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OK this thread is not ment to offend anybody but hopefuly will make a few people smile, I'm posting under the P&O messages becuase P&O is my favorite cruise company.


At 37 and 38 my wife and I class ourselves as relatively young cruises and also now quit experience we have been lucky enough to take 7 cruises in 4 year, and we love it, we are hooked.


However one point I need to mention is what I have nick named DROA or for the unaware the DEVINE RIGHT OF ANTIQUITY,


Unfortunately DROA seems to be a big problem on Board P&O ships due to the average age of the passengers however it is by no means restricted to P&O.


DROA Activity is when some of the more senior generally grey haird passengers decides they are the only person on board that matters.


Or more to the point anybody under 55 is totally invisable during my last P&O cruise I counted one lunch time the amount times a member of the DROA club jump infront of me at the buffet que nugged me aside or was in general damn rude and believe you me I ran out of figures to count?


Can I remind any members of DROA gang that just becuase a passenger is under 40 and maybe looks a little younger than their years:cool: it does not mean thier crew? If I got asked once for Direction I got asked a dozen times not to mention one old dear bless who asked me what time the last tender would be.


This doesnt really bother me in facts its funny to watch but please all DROA's out there remember we are all fair paying passengers and just because you have been cruising since 1930 something theres a new generation of passengers keeping the industry alive.


And finally DROA's why oh why do you go on holiday to moan and whine about anything and everything, how things aren't what they use to be and its all gone off you know. On my last trip on the Arcadia that stunning ship came in for so much grief from the P&O old guard, I don't go away to listen to moaning I go to relax.


So please in these days when the young are constantly accused of being ill mannered and rude lets not forget that just becuase you have passed you 3 score year and ten its an excuse to be damn annoying:)

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What you doing moaning on here then!!:) The folks asking you questions and for some advice perhaps just thought, as you were younger your eyesight might be better - pity they didn't measure your foresight!!

Not all under forties are cool you know and not all over-55's are rude. It takes all sorts.

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OK this thread is not ment to offend anybody but hopefuly will make a few people smile, I'm posting under the P&O messages becuase P&O is my favorite cruise company.


At 37 and 38 my wife and I class ourselves as relatively young cruises and also now quit experience we have been lucky enough to take 7 cruises in 4 year, and we love it, we are hooked.


However one point I need to mention is what I have nick named DROA or for the unaware the DEVINE RIGHT OF ANTIQUITY,


Unfortunately DROA seems to be a big problem on Board P&O ships due to the average age of the passengers however it is by no means restricted to P&O.


DROA Activity is when some of the more senior generally grey haird passengers decides they are the only person on board that matters.


Or more to the point anybody under 55 is totally invisable during my last P&O cruise I counted one lunch time the amount times a member of the DROA club jump infront of me at the buffet que nugged me aside or was in general damn rude and believe you me I ran out of figures to count?


Can I remind any members of DROA gang that just becuase a passenger is under 40 and maybe looks a little younger than their years:cool: it does not mean thier crew? If I got asked once for Direction I got asked a dozen times not to mention one old dear bless who asked me what time the last tender would be.


This doesnt really bother me in facts its funny to watch but please all DROA's out there remember we are all fair paying passengers and just because you have been cruising since 1930 something theres a new generation of passengers keeping the industry alive.


And finally DROA's why oh why do you go on holiday to moan and whine about anything and everything, how things aren't what they use to be and its all gone off you know. On my last trip on the Arcadia that stunning ship came in for so much grief from the P&O old guard, I don't go away to listen to moaning I go to relax.


So please in these days when the young are constantly accused of being ill mannered and rude lets not forget that just becuase you have passed you 3 score year and ten its an excuse to be damn annoying:)



HA,Ha love your post.............we affectionately call them Saga louts!


You are so going to get it for this!!......you should really know better being a poer!

Lou (37yrs)

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Hi Soletread


I must say your posting struck a cord with me. a few years ago we did two weeks Med on board Adonia. It was a child free ship and was more like a saga cruise. People who have to use zimmer frames and electric buggies have my deepest sympathy, who know what the future has in store for any of us. However, it is not the done thing to use them as weapons to get anywhere.

We have never come across so many elderly people who were ignorant and downright rude. Having size 12 feet I had a number of close calls of being run over by a buggy.

