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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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We are going on a cruise with a group of families that have autism and for many it will be the first time they have seen a child with autism with a service dog.

Flsunnymommy: That is awesome. Hopefully you can convince some of the other families how much of a help Chewey really is. I am a special needs instructional aide. One of my little girls has autism. When she first came to the school two years ago, she made no sound whatsoever. Now she is trying to form words, making sounds and is making progress. She knows what to do, just can't quite get it out. I have only been with her a short while, but she is doing better everyday. Not sure how she will be when we get back from our 2 week break, but we shall see. Loves being read to.


My afternoon little girl is downs syndrome. She is a feisty little thing. She starts pointing her finger and the words are coming out like you wouldn't believe, but we are trying to slow her down and get the verbal more understandable. I love my kids. They teach me things daily, just like the furbaby SD's.

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They do teach us everyday. He has taught me to see the wonder and beauty in the world. A few years ago my son did not talk. Then we got Chewey and he started talking to Chewey (boy was I jealous) now he never ever stops talking, lol. I love that CCI does service dog teams and facility dogs, I just wish more special needs groups took advantage of it.

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LETS DO IT !!!! I also have to leave from the west coast ... where is everyone at ???? I would say we could leave from california and go on a 4 night to cabo san lucas ensanada san diego and catalina island ..... its a cheap cruise sometimes you can get an inside cabin for like 250 on RCCL or i have seen carnival announcing a price of 189 any precfences or ides ??? yes of course friends w/o SDs could come

im willing to orginize

cari and D

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FIRST: The ear issues....this can be very serious if not attended to, I know first hand....My Vet put Brenda on Prednisone following a severe yeast infection in both ears. We had no clue, she was in such distress (no warning signs like; shaking of the head; scratching or rubbing the ears along the ground; discharge or bad smell.) We also had no clue whe was allergic to the Prednisone. She reacted very badly, (we almost lost her), she was put on anti-fungal meds and ear lavages and, in time they cleared-up.

She now takes 50mg of Benadryl, daily, (she can take up to 150mg but the 50 seems to do the trick.) Labs are very allergic dogs. WHO KNEW?

It was you guys, on this thread, who suggested the Benadry and I told the Vet....we tried it, in October and she's been on it ever since.....A HUGE HUG AND KISS FROM ALL OF US TO YOU! :)

MOTION SICKNESS: Brenda has NEVER suffered with motion sickness, in the car (and, we do a lot of car trips) or, on our cruises. Our Vet recommened the same medication that humans take (can be purchased over the counter) Bonine or a derivative. To be taken in lighter dosages, as it tends to make dogs very sleepy. The ginger treats are a great idea and that's supposed to be helpful too!

Comments from the Masses: Morons, that's all I can say! It's the only word that best suits the folks who think that making a comment, when they don't fully know all the details of the sitution they're seeing, are, plain and simple morons!!!!

I know we need to muster-up our "thick skin" but sometimes it's easier said than done! I've heard it all, and, I now find myself only frequenting the stores, libraries, restaurants, hotels, cruiselines, etc., etc., that have shown themselves to be "service dog friendly"! I'm getting too old for the battles and hassles. I say that today.....maybe tomorrow, my resolve will return, right now, I'm too tired to fight! (It's all the Christmas shopping and bad weather exposure.....I'll change my feelings about this!)

Cari: I would love to meet you at the Souplantation, in Northridge. Please tell me what day and time is best for you and I'll try to match your schedule!

We, also would love to cruise with all of you. Let me give you our upcoming cruising schedule for this very minute. We're booked on the Sapphire Princess, to the Mexican Riviera on April 18th. I will be booking another one for late November or mid December, while onboard, in April. My DH will NOT fly, for now.....and, the west-coast cruises is all he will do, for now!

Anyone who wants to jump onboard on April 18th.....please let me know....our Meet & Greet could be awsome!

Cari, come on.....April 18, 2009 - Sapphire Princess.

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Awww, I think I am the only one of the east coast :( Airfare to California is outrageous for us. We are doing the one in August and then I think all East Coast cruises for us or maybe out of Texas. I really did want to go to Alaska though, hehe.


Ok, I will admit I feel really stupid and embarassed. All worried I ordered paperwork from www.pettravel.com and boy was it a waste of money.

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Comments from the Masses: Morons, that's all I can say! It's the only word that best suits the folks who think that making a comment, when they don't fully know all the details of the sitution they're seeing, are, plain and simple morons!!!!



My favorite comment was one we heard alot when we took Orson to Disney World in October. I would be pushing my daughter in her wheelchair (granted , she was wearing sunglasses) and I was holding Orson's leash.

