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WHY are cruise ships still in the dark ages about smoking?


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Absolutely no difference:) But don't forget the jeans in the dining room posts too!

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if i recall there is no smoking in the eating areas unless it is partially outdoors, also there is a non smoking side on the ship i believe it is port side. i will be at the bar having a drink and a smoke. age restiction there is 21. remember not everything has to be like new york.. i do not smoke around my children and i do enjoy non smoking restaraunts so dont get me wrong, but i being a smoker or even when i quit believe that just because you smoke shouldnt mean you are banned from everywhere....


Well wouldn't it be that your smokes are banned from everywhere, and you the person are allowed?

I don’t care about smoking, unless the room is so thick with it that you cant see strait, and most establishments will ban that of their own accord as it is unsanitary and will turn away even most smokers. Other wise there is enough palatines in our air that some second hand smoke isn’t going to do anything extra.

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Before anyone gets unpset please read my review all the way through:


I AM AGAINST smoking but only because my father died a very painful and horrible death from emphysema at the age of 57, one year younger than I am today.


I believe that if people want to smoke let them. What they do with their bodies is their business not mine. What they do with my body is my business. When their second hand smoke starts entering my lungs I then make it my business but only if they are in a non-smoking area. I will ask them to please put out their cigarette and I try to be as nice as I can when doing this. I keep my voice low-key so as not to attract attention to us and putting that person on the defensive.


If I walk into a bar, casino, or lounge on a cruise ship I am walking in knowing full well that I am walking into an area that allows smoking. I made that choice and when the smoking around me gets to be too much for me to bare than I get up and leave.


If you have ashma, emphysema or kids and cannot or do not want to be exposed to smoke then don't. There are plenty of areas to walk around in, relax and read a book in, play (kids zone) in, or sun in on the cruise ships to avoid areas where smokers are.


Now if someone wants to start a non-cruise related thread on drinking and driving bring it on :p .


I turn from a nice old-lady of 58 ;) who will tries to see everyone's side of things into a raging lunatic :).


I will do anything and everything to keep a drunk driver off the road. :)

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Before anyone gets unpset please read my review all the way through:


I AM AGAINST smoking but only because my father died a very painful and horrible death from emphysema at the age of 57, one year younger than I am today.


I believe that if people want to smoke let them. What they do with their bodies is their business not mine. What they do with my body is my business. When their second hand smoke starts entering my lungs I then make it my business but only if they are in a non-smoking area. I will ask them to please put out their cigarette and I try to be as nice as I can when doing this. I keep my voice low-key so as not to attract attention to us and putting that person on the defensive.


If I walk into a bar, casino, or lounge on a cruise ship I am walking in knowing full well that I am walking into an area that allows smoking. I made that choice and when the smoking around me gets to be too much for me to bare than I get up and leave.


If you have ashma, emphysema or kids and cannot or do not want to be exposed to smoke then don't. There are plenty of areas to walk around in, relax and read a book in, play (kids zone) in, or sun in on the cruise ships to avoid areas where smokers are.


Now if someone wants to start a non-cruise related thread on drinking and driving bring it on :p .


I turn from a nice old-lady of 58 ;) who will tries to see everyone's side of things into a raging lunatic :).


I will do anything and everything to keep a drunk driver off the road. :)



Liked your post. Well said. I'm 60, my Grandfather and my Father died of lung cancer. My brother has emphysema, so I'm fully aware of the dangers of smoking. But it's something I choose to do, or just aren't strong enough to kick, however you want to look at it.


I try to be considerate of others, and not blow smoke in the faces of those non-smokers. My travelling companion has asthma, so I can't smoke in the cabin, but I do get a balcony cabin to allow me to step outside for a smoke. I do smoke in the lounge on the smoking side of

the ship, but know I can't light up in the showroom or dining room.


