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Weight watchers online


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Hello all! This thread is EXACTLY what I need!

I just joined WW online over the weekend. But frankly, I didn't really connect with any of the threads on the WW Online website. At least on this thread we might actually get to meet one another someday on a cruise ship or beach!


Doing the 10% thing, my first goal weight loss is 27 pounds. Seeing all of your successes, I see that is totally attainable, and hopefully I'll be setting a new goal very soon. I'm totally fine with a 2 lbs loss every week if that is what it takes. I have two co-workers who had bypass and now they're both having to look at plastic surgery to deal with all of the hanging skin. I'm hoping that slower weight loss combined with exercise will help me avoid that problem.


Please keep posting your motivational quips and fabulous recipes when you come across them. I'm actually excited about this new endeavor in my life!



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Ann: FANTASTIC for YOU!!! You should be proud of yourself for taking this step. I have been on this weight watcher band wagon for a while now. I began almost 2 years ago with WW online and lost 30 lbs. When I gained 10 lbs back last winter I joined WW meetings. I have had very good success in the past 8 months (40 lbs in 8 months and 65 lbs total) and I am thrilled with the way I am shaping down. I began at 232 with ww online and I have only 26-30 more lbs to go to goal weight. This is a life style that you can live with and be happy with. I feel SO MUCH better now. I am amazed at how I don't hurt like I used to. I have been able to reduce the amount of meds that I take. This journey is SO WORTH IT! If you stick with the correct points you will probably be hungry for the first couple of weeks, but it gets much better!!!!! I still have times that I think..gee, I'm kind of hungry, but I keep telling myself that I want to be thin and healthy more than I want lots of food! Congratulations to you! Good luck and feel free to write more here. The more encouragement we all get the better off we will be!

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Hello Texas, and travel gal, et al... glad to see you have not given up on this thread...I really like seeing we are all in this endeavour together!!! Just 1 pound last week, but it is in the downward direction...I'll take it!!


I wll post a couple of my favourite recipes soon.. sure helps to get tested tried and true ideas from each other!. I must admit the idea of " spenidng " 3 points or so on a cake or other WW confection is not appealing.. I did buy the one point lemon cake, but it was very small serving I thought ( guess that is why I am here!!) and it was pretty dry. All in all, I found I would far rather have a nice bowl of cantalope or strawberries. Just couldn't make the cake lat a whole points worth of time!!


Good wishes to you all for a great week.... I seldom wish people luck on their journey..It isn't luck, it is damn hard work and resolve, so let's take credit for our sucesses!!! lady luck plays no roll that I can see!!

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Hi all. seems like our little group has dwindled a bit..hope you come back as I for one, find it really helpful to hear of others doing well and facing challenges too. Down a tad.. can't say a pound on my scale, but dfinitely not up, so I am happy. writing it down is the key.. I find if I decide, " Oh, I'll just keep track in my head" I do not do as well...even if I do not go over, it does not ensure I get the dairy and veggies etc etc... too easy to start down that slippery slope again..Must keep it honest!!


good wishes to all...marg

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I'm still here, tracking, starving and riding my bike! LOL...

Seriously, it's not been that bad. I've actually made a game out of finding stuff to pack for my lunch for the day. Dinner is actually easier than lunch.


I have a private office with a little fridge in it. I went through it and tossed out the bagels, cream cheese and filled it with SF Jello, fruit, yogurt and cottage cheese. Because my office is private, I could (and have) snacked away in it! I'm hoping that removing temptation will make it all so much easier.


My biggest concern is those quick dinners on the go. Tonight we have theater tickets and I'm supposed to pick up something quick for dinner on my way home, so hubby and I can eat pretty quickly, change and get out the door. That's the danger zone for me! So easy to swing through a drive-thru and get burgers, Mexican food or something bad. I'm thinking I'll do subs from Subway. I'd love to hear how others handle that!

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I find that eating out is weight watcher suicide. I still allow myself a meal out about once a week, but that is all. More than two meals out a week and I might as well eat everything in sight because I've blown my weekly points sky high. When I do eat out I try to choose somewhere with a couple of lower point choices. Seafood choices are great (as long as they aren't deep fried). BBQ Chicken, Subway, Panera has some wonderful salads for lower points, Chicken Fajita Pita's at Chilis are reasonable, Fajita's in general are good as long as you omit cheese, sour cream and eat only 1 of the tortilla's. This is a wonderful site that gives you points for many restaurants. http://www.dwlz.com/restaurants.html It has been a hugh help to me.

