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Weight Watchers and Cruising!


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Blow off the program for a week, enjoy your cruise AND your meals, and get "back on the wagon" when you get home.


That is just bad advice! Sorry Yellow Jacket but WW really is doable on vacation. I know I went away for a week in August and maintained which is a wonderful feeling. You really can eat the food you love in moderation and enjoy yourself without losing yourself or your need to make good choices.


To the poster who asked about the OP who posted about the frozen yogurt, FF and SF for a 1/2 C is 2pts. I cant remember if they have either though or if its just reg frozen yogurt. Hopefully they do bc that would be a nice mid-day treat.

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I am not going to "blow off a week"! I will enjoy myself, but I will pay attention to what is going into my mouth. Lots of salads and lots of vegies......and fish!


Thanks for the tip about the crudit tray before dinner. That might help me keep my hand out of the bread tray.

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Sorry folks, there is one in every crowd.


If you are cruising to Mexico, drink the unbottled water:p You will not do the following:


1. leave the bathroom

2. eat a large meal

3. gain any weight


Actually, all kidding aside, I started my weight loss after August 10th 2007. I had a stent put in one of my arteries, so I decided to make a radical change in my way of life. I have lost 30 lbs and now am at 300. I exercise every day and really watch what I eat now. My personal trainer is happy with my progress and it psychs me up at the end of my daily exercise routine. I work out for an hour daily, 6 days a week. Where is this going?


I plan to walk up the stairs, not use the elevators. Daily, I plan to get up early, walk the decks, go up stairs, go around the track, back down the stairs and repeat until I get an hour of cardio in. I plan to eat 6 times a day, by having a serving of fruit, a bowl of oatmeal, salads, etc. all good healthy stuff. I plan to walk my daughter down the aisle at her wedding and not look like the Goodyear blimp.


You folks who have hit your goals are to be admired and emulated. I wish to be able to join you someday when I shed an additional 100 lbs.



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Also just for the fun of it the Chocolate Melting cake is 19 points per serving.


UGH why did you have to tell me???? If I don't know the points of something then it MUST be "zero" right? lol :p


Geesh now I don't know if I can look at the choc melting cake again without seeing my entire day's point value. :eek:

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I just cruised a la WW in August.


I ate, but was careful and gained 2 pounds.

I could have eaten much less, but hey ya gotta live a bit too.


I also climbed the stairs endlessly and walked on the track.


So I have lost the 2 pounds now and I did have a very nice trip that I had looked forward to for a long time.

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I am on ww too. Lost 42lbs so far. When i cruise i use the stair going down and 2 decks going up. Before ww i would gain about 5-8 lbs. Now the last cruise i gained about 2lbs. I also watched what i ate. But i did eat everything, even the the good stuff.

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Also just for the fun of it the Chocolate Melting cake is 19 points per serving. Not including ice cream. Not sure how that would break down per bite. I think the key is to be sensible no matter what method of diet program you are on. I personally am doing Weight Watchers because I know it works (previous experience). But this time once goal is reached I will not stop the program. I wish us all luck



:eek: OH NO I so did NOT need to know the points value (or maybe I did since I gained on both cruises). I was only 2 weeks away from Lifetime when I went on my second cruise in August. I just made it to Lifetime 2 weeks ago. We went on the Triumph in June had a great time and the cruise weight came off quickly when we returned. I wasn't so lucky the second time. Reflecting back on what I did differently from the first to the second cruise it came back to the drinks. Enjoy the foods get as much water and walking in as possible and go to your next WW meeting when you return. You can do it :) 19 points ...HOLY ....I'm not so sure I'll be able to eat that cake again. :eek:

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Thanks for all the great tips. I joined WW in July, made goal two weeks ago and leave Sat on an eight day cruise. I have gained as much as 15 pounds on a cruise, but NOT this time!! I will try the sugar free desserts, as that is what worried me the most. Thanks again for the tips.

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about the sugar free desserts does anyone know the calories and fat

i have found with most sugarfree desserts are super high in fat

on ww i dont worry about my sugar as much as the fat. so any info on the sugar free desserts would be great. now a fat free dessert would be perfect. also looking at the spa menu the calories and fat seem really low even lower then most ww frozen meals do you think its correct info or just carnival guessing

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I took a 12 night med cruise followed by 4 days in Rome last year while on WW (gained 1lb) and a 15 night Panama Canal cruise in May as a lifetime member. I actually lost almost 2 pounds and I ate the chocolate melting cake every night but one.