I'd like to check out the statistics of Obesity and Diabetes (what took my Mothr) vs 2nd hand smoke related deaths, but I have no idea where to start looking. Nothing will ever convince me that 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous or worse for you than the actual smoking, no matter what they print or say on the news. We are an easy target. They can't clean up the air you breath (Los Angeles, New York City, Tokyo, Athens, Rome) so they attack smoking. No one is going to live forever. We are marching toward death from the day you are born. Enjoy wht time you have and let others enjoy their time. I don't speak French, But I think "live and let live" is the translation.

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I'd like to check out the statistics of Obesity and Diabetes (what took my Mothr) vs 2nd hand smoke related deaths, but I have no idea where to start looking.


Why would you want to compare something that one does to them selves to something that one does to others. What would that prove?

Or are you suggesting that if I eat a donut it somehow effects the person watching me eat it?




Nothing will ever convince me that 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous or worse for you than the actual smoking, no matter what they print or say on the news. We are an easy target. They can't clean up the air you breath (Los Angeles, New York City, Tokyo, Athens, Rome) so they attack smoking. No one is going to live forever. We are marching toward death from the day you are born. Enjoy wht time you have and let others enjoy their time. I don't speak French, But I think "live and let live" is the translation.

Why would you have to be convinced that 2nd hand smoking is worse then actual smoking? And who makes that asinine claim in the first place? Of course first hand smoke is worse then second hand smoke. The issues is, that second hand smoke is worse then no smoke at all, and that smokers inadvertently contaminate the lungs of non-smokers through their bad habits.

No one is going to live forever that is true, but a non-smoker should not have to pay for the bad habits and enjoyment of smokers with their health. "live and let live" Is a great way to think of it, even accepting for the sake of argument that 2nd hand smoke is not as dangerous as experts claim, a smokers way of "living" is inadvertently affecting the lives of others. The motto you should be looking for is "Live and let Die", as that is what Smokers are really doing. They want to “live,” enjoy life the way they want, and don’t care how it effects others.

Just so I don’t sound overly critical this is not a trait exclusive to smokers, most people have this attitude about something, whether its driving their SUV’s to having unsafe sex. But the topic today is smoking.

I will agree with one of your points, The air quality in a lot of places is not all that clean due to the collective habits of us all (like living an industrial life) and second hand smoke only adds a finite amount to that problem. Its questionable whether its all that important to complain about second hand smoke with out fixing the rest of it. But that said, you always do have to start somewhere.

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Why would you want to compare something that one does to them selves to something that one does to others. What would that prove?


Or are you suggesting that if I eat a donut it somehow effects the person watching me eat it?






Why would you have to be convinced that 2nd hand smoking is worse then actual smoking? And who makes that asinine claim in the first place? Of course first hand smoke is worse then second hand smoke. The issues is, that second hand smoke is worse then no smoke at all, and that smokers inadvertently contaminate the lungs of non-smokers through their bad habits.


No one is going to live forever that is true, but a non-smoker should not have to pay for the bad habits and enjoyment of smokers with their health. "live and let live" Is a great way to think of it, even accepting for the sake of argument that 2nd hand smoke is not as dangerous as experts claim, a smokers way of "living" is inadvertently affecting the lives of others. The motto you should be looking for is "Live and let Die", as that is what Smokers are really doing. They want to “live,” enjoy life the way they want, and don’t care how it effects others.


Just so I don’t sound overly critical this is not a trait exclusive to smokers, most people have this attitude about something, whether its driving their SUV’s to having unsafe sex. But the topic today is smoking.


I will agree with one of your points, The air quality in a lot of places is not all that clean due to the collective habits of us all (like living an industrial life) and second hand smoke only adds a finite amount to that problem. Its questionable whether its all that important to complain about second hand smoke with out fixing the rest of it. But that said, you always do have to start somewhere.


Oh OH, looks like we have to ban all printers!!!!! This is just on YAHOO news.


"Now a controlled study is confirming the information, saying that 30 percent of all laser printers tested emit dangerous particles described as "causing lasting damage on the scale of inhaled cigarette smoke." These tiny particles lodge deep in the lungs and can lead to anything from lung irritation to full-on cancer."

