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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Thanks Quam. Right now she is on a prescription food from the vets. Primary ingredients are catfish, herring and a whole lot of vitamins. I took a week getting her adjusted to it and she really likes it. The hard part is no treats, no other forms of food. She has gone thru raw hide withdrawl and luckily it comes in canned and kibble, so she has her frozen kongs at night as a treat. Oh, it also has potatoe. Her belly looks a little less red, but we also are moving into her non allergic season...usually her skin settles in November until a May flareup. This year she flared in March...She's done this since a puppy and I've been dragging my feet on the allergy test and shots...I'm ready to solve the mystery.


And you're certain it isn't an environmental allergy, since it is seasonal? Could be something in the yard or something you spray/get sprayed on the yard?

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She's kidding.....just kidding!!!!


When we walk through the casino's, when we're in Vegas, Brenda for some weird reason will walk in front of me....so strange.....and, if I have sunglasses on....don't ask the looks we get. Although, the majority of people we encounter will actually move out of the way. When she's walking beside me [as she mostly does], I get strange looks and comments. The public is only familiar with the "Seeing Eye Dog!"



A lot of ppl think my mobility harness is a guide harness, since they don't know the difference or don't know there is such a thing as a mobility dog, and if I'm outside wearing sunglasses where most other people are also wearing sunglasses, a lot of ppl think I must be blind - as if I shouldn't wear sunglasses because I'm not (if I didn't, I'd prob'ly become blind thanks to the damaging sun!)! Of course, even when I don't have sunglasses, some ppl think I'm blind.

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Last weekend we went to a restaurant down the street for lunch. The guy was seating us and John asked if we could sit in different place cuz we had more room for the dog. Next thing we know, the guy puts this thick book on the table. Thinking it was a wine list or something, I picked it up and to my amazement it was the braille menu!!!!! OMG It was the funniest thing!!!



I've never been handed a Braille menu, but sometimes the waitress will pass out menus to everybody but me, taking mine away with her. I then have to ask for a menu, which is annoying, but I do it even if I know what I want so the restaurant will understand that not everybody with a service dog is blind.

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And on the story about the service dog. It was heartbreaking, but many people just can't handle the dogs. I'm not in favor of groups that make you raisse your own money. I like the way CCI and CA do it. Non-Profit groups that provide the dog at no charge. I think 20,000$ is the estimated cost for a CA dog. Wonder what the difference is... I will say that 5 days in not long enough at all. CA has recepients up for two weeks of "training camp". I don't like the word boot camp at all in connecition with dogs.



Some ppl don't treat free things/gifts as well as they treat things they have worked hard to get. That's why it is good when programs ask for a little money, which can be fundraised for, in exchange for a service dog. Some programs are very small and don't have the funds yet to be able to give dogs for a small donation, but I think $50,000 is too much to ask the future handler to raise on their own!


Differences in costs can vary due to lots of reasons: time spent on the dogs, age of the dogs (some types of service dogs can be finished younger than others), amount of training put into the dogs (depends on the type of service dog), supplies needed for the dog (fabric vest vs. leather mobility or guide harness), if the dog was donated/bred/bought, local veterinary costs (depends on where the dog is located and can range from cheap to expensive even for the routine things), if the food and such was donated/bought, etc.

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Brenda gets Virbac C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews. I buy them online from EntirelyPets.com. You can't find them in pet food stores. Some Vets offices sell them. They're a bit pricey but they really work on keeping her gums/teeth and breath clean. CCI recommended them when we were graduating with her in 2002.



Petco sells the C.E.T. chews. C.E.T. also comes in toothpaste and a liquid rinse.

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If anybody has it in their heart to donate,

a good (real-life) friend of mine is getting

her first service dog next month!

She needs to raise $1,500

(part of the money pays for the mobility harness)

and will also need money to travel to NH and

stay the two weeks for team training

(her church found her a woman to stay with,

so thankfully she won't need to pay for a hotel).

She doesn't work right now, just lives on Disability, so has limited funds.


The dog she is getting is named "Indiana" and he is gorgeous:





A.C.T.S. - Assistance Canine Training Services

P.O. Box 86

Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816


(To contact them: 603-569-9991 or





(You can find a few other photos of Indiana on their Web site

and on their Facebook page - he's the gorgeous Golden with the mobility harness

[all the others are in vests, as their future handlers don't need harnesses].)


And, this IS cruise-related, as my friend and I

first met on my first group cruise

(actually, we roomed together with another gal

[who she already knew from a previous cruise]

in the pre-cruise hotel for a couple nights,

so technically we met on land and had e-mailed

a bit beforehand to make sure they were

okay with my service dog in the room).


