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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Dogs can read written-word commands and understand stick-figure drawn commands, too! There's a book about it. The lady who wrote it is a service dog trainer and she has a school where she teaches others how to train service dogs. It is a fascinating book, especially how the dogs instantly could follow the stick-figure commands without being given the verbal or written-word command they already knew for the thing! :cool:


When Brenda and I are outside, in back of my office, she will respond to hand commands. I may ask her to "lay down" or "stop" or "here" with just using sign language. Of course, first I get her attention by using my voice or sometimes use the clapping of my hands or a whistle and then I use ASL.


The people who's offices face this area are always in awe of what Brenda can do and how responsive she is to me. They, sometimes, will give me"requests" of what they want Brenda to do. It's fun and it keeps her "sharp!"


Dogs love having a job to do and Brenda has a very strong work ethic. She will go out on the grass, preparing for play and sniffing but will first look at me to see if there are any directions or work for her to do......I say "release" and she becomes the most playful, romping, fun-loving and spirited Labrador in the world! :D

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Quam: Now the dogs following the stick figure commands gave me the chills! I know growing up we had to spell certain words, when we were riding in the car with our dog, cause he would go ballistic. Two I remember were squirrel and cow! I just thought about that. I just see Jezzy Lou reading a book, along with me! LOL. They are amazing furbabies and I really think their learning ability is beyond what I know I thought possible.


Nancy, that is so funny. We can not say the word "chewey", "cookie" or "dinner" this means she's going to get a treat or get fed.

She will literally wake out of the deepest, snoring sleep to these words......it's so cute and hysterically funny!

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Oh and Quam, I have missed you! I kept checking this thread yesterday, and nothing. No one else around. Then bam, Quam showed up! I love reading your knowledgeable posts, even though I don't have a service dog, I am an advocate for you guys. It gives me lots of information and if I were to ever see an incident like Roz was involved in, I would definitely stand up and give them a piece of my mind. Ignorance is no excuse and rudeness is definitely not going to get anyone anywhere with me. People should really memorize and follow, "Treat people the way you want to be treated!" Period.


I go into places with much more ease than I ever used to. I still get stared at because having a Working Dog is still an "unusual" thing in our society but I'm no longer shy or fearful as I used to be.


I take the time, now, to scope out the table and the ease of getting Brenda under and out of it....where as before I would not want to bother anyone and would accept "wherever" we were placed in the room.


Brenda was my guiena pig dog and, it brings tears to my eyes because she ALWAYS held her head high and looked so regal as she walked through many a hotel and restaurant - Where I was so scared and fearful of being thrown-out at any moment.

NEVER AGAIN! Thank you Brenda for the courage you gave me to go through EVERYWHERE in life with my head held high!!!!!!

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I don't want to mislead anyone who has followed along on this thread about who I am. I am totally deaf on my left side and only have 37% hearing on my right. I have acute/ongoing tinnitus which confuses the heck out of the only hearing I do have.


Before I got Brenda I would spin in circles, literally, before I finally figured out where the sound was coming from. Now, I just give Brenda the "what" ASL sign and she "stares" at the sound, until I acknowledge her and give her the "release" command.


(Some content deleted)



Hi Roz,


I think I am the hearing-alert dog for my DH! ;)


He is almost totally deaf in his left ear (diving accident) and has only about 30% hearing in the right ear (industrial deafness, courtesy of the Army, where, as an Engineer, he set off explosives in the days before ear-muffs were used). He also has tinnitus.


Most of the time, he manages well with hearing aids, but he can't locate the directions sounds come from. I have to tell him where his phone is when it is ringing and I always walk behind him on roads with no footpath, because he just doesn't hear traffic approaching from behind.


Twice, when traveling on business, he has slept right through a fire alarm and evacuation of a hotel building. He hears almost nothing without his hearing aids and they come out at night. That's why I always try to travel with him, but he has to tell the hotel that he is deaf if he travels alone.