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Glad to see I am not alone!! Texas..how nice to have a fridge so handy and keep you on track if you stock it properly!!! A challenge I am sure! Luv 2 travel, what a great resource for restuarnats... even has some Canadian ones, which helps me out a lot.


Yup, eating out or on the run is a real challenge alright.. I try to have frozen allowable meals all ready in the freezer, so they can defrost and cook in the Microwave, while I am getting ready for the meeting or whatever is pushing my time frame. I think the main catch is NOT using fast food places, but making sure it comes out of your own kitchen however that happens. Keeping already cooked chicken breasts in the freezer does me well...a salad, with a good portion of chicken protein, allowable dressign , sliced tomatoes etcetc and you are all set to go. And don't forget the joys of leftovers...you go to all the work to make yourself something taty and on program, so double it, and use it up in the next two or three days... everybody wins.


Good wishes to all.... we will do it!!

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So I started doing the point counting thing on Monday. But I didn't want my weigh in day to be Sunday... I really wanted it to be Wednesday or Thursday.


I decided to go ahead and weigh tonight and just make Thursday my weigh-in day, and count this as my first "short" week. Low and behold, I'm down 3 pounds! In just 4 days! Next week, a co-worker and I are going to start walking in the mornings before going to work. (We live really close to each other). I imagine that if I step up my exercise, I would have even more success!


Maybe it's just my body going into shock - but 3 pounds is 3 pounds! I figure with 100+ to lose, I'm a ways away from any plateaus!



Stay on track everyone and let's continue to keep each other motivated!

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Great job TexasAnn. You probably will notice quite a few pounds dropping the first couple of weeks. It is very encouraging. Just stick with it. Find low point foods like fruits and veggies to snack on when you are really hungry. I have lost 67 lbs on WW and my friend has lost 85 lbs in just over 8 months. It really works if you stick with the program. My biggest suggestion for everyone, if you don't have a points calculator go to the nearest WW center and purchase a $10 points calculator. They are worth their weight in gold when tracking your points. And watch the serving sizes carefully. Keep up the good work.

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Way to go texas!!! You are right..3 pounds are 3 pounds...don't go giving them less value because they came off first!! ANY loss is good.. it means you are doing something right and will reap the rewards in whatever increments your body feels like. The program does work... just not always at the rate we want!! Luv2travel...you are doing famously... wow 65 down.. are you getting pretty close to goal? I am officially 49 pounds away... fewer tomorrow I hope!(and deserve!) Silly as it sounds my first goal is to be simply "overweight" not obese... how sad is that, but I know you all understand! I am pretty tall, so it is not too far away. This week has been awesome.... I do not get why sometimes it is easy, and other times so hard. However, i do know that success breeds success, and I am more likely to keep going if I get going, than to try to find my way back on. I work hard at keeping that message infront of myself when i really want something toally off the chart.


Here is a recipe I got off WW online from the members column. It is great and very versitile.


Easy Cabbage Casserole.

1# lean beef ( or "ground beef" tofu),

2 tins tom soup.

1 tin tom paste,

2 onions chopped,

1/2 head large cabbage chopped.

2 TBSP brown sugar,

4 tbsp vinegar

green peppers and mushrooms as you like.


Spread cabbage on bottom of 9X13 pan. Cook onions soft. Add meat and cook it. Drain. Add rest and simmer 3 minutes. Pour over cabbage . 1 1/2 hour at 350. May need to cover with foil last half of time..it gets a bit brown around the edges. Great with rice or pototo to soggy up the lovely juices.


Also makes a nice veggie casserole with no meat at all.


6 servings, 6 points per serving with beef.


This would heat up brilliantly while you get ready to go out luv2 travel, or can be taken in smaller servings for lunch texas!

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Luv2travel...you are doing famously... wow 65 down.. are you getting pretty close to goal? I am officially 49 pounds away... fewer tomorrow I hope!(and deserve!) Silly as it sounds my first goal is to be simply "overweight" not obese... how sad is that, but I know you all understand! I am pretty tall, so it is not too far away. This week has been awesome.... I do not get why sometimes it is easy, and other times so hard. However, i do know that success breeds success, and I am more likely to keep going if I get going, than to try to find my way back on. I work hard at keeping that message infront of myself when i really want something toally off the chart.



Hey there muffin: You are doing wonderful....And I TOTALLY understand the goal of wanting to be JUST overweight. I passed that goal about 3 weeks ago and I was ecstatic!!! No longer obese...just overweight. I was thrilled when yesterday on the news they said a few extra pounds can be healthy!!! I have 25 more lbs to be in my weight range (I'm short). I hope to loose 27-28 to be at goal. It is quite a journey but I know that I can live with these eating habits for the rest of my life. I'm happy with it because I feel so much better.