My tips would be remember what you've learned at your meetings, always take the stairs, walk/run/use the gym equipment every day, choose active shore excursions, avoid fried foods and foods in cream sauce, load up on fresh fruits and veggies, at least look at the spa selections on the menu before making your choice, egg white omelettes are available at the breakfast buffet, if there's something you want/need just ask, splurge on things you can't get at home every day (like the melting cake) and skip the ones you can (bread and butter, ice cream ,etc).


My favorite quote from a member at my meeting when asked about how she avoided a gain on her cruise was "It's not like they hunt you down, drag you to the table and force you to eat. You're the one who decides when, what and how much you eat."

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about the sugar free desserts does anyone know the calories and fat

i have found with most sugarfree desserts are super high in fat

on ww i dont worry about my sugar as much as the fat. so any info on the sugar free desserts would be great. now a fat free dessert would be perfect. also looking at the spa menu the calories and fat seem really low even lower then most ww frozen meals do you think its correct info or just carnival guessing



did not seem like it had much fat in it. I can not remember. I know the icing was a whip topping icing on the cakes. If I can find out, I will let you know.


As others have said, forgo the diet for one week. I went with my doctors approval to eat what ever I want and they would deal with it when i came home. however, I found myself not cheating that much. I had a salad 3 times, and would eat a single piece of asparagus, but was able to not eat the broccoli and things like that.


I am on a Vitiam K restriction diet. NO green veggies or fruits. So it was hard for me as well as being Diabetic. But I managed.


I was leary of the sugar free desserts also, but found them to be much better tasting than I expected. The apple pie is what I was really concerned about, but it was excellent.


so, I would not worry too much about it. You will do enough walking to walk off the extra fat or point than have to deal with it so much. You will find your diet is really easy to follow on the cruise. Tons of fish on the menu,chicken, salads.


have fun

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Funny story about our cruise this summer, when I was waiting in line on the Lido deck for some oatmeal they were dishing out the food, when it came to the brown sugar I asked the guy to not pout so much on my bowl since I was on a diet. Well he gave me this look and said no one diets on a cruise. I just laughed and forgot about it until latter that day when we were having lunch and I wanted to have some dessert, well imagine my surprise when going through this line that the same man was standing behind the counter waiting to dish out those yummy desserts. When I pointed to a rather fattening piece of cake the guy looked at me with a very serious face and wagged his finger at me and said remember you are on a diet! I was so surprised that he even remembered me! My husband had this kind of strained looked on his face and then I explained to my husband what had taken place at breakfast. Well I did not take that piece of high points cake, instead I chose a dessert that was more point friendly and throughout the week I ran into that same guy and yes I did slurged a couple of times but for the most part I chose healthier foods to eat.

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instead I chose a dessert that was more point friendly and throughout the week I ran into that same guy and yes I did splurged a couple of times but for the most part I chose healthier foods to eat.


I splurged with the chocolate melting cake the first night, and the baked alaska on the Thursday night. Then on Friday, enjoyed the chocolate Buffet, but only took one or two bites of everything I chose. and my plate was full, and was still full when I was done tasting.


Did not gain weight either. Of course we had a cabin in the very front of the ship, so it was walked of just walking back to our cabin. LOL..

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Having just returned from my first cruise. I'm working on losing the 2 or 3 pounds I gained. I was below goal going into because I knew I'd enjoy myself and eat. My first day I had 4 pieces of pizza. By the 3rd day I couldn't wait to get back to "normal" eating .I switched to the salad bar for lunch. I was full from a pancake, french toast every morning. they have a fruit bar. I had the most wonderful cantalope. We took the stairs and rarely took the elevator. The chocolate melting cake I had twice and it was every bit as good as I'd heard. If you are into seafood, there seems to be quite a bit. I had steak twice. I tried a couple of "different" or "new" things, but if I didn't like them, I didn't feel compelled to finish it. Go enjoy, CHOOSE WISELY, you'll be fine.