The other thing I have noticed is that if you are going somewhere they usually walk very slowly right in the middles of a corridor and then stop and block it for no good reason. They step out of the lifts and stand in the way of others getting in or out while they get their bearings.

The most remarkable thing I have found is the speed at which they can move when the situation calls for it.

Go to the theatre after dinner and who is in all the best seats? the same in the showlounge. How do they get there that quickly? Even lifeboat drill they are all down at the front. I would suggest that in an emergency you get to your muster point last and then you will be first out to the lifeboats.

I must confess I am no longer in the first flush of youth but I do remember my manners.

We have found since that ships with children obviously have a larger number of the younger element which usually makes for a more interesting cruise, for instance in the talent shows.

While I have got my complaining hat on I might as well mention something else that amounts to bad manners. We were on the Oriana in June and found it annoying how people in the self service would sit at the table long after they had finished,and watch others walking about with a tray of food trying to find somewhere to sit. With all the other places they could go for a chat this was just not on.


I won,t even get started on those who insist on sitting in smoking areas and then complain about the smoke. One old man called a steward to stop people smoking in a smoking area. How stupid is that?


Anyway, I have no doubt that I have annoyed some people with this but good manners cost nothing and advanced age does not make you any more or less important than any other passenger.


Cabinboy 1943

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A member of the DORA club pushed in front of me in a supermarket queue... and then she pushed in front of a youg woman who was holding a baby, almost knocking her over!


The DORA member looked at us and said "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise there was a queue". Yeah.... right....


I replied with a smile on my face, "That's perfectly OK, we have much longer to live than you do".


I'm so polite ;)

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Thanks for posting cabinboy & Vampire I was beginning to think I had been completely unfair.


Can I please state that I by no means slot every person of a senior age into the DROA Club, In fact I have a great respect for age and expereince and have shared many a happy chat and drink with a more than one senior passengers on a cruise.


The reason for the original post was simply that I have notice a very high number of very Rude elderly passengers onboard some ships


I agree completely in Vampires post that sadly it is not only confind to ships but in all walks of like.


The DROA issue was at its worse I found on Arcadia in July 2006 and I believe it would be fair to say both the pando old guard and the DROAs didn't like the ship, comments like weres the Atruim, there's no wow factor, its all very modern,enough teak and wood ect ect ect seem to make it very clear.


I think since then the Arcadia has drawn a much younger more open minder passenger list and as I'm booked back on her for July 2008 I look forward to hopefully finding a change or at least a reduction in the amount of DROAs on board.

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How dare you post such drivel.

We Seniors with all our life experiences deserve more respect than this. Why do we moan? because we have had enough of putting up with things over the years and anyway it will soon be one of the few activities on-board that does not attract a supplement.

What a pity in this day and age it appears that respect for age and the wisdom it brings is missing.

Thank goodness for ships like Arcadia that bans children..... after a lifetime of bringing up our own children and in many cases these days our grandchildren; do we not deserve a couple of child free weeks. If I had my way, Arcadia would be the same as the Saga fleet. Inhabited only by people of an age where respect and good manners was the order of the day.

Being new to this board, 10 posts, I suppose you must be allowed one mistake, however no more post such as this! please.


Regards Cb

AKA Pudniw

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I could not let your posting go by without comment. It is a classic example of the bad manners that others, including myself have referred to. One need look no further than the first line in which you use the word drivel. This disparaging attitude is symptomatic of the very things that have given rise to these postings. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it should be treated with respect even if one disagrees.

I am not suggesting that those of the younger set are the epitome of good manners, far from it, but there are a large number of older people, who should know better,with the attitude that they are far more important than anyone else.You do not have to go on a cruise to witness this.

I myself have been rapped round the ankles with walking sticks when I have had the audacity to get in the way of one of these Saga Louts as someone so aptly named them.I have been pushed and shoved by the most frail looking elderly people in their haste to get somewhere, to get the best seats no doubt.

You talk about respect for age and wisdom, in some cases the latter of those is in some doubt. Respect has to be earned and intolerance is not the way to do it.

As for children on board we have never had a problem such is the entertainment that P&O lay on for them.

You even have the nerve to imply that as it was only soletreads tenth posting in your opinion it had to be a mistake. How condescending is that. Perhaps you will share the benefit of your wisdom with us all and say how many postings one has to put on before they become valid.