We do have hearing-alert /assist dogs here in New Zealand - they use Beagles - but have only done so for about 10 years. I'm thinking that Maybe DH will need one of these wonderful dogs one day, but not yet.


Best wishes



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Thanks for the info on the ports. I may leave Shirley on the ship and just pop off to look around for a couple hours. I will take her off in San Juan because that is covered under the ADA. St. Maarten I am still considering and am not sure I want to have her go through another rabies shot when she just had a 3 year shot last year -- it is a lot to put her through for just a couple hours on shore and I will have someone with me so maybe she would be more comfortable staying in the nice air conditioned cabin? Thanks so much for the information. Mary

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Hi Roz,


I think I am the hearing-alert dog for my DH! ;)


He is almost totally deaf in his left ear (diving accident) and has only about 30% hearing in the right ear (industrial deafness, courtesy of the Army, where, as an Engineer, he set off explosives in the days before ear-muffs were used). He also has tinnitus.


Most of the time, he manages well with hearing aids, but he can't locate the directions sounds come from. I have to tell him where his phone is when it is ringing and I always walk behind him on roads with no footpath, because he just doesn't hear traffic approaching from behind.


Twice, when traveling on business, he has slept right through a fire alarm and evacuation of a hotel building. He hears almost nothing without his hearing aids and they come out at night. That's why I always try to travel with him, but he has to tell the hotel that he is deaf if he travels alone.


We do have hearing-alert /assist dogs here in New Zealand - they use Beagles - but have only done so for about 10 years. I'm thinking that Maybe DH will need one of these wonderful dogs one day, but not yet.


Best wishes




Celle, your DH is the perfect candidate for a Hearing Dog. He has the exact hearing issues I have and my heart goes out to him. My DH was my hearing assistant from 2000 to 2002. Then, I saw a program on 20/20 about CCI and their Hearing Dog program and the rest is history.


I can't imagine my life without a Hearing Dog partner. Brenda completes me and allows my DH to have a life of his own [he doesn't have to babysit me anymore!]


When your DH is ready tell him to call Canine Companions for Independence - He'll NEVER be alone again and, you won't worry about him - 1-800-572-BARK.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Thanks for the info on the ports. I may leave Shirley on the ship and just pop off to look around for a couple hours. I will take her off in San Juan because that is covered under the ADA. St. Maarten I am still considering and am not sure I want to have her go through another rabies shot when she just had a 3 year shot last year -- it is a lot to put her through for just a couple hours on shore and I will have someone with me so maybe she would be more comfortable staying in the nice air conditioned cabin? Thanks so much for the information. Mary


Mary, you are a very thoughtful dog handler. I love the way your thinking. To over vaccinate our dogs because we want to be somewhere different is so unecessary, unfair and risky to the dogs health.


Have a wonderful cruise and thank you for thinking of Shirley first! :)

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I just wanted to pop on for a minute to thank everyone who provided me with information for my service dog presentation. It was yesterday and went very well but I'm also dealing with a seriously ill parent right now so I've not been able to respond and thank everyone properly for their help. Believe me, I appreciate all your posts and information.



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Celle, your DH is the perfect candidate for a Hearing Dog. He has the exact hearing issues I have and my heart goes out to him. My DH was my hearing assistant from 2000 to 2002. Then, I saw a program on 20/20 about CCI and their Hearing Dog program and the rest is history.


I can't imagine my life without a Hearing Dog partner. Brenda completes me and allows my DH to have a life of his own [he doesn't have to babysit me anymore!]


When your DH is ready tell him to call Canine Companions for Independence - He'll NEVER be alone again and, you won't worry about him - 1-800-572-BARK.


Thank you, Roz.


At the moment, DH is not ready for this - does not like to be perceived as "different" and has his pride about it (Men!!). Also, we still travel a lot - including from NZ to the UK at least once a year. When our 2 adult kids and their families return to NZ, we'll travel less. By then, DH may be willing to accept help from a service dog.


Just in case there is is anyone else living in NZ who is considering a hearing assist dog, the association to contact is: Hearing Dogs for Deaf People New Zealand.