People would say...Look it's one of those seeing eye dogs!!

So who would the dog be guiding people?? The kid in the chair not steering herself or the guy pushing her and holding the leash?

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sunnymommy: It's a lesson learned......You did what you thought was the best thing to do.....I'm so glad you'll be cruising with your SD!

Haven't you learned so much about traveling on a cruise with a Service Dog? It's a retorical question, really! ;)

For anyone who is reading this and doesn't want to go backwards on this thread; this is what you need in order to cruise to Mexico/Caribbean/South America/Hawaii and the Mediterranean with your Service Dog.

PREPARE 3 COMPLETE PACKETS (put one in your purse or carry on, one in your suitcase and give one to your significant other to keep with his/her bags) - THE PACKET SHOULD INCLUDE:

1. Department of Food and Agriculture - Certificate for Interstate or International Movement of Small Animals form.

(From your Vet and from the State wherein you reside)

2. Animal License

(From the city wherein you reside)

3. Vaccination Status and Rabies Vaccination Certificate or Blood Titer Test.

(Blood Titer-From your Vet....required for So.America/Hawaii/Mediterranean and should be drawn within 3 to 10 days prior to departure, if possible.)

4. Your SD MUST be on Heartquard and Advantix (or like mosquito/flea/tick abatement.) And, MUST be current on ALL OTHER VACCINES, especially Rabies.

BE CAREFUL with more senior dogs.....some of the necessary vaccines are no longer effective or needed for older dogs. Don't over immunize. Rabies will ALWAYS be necessary. Ask your Vet.

5. Certification/training license, etc. that may have been given to you from the organization you received your SD from.

6. Copy of your Passport and Drivers License.

7. A chip. (Brenda will be on her 11th cruise, in April, 2009. She does NOT have a chip, nor do I plan on getting her one.)

Keep these copies in a safe place and nearby. When you are planning your cruise, your TA may ask you to fax a copy; the cruiseline may ask you to fax them a copy and you will need to show the paperwork at the arrival dock and possibly again, once you've boarded the ship.

If you're prepared, you will be a happier traveler.....there are enough obstacles along the way, you don't need the "paperwork" to be one of them!

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My favorite comment was one we heard alot when we took Orson to Disney World in October. I would be pushing my daughter in her wheelchair (granted , she was wearing sunglasses) and I was holding Orson's leash.

People would say...Look it's one of those seeing eye dogs!!

So who would the dog be guiding people?? The kid in the chair not steering herself or the guy pushing her and holding the leash?


I swear, I'm peeing in my seat with laughter.......I told you, they're "MORONS!" I also get, "Oh, look a blind dog!" What?????????

I must admit....I, too, was so curious and so wanting to go over to the people who had these amazing Service Dogs with them (not that I saw many of them years ago) but, when I did, I was always enamored by them....I was ALWAYS so curious.....but, honestly folks, I would NEVER, NEVER think of saying some of the things or asking some the questions that people do. And, I would NEVER think of walking over and touching the dog!

Goodness......Where do some of these people come from?????????

I NEVER mind the thoughtful questions and the people, especially children, who ask if they can touch her.....I admire their ability to hold themselves back.........And, their kindness and respect shown to Brenny is so appreciated. :)

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you guys r cracking me UP !!!!!!!!!!!!! the blind dog stuff is a riot !!! esp the dad pushing his kid in disney LOL yea i have aguide dog and i think the best one i got was a lady who came up to me all concerned saying " oh mam is your dog ok??? he broke his back right thats why he is wearing that thing on his back " i wanted to pee on the FLOOR ... i was trying to be nice but after she left i started ROLLING


ROZ_ ok im coing out on a friday around the 22nd .... that week.... what time can you do ? i can work around you some but i need to get acess scheduoled bec i think there no metrolinks later in the evening and i eventually need to be in valencia that night


OK IM LOOKING AT MEX RIVERAL ROZ be back with you with the info i find out


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ok ear remedy i SWEAR BY .... vetrinarians best ear relief wash avail online .... 1 benadryl am 1 benadryl pm ( smaller dose 25 either MCG or MG im not sure but it is what brenda takes ) benadryl for 1 week and ear wash 2 times a day up to three times a day IT WILL KICK ITS BUTT!!!!! youll see results in a day ..... also for hot spots the same company makes a hot spot treatment.... this stuff ROCKS !!!!!

cari and D

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thought about that after i posted LOL i use just the wash... and make sure it is VETRINARIANS BEST its in an orange bottle ,,,,, it rocks


ROZ- 600 ... not in my budget im doing disney cruise in oct..... i checked carnival has cruises leaving from San Diego or LA for 189 PP anyone interested? they are in mar apr may


cari and Denver

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My favorite comment was one we heard alot when we took Orson to Disney World in October. I would be pushing my daughter in her wheelchair (granted , she was wearing sunglasses) and I was holding Orson's leash.