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Cruise lines are not in the dark ages re: smoking. They in the real world, where roughly 20% of the population are smokers. They are in the cruise business and their goal is to make lots of money. Since both smokers and non-smokers like to cruise, they TRY to appease both nonsmokers and smokers by permitting smoking in certain limited areas. That leaves most of ship spaces as nonsmoking areas, with a few places where smokers are allowed to indulge in their vice.

Non-smokers are in the majority and some are very vocal. However, that still does not make it wrong for smokers to "do their thing" in designated places. As long as they stick to the designated smoking areas and are not blowing the nasty fumes in non-smoker's faces and up non-smoker's noses, why, oh why, can't the non-smokers leave them in peace? It's called peaceful co-existence.

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I do hope the people who complain about people smoking are not polluting my air with emmissions from large fuel guzzling vehicles and are either using bio deisel, cycling walking rowing skateboarding roller blading or horse riding to work:D

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I do hope the people who complain about people smoking are not polluting my air with emmissions from large fuel guzzling vehicles and are either using bio deisel, cycling walking rowing skateboarding roller blading or horse riding to work:D




I think most smokers do respect other people. My dad is a smoker and had been since it was 18 and he still at 62 now. And he is healthy, but he does whatch where he smokes... Not every smoker is rude.


I just believe in "everyones" rights. When you start stepping on peoples rights, your rights one day will get step on... Its my choice on where I want to go to avoid smokers or not.


Besides there is more out there that can harm your health then smoking, like what you eat, prescription drugs, cell phones, and the list can go on..So if you want to ban smoking then you have to ban your cell phone, eating non-organic foods and prescription drugs. Because that stuff does affect all of us in the long run..

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Why would you have to be convinced that 2nd hand smoking is worse then actual smoking? And who makes that asinine claim in the first place? Of course first hand smoke is worse then second hand smoke. The issues is, that second hand smoke is worse then no smoke at all, and that smokers inadvertently contaminate the lungs of non-smokers through their bad habits.


No one is going to live forever that is true, but a non-smoker should not have to pay for the bad habits and enjoyment of smokers with their health. "live and let live" Is a great way to think of it, even accepting for the sake of argument that 2nd hand smoke is not as dangerous as experts claim, a smokers way of "living" is inadvertently affecting the lives of others. The motto you should be looking for is "Live and let Die", as that is what Smokers are really doing. They want to “live,” enjoy life the way they want, and don’t care how it effects others.


Just so I don’t sound overly critical this is not a trait exclusive to smokers, most people have this attitude about something, whether its driving their SUV’s to having unsafe sex. But the topic today is smoking.


I will agree with one of your points, The air quality in a lot of places is not all that clean due to the collective habits of us all (like living an industrial life) and second hand smoke only adds a finite amount to that problem. Its questionable whether its all that important to complain about second hand smoke with out fixing the rest of it. But that said, you always do have to start somewhere.


:) Dante, that is one of the most balanced non-smoker arguments I've ever seen in these threads.... strong in your convictions yet not afraid to make some concessions instead of speaking in absolutes. Good for you!

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Maybe because they realize you can't dictate to people what to do.

Every law that is passed takes away some of YOUR FREEDOMS.


Some day they may just pass a law that takes away something

you enjoy or want to do. Let's see how you feel about that!


We could become a society like Germany was under Hitler, with the

Gestapo watching your every move. Lawabiding citizens of course

registered their guns when told to do so, so when Hitler moved in

he knew right where to go to confiscate those weapons.


We do still have some liberties. I don't particularly want to see or

hear all the kids on a cruise ship either, but I know they have as

much right to be there as I do, so I go to my cabin or a bar area

where kids aren't flocking. I suggest you do the same to stay

away from the smokers.