The URL giving details on how to apply is:




In NZ, the hearing assist dogs wear a bright yellow coat.



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I just returned from a cruise to the Mexican Riviera on Holland America. We were able to go ashore with my dog using a letter from my vet documenting all of the information noted above. There was no request for an international health certificate (one issued by the US Government through the USAD APHIS office that requires presenting in person or sending off information to them.). I did take a health certificate issued by my local, licensed vet with the letter. I was praised for the efficiency of my paperwork and my dog was cleared with the entire passenger load. I had expected to have her individually inspected but she was not. When I requested additional information since I did not want to get off if there were problems, I was told that she cleared with flying colors but that the week before they had an SD that did not clear due to lack of detail regarding worming and probably lack of clarity of the info on the rabies vaccinations. While I was sorry to hear about the other SD not being allowed off the ship, I was reassured that someone actually did review the information. On shore we had no difficulties but I did stay on an excursion and did not go out on my own.


Thank you for posting these links. I feel like I'm getting the run around and no one knows EXACTLY what I need. We are traveling to Mexico via air for a wedding on the 8th and returning on the 10th. I've been told so many different things from different people (Call the USDA, USDA tells me to call the state vet, they told me to call my local vet, vet tells me to pull papers from the embassy). According to the Mexican Embassy, I need a rabies and distemper certificate and not an international one. We are getting the international one from the vet anyway. I don't need problems, especially since I've been told I do need one from other sources.


From what I've been told I need the health cert within 10 days of travel. The embassy said 5. I rescheduled the appt for within 2 days of travel. I'm so stressed out by this upcoming trip that I don't even feel like I want to go.


Thanks also to you that commented regarding my Amtrak questions. My husband and the dog traveled for work on the train between Baltimore and Washington for several years so the dog is used to the train. I just wondered how it would work on a longer trip. Growing up we did a lot of long distance road trips. This is something my kids won't be able to experience like I did because I can't drive by myself. I thought the train might be an option "some day". Who knows.

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I just wanted to pop on for a minute to thank everyone who provided me with information for my service dog presentation. It was yesterday and went very well but I'm also dealing with a seriously ill parent right now so I've not been able to respond and thank everyone properly for their help. Believe me, I appreciate all your posts and information.





Kathi: I'm sorry your parent isn't well. I helped to care for my mother and father before they passed and, I know how much of yourself goes into the caregiving process - I wish you good luck at this difficult time.

I'm glad to hear that your presentation went well and that I could be of some help.

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Thank you, Roz.


At the moment, DH is not ready for this - does not like to be perceived as "different" and has his pride about it (Men!!). Also, we still travel a lot - including from NZ to the UK at least once a year. When our 2 adult kids and their families return to NZ, we'll travel less. By then, DH may be willing to accept help from a service dog.


Just in case there is is anyone else living in NZ who is considering a hearing assist dog, the association to contact is: Hearing Dogs for Deaf People New Zealand.


The URL giving details on how to apply is:




In NZ, the hearing assist dogs wear a bright yellow coat.




I totally understand how he feels. The process only works well when the person/handler is ready for it. Hopefully, one day he'll go for it and when he does, he won't believe how he ever lived his life without these "miracle working" dogs.

Thank you for sharing the good information about the hearing assist dogs in NZ. I'm so glad that more and more orgs. are becoming aware of the importance of the Hearing Dog in our society and around the world.

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I totally understand how he feels. The process only works well when the person/handler is ready for it. Hopefully, one day he'll go for it and when he does, he won't believe how he ever lived his life without these "miracle working" dogs.


Thank you for sharing the good information about the hearing assist dogs in NZ. I'm so glad that more and more orgs. are becoming aware of the importance of the Hearing Dog in our society and around the world.

This to me is strange that I have ever know

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Thank you for posting these links. I feel like I'm getting the run around and no one knows EXACTLY what I need. We are traveling to Mexico via air for a wedding on the 8th and returning on the 10th. I've been told so many different things from different people (Call the USDA, USDA tells me to call the state vet, they told me to call my local vet, vet tells me to pull papers from the embassy). According to the Mexican Embassy, I need a rabies and distemper certificate and not an international one. We are getting the international one from the vet anyway. I don't need problems, especially since I've been told I do need one from other sources.