People would say...Look it's one of those seeing eye dogs!!

So who would the dog be guiding people?? The kid in the chair not steering herself or the guy pushing her and holding the leash?



Awesome. We get that one too. I love it when people talk really loud to their kids saying, "Yes, honey that's a seeing eye dog" when we are both walking past.


Actually I don't mind it too much as Werin does such great work. Just have to keep a sense of humor. My favorite comment is on cruise ships, where people are really concerned about Werin's bathroom habits. "Do you have to wait until each port for her to go?" -- This one was on a sea day. Ha, Ha.

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Mornin' all:

I'm so glad to see everyone popping back up and posting. Funny how I miss the pictures of the furbabies as avatars. I just love that picture of Orson! He looks so happy. :D

Cari: Thanks for doing the foot work. I'm getting excited. Hope we can swing it. We will have to all get our schedules set. We are flexible. We also don't mind cruising in the fall. Nov and Dec rates are usually awesome. I know several of you have other cruises already planned.

Roz: I so wish we could join you guys on the Sapphire. We sound like we have more in common than what I thought. My hubby does not fly either. Of the 14/15 can't remember which, all the cruises were to Mexico! People say don't you get bored? Uh, no, the passengers are different and the ports are different between the 4, 7 and 8 day cruises!

Everyone have a great day.


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Cari: I get off work at 3:30, on Fridays. And, I can be at the Souplantation at 4:15pm. If you're talking about January, 23rd it is a Friday and that would be great for us. Let me know.

Nancy: The soonest we can plan anything would be our April 18th cruise onboard the Sapphire and then not again until November or December of 2009. I work in the non-profit world and our biggest fundraisers are between January and Sepember. (I always take a week in April because it's our anniversary and my associates work around me that month.)

I'd prefer to leave out of Long Beach or Los Angeles and, 7 days or more are best for us. Let me know dates and ships that you find.....and, we'll see what we can do. I'd love to cruise with you!

My most favorite question while onboard a ship; "How'd you get your dog onboard?" My favorite answer......"In my hanging bag!" I get this question everytime we cruise!!!! Everytime!

QUESTION: What's your favorite remedy for "doggy diarrhea?" Brenda was digging, in the back yard ("Marley style") and, by the time I stopped her, I saw that she had dug-up a tree root and was chomping away and swollowing it! Well, it kept her (and me) up all last night with the "runs!" It was a maple tree. The tree survived, her tummy didn't. And, after calling the Vet to inquire if the tree was poisnous.....I was told it was not! But, this was before our night of tummy upset!

What's your favorite remedy before I call the Vet, again. I thought about Kaopectate (human remedy) but, I've never given it to her before and I wasn't sure about the dosage.

Honestly, in the 7+ years that we've worked together this is the first time she's ever experimented with tree roots or for that matter, DIGGING!

She's eating and sleeping fine but about every hour, since last night, she's running and I mean "running!" Right now, she came out of her crate gave me a hug, drank some water and went back to sleep.

I think the worst has past and I can sleep tonight (3 1/2 hours is not my idea of a good nights sleep!) :(

But, if the diarrhea continues or for the future, if you have something you've used for plain and simple diarrhea I'd love to hear it!

I apolgize for the subject matter of my question. But, you guys have always given the best advice! :)

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Poor Brenny. Don't have any solutions, I just let it run its course. Reno drinks alot of water so no worries of him getting dehydrated. I would watch her for that. When Reno was a pup, he dug a small ant trap out from under a cabinet and swallowed it before I could get it. I was frantic, called the vet and she told me relax, it would take about 50 of them to actually hurt him. I was so upset. But it all turned out good. Hugs and kisses to Brenny.

Actually, fall is better for us. I will start snooping around for great military rates. Although they usually don't go down until close to the cruise time. And, I don't think Princess recognizes vets. Only retired and active duty. We will work around it. Carnival, RCL and NCL recognize vets. We've cruised on all three. Not a problem with any of them.

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Thanks Nancy.....Ants? Labs have got to be related to goats in some way!!!! :eek:

Brenny's sleeping, right now.....She drank some water and that worried me too! I didn't want her to become dehydrated. I'm glad she drank some and that she's sleeping off her root eating.

Actually, I'd like to pull her out of her crate, make her sit in my chair, do my work and I'll crawl into her crate and take a nap.

I like Carnival, they can be fun. And, the Splendor is a new ship. We also like the Pride.....Let me know what you find!

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