I only want to have my FREEDOM breathing cleaner air. I am all for having lots of FREEDOMS. However, my "right" to swing my fist stops before your nose. The "right" to enjoy a good smoke stops before my nose.

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I only want to have my FREEDOM breathing cleaner air. I am all for having lots of FREEDOMS. However, my "right" to swing my fist stops before your nose. The "right" to enjoy a good smoke stops before my nose.



Last time I checked the air we all breathe was free, or at least I don't think we've had to pay for it yet. Stay in the non-smoking areas and you won't have to worry about breathing my smoke. As long as it ain't illegal YET, I will continue to smoke.

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Last time I checked the air we all breathe was free, or at least I don't think we've had to pay for it yet. Stay in the non-smoking areas and you won't have to worry about breathing my smoke. As long as it ain't illegal YET, I will continue to smoke.


Please let me know how that can be! I would just LOVE to enjoy my balcony and not have to worry about somebody's smoke. Most of the time it is not a problem, but having a big smoker next door can ruin a cruise.

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I live in NY where you can't smoke anywhere indoors- bars, restaurants, hotel rooms- yet every cruise ship I have been on has almost no restrictions on smoking. How am I supposed to keep safe from the smoke and not have my kids subjected to it? The casino is the worst and the bars all have areas where people smoke, some even cigars. Don't the ships have smoke-eaters in these places?


I'm not sure exactly what qualifies to you as "almost no restrictions", but that is far from the case on most cruise lines. However, the answer to your questions is a simple one....too much loss of revenue to ban smoking. Most lines simply dont want to risk the loss of 20-30% or more of their revenue. This is why most lines (admirably so, IMHO) try to find a balance. In my case, I do not smoke cigarettes and never have. My wife is a cigarette smoker. Should cruiselines ever ban smoking outright, this non-smoker would be done, just as I suspect most non-smokers who have a smoking spouse would also be done with cruising. If smoke is an issue, try Oceania or Azamara, two lines which have significantly restricted smoking policies.

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How is that different from many of the other hot threads in this forum?


Why use a travel agent? What does a travel agent do?

Passport issues

"It seems that at least on all of the major lines the experience has been reduced to the lowest possible common denominator." (to be fair, that one was closed)

"Your number one tip..."

Hard-sell in the Spa

Motion Sickness

This cruise ship or that one? This cruise line or that one?

Travel Insurance



Simple....most of those issues dont usually take a decidedly nasty & personal turn at some by the same side of the argument each and every time. That is also why those threads inevitably get locked, when the other 'hot topics' usually do not.

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Simple....most of those issues dont usually take a decidedly nasty & personal turn at some by the same side of the argument each and every time. That is also why those threads inevitably get locked, when the other 'hot topics' usually do not.


Smokers' rights and non-smokers' rights are easily the MOST CONTENTIOUS issues at Cruise Critics.

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Not just on Cruise Critic. Unfortunately it is everywhere. It's just too bad that the folks who are so adamantly opposed to my right to smoke, aren't as adamant about illegal immigration, the war in Iraq, unhealthy air, and taxes.


But as I said before, it's easier to take away my right to smoke as a health hazard to others who don't smoke. I live in California, so I'm well

aware of not being able to smoke in public places. Now some beach cities have even banned smoking in the open air on the beach, JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN.


Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all lived forever, with no diseases, no pests, of any kind???? NOT! Life is full of hazards, ask the people on the bridge in Minneapolis if they care whether the person saving them was a smoker or not???? And for God's sake if and when you come to Los Angeles bring your gas mask because breathing the air out here on our freeways is equated to smoking a pack a day.


I'm a smoker and try to be mindful of the law, but it is really irritating to hear others get on their soapbox about it. If it was as easy to quit as they seem to think, there wouldn't be any smokers, NOW WOULD THERE.

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I'm not a smoker, but my dad is. He has also tried to quit. So I know its not as hard as some people think it is...


Although, my husband and I do cigars from time to time...:p And yes I do enjoy it...


Being born is a risk...:rolleyes:

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