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I have just been reading through this thread and there is some very good advice. We are regular cruisers but have not been on Carnival, so at least I don't have the temptation of that Chocolate Melting thing. I have been a yo-yo dieter for years and always gain on a cruise, give up and then put it all back.


Not this time!!!

I am sailing on a 13 night Transatlantic next month and for the first time will try to maintain my weight. Currently I am 20lbs down since early July and have to lose nearly 40 more to get to goal but I am determined to keep going. My problem will be this time that I am suffering a foot problem which makes walking painful so the usual advice about exercise will be difficult. I go to Curves at home but of course, that is not available on the ships.


My question is, Who has cruised and eaten Core Plan foods?

I am happy doing Core at present and wonder how it will work onboard. I will be happy with porridge and fruit for breakfast but not sure about lunch. Just salads on their own don't fill me up enough. At dinner it is a bit easier until you get to desserts. Anyone who has eaten Core please tell me the sort of choices you made.


Thanks, Cinnamon

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Oh! I'm happy I found this thread! :D


I'm a lifetime member (2001) who is about....oh, 40 pounds over goal right now! :eek: As you can see by my countdown, my cruise is faaaar away. So I'm hoping I have ample time to get back to goal!


That being said, I'm NOT going to "forget" my diet while on the cruise. It's HARD work losing, and SO easy to gain! Besides, honestly, if I just go wild (even a little bit) after eating well for a long time, my tummy lets me know it. The last thing I want to do is be sick on my cruise!


I plan on using the gym as much as I can, drinking lots of water and eating light most of the day. Any splurges will probably be at dinner or at the bar. ;) If I wind up gaining, it will most likely be from alcohol. And I like the idea of not weighing myself for two weeks after!

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I read all the posts on this thread and was wondering more about information on the sugar free desserts. We will be on the Carnival Spirit 11/30, and I have been newly diagnosed as diabetic. I've lost weight already by not eating bread, pasta, sweets, chips, all that stuff I loved to munch on. With sweets, I have to stay away from those that contain sugar alcohols (malitol, sorbitol, anything ending with "ol".) Is there anywhere I can find out what the ingredients are in Carnival's sugar free desserts? Any help is greatly appreciated. This is not our first Carnival cruise, just first being a diabetic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We returned from the Carnival Liberty Sunday and I went to WW today. Happy to say I was down .2 lbs....not much, but waaaay better than any gain. I reached goal two weeks before we left on vacation and was positive I would gain. On our first cruise I gained 15 lbs.!! I've been much better since then, but always gain. We took the stairs almost all the time, allowing only one elevator ride a day. We did some swimming, snorkeling and walking excursions, walked a mile on the track only twice and looked at the gym, but never used the equipment! I made choices, not always good ones, but I tried. I am using the core plan, so it was easy choosing seafood, salad, and fruit. I always drank water, unless it was mixed with alcohol :). I ordered a lot of the diet desserts, but the waiter would say "that doesn't taste good" and asked if he could bring me something else also. How could I refuse?? :rolleyes: I sampled these, but never ate all of it. I liked the diet cheesecake, apple pie and a lemon cake that was on the buffet one day. There was lite Italian dressing on the buffet, you may have to ask for it and they have fat free dressings in the dining room if you ask. I took my own individually packaged fat free dressing, but they never left the cabin. They also have sugar free syrup in the dining room if you get the french toast, it was excellent, but not a good ww choice :). I avoided the grill and fried food, but couldn't stay away from the pizza station. Enjoy your cruise!!!!

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I am also curious about those who have cruised while on Core. We are planning a cruise for January, and I just started WW Core (again) a little over a week ago. I think my plan is going to be to watch what goes into my mouth, and not be nuts about it - probably stay away from most desserts (I'm pretty pickky about my desserts anyway) - and just be as careful as I can without driving myself nuts.

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I am going on a cruise in one weeks time and am planning on trying to stay as close as poss to Core. At least it will stop me eating the bread. Breakfast should be easy, porridge (oatmeal), fruit and yogurt. Lunch, again should be OK. It is dinner which concerns me. I will have a little wine but no fancy cocktails. I do plan to have a few treats and am not even thinking about losing, just maintaining. 13 night cruise and 6 nights in Florida. We'll see!

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