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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Well, Roz. You tried! You're not responsible for that man's phobia. All you are responsible for is Horton's and Brenda's behaviour - and you have taken measures to correct that.


I guess phobias just aren't rational. I know that if a big, hairy spider came after me, I wouldn't run away screaming. I'd just die on the spot! LOL


I'd be running like a "big-sissy-screaming-3 year old" if I saw a big hairy spider and especially if I thought it was chasing me....OMG! I'd move...call a moving company and be out of town before the sun set!


I get it, I get it! Poor guy. :( Do you know that I haven't seen him since the incident! I hope he's okay!

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A possible reason for his reaction,may be that he belongs to a religious sect that considers dogs to be unclean.I know someone who if he touched or was touched,or worse than that licked by a dog would have to undergo a ritual cleansing.

We may consider that odd,given our relationship with canines but I would guess that that may be correct.


I have all the respect in the world for people's beliefs and even their fears. I know, I've got a few.

I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since the incident. And, Horty and I are out and about all the time. I hope he's okay! :o

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A morning full of laughter!!! Hortan the Menace and the Yorkie Gaurd. Sounds like a great kids story!!.


Our cruise is April 16th on the Island Princess. We flew to Texas last week to visit our daughter. What a wonderful weekend.


I dreamed about "Cooler" last night. Dreamed that she had been sent back and I was working with her:eek:. "Cooler" has a wonderful recepeint in Pasadena and is doing very well. I guess I must be missing her a bit. :rolleyes:


You'll be out on the high seas at the same time Debi and I are on the Crown. We leave on the 19th.

I'm so happy for you and Rich. It will be a long awaited and well deserved cruise for both of you.

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Roz, I laughed myself silly reading about the poor frightened man and your adventuresome dog.........too funny.:D


I leave for my cruise next Thursday and then leave the cruise two days early in Charleston SC to go to guide school to be partnered with a new dog. My darling, darling Oz ...the light of my life will be adopted by my friends who live two miles away. I can't even think about next Thursday without Oz. He is an awesome little dude.


Oh! No! It's coming so quickly. Are you okay? You're never going to be really, really ready.....don't expect so much out of yourself. It will be very difficult but thank goodness you'll be able to see him and he'll be very close by. You have wonderful friends.

Please remind us next week so that we can send you off with so much love and good wishes that you won't have a chance to feel badly or sad!

A whole new chapter will be opening for you. I send you a big hug and I know that you'll do so well. With all your love and giving, it will all be a breeze for you.

You're going to be coming home with a new partner.....how wonderful, scary, exciting and fun will that be? :p


Hug your little, awsome Dude a little bit harder these days!

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Yep! I don't remember what sect of people do this but when the "end" comes near they're taken to a mountain top, by their family, with just enough supplies to last them and die there in the beauty of the sky and surroundings by themselves.....I may have some of the details wrong! :confused: Doesn't sound so good when I actually write it down!


Okay, all you folks with highly trained Service Dogs......Please come and pick-up Horton and take him home with you!!!!! Talk about a "knucklehead!"


THE SCENE: I'm at my front door last night, with Horton. I unlocked the door and took off his collar [i usually open the door and he runs in and greets Brenda], NOT THIS TIME! My neighbor, who is an east Indian gentleman, was walking outside at the same time [apparantly, in his country, the fear of dogs is rampant!] He saw Horton, started to scream, flailing his arms and running [he's 23, 6'3"]! He looked and sounded like game or prey to me.....as it did to Horton; who proceeeded to bolt after him, making him SCREAM and FLAIL even more with such gusto, it sounded like he was being killed, with a huge, black, gangly-legged, excited Horton chasing after him. [Neighbors are out to observe the rucous], I'm walking calmly towards Horton, with his leash in my hands and all I can picture in my head is ME grabbing him and dragging him home!!!! DON'T ASK!!!!!!


Once I've gotten Horton's attention, I use the "sit" command, he does and I put his collar and leash on. I swear, I wanted to strangle him!!!!!