Lastly we have cruised on a number of P&O ships but have no intention of going on board Arcadia, your posting has served to establish this as a wise decision.



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  • 3 weeks later...


Do reconsider Arcadia as option. She is a lovely contempoarychild free modern ship, and this year I noticed many more younger cruisers on her, due possibly to the weddings now being allowed onboard, which brought in younger people, their bestman and family and bridesmaids etc. There were about 5/6 weddings on our cruise in June this year - I actually went to one in the Viceroy room, it was lovely. Last year lots of old school complainers.... 'sh'e not like ORRRRRRIANNNNNA , or AURRRRRRROA, but this year i noticed many returners, pax who had cruised one/2 or 3 times on her and were back for more, thus less complainers.


We will be onboard again in May 08 for a 16n Venice cruise with friends in their 30's ( i AM 45) I would say there were as many in the 40-55 group on there as over 65's. A good mix now.



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Perhaps your point would have been better made had you employed better English grammar and corrected your spelling mistakes before you became so heavily aggressive towards the wrinklies.


My suggestion to you would be to cool down, relax, do not be so easily offended by impolite habits of a few fellow cruisers (younger or older).......I think you will then gain greater enjoyment from your holiday.


Pretty daring advice from someone who has not cruised before (???)

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Perhaps your point would have been better made had you employed better English grammar and corrected your spelling mistakes before you became so heavily aggressive towards the wrinklies.


My suggestion to you would be to cool down, relax, do not be so easily offended by impolite habits of a few fellow cruisers (younger or older).......I think you will then gain greater enjoyment from your holiday.


Pretty daring advice from someone who has not cruised before (???)




Pretty dam silly advice, to whomever it was directed, as the moderators do not look kindly on people who have a go at someone for their use of the English Language.


Perhaps you should 'look before you leap' and stick your foot in it.


For example at least half of the posts on here have their tongues stuck firmly in their cheeks, as one or two others have failed to spot.






:):)Happy Cruising:):)








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Perhaps your point would have been better made had you employed better English grammar and corrected your spelling mistakes before you became so heavily aggressive towards the wrinklies.


My suggestion to you would be to cool down, relax, do not be so easily offended by impolite habits of a few fellow cruisers (younger or older).......I think you will then gain greater enjoyment from your holiday.


Pretty daring advice from someone who has not cruised before (???)



All- At - Sea


Perhaps you would be kind enough to specify who your posting was directed at. By doing this it would help to ensure that more attention is given to spelling and proper use of the English language. I must confess I was not aware that we had an English scholar marking the postings. We are all fortunate indeed to have you on this forum.


cabinboy 1943

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Do reconsider Arcadia as option. She is a lovely contempoarychild free modern ship, and this year I noticed many more younger cruisers on her, due possibly to the weddings now being allowed onboard, which brought in younger people, their bestman and family and bridesmaids etc. There were about 5/6 weddings on our cruise in June this year - I actually went to one in the Viceroy room, it was lovely. Last year lots of old school complainers.... 'sh'e not like ORRRRRRIANNNNNA , or AURRRRRRROA, but this year i noticed many returners, pax who had cruised one/2 or 3 times on her and were back for more, thus less complainers.


We will be onboard again in May 08 for a 16n Venice cruise with friends in their 30's ( i AM 45) I would say there were as many in the 40-55 group on there as over 65's. A good mix now.




Hi Libralass41


Thank you for your comments on the Arcadia. Oddly enough we are doing a 16 nights to Venice next April,though this is on Aurora, which we have been on before. I cannot understand people who book on what is obviously a different type of ship to what they usually prefer, and then spend the whole time making unfavourable comparisons.

We even met someone one the Adonia that was, moaning because the ship was too big. It is at that point one may as well give up, or offer them the use of a hacksaw for a size reduction operation.

I have noted what you have said about Arcadia and will give her a go in the future.

Have a wonderful cruise to Venice.



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What a lovely, lively and enjoyable thread. I haven't read it all as I don't have much time to live.


However I do empathise as we have noticed this too. Towards the end of a fortnight's cruise we are head down with the best of 'em :).


The cloak of invisibility works both ways. What do those in their 60s know? They had their chance, now get out of the way and follow me!