From what I've been told I need the health cert within 10 days of travel. The embassy said 5. I rescheduled the appt for within 2 days of travel. I'm so stressed out by this upcoming trip that I don't even feel like I want to go.


Thanks also to you that commented regarding my Amtrak questions. My husband and the dog traveled for work on the train between Baltimore and Washington for several years so the dog is used to the train. I just wondered how it would work on a longer trip. Growing up we did a lot of long distance road trips. This is something my kids won't be able to experience like I did because I can't drive by myself. I thought the train might be an option "some day". Who knows.


I'm so sorry that you're feeling so frustrated by all the different information. I can certainly see why people don't travel with their Service Dogs or are shy about doing so.

I go to my Vet, get the Intl. Cert. [i don't always have it within 5 days] but I have so much information about my dog and myself along with this Cert. that I have not been stopped by ANYONE!

Please continue to travel. Try the train, you may like it and find it works for you.

I have "wanderlust" and must go and do and travel and drive and fly and cruise; by air, sea and land. My poor dog must go along with me and, Immigration, TSA, Border Guards and anyone else have to put-up with my insistance and willingness to do it with my Working Dog. I'll get the necessary documentation [maybe not within the time they want] but, with all the paperwork/licenses/certificates, etc. etc. I'll keep on going!

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I am hoping that if we get the internation health certificate, and bring rabies & distemper records, and have the other health records with us, it will be OK. I hope. I have a lot to do before we go. I think I'm also nervous about traveling out of the country without my kids as well. My parents are coming to stay with them so I know they will be fine. By this time next week I'll be in sunny (I hope) Mexico. It's got to be better than this cold, damp Mid-Atlantic weather we are experiencing right now.

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I am hoping that if we get the internation health certificate, and bring rabies & distemper records, and have the other health records with us, it will be OK. I hope. I have a lot to do before we go. I think I'm also nervous about traveling out of the country without my kids as well. My parents are coming to stay with them so I know they will be fine. By this time next week I'll be in sunny (I hope) Mexico. It's got to be better than this cold, damp Mid-Atlantic weather we are experiencing right now.


You will be fine. Make sure to make a few copies so that you can give the people at registration a copy [they'll be ever so grateful] and, you will save yourself the time it will take for them to find a copy machine.

You should have everything you need for a trip to Mexico.

Have a wonderful cruise and please come back and tell us all about it. :)

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I hope everyone is busy with "good" stuff.

We're having a literal heatwave here in L.A. It's unbelieveably hot. Brenda just went outside to potty [and, usually she'll play ball], this time she went potty, picked-up her ball and headed for the back door.

It's 90 degrees and it's not even noon. Yesterday, we had a wind blowing that was so strong...standing was an effort. Today, no wind just the weather gawds having a field day with us!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


For those of you who are planning a cruise......come and tell us all about it. We don't cruise until September and I'd love to drool over yours. :p

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This trip we are flying for a wedding. I'm not even sure where we are going. Near Cozumel I believe. We are going from the airport to the resort and supposedly the car service has been notified about the dog. I pray there are no problems with that.


We ARE cruising in June to Alaska via Vancouver so yet more international hoops to jump through! I'm looking forward to that trip much more than this one. I have to get through the rest of the school year first lol!


Thanks for the reassurance!

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This trip we are flying for a wedding. I'm not even sure where we are going. Near Cozumel I believe. We are going from the airport to the resort and supposedly the car service has been notified about the dog. I pray there are no problems with that.


We ARE cruising in June to Alaska via Vancouver so yet more international hoops to jump through! I'm looking forward to that trip much more than this one. I have to get through the rest of the school year first lol!


Thanks for the reassurance!


I'm sorry, I totally forgot, you did tell us you were going to a wedding in Mexico.


Okay, that changes things a bit.