By now, Brenda has come out to see where her boy has run off to and why.......she is sauntering down the walkway and just wants to be near him.......NOT ME, him!!!!! Now I've got him in-check and she sees him walking back but she keeps going, pays no attention to me calling her name and I only have ONE LEASH!!!!!! I grab her collar, and I'm literally dragging her on one side and walking Horton on the other. No one is helping me because I look like a crazy woman, with "two-too-many" dogs!


Usually when I get home, they both get a "chewy" and then later on a rice-cake for a treat. NOT this night. I'm so disgusted and exhausted by both of them.......When we got inside, I slammed the door and told them both how angry I was at both of them, I waved them away from me and told them to "go to your beds, now!" They retreated to their beds and I ignored them the rest of the night.......You bet they knew I was angry.


I don't care what the trainers say about, "dogs don't hold grudges", "dogs don't plot and plan against us", "dogs live in the moment!" Guess what, these two dogs had better live in MY MOMENT, NOT THEIRS!!!!!!!!


I know, the neighbor a young and strong, man did over-react to the sight of Horton but Horton should have NEVER taken off! I WILL NEVER HAVE HIS LEASH OFF OF HIM, IN PUBLIC, AGAIN!!!!!!! I'm going to buy some cookies and leave them, with a nice note on this man's doorstep, with a promise that this will NEVER happen again. I tried to explain that Horton was just reacting to his excite but he was so busy crying, in fear, he couldn't hear a word I was saying. He kept saying that in his country the fear of such a big dog is huge!!!!! Poor guy!!!!


OMG!!!!!!!!!! I am picturing this is my head and almost peeing my pants! I wish someone had a video camera so we could see this happen. LMAO Sorry Roz but thats hysterical. I'm sure it wasn't to you at the time. And you yelled at these poor babies? And they didn't get a treat? Awwww :rolleyes:

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Laugh all you want......LAYW!!!! The lesson I really learned out of my mis-adventure with my hairy buddies.......Is, when I get really angry with them, they do pay attention and I think they both know when I'm "DONE"......They need to retreat!


I was ready to ship those puppies back to CCI [actually, I was going to leave them in a basket on their doorstep!] :eek: Kidding!!!!!


Opinions please: How many of you would rather eat in the buffet than go to the dining room for dinner and why?


DKD: How's your pup doing? Is he going to advanced training? Or, is he already there waiting for a match?


Marcia: Is your furlough over.....now that our Gov. is not closing down is that good news for you?


Fairbourne, Nancy and Cindy: You can stop laughing now! Auntie Roz is right on track! And, I've changed my "do!"


Sunshine: When's your cruise?


Colleen: How are you doing?


Chandler: Are your feet back on the ground?


Trudy: I think you're cruising now.....let us know how it went.


Question 1: Always eat in the MDR for dinner, or Pinnacle grill. Lunch is always the buffet.


Now about the laughing part. I hadn't even read your story yet and I'm getting accused of laughing? Ok now I've read it and I'm still laughing!!! HAHAHAHA :D

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Oh! No! It's coming so quickly. Are you okay? You're never going to be really, really ready.....don't expect so much out of yourself. It will be very difficult but thank goodness you'll be able to see him and he'll be very close by. You have wonderful friends.


Please remind us next week so that we can send you off with so much love and good wishes that you won't have a chance to feel badly or sad!


A whole new chapter will be opening for you. I send you a big hug and I know that you'll do so well. With all your love and giving, it will all be a breeze for you.


You're going to be coming home with a new partner.....how wonderful, scary, exciting and fun will that be? :p


Hug your little, awsome Dude a little bit harder these days!


OMG, its a wonder the poor little Dude can breathe, I am always patting, holding, kissing him and snuggling big time. Pretty sure he knows something is up. I will take my suitcase for the cruise out to the car the night before I leave, so he won't see it. As soon as he sees the suitcase he is on hyper alert. There is no way I could get out the door without him affixed to my ankle, if he saw the suitcase. He is so, so special.........I didn't think of this horrible downside to having a guide dog for the deaf when I was trained with him.


