often mistaken for a guide dog team instead of a mobility dog team) but the woman made up some story that my dog was rubbing herself on "all the clothes in the store". :rolleyes: So, yeah, don't buy anything from their stores if you can help it. (The only reason I actually made a purchase was because the item was to be used for a prank....)


Funny enough, I actually had an access issue ON the cruise ship! Who'ddathunkthat?! One of the nights I went into the disco hall (or dance hall or whatever they call it on the ship), the security man tried to tell me I couldn't bring my dog in there, LOL! I just told him, "Yes, I can," a couple times (since he kept saying we couldn't go in a couple times) and then just continued on inside and sat with my friends. He was nearby enough that I could tell he radioed to somebody on the ship and they obviously told him he was wrong (I hope they told him he's an idiot, too, haha). Did he think I somehow snuck my mobility dog onto the ship or something?! LOL!


The ship was rockier than usual, but I was on Bonine everyday so was okay. Bonine does nothing for my post-cruise dizziness, but being sick actually helped, so there was a silver lining (though I'd take the dizziness over the sickness any day!).


I can say with 100% certainty that my dog is not prone to seasickness. We did the BioBay tour in Puerto Rico (the one you get to swim in - soooo awesome!!! And all the stars in the sky were amazing!!!) and the boat to/from the mainland to Vieques was ridiculously bouncy - no, I don't mean rocky, I seriously mean literally bouncy! The waves were crashing over the boat's roof and the bounces would take you out of your seat! One of my friends threw up multiple times both ways and a lot of others were not feeling well, including myself. (I am sooo glad I thought to take a Bonine before we went out even though I didn't think it would be needed - it most definitely was! I also had to use mental techniques to not throw up on the way there and to not throw up or get as sick as the first time on the way back.) My dog was perfectly fine on the boat both ways. Which I'm glad of, since I couldn't pay her any bit of attention or even look down at her (under the table) since I needed to concentrate on not getting sick (and looking down instantly made me sick).


The best island was St. Kitts - it is GORGEOUS!!!!!! :D When you go, you MUST go to the fort on top of the mountain - the views are out of this world!!!!!!!!!!! I am very grateful that St. Kitts granted me the import permit and that I was able to make my sick self get up and off the ship that day! :D

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Hi everyone! My mom and I have been avid cruisers for several years now but due to her heart condition she was prescribed a medical companion dog and I'm having a hard time finding out information on cruise lines that may allow medical companion dogs/emotional support animals.


I don't think any cruiseline allows pets, including emotional support animals. Only task-trained service animals are allowed because they are trained to help a person/some ppl can't go anywhere without their help and they are public-access trained.


There is no law granting cruiseship access to emotional support animals. I know you and your mother love your dog, but emotional support animals don't belong on cruises. They are not trained to handle public situations and aren't able to be trained as such since they aren't allowed in such places on land (restaurants, casinos, most stores, many hotels, etc.).


Perhaps your mother can take a photo of the dog with her and you guys can leave a blanket with your scents on it with your dog (who I recommend you leave with a sitter instead of in a kennel, although there are some good kennels out there nowadays). She could bring a stuffed animal dog with her, too, so she has something to pet, which will bring her blood pressure and such down in the same way petting the real dog does (this is scientifically proven).


I hope you guys have a great cruise! And buy something nice for your pooch, of course! ;)

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