Good for everyone that is working so hard to make their lives healther and better!!! Keep up the good work.

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Muffin, Beaches, hello all!


I thought I had a really rough weekend, but when I put in my points in the tracker, I found it really wasn't all that bad. Typically on weekends, DH and I skip one meal. We either sleep in and have early lunch and dinner, or we have big breakfast and dinner. I know, I know, not supposed to do that, but I did manage to stay under my points, so hopefully it will all some out right in the end.


I looked at my calendar today and realized I'm just 102 days away from my cruise! This is our first cruise in two years (I lost my job at the end of last year, so we cancelled this year's cruise :( ).


I know we all wait with much anticipation for our cruises, but this one seems extra special to me because we're still managing to do with even with my taking a $25k salary decrease, and going back to school. I figure if I can go to the airport that morning carrying a little less baggage that's all the more better!


Today is my first day of college. Yes, I am going to back to finish something I should have finished some 20 years ago. Yikes! :eek: This morning I packed my lunch and grabbed my new computer my DH bought me. Once I got to work I unpacked my boiled eggs and saw he had attached little labels to each one telling me "Drink lots of water" "Congratulations!" and "Go Get 'em!" Can you believe that???? So incredibly sweet.


I just hope I'm taking on too much this year. New job, college, lifestyle change. (Noticed I didn't say diet!). It's when I get overwhelmed that I start to see the nasty scale go up!


Anyways - enough about me. I'm sorry if I go on... but this is my best place to share what's going on in my mind. I just don't connect with the boards on WW Online as well! They don't care if I'm going on a cruise!


Weigh in's Thursday. Hopefully there will be good news to report.



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Good Morning.


I have booked a cruise with my anti Ken, and we have been on weight watchers for about two years, got tired of the meetings, and I struggle with lossing weight mainly due to medication issues. I have tried on line ww and have liked it. We currently are doing well with lossing, but have much more to go. We are sailing Oct. 10th 2008 so have almost a year to get to goal, but I would be happy with 65 lbs. My anti Ken only has 30 to lose so he is closer than me. I cook mostly ww meals and we go to Bellingham for some of the products we are unable to get in Vancouver area, but it is getting better. I am looking forward to being "just overweight" and not obese. I think it would be an accomplishment to get to that point. I can certainly use all the support I can get.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw that this thread has been inactive for about 15 days and was wondering if all succumbed to Turkey Day?


I'm a "newbie" to this thread and started WW online the day after Thanksgiving. Why, I must be crazy starting during the holidays. But I got to the point where I had to do something. I had followed the program several years ago and gained it all back plus 30 pounds. I'm in the 100 +pounds group to lose.


My first weigh in was today and I lost 3.5 pounds. For me that's an accomplishment. I haven't found it too bad this past week as long as I enter my points daily. Last night we even went to a favorite place, Cracker Barrel and before I went, I went online and picked out what I could have. It was pretty good!


We are cruising on the Jewel of the Seas in March '08 and it has been over 2 years since we have cruised. Getting excited and I hope to lose at least my 10% before we go!!! That's my mini goal.


So let's keep this thread going and support each other.

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Actually, I had a great Thanksgiving week. I lost 1.4 lbs that week and I was very happy with that considering the challenges of Thanksgiving. I've lost a bit more this week so far and I'm SO HAPPY because I finally made it into the 150's. 159.8 is in the 150's! :D 73 lbs gone...23 to go. Question for you Ilovecruzin, you said you lost weight with WW a few years ago and then gained it all back, plus. Had you made lifetime? What do you think was the reason you fell back off of the plan. I am just curious because I really want to make this a permanent change and I don't want to gain back the weight I am working so hard to loose.

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Thanks for sending out the website for the restaurants. We like to eat out, especially on weekends. I did blow it at Panara Bread today. Should have stuck with the soup and salad. I had to trade it for a brisk 60 minute walk!


I retired 5 years ago from teaching and then lost 45 pounds with the help of WW online. No I didn't get anywhere near my goal. And then I broke my leg, lost interest in exercise and the pounds crept up to over my starting weight from before. So when one goes back online to re-enroll they don't forget that and you start up with a big negative balance. I did get it errased so I could start fresh. I believe I am more committed to it since I have had a few health issues and don't feel really perky all the time.


When I get to 159.8 you will hear me shout for joy and believe you me, I won't dare let it slip back up. I want some skinny clothes!

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Thanks for sending out the website for the restaurants. We like to eat out, especially on weekends. I did blow it at Panara Bread today. Should have stuck with the soup and salad. I had to trade it for a brisk 60 minute walk!