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OMG!!!!!!!!!! I am picturing this is my head and almost peeing my pants! I wish someone had a video camera so we could see this happen. LMAO Sorry Roz but thats hysterical. I'm sure it wasn't to you at the time. And you yelled at these poor babies? And they didn't get a treat? Awwww :rolleyes:


Oh, no! You didn't say awwwwwww? Those furry 2 year olds are so NEEDY!!!! Horton with his head cocking, back and forth, forth and back? He's saying, "What's the matter Mom, didn't I chase and scare that man good enough?" And, Brenda, "What happened, where'd everybody go, what's the problem, where's my snack?" My life.....what ever happened to my life?


It really was a Jughead moment. I want to find a "Jughead" hat for Horton to wear. You know from the Archie Comic books. Find a picture of Jughead and that's what Horty would look like and act like if he were a human.


I know how funny I probably looked and sounded like. I'll say this much for old Roz.....Her life is not boring!!!

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We have also run into "scaredy cat people" who act ridiculous when they see Wex. I understand some people are afraid of animals, but to scream like a girl and run is alittle overboard. I had one woman literally fell down the stairs when I was climbing them with Bailee. Yet I've seen her petting the little nippy, barky rat dogs that live here. :( Does she know they can bite too?? :confused:

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Question 1: Always eat in the MDR for dinner, or Pinnacle grill. Lunch is always the buffet.


Now about the laughing part. I hadn't even read your story yet and I'm getting accused of laughing? Ok now I've read it and I'm still laughing!!! HAHAHAHA :D


Cindy, it was really funny [the next day], that night there was NO consoling me. I was so upset and shaken by both my dogs...I know it was taken care of and they didn't do any harm.....but, just like when our kids burp in church....it doesn't hurt anyone but it's so embarassing!!!!!

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Oh, no! You didn't say awwwwwww? Those furry 2 year olds are so NEEDY!!!! Horton with his head cocking, back and forth, forth and back? He's saying, "What's the matter Mom, didn't I chase and scare that man good enough?" And, Brenda, "What happened, where'd everybody go, what's the problem, where's my snack?" My life.....what ever happened to my life?


It really was a Jughead moment. I want to find a "Jughead" hat for Horton to wear. You know from the Archie Comic books. Find a picture of Jughead and that's what Horty would look like and act like if he were a human.


I know how funny I probably looked and sounded like. I'll say this much for old Roz.....Her life is not boring!!!


I did say AWWWWW. Those poor babies, especially the senior citizen. Isn't that elder abuse? And poor Horty, he's just a baby! Lesson you learned? NEVER take the lease off til the door is closed!! :eek:

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Cindy, it was really funny [the next day], that night there was NO consoling me. I was so upset and shaken by both my dogs...I know it was taken care of and they didn't do any harm.....but, just like when our kids burp in church....it doesn't hurt anyone but it's so embarassing!!!!!


It is embarrassing. Wex has embarrassed us at times too! That was always my one complaint about CCI training, No command to come when they are off leash. Sometimes it does happen that they get away and we have no recourse to get them back.

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OMG, its a wonder the poor little Dude can breathe, I am always patting, holding, kissing him and snuggling big time. Pretty sure he knows something is up. I will take my suitcase for the cruise out to the car the night before I leave, so he won't see it. As soon as he sees the suitcase he is on hyper alert. There is no way I could get out the door without him affixed to my ankle, if he saw the suitcase. He is so, so special.........I didn't think of this horrible downside to having a guide dog for the deaf when I was trained with him.


Sweet little boy.....You love him so much. I hear the anxt in your writing. I know exactly what your going through except my girl is with me.......it's so much work, taking care of both of them. And, I'm sure it has taken a toll on Horton in terms of his work with me.

It is what it is......I do the best I can with both of them....Taking care of a senior dog along with keeping Horton's skills sharp is NOT easy at all! It's a real juggle!

