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Flying with a 13 Month old....HELP!


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We will be flying soon with a 13 month old. It's going to be a 3.5 hour trip from DFW to LAX.


What do we pack to make the flight bearable for all 3 of us?


I'm thinking crayons (yes, he will scribble) because they are light and compact...but what else?


We don't have a DVD player and I am hard pressed to purchase one for the trip. For our family, we are not against them for very young children, in circumstances like these, but I don't know that his span of attention would make it worth the investment.


I know we can walk the aisle after beverage service and we are flying during nap time so he may bless us with a nap for an hour or so...


We cant bring the Laugh and Learn Dog (he loves it) because I am thinking it's too bulky and it's pretty loud (and I dont want to bother people)


What else can I carry on to interest him?


P.S. thanks for the stroller advice. We ended up getting a Graco Citilite for $25 off of craigslist.

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We have flown quite a bit with our little ones so I'll share some things that have worked for us: fruit snacks, lollipops, small containers of play dough, small board books (lift-the-flaps keep them busy), pretzels, a small travel pillow and blanket (if you get lucky enough that the baby naps). Be sure to bring either a sippy cup or bottle with something to drink for takeoff and landing to help relieve ear pressure (liquids are allowed onboard for babies, just have to show them at security). Don't forget wipes (got to clean up the lollipop mess somehow). And throw in a couple of pairs of new earplugs in case the baby cries and your fellow passengers start giving you "the look". Just hand them a pair and say sorry.


Good luck!

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We have flown with our son (2 1/2) now quite a few times. If your son is anything like ours, he will be asleep before the plane gets in the air. Of course, you can't count on that!:D


Crayons are a great idea. We also bring little trucks and smaller toys in a carryon for him. If you can afford a DVD player and think he will like it, then go for it. Trust me, it is money well spent. And also, if he loves the laugh and learn dog (our son STILL does!), bring it. We have brought it on planes and it is not that loud. Also, if it does calm him down, fellow passengers would probably much prefer the singing dog then a screaming baby!


Have a great flight!:)

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Be certain he sips water during takeoff and landing or he will be miserable! When our DD was younger, I avoided giving her too much water or forumla or whatever until we were ready to take off so that she would be eager to drink (NOTHING is worse than a baby or toddler with sore ears!)


Some might advocate giving your child a dose of Bendryl prior to flying to mellow him out. Personally, I don't medicate unless my DD is actually ill, so I've never tried this -- but there are those who swear by it. If you DO choose to go this route, be certain you try the medicine on your son a week or so BEFORE you try it on your trip :D -- for some people rather than mellowing them out, it winds them up! (My late father was given Bendryl prior to surgery to put in a stint in his heart -- he was the "less than .01 percent of people for whom Bendryl is a hallocengin!)


Lots of little toys. Those that you can "leash" are best (that way when they end getting dropped they are easier to retrieve) I used pacifier "leashes" on my DD's toys in such cases when she was young .


The Klutz Press people have a line of book/activities for the preschool set. (Target, B&N, etc. carry them) they have some good titles and they are pretty easily contained and carried.


Good luck on your trip!

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You have gotten some good advice here. We usually bring 2 soft and quite toys for hime to play with. Also, bring an extra set of clothes for YOU in the event of throw-up. Keep in mind that no liquids are allowed through security. We always bring bottled water, then empty it before going through security and keep the bottle, and then refill it at a drinking fountain in the boarding area. Don't count on the flight attendents having water (I was on one flight when they didn't).

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This is straight from TSA:


Additionally, Customers may have the following items, but must declare them to TSA at the security checkpoint if not contained in a clear, transparent, resealable, 1 quart (1 liter) size, plastic bag and/or are over 3 oz. (90ml):

  • Baby formula/milk (to include breast milk) and baby food in containers if a baby or small child is traveling
  • Medications (liquid, gel, and aerosol)
  • Liquids (to include juice) or gels for diabetic or other medical needs

Notice it says juice under liquids. We've always brought sippy cups for the kids with juice in them, no problem.