(Before you ask, she was working then,

NOT using Disability money for a cruise!)


Any amount, small or large, will help!

If you can't donate, your thoughts and prayers are enough!


From the bottom of my heart

(and my friends' heart, of course),



Edited by Quampapetet
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Hi Quam. Yes, we do think Sandy's allergies are seasonal. Once this itch season is over she will be off to UGA's Vet School and undergo allergy testing. However, seasonal allergies can be exacerbated by food allergies, so she is on a food trial for now. She actually looks better and has lost some weight. I suspect the reason she is less itchy is more that we are moving out of allergy season. I'll keep everyone posted on Itchy and Scratchy.

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I have to share, I tell ya God sent me the perfect pup for sure. we went to a local event called Cruising the Coast. Its all older cars and they had a parade in my local area. I got permission to park in a reserved area due to my handicap plates and these guys know me (more Blitz).


I sat down near the location where the cars were going to go by, loads of people had to come by and pet Blitz. Almost forgot Blitz got loads of Mardi Gras necklaces thrown to him. One lady bought Blitz a Burger, another got him some water; ***** what about me...... lol So many people love him; its not too often at least in this area you see a GSD Service Animal. We got up and it took over a hour to get to the car; more people loving on Blitz. Blitz got his picture taken by the Official event photographers, the local media, and many people who just love German Shepherds. I am a recluse most the time. He is doing everything in his power to fix that for me. I love this dog more than any I have had in the past; they are not even on the same level or league. I can't wait to see the pictures on the websites....


You love him so much.....he's a lucky dog to have your devotion.

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Trying out attaching a picture. crossing my fingers.


OK, I think I have it. This wasn't the picture I was going to post, but she sure is cute anyway. This is my other daughter: she kept me entertained in LA


You're a genious.....what a cute picture!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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If anybody has it in their heart to donate,


a good (real-life) friend of mine is getting

her first service dog next month!

She needs to raise $1,500

(part of the money pays for the mobility harness)

and will also need money to travel to NH and

stay the two weeks for team training

(her church found her a woman to stay with,

so thankfully she won't need to pay for a hotel).

She doesn't work right now, just lives on Disability, so has limited funds.


The dog she is getting is named "Indiana" and he is gorgeous:





A.C.T.S. - Assistance Canine Training Services

P.O. Box 86

Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816


(To contact them: 603-569-9991 or





Any amount, small or large, will help!

If you can't donate, your thoughts and prayers are enough!


From the bottom of my heart

(and my friends' heart, of course),




I send my prayers and very best wishes to your friend. Indiana is a beautiful dog!

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Some ppl don't treat free things/gifts as well as they treat things they have worked hard to get. That's why it is good when programs ask for a little money, which can be fundraised for, in exchange for a service dog. Some programs are very small and don't have the funds yet to be able to give dogs for a small donation, but I think $50,000 is too much to ask the future handler to raise on their own!


Differences in costs can vary due to lots of reasons: time spent on the dogs, age of the dogs (some types of service dogs can be finished younger than others), amount of training put into the dogs (depends on the type of service dog), supplies needed for the dog (fabric vest vs. leather mobility or guide harness), if the dog was donated/bred/bought, local veterinary costs (depends on where the dog is located and can range from cheap to expensive even for the routine things), if the food and such was donated/bought, etc.


I guess we will just disagree on this point. Potential recepients are carefully screened, but some still don't work out. The philosophy behind no charging is that many people who qualify for a service dog already have a lot of medical expenses. And we don't want the dog to be a financial burden. I personally did not pay a cent for my cat and I take just as good a care of her as I do my lovely dog who we did lay out some cash for. I really don't take as good a care of my car as I should and I assure you that I paid a lot of $$ for.


The nice thing is that there are many groups out there so the potential recepient can find the best match.

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I guess we will just disagree on this point. Potential recepients are carefully screened, but some still don't work out. The philosophy behind no charging is that many people who qualify for a service dog already have a lot of medical expenses. And we don't want the dog to be a financial burden. I personally did not pay a cent for my cat and I take just as good a care of her as I do my lovely dog who we did lay out some cash for. I really don't take as good a care of my car as I should and I assure you that I paid a lot of $$ for.


The nice thing is that there are many groups out there so the potential recepient can find the best match.


Well said, dear friend.

I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER believed that because my Service Dog cost ME nothing that she was "a free thing" and therefore not of value and I know no one else who does. Especially, a Service Dog from Canine Companions for Independence.