You will be dealing with Mexico's Airport Security - they will ask to see the dogs papers. You're fine, you have everything you need. Look out for STRAY DOGS. Protect your dog from local dogs who may just be curious. They don't have the laws that we have in the states and they don't treat their dogs with flea/tick abatement and, they may have mange! Just be careful and stay on the look-out for your dog and hubby. [Like anyone needs to tell this. I'm just being overly cautious!]

Taxi drivers in Mexico are also a bit "leary" of our dogs. Show them the money and I promise they'll be willing to help you. I know that may sound crass but with their economy worse than ours, the money they get is very important to them. It's easy for them to see that your DH needs the dog for seeing so you shouldn't a very difficult time.

Your cruise to Alaska will be a breeze. Your documentation is perfect. Just remember that Vancouver B.C. doesn't have to follow any of our ADA Access Laws. You may get some refusals as far as entering some places [restaurants/shops/museums, etc.] We were able to go to the Gardens and ate in a lovely restaurant nearby....with no problem. :)

Have a safe and wonderful trip.

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I hope everyone is busy with "good" stuff.


We're having a literal heatwave here in L.A. It's unbelieveably hot. Brenda just went outside to potty [and, usually she'll play ball], this time she went potty, picked-up her ball and headed for the back door.


It's 90 degrees and it's not even noon. Yesterday, we had a wind blowing that was so strong...standing was an effort. Today, no wind just the weather gawds having a field day with us!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


For those of you who are planning a cruise......come and tell us all about it. We don't cruise until September and I'd love to drool over yours. :p


Heatwave Roz??? We just had a few inches of snow today. I actually had to go out clean off the van and shovel Johns spot. I couldn't believe it!! It's 35 out and snow showers for the rest of the day.


I haven't been around lately I have been having a problem with my neck and shoulders. Once in a while I must sleep wrong or something and wake up hardly moving, but it goes away after a week or so.


I went back and read all previous posts, alot going on. I have to say I already knew Brenny was a hearing dog. But it was none of my business to mention it. I'm glad you talked about it and gave us a glimpse into your life. Obviously John is in a wheelchair, so he doesn't mind talking about his disability. But I realize some people don't. We(my ex and myself) had a deaf girl live with us for a while years and years ago. I learned how to sign the alphabet, but of course my brain function is way down at this age and I don't remember a thing. :(


We have to recertify in a few weeks and of course John is already in a frenzy :rolleyes: I don't understand why he is like that. Wex is in great shape, and is an awesome dog. And that dog just knows when something special is going on and needs to be at his best. He really turns it on when he needs to. Hopefully we will get the 3 year one this time so we don't have to do it again for a while.


My car is great, but I'm still getting used to it. I had what my son called "The smallest car on earth", and this one is more midsized so parking is alittle tricky to judge. I would probably have prefered a smaller car but we were thinking of times John has to transfer in and out of it, so alittle bigger is better. Being that my last car was 20yrs old, it had no modern conveniences. I am loving electric windows and cruise control! It's amazing how little stupid things make me happy. :D


Everyone have a great weekend!



Edited by rangeley
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Heatwave Roz??? We just had a few inches of snow today. I actually had to go out clean off the van and shovel Johns spot. I couldn't believe it!! It's 35 out and snow showers for the rest of the day.


I haven't been around lately I have been having a problem with my neck and shoulders. Once in a while I must sleep wrong or something and wake up hardly moving, but it goes away after a week or so.


I went back and read all previous posts, alot going on. I have to say I already knew Brenny was a hearing dog. But it was none of my business to mention it. I'm glad you talked about it and gave us a glimpse into your life. Obviously John is in a wheelchair, so he doesn't mind talking about his disability. But I realize some people don't. We(my ex and myself) had a deaf girl live with us for a while years and years ago. I learned how to sign the alphabet, but of course my brain function is way down at this age and I don't remember a thing. :(


We have to recertify in a few weeks and of course John is already in a frenzy :rolleyes: I don't understand why he is like that. Wex is in great shape, and is an awesome dog. And that dog just knows when something special is going on and needs to be at his best. He really turns it on when he needs to. Hopefully we will get the 3 year one this time so we don't have to do it again for a while.