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Truly, a few little new toys and books - even of the Happy Meal variety - plus a variety of snacks in small portions in zip locs (I save certain treats, like lollipops, for travel) and it will be over before you know it. Don't overpack - just bring on what you need - keeping in mind that there are rare situations where planes are held on the tarmac for extended periods of time, so you want enough diapers, etc. I've been flying alone with my twins since they were five months old, and I always say I'd rather fly with them than take them to the grocery store - THAT's a nightmare.


While you may get away with taking juice or liquids through security, I've found it's easier to just comply with the rules in their strictest sense to avoid any hassles. Just bring an empty sippy and fill with water or buy some juice or milk after you get through security.


Since you are not allowed to stand at the front of the plane anymore, I prefer a seat in the back to make it easy to stand, plus it's close to the restrooms, etc. Also, the engine noise is louder in the back, which drowns out whining and makes for easier napping.


Have a great trip!




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He is going to stand on the seat and play peekaboo with the passenger behind him.


13 month olds are all about walking. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I traveled with kids at that age and my son walked up to the flight attendent and looked up her dress. She was so embarrassed (of course I was laughing). Anyway, we weren't very popular but at least he wasn't crying.


Let them bounce on the seat, look out the window. Try to have new and interesting books and toys that you can switch up every few minutes. Even a new handpuppet would interest a 13 month old.


Good luck:)

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This is straight from TSA:


Additionally, Customers may have the following items, but must declare them to TSA at the security checkpoint if not contained in a clear, transparent, resealable, 1 quart (1 liter) size, plastic bag and/or are over 3 oz. (90ml):

  • Baby formula/milk (to include breast milk) and baby food in containers if a baby or small child is traveling
  • Medications (liquid, gel, and aerosol)
  • Liquids (to include juice) or gels for diabetic or other medical needs

Notice it says juice under liquids. We've always brought sippy cups for the kids with juice in them, no problem.


Formula is allowed in dry form or pre-mixed. Since formula must be used within 2 hours of mixing unless refrigerated, you need water to mix - and that you can't bring through. Believe me, I have tried. Like I said, empty a bottle before security and fill it up on the other side.

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I didn't see it mentioned, but does your 13 month old have their own seat? This would change my advice on what to bring for them based on how much room you'll have.


I have an 8 month old who's flown 17 times as close as LAX - HOU and as far as LAX - ICN (Seoul, Korea)


She's an awesome flyer and we've never had a problem, so I'm happy to offer any advice but it would help if I knew what kind of seats you had and how many.

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We will be flying soon with a 13 month old. It's going to be a 3.5 hour trip from DFW to LAX.


What do we pack to make the flight bearable for all 3 of us?


I'm thinking crayons (yes, he will scribble) because they are light and compact...but what else?


We don't have a DVD player and I am hard pressed to purchase one for the trip. For our family, we are not against them for very young children, in circumstances like these, but I don't know that his span of attention would make it worth the investment.


I know we can walk the aisle after beverage service and we are flying during nap time so he may bless us with a nap for an hour or so...


We cant bring the Laugh and Learn Dog (he loves it) because I am thinking it's too bulky and it's pretty loud (and I dont want to bother people)


What else can I carry on to interest him?


P.S. thanks for the stroller advice. We ended up getting a Graco Citilite for $25 off of craigslist.


We have traveled alot with our boys since they were months old...so here's what I recall (mine are almost 12 and 14 1/2)



Extra change of clothes

Sippy cup or bottle

Pacifier ? (ears get stuffed from pressure--sucking is good)

Small juicy juice type of drinks-water them down a little in bottle

Board books

Lovey (blankey/animal)

A few Fisher Price people or Weebles or something that you can play with...along the arm of your chair--not the tray if he's going to bang on it.

A small Etch a Sketch


Goldfish or other similar snacks (single serving applesauce for example)


Generally flying overseas we gave the boys Dramamine for the flight which also helped them relax to sleep--arriving in better condition...but that was overnight..

during the day you just have to go from on thing to the next.


When ds was 1 --I flew alone to my mother's and met DH there...

..so I wrapped small NEW items in paper..had about 5 in the bag... So about every 45 minutes we unwwrapped a new thing--board book, little rubber animals etc..And when the novelty wore off and he got figity--I pulled out another. It was worth the 5-7$ in items and kept him happy...plus he had now new little items for our visit.