On our last cruise we found a new medical condition based on our dog, Flora, which has a phobia for descending stairs and therefore avoids climbing staits too. This is Floribunda marimima upndowner. Those suffering from this complaint are limited to going where there is a lift.


We found it often quicker to ascend or descend 5 decks than wait until the lift arrived and then endure the constant stops :)


We were also dismayed by passengers who needed plenty of space squeezing into a lift with room for one when in a reasonably full lift we would not dream of pushing in. Rudeness applies to all ages.


One our last cruise with more that 10% children we often found them sitting on the stairs playing with gameboys and blocking the stairs. Usually they did not speak English.


Final point, a 14 day cruise is no place for a pushchair bound baby. Sorry parents, your child would be happier in its own little world at home.

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I cannot understand people who book on what is obviously a different type of ship to what they usually prefer, and then spend the whole time making unfavourable comparisons.


To take the second point first, making comparisons is inevitable; it is human nature. Of two ships one will have desirable features that the other lacks. For instance Constellation has a two rooms with books called 'Words', very apt as it would be laughable to call it a library OTOH the P&O ships we have been on had excellent libraries where you could sit and read in comfort. Constellation however had a theatre that would take some beating even in a modern, shore-based theatre; never crowded and very few obstructed seats.


On the first point, beggars often cannot be chosers. We either book to what we can afford or book for dates and itinerary with whatever ship is available. For instance in the Baltic we had only a 6 week window.

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Hi Libralass41


Thank you for your comments on the Arcadia. Oddly enough we are doing a 16 nights to Venice next April,though this is on Aurora, which we have been on before. I cannot understand people who book on what is obviously a different type of ship to what they usually prefer, and then spend the whole time making unfavourable comparisons.

We even met someone one the Adonia that was, moaning because the ship was too big. It is at that point one may as well give up, or offer them the use of a hacksaw for a size reduction operation.

I have noted what you have said about Arcadia and will give her a go in the future.

Have a wonderful cruise to Venice.






Hi cabinboy,


We are going to Venice as well:). We are on Arcadia in July. It is my errr ummm 29th birthday:rolleyes:



I also think adverse comparison is daft, why be upset on a cruise because the ship is not the same as some other ship?????????


I am a firm believer that the best ship in the world is the one you are on at the time. So it is Oceana on Saturday, Oriana in November and Arcadia next July. You could call me fickle.




:)Happy Cruising:)






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Hello Dai


Oceana....in the school holidays....... my , my , my that will be a bit different from 'our' Arcadia....:confused:


do tell all on your return,


or when I see you ,,,at the hotel - nod, nod, wink, wink




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To take the second point first, making comparisons is inevitable; it is human nature. Of two ships one will have desirable features that the other lacks. For instance Constellation has a two rooms with books called 'Words', very apt as it would be laughable to call it a library OTOH the P&O ships we have been on had excellent libraries where you could sit and read in comfort. Constellation however had a theatre that would take some beating even in a modern, shore-based theatre; never crowded and very few obstructed seats.


On the first point, beggars often cannot be chosers. We either book to what we can afford or book for dates and itinerary with whatever ship is available. For instance in the Baltic we had only a 6 week window.


Hi Pontius Navigator


You are quite correct in saying it is human nature to make comparisons, indeed we have done it ourselves. The trouble is with some people we have found is that they moan about something silly and at great length. If you say that you love the ship and think it is wonderful,they give you a sorrowful look that indicates you must be easily pleased.

We have loved all the P&O ships we have been on and had some wonderful cruises.

Our booking arrangements are limited for the same reasons as yourself. As we always go P&O we know we will have a great time whatever the ship.


Happy cruising

regards cabinboy

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Hi DaiB


You are spot on. The best ship in the world is the one you are on at the time. At least we have always found it so.

You will like the new Mattresses on Oriana, eight inches thick and very comfortable. The new soft furnishings are really nice as well.


29th birthday? who are you trying to kid? You don't sound a day over 25 to me ;)


Happy Cruising


Regards Cabinboy

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Despite the fact I started this thread on abit of moan I would like to clarify I have never had what I would call a bad cruise.


I have cruised 7 times now and return to P&O for the first time with a cruise on the Aurora on 2nd September my first P&O cruise being Arcadia 2006.


In fact it will be the first time I have returned to a company in all my cruises.