My car is great, but I'm still getting used to it. I had what my son called "The smallest car on earth", and this one is more midsized so parking is alittle tricky to judge. I would probably have prefered a smaller car but we were thinking of times John has to transfer in and out of it, so alittle bigger is better. Being that my last car was 20yrs old, it had no modern conveniences. I am loving electric windows and cruise control! It's amazing how little stupid things make me happy. :D


Everyone have a great weekend!




Wow! You guys have really had the snow. I'd be going crazy with it by now. I don't like it when it's too cold! I would not do well in your weather.

Okay, how'd you know about Brenda being a Hearing Dog? You are so in-tune. You are what we call in my business "a true connector." I do sign language but mostly lip reading.

Sorry about your neck and shoulders. I have a torn rotator on the right shoulder and every once in a while it gives me a "wake-up" call - now, ask how I got it? From throwing Brenny's balls. Funny, ehh!!!! The doctor said "ice" than "heat" and, you know what, it really works. Go get a bag of peas out of the freezer, put some paper towels around it and put it on your neck [only for about 5 minutes], then apply a hot wash rag and......you're cured!!!!!

Good luck on your re-cert, you'll get the 3 years and it's so much easier. Wexy's a smart boy, he knows what John wants and John's a good handler, it will all go well! Tell him I send my best wishes.

I'm glad your new car is working out so good for you. I don't think I could ever go back to driving a regular car again. Isn't cruise control the best!!!! And, I don't call these "little" things, they help to make our lives easier, we have enough going on to make it more difficult. Have fun, be safe and look out for the weirdo's! :D Like me, this morning, a lady who thought you can make a right hand turn from the far left lane........What was she thinking!!!!!!!:eek: :mad:

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Heatwave Roz??? We just had a few inches of snow today. I actually had to go out clean off the van and shovel Johns spot. I couldn't believe it!! It's 35 out and snow showers for the rest of the day.


I haven't been around lately I have been having a problem with my neck and shoulders. Once in a while I must sleep wrong or something and wake up hardly moving, but it goes away after a week or so.


I went back and read all previous posts, alot going on. I have to say I already knew Brenny was a hearing dog. But it was none of my business to mention it. I'm glad you talked about it and gave us a glimpse into your life. Obviously John is in a wheelchair, so he doesn't mind talking about his disability. But I realize some people don't. We(my ex and myself) had a deaf girl live with us for a while years and years ago. I learned how to sign the alphabet, but of course my brain function is way down at this age and I don't remember a thing. :(


We have to recertify in a few weeks and of course John is already in a frenzy :rolleyes: I don't understand why he is like that. Wex is in great shape, and is an awesome dog. And that dog just knows when something special is going on and needs to be at his best. He really turns it on when he needs to. Hopefully we will get the 3 year one this time so we don't have to do it again for a while.


My car is great, but I'm still getting used to it. I had what my son called "The smallest car on earth", and this one is more midsized so parking is alittle tricky to judge. I would probably have prefered a smaller car but we were thinking of times John has to transfer in and out of it, so alittle bigger is better. Being that my last car was 20yrs old, it had no modern conveniences. I am loving electric windows and cruise control! It's amazing how little stupid things make me happy. :D


Everyone have a great weekend!






Tell John not to worry about the recert. The 3 year was the easiest one yet. The trainers know you know what your doing and they also understand that the dogs are not as sharp as they were when you first got them. When we did our 3 year, they mentioned that Orson wasn't sitting exactly the way they would like when he was at a heal. But they said if we were OK with it then no big deal.

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Roz, Don't you know that I know everything. ;) I actually read a post on another site a long long time ago that you had written. I know CA is the only place that trains hearing dogs, but they did mention that the NE region might train them sometime soon.



Now its raining :mad: Like they say in New England "wait a minute and the weather will be different". I bet the sun comes out before the day is over.

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