Hope that helps

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We travel often with our son who is now 4 so hopefully I can help you out here! Our favorite things when he was 12-18 months were little stickers. I'd cover his entire arms with them and have him take them off. It would keep him busy for hours. You have to watch that they don't eat them but the cheap $1 store ones don't stick very well so it doesn't hurt either.


We also bought a small set of finger puppets that still keep my son amused. A small magnadoodle always went with us, as well as a few books. A roll of scotch tape is always fun and easy to clean up too. Buy a few new things, or wrap up a few older things he hasn't played with in a while. Use a good amount of tape for your child to unwrap.


I also used to travel with a small shoebox lid so that things wouldn't roll off the tray. I lined it with wax paper and glued it down so that I could sanitize it and it became a food tray on planes too! Cheerios are hard to chase on wax paper :)


Just a tip- my son gets HYPER on benadryl and dramamine. I have the "may cause excitablity in young children" kid. You must must try it in advance if you're going to use it- we learned the hard way on a long delay at the airport that medication is not a good plan!


We now travel with a DVD player, a leapster, an iPod and 3 sets of headphones. I miss the simpler days!

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We'll be traveling with a 14 month old and a 3.5 year old on a 5 hour flight (both ways) and these ideas are great.


I'm going to start taking some toys away now so they "forget" about them until we go. Wrapping them up like gifts is a great idea and I know both kids will love the stickers (although flight attendants might not--hee hee)

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We've flown quite a bit with our kids, too. This thread has some great ideas, but I thought I could add a couple of things. First, grab a blanket if any are available when you get on board. You can use it if your child actually naps, and it's great to cover both of you before you get our juice, snacks, etc.


We usually eat our way thru flights. Cheerios, goldfish, and fruit snacks are all good. I always have lollipops for landing (the sucking helps with the ear pressure) and M & M's for meltdowns - for my somewhat candy deprived kids, M & M's are great for inflight "emergencies."


Our favorite travel toy is a bag of pipe cleaners - about $1 at a craft store or Walmart. You (and your child) can make anything from chains, to necklaces, to toy cars. Thet're reuausble and easy to stuff back into the gallon ziploc bag when we're done. Another favorite are Colorforms. The plastic pieces will cling to both the airplane windows and the tray tables, thus they are reusuable, non permanent "stickers."


Good luck!

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We've flown quite a bit with our kids, too. This thread has some great ideas, but I thought I could add a couple of things. First, grab a blanket if any are available when you get on board. You can use it if your child actually naps, and it's great to cover both of you before you get our juice, snacks, etc.


We usually eat our way thru flights. Cheerios, goldfish, and fruit snacks are all good. I always have lollipops for landing (the sucking helps with the ear pressure) and M & M's for meltdowns - for my somewhat candy deprived kids, M & M's are great for inflight "emergencies."


Our favorite travel toy is a bag of pipe cleaners - about $1 at a craft store or Walmart. You (and your child) can make anything from chains, to necklaces, to toy cars. Thet're reuausble and easy to stuff back into the gallon ziploc bag when we're done. Another favorite are Colorforms. The plastic pieces will cling to both the airplane windows and the tray tables, thus they are reusuable, non permanent "stickers."


Good luck!


Stickers and tape--those are great ideas--I forgot abut those...


Oh I forgot about pipe cleaners too......you can make people etc..


We also bought WikkiSticks..thare are wax soaked yarn cut into lengths like pipe cleaners--and like pipe cleaners can be made into stuff--unrolled and re-rolled etc...they also stick to eachother..


also we traveled with bristle blocks in their own carrycase


we got years of service from it all...


These are great ideas..good luck

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One thing you must be prepared for is NOT being able to leave your seat for the entire flight if the weather is poor. I've been on many flights where it was choppy for four hours. After flying a lot over New Mexico and Arizona, I know the skies over those states can have lots of turbulance, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to let your child out at all. Also, having him suck liquids from a bottle or sippy cupduring takeoff and landing will lessen the effects of the pressurization in the cabin. That seems the time when most little ones have the most problems.

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How does he do on long car rides??? If he does okay and you can possibly afford it, buy him a seat and bring his carseat. My son always did great on the flights where we had him in his car seat. On shorter flights, where he was a lap baby it could get pretty tough. But once in the carseat it seemed he just figured he had to stay put, like in the car.