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We have also run into "scaredy cat people" who act ridiculous when they see Wex. I understand some people are afraid of animals, but to scream like a girl and run is alittle overboard. I had one woman literally fell down the stairs when I was climbing them with Bailee. Yet I've seen her petting the little nippy, barky rat dogs that live here. :( Does she know they can bite too?? :confused:


"Rat dogs!" Doesn't our Cindy have a way with words!

I know exactly what you're talking about. On our last cruise a woman asked me to take my dog out of "her" elevator! Geeeezzzz! Since when did we get to buy the elevators onboard our cruiseships?

I just pulled Horton as close to me as I could......He weighs 90lbs and stands as tall as a small pony.......where did she want me to put him?

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Roz, I laughed myself silly reading about the poor frightened man and your adventuresome dog.........too funny.:D


I leave for my cruise next Thursday and then leave the cruise two days early in Charleston SC to go to guide school to be partnered with a new dog. My darling, darling Oz ...the light of my life will be adopted by my friends who live two miles away. I can't even think about next Thursday without Oz. He is an awesome little dude.



Oz IS an awesome little dude and he is so cute to boot. Roz has said it all, but I echo her wishes to you and yes, we are here for you, so come talk when you need to!:) I'm so glad Oz is going to be so near you with your friends - that must be some comfort for you. Sending you some cyber hugs too :D

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I did say AWWWWW. Those poor babies, especially the senior citizen. Isn't that elder abuse? And poor Horty, he's just a baby! Lesson you learned? NEVER take the lease off til the door is closed!! :eek:


I know, I know. You should see me now......how we wrestle with the door; the leash; the granny cart [that Roz won't leave home without].....I'm a parade without the floats, flowers and balloons!!!!!

Oh! By the way! I am taking applications for a roommate! Just kidding.....what I really need is the Kardashian's papparazzi's and body guards!!! :p :D

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It is embarrassing. Wex has embarrassed us at times too! That was always my one complaint about CCI training, No command to come when they are off leash. Sometimes it does happen that they get away and we have no recourse to get them back.


I'm so glad you mentioned this......What the heck is that "keep-away-thing" that these dogs do? :mad:

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I know, I know. You should see me now......how we wrestle with the door; the leash; the granny cart [that Roz won't leave home without].....I'm a parade without the floats, flowers and balloons!!!!!


Oh! By the way! I am taking applications for a roommate! Just kidding.....what I really need is the Kardashian's papparazzi's and body guards!!! :p :D


Wow I thought I was the only one with the granny cart! :eek:

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I'm so glad you mentioned this......What the heck is that "keep-away-thing" that these dogs do? :mad:


It's almost like they teach them to be bad off the least. Wexler will chase the ball once, then the second time you throw it, he runs... right by it, and wanders off. :confused: He won't even turn around and look at us. Then it's scream at Wexler time trying to get him to come back. I should say we are at our high school that is all fenced in. But the fences are really far away.

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Wow I thought I was the only one with the granny cart! :eek:


Cindy, I won't go anywhere without mine. The wheels in the front turn 360 degrees, it has a smaller basket in back of the big one for incidentals. I bought it on Amazon dot com. I do get some stares but I think that's from folks who wish they'd thought of it!

I use it when I board airplanes, boats, trains. It's so helpful. The TSA let me wheel it up to the door of the plane and the police at the docks let me wheel it all the way to my cabin. I put my purse, jewelry, meds., etc. in and I don't have to carry anything. It's treated like a wheelchair and I attach Horty's [godforsaken] leash to it and were good to go!

At the end of my cruise, I load it up and off we go!!!!

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A few months ago, I decided that I really needed to lose weight and it was time I did something about it. I wasn't going to mention it because I had no idea how it was going to go. Well I started walking and changed all my eating habits. About a month in, my foot started to hurt really bad. I looked it up on the internet and figured out I had gotten plantar fasciitis. UGH!! :mad: I had lost some weight so I kept dieting without the exercise. I was still losing some but it has been so slowwwwwww and discouraging. I decided that I was going to start the walking again no matter what! The doctor gave me some stretches to do and told me to ice my foot down when I got back from my walk. She also told me to take 600mg of ibuprofen when I needed it. So now I am back walking and have lost 26lbs!!! Woooohoooo :D Only 74 more to go! :( About 10yrs ago John and I quit smoking and food was my way to compensate for not smoking. Now that was hard!! Losing weight I think might be even harder. Why can't anything be easy?? Now we find out Wexler is 7lbs overweight and we have been trying the rice cakes(which he hates) and carrots. I have been walking alone this week but he is in for a rude awakening this weekend. I hope he can keep up! :D Thanks for listening to my boring story.