I retired 5 years ago from teaching and then lost 45 pounds with the help of WW online. No I didn't get anywhere near my goal. And then I broke my leg, lost interest in exercise and the pounds crept up to over my starting weight from before. So when one goes back online to re-enroll they don't forget that and you start up with a big negative balance. I did get it errased so I could start fresh. I believe I am more committed to it since I have had a few health issues and don't feel really perky all the time.


When I get to 159.8 you will hear me shout for joy and believe you me, I won't dare let it slip back up. I want some skinny clothes!

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Hi all...I am still out here fighting my own battle... lost direction for awhile, but am back at it again now. My birthday in mid January is my goal for now... 7 weeks, and plan on at least 10 pounds. I am still writing my daily intake down most days... it does make a great deal of difference for me... keeps me accountable and as someone noted, sometimes whenyou think it has all gone to #%*@)$ in a handbasket, it really hasn't and you can give yourself a pat on the back for stopping while still on approved ground!! Christmas happenings are starting, and they will prove to be challenges. I am sure. I try to keep remembering how proud I am when I hit the pillow and can congratulate myself on the decisions I made not to have that piece of shortbread or whatever...even if I could have fit it into my daily allotment....I always like to hold some points til the end, just in case I need tham the last day!! Keep at it... we will win!!

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Yipee!!! Weigh in was today and I have lost a total of 8 pounds. I know it comes off fast at first and then tapers of to a pound or two a week. I'll take it anyway. I do have to be accountable for entering everything that I eat. Sometimes though I haven't eaten enough points for the day and I go to the computer to look up things for an evening snack. Any body got any 3-5 point snacks (that are good)? I try not to eat anything past 7pm. That's what Oprah did. I still have a bunch more to go and hope to make my 10% before cruise time in March. We are going on the Jewel of the Seas to the W. Caribbean the first part of March. Still won't be a swimsuit model but every little bit helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay everyone.... the holiday's are over (almost) and it's time to get back to business!!!


My WW Online program that I started at the end of October apparently hit a hill awhile back. I really tracked the points and all that for the first couple of weeks, then suddenly there was holiday shopping, parties, etc... and frankly, tracking points and making healthy choices just fell by the wayside. I'm still down 8 pounds though... I feel it should be more, but down is better than up! But hey - a new year, a new start!


Our cruise is now a little less than 2 months away. I figure if I can lose a pound a week, that's still 8 more pounds down from where I started! Not perfect, but at least a step in the right direction.


How are all of you guys doing????

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Okay everyone.... the holiday's are over (almost) and it's time to get back to business!!!


My WW Online program that I started at the end of October apparently hit a hill awhile back. I really tracked the points and all that for the first couple of weeks, then suddenly there was holiday shopping, parties, etc... and frankly, tracking points and making healthy choices just fell by the wayside. I'm still down 8 pounds though... I feel it should be more, but down is better than up! But hey - a new year, a new start!


Our cruise is now a little less than 2 months away. I figure if I can lose a pound a week, that's still 8 more pounds down from where I started! Not perfect, but at least a step in the right direction.


How are all of you guys doing????


EXACTLY the same story as you...but I started WW Online in August. Still down about 10 pounds. BUT, my cruise is in about 6 weeks!! :eek:

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I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. I have tried every diet. I am just going to watch what I eat, no junk food and get on my treadmill. I have lost and gained 20lbs many times over the last few yaers. I am tring to lose 15-20lbs. by April 13th. I can lose it, I just can't keep it off:cool: I figure 1lb a week and maybe more some weeks. I have done this many, many times and just can't keep it off. I know what to do, eat less, move more:rolleyes:

I made a deal with my son, if I lose I pay him nothing, if I stay the same I pay him $3.00, if I GAIN :( I pay him $5.00. It is cheaper then Weight Watchers. So I get on the scale once a week and hope for the best.

Good Luck to everyone.

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Glad to see everybody coming back. I started ww online the day after Thanksgiving. I've lost almost 10 pounds. Did have a wt. gain of 1 1/2 lbs the week of Christmas. It was sooooooo hard with all the temptation but now Jan. 1st is here and we can ALL get back on the bandwagon.


Our cruise is 61 days away and I would like to lose a total of 26 lbs which would be my 10%. Going to start back to the "Y" and get some needed exercise. Hope to lose a pound thru diet and a pound thru exercise per week.


reno3 - that sounds like a pretty stiff deal with your son. Good luck. I bet you can do it!


Let's get "unstuck" from the 8-10 lb wt loss.

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