CCI & Canine Assistants raises money DAILY.....to assure that people like me receive an amazing dog in their life at no cost.

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I agree with Sunshine on paying for a service dog. When John got his first service dog, he was asked to raise $6,500. When we went back to get another dog, the price had gone up to $9,500. They took the few people that got dogs in a room and told two of them that their dogs were all payed for by different organizations and that all their vet bills for life were taken care of, then she looked at John and told him he would have to come up with the money for everything. He was livid. Here he was with his second service dog from this place, had done so much volunteer work for them, and they couldn't come up with any donations for him. Even though $1,500 isn't that much, for some people it's hard to raise.

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We got Wexlers costume yesterday. It ended up being to small and looked stupid, but we put it on him (before I returned it) and took some pics. First one is him in the costume and the second is after we took it off and he was looking handsome.



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We got Wexlers costume yesterday. It ended up being to small and looked stupid, but we put it on him (before I returned it) and took some pics. First one is him in the costume and the second is after we took it off and he was looking handsome.


Cindy, he's no dinosauer [it's so funny!] And, the one of him without the suit on is going on my desk, with the others!!!!

I know Brenda messed around with a younger man onboard the Sapphire but she still loves Wex!

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Cindy, he's no dinosauer [it's so funny!] And, the one of him without the suit on is going on my desk, with the others!!!!


I know Brenda messed around with a younger man onboard the Sapphire but she still loves Wex!



Well don't forget she can mess around with all the other males she wants cuz it wouldn't be cool to mess with your own nephew! :eek:

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Wexie is hot even in that questionable dinosaur costume!!


After being home for a few days I have a few thoughts. Thank you to CC for giving us this forum and for the moderaters for keeping us on the front page. How wonderful was it that I got a vacation when I needed it most. Roz and Brenda were as wonderful as well all know and I needed this healing time. I had so much fun bonding with them both. Brenda gave me insight into the older service dog(even if I could not get rid of the puppy voice) and Roz let me talk on and on about some of the rough times I have been going through. I like to think I was their for both of them as well. Roz and successor will be great together, but it will be a learning process. Brenda will be the best big sis in the world as evidence with how much she and Nate had fun. I'll post more pictures later.

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Wexie is hot even in that questionable dinosaur costume!!


After being home for a few days I have a few thoughts. Thank you to CC for giving us this forum and for the moderaters for keeping us on the front page. How wonderful was it that I got a vacation when I needed it most. Roz and Brenda were as wonderful as well all know and I needed this healing time. I had so much fun bonding with them both. Brenda gave me insight into the older service dog(even if I could not get rid of the puppy voice) and Roz let me talk on and on about some of the rough times I have been going through. I like to think I was their for both of them as well. Roz and successor will be great together, but it will be a learning process. Brenda will be the best big sis in the world as evidence with how much she and Nate had fun. I'll post more pictures later.


Personally, I thought your puppy-voice was adorable. Brenda loved it and reacted to it everytime you spoke to her.

My funniest story about Sunshine is...she loves to read and you may be talking to her but she's not hearing you.....she's tuning the entire world out and getting ready to just go into sleep mode [who knew!] I just kept on talking and before I knew it I was talking to myself. She was out cold!!!!

You were a great help to me when I completely fell apart, one night, at the thought of losing Brenny. You helped me to realize that she wasn't going anywhere and that she was inside my heart forever!!!!

You encouraged me to be strong and get ready to stand tall with my new dog. Thank you!

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We got Wexlers costume yesterday. It ended up being to small and looked stupid, but we put it on him (before I returned it) and took some pics. First one is him in the costume and the second is after we took it off and he was looking handsome.


OMG I love the Dinosaur, I can never find stuff large enough for Blitz.....

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You love him so much.....he's a lucky dog to have your devotion.


Actually your wrong, I am so lucky to have him.......... So much work has gone into him to get him where he is at and so much more to do. We went to the show today at the local mall and Blitz made new friends yet he was upset with me. When I go to the VA Hospital I do not bring him since he is 86lbs and many people are afraid of him just because of his size. So as a favor to my friends who work there he says home.I got home at 5:00 after getting to the hospital at 10 in the morning; way too much time at the hospital. Got home and he was upset yet a quick ride to the car show and we are friends again, lol. We are such a good team and many have pointed that out to me; he is always focusing on me and he will do anything for me. He is sleeping now since he had a tough day, several hours without me then he was full out in puppy non working mode and met loads of new people....

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