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Cindy, I won't go anywhere without mine. The wheels in the front turn 360 degrees, it has a smaller basket in back of the big one for incidentals. I bought it on Amazon dot com. I do get some stares but I think that's from folks who wish they'd thought of it!


I use it when I board airplanes, boats, trains. It's so helpful. The TSA let me wheel it up to the door of the plane and the police at the docks let me wheel it all the way to my cabin. I put my purse, jewelry, meds., etc. in and I don't have to carry anything. It's treated like a wheelchair and I attach Horty's [godforsaken] leash to it and were good to go!


At the end of my cruise, I load it up and off we go!!!!


Mine has the swivel wheels too!! I got mine online from Walmart. I use it for groceries since where I park is far away from the building. Also use it for going home to my moms for putting my laundry in. I cannot live without it!!

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It's almost like they teach them to be bad off the least. Wexler will chase the ball once, then the second time you throw it, he runs... right by it, and wanders off. :confused: He won't even turn around and look at us. Then it's scream at Wexler time trying to get him to come back. I should say we are at our high school that is all fenced in. But the fences are really far away.


Okay, now I don't feel so bad......If it weren't for the fact that Brenda is so obsessed by catching and bringing the ball back to us she would have been difficult to get back too! I'd take her to the dog park and she'd ignore all the dogs and look for the rattiest, most torn-up ball in the park. She'd pick it up and bring it to me. I'd better throw it or she wouldn't stop staring at me and doing the "Brenda bounce", where she'd dance around me until I threw it.....over and over again, until I knew my arm was going to come off.

When I'd had enough [she'd never want to stop], I'd hold the ball in my hand and start walking towards the entrance to the park. I'd put on her leash and we'd walk to my car [i'd throw the ball over the fence] and we'd leave.

I could NEVER take Horton to the doggie park, he wouldn't come back to me because he doesn't think there's anything special about tennis balls or balls in general and, especially me calling him to "come!"

When we go for re-certification and the trainer asks us to drop the leash and keep on walking, I'm so nervous because I think, "Oh, my gosh, what if this is the time when Horton decides to do his keep-away thing?" I think these dogs know when they're being watched by a trainer.....they're so smart!

Him being this way didn't help with crazy-man night! What's up with this "keep away" thing?

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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A few months ago, I decided that I really needed to lose weight and it was time I did something about it. I wasn't going to mention it because I had no idea how it was going to go. Well I started walking and changed all my eating habits. About a month in, my foot started to hurt really bad. I looked it up on the internet and figured out I had gotten plantar fasciitis. UGH!! :mad: I had lost some weight so I kept dieting without the exercise. I was still losing some but it has been so slowwwwwww and discouraging. I decided that I was going to start the walking again no matter what! The doctor gave me some stretches to do and told me to ice my foot down when I got back from my walk. She also told me to take 600mg of ibuprofen when I needed it. So now I am back walking and have lost 26lbs!!! Woooohoooo :D Only 74 more to go! :( About 10yrs ago John and I quit smoking and food was my way to compensate for not smoking. Now that was hard!! Losing weight I think might be even harder. Why can't anything be easy?? Now we find out Wexler is 7lbs overweight and we have been trying the rice cakes(which he hates) and carrots. I have been walking alone this week but he is in for a rude awakening this weekend. I hope he can keep up! :D Thanks for listening to my boring story.


Not boring at all. I'm sorry about your foot pain. Congratulations on the weight loss. I need to focus on myself and do the same. 26 pounds is amazing Cindy, good for you. It's such hard work. Getting started is the hardest part.

You're doing so well, keep it up!

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