As far as the Benadryl goes, give him a test dose at home one day. If he gets sleepy you are good to go, if he is hanging off the dining room chandalier, then you probaby don't want to go that route!!:D

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One hting that my kids loved at that age was the pocket Magna-Doodle. They LOVED drawing and erasing... kept them busy for ages. They have the new Aquadoodles in travel sizes too. Color WOnder products are also terrific.


ITA with a bunch of NEW toys... perhaps a small Little People set, or something like that, or a couple of small trucks/cars. A big bag of small snacks helps too. Whenever my kids are antsy, handing them a snack guarantees me 5 minutes of peace. Sure, it's only 5 minutes, but if I need it, I NEED it. ;)


If you really think he's going to be antsy, then use a carseat. Since kids are used to being strapped into the carseats for long periods, IME you'll have a lot less fuss.

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Like some of the others said, I'd strongly suggest the DVD player. My son was 13 mos when we flew from Fairbanks AK to San Diego and we brought along several books, some toys, and our laptop computer which has the ability to play movies as well. You may find though that it's difficult to get your little one to keep the ear pieces or headphones on. It was a bit frustrating for us.

Also we chose a midnight flight because there was more chance that our son would sleep during a portion of the flight (which he did thankfully):D


Since that trip we've also flown to Arizona which was a 7 hr day for us and we really loaded up on items.

Just remember to bring:

*Enough diapers (we brought about 3)


*Change of clothes

*Sippy cup


*Toys that you've kept in hiding for a bit (makes for a nice treat when your child hasn't seen his favorite toy for a bit and then suddenly it makes a reappearance)

*A favorite lovey (my son has a stuffed bear that he loves)

*Car Seat (especially if you're buying a seat as FAA regulations state that any child under 40 lbs occupying a seat must be in a car seat on the flight) If you're not purchasing a seat for him then just be prepared to have to check it. Remember to ask the ticket agent for a seat on the flight with an open seat next to it. Sometimes it works if you ask nicely enough. Then you get a seat for free for your little one! :D

*Snacks (we like cheerios, raisins, bananas, string cheese, wheat thins)

*lightweight stroller


That's all the things I can think of. Honestly it's not all that bad but it is tiring traveling with a little one of that age.

We're preparing to travel this spring from Fairbanks to Tampa FL so I can imagine that will be quite a treat. :cool:

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That's all the things I can think of. Honestly it's not all that bad but it is tiring traveling with a little one of that age.

We're preparing to travel this spring from Fairbanks to Tampa FL so I can imagine that will be quite a treat. :cool:


My mother used to travel with my brother and I from Anchorage to Little Rock, Arkansas at least once or twice a year. The first time she had a newborn (me) and a 3 year old - and survived, even with two plane changes!! This was of course pre-DVD player days!


I think you'll find your travel suggestions for Fairbanks to San Diego will translate really well into Fairbanks to Tampa. I do suggest you absolutely purchase a seat for your child for that flight, you will be grateful for it. Also, on the layovers take advantage of the time and have your child roaming and walking about the airport (wears em out, makes em more likely to sleep, or at the very least less likely to want to roam all over the plane).

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This time, we've got no choice, DS will be 2 1/2 by the time we fly to Tampa so we've got to buy a seat. Last time we flew to AZ we paid for a seat but only half price since DS was not yet 2.

I've picked out flights that will work out perfectly this time I think. We've got 2 changes of flights, one in Anchorage and one in Chicago so I'm figuring DS will more than likely sleep from ANC to ORD. I hope!!

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How does he do on long car rides??? If he does okay and you can possibly afford it, buy him a seat and bring his carseat. My son always did great on the flights where we had him in his car seat. On shorter flights, where he was a lap baby it could get pretty tough. But once in the carseat it seemed he just figured he had to stay put, like in the car.


As far as the Benadryl goes, give him a test dose at home one day. If he gets sleepy you are good to go, if he is hanging off the dining room chandalier, then you probaby don't want to go that route!!:D


Sometimes he is good on long car rides, sometimes not. My mommy super powers tell me that it would be hit or miss with the extra seat. At this point, purchasing a third seat would be cost prohibitive anyways.


We wouldnt do the benadryl route. That's just not who we are.

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