My expereince have been as diverse as Ocean Village in the Caribbean to Celebrity Millennuim, I have also tried Costa and MSC.


I have loved them all in different ways and have never had what I would call a bad holiday exeperience.


I think you need to try a number of different lines and ships to decide what suits you best and what you like most, Hence why My wife and I are returning to P&O in September and have booked the Arcadia again for next July.


The P&O format works for us especially the Child free aspect of Arcadia, ( I love the little darlings really just not when I'm trying to relax and chill) Also I travel extensively for business flying around 150'000 airmiles a year so any holiday not involving flying is wonderful for me,


The short drive to Southampton and speedy easy boarding process is like a dream start to a holiday.


What I don't understand and I suppose the initial reason for the post was the people who cruise with the same company again and again then spend the whole holiday it would seem searching for something to moan about or compare to another cruise experience, Nothing in life is perfect although we like to strife for perfection.


I think in general all the cruise lines do an amazing job in confined enviroments with massive passenger numbers?


When compare to some of my land based hotel experience I would choice to be afloat on holiday any day.

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You are quite correct


We have loved all the P&O ships we have been on and had some wonderful cruises.


Wow, someone agrees :) LOL.


On our last we were even brought in to discussions and our opinion sought.


We have loved all the ships we have been on but it is the crew that can make or break the experience. Generally, 3 ships out of 4, those with British officers seem better run. Maybe their eye and attention to detail is better.


They also seem to have a Master at Arms overseeing the decks and keeping everything shipshape.


On our last cruise I pointed out an unsafe electrical panel to one of the pursers, he looked uncomprehendingly, made a phone and that was that. Two days later the panel was 'discovered' to be unsafe and lashed closed with rope.


On a P&O I mentioned that one of the tenders was making smoke. It was taken out of service immediately and repaired.

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1. The short drive to Southampton and speedy easy boarding process is like a dream start to a holiday.


2. What I don't understand and I suppose the initial reason for the post was the people who cruise with the same company again and again then spend the whole holiday it would seem searching for something to moan about or compare to another cruise experience, Nothing in life is perfect although we like to strife for perfection.


3. When compare to some of my land based hotel experience I would choice to be afloat on holiday any day.




Hi Soletread,


1. You are so right to be able to drive to the ship, have your luggage whipped away and then board within the hour is excellent. Even when the drive is not so short like 350 miles. But it is a good excuse to extend the holiday.


2. Well I have tried this with our New Year cruise in 2005/6. I constantly looked for faults, there had been a lot of negative reports at the time, but I was thwarted at every turn. P&O did their damndest to make sure everything was perfect. Most disappointing. I had nothing to complain about.:(


I just had to get on with it and have a good time:mad:


3. A land based holiday? What is one of them:rolleyes:. I am sure I must have been on one!! It could be age, but then again I am only 29.:rolleyes:




:)Happy Cruising









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Just wondering if you have considered flying to Southampton from Newcastle? We are on the cruise to Venice next July and we're thinking of flying down.



Hi Janey,


We have flown when we were on J625 which was a Southampton to Barbados and then fly back. It worked quite well. However we only did it because we had to fly back.


When you fly you are restricted to 20/23kgs per person, when in the car you are restricted by how much the car will carry.


You can take as much luggage as you like on board in Southampton, say 3 large cases and a suit carrier for a 14/16 night cruise. If you fly you cannot take as much.


Secondly it is so convenient to put your luggage in the car at home and turn up at Southampton. Then a porter takes your luggage out of the car and it vanishes within seconds. A second person takes your car keys and drives your car away. (You do get a receipt). You then stroll into the terminal and the way embarkation is now within 30/60 minutes you can be having lunch on board.


Thirdly I am disabled and it is so much easier to arrive this way without the hassle of flying.


Of course having said that I like driving. We always go down the day or night before and stay either in Newbury when traveling down in the evening, arrive about 21.00 to 21.30. Or if we have all day stay in the Southampton/Portsmouth area. The stays are usually in Hiltons, very good rates through SAGA. Keep that to yourself;).


Just read your post more carefully:p. So you are on our cruise, excellent. Then my comments about the amount of luggage you would want to take are very relevant. And you must have the free car parking in Southampton. Definitely no contest.


Hope to speak again and to see you next July



All the best



:)Happy Cruising:)







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