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Audio Books


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I've posted this question before, but I think I chose the wrong board so I'm trying again.


I'm starting to get interested in audio books because I figure they'll be very easy to carry around with me. I have a few questions, though.


Does anyone have any good recommendations for either really good audio books and/or really good narrators?


Also, those of you who DO listen to audio books, do you have particular mp3 player that you find easy to work with? I'm especially interested in getting a good player with a bookmark feature so I can find my place easily when I want to go from one book to another or from a book to music and back to the book. Any suggestions?


As far as books, my main interests are women's fiction, contemporary, cozy mysteries, and romantic comedy.


Whew! I'm sorry to ask soooo many questions at once, but I'm trying to figure this whole thing out since it's all new to me (listening to recorded books, that is).


Thank you!!!



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Check out http://www.audible.com; its a great site, you can purchase a membership

and they have in the past given audio players. They have terrific technical

help too. I use it now with my ipod nano which makes it really easy!

The narrators are top notch. Let me know if you have questions!


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I listen to audio books all of the time. There are several ways to go with them. Some are downloaded to CD's and tapes that you can listen too. Others can be downloaded over the Internet via services. One subscription service I use is Simplyaudiobooks.com. With this service you can get either CD's or download. Others are: Netlibrary which works in conjunction with public Libraries (at least in my state) and Overdrive which works in the same manner. Obviously you can purchase CD and MP3 versions from book stores as well.


In regards to downloading, some MP3 players work well with downloaded versions and some do not (as example IPOD's do not work with downloaded audio books). There are probably about 15,000 books (both fiction and non) that available in audio book format. Hope this helps.

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I listen to audio books all of the time. There are several ways to go with them. Some are downloaded to CD's and tapes that you can listen too. Others can be downloaded over the Internet via services. One subscription service I use is Simplyaudiobooks.com. With this service you can get either CD's or download. Others are: Netlibrary which works in conjunction with public Libraries (at least in my state) and Overdrive which works in the same manner. Obviously you can purchase CD and MP3 versions from book stores as well.


In regards to downloading, some MP3 players work well with downloaded versions and some do not (as example IPOD's do not work with downloaded audio books). There are probably about 15,000 books (both fiction and non) that available in audio book format. Hope this helps.




You sound like you're very experienced with listening to audio books. So far I've only gotten CDs from my library, but I want to put audio books on an MP3 player and take it everywhere with me. Do you do that? If so, what player do you have? I'm trying to find a really good one that bookmarks well since that seems to be the critical feature.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!



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I have a very inexpensive one. The drawback (I did not know it ay the time) was bookmarking and backing up or fast forwarding. Mine only cost $33 (it's a scandisk). The better ones are like 60 or 70 $. The do a much better job in these areas and can hold more books.


When you shop for one, just ask if they can playback audio books. I am sure they can help you. Get at least 2gigs of storage. Try looking at your library for the services I described in my first post.


Enjoy, let me know how you make out.

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Thought of something else, in addition to bookmarking, you will need to ensure that they can handle WMA playback. Also they will probably need windows media player 10 or above. I have probably listened tp over 300 audio books. I travel over an hour each to work so it helps with the ride. Aslo listen on vacations, especially cruising.

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Thought of something else, in addition to bookmarking, you will need to ensure that they can handle WMA playback. Also they will probably need windows media player 10 or above. I have probably listened tp over 300 audio books. I travel over an hour each to work so it helps with the ride. Aslo listen on vacations, especially cruising.


You sound like me. I work in downtown Miami, and with the traffic every morning I travel at least an hour to an hour and a half each way most days. I love to listen to books while I'm driving!


I do have Windows Media Player 10, if that's the latest one. I know we have the latest version. And I know about bookmarking being CRUCIAL. I've been looking at a Cowon D2, Cowon A2 (but it's BIG), and Creative Zen. I thought I was going to check out the Zune 80gb, but I don't believe that does bookmarking. I'm still checking on that, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Do you know anything about ANY of these players that I've mentioned?


I'm kind of fuzzy on the WMA. Why do I need that format? What about just MP3? Wouldn't that suffice?


Do you listen to CDs in your car or the player itself? If the player, do you plug it in to your car speakers?


I really, really like the concept of LISTENING to books and always having my player with me, with several book choices at a time.


Right now I'm listening to the Outlander series on cassettes in the car just because I've had them that way for a while. This is a VERY popular series and I like some parts of it a lot, but parts of it are too rough/violent for me. I'm really wimpy about what I read, and it has to be entertaining and put me in a good mood ... not stress me out. I've been through a LOT emotionally over the past few months. My mother passed away in August, and I can't handle books or movies that bring me down. Sooooo I'm looking for great books that are uplifting ... or at least have a happy ending <g>.


I appreciate your advice and suggestions!!! The reason I mentioned an interest in the Cowon A2 or even the Zune is that I'd like to also watch videos on the player, if possible. I'm not sure about that, though, because a small audio player is still probably the best best for audio books. Any opinions?


Thank you!



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Thought of something else, in addition to bookmarking, you will need to ensure that they can handle WMA playback. Also they will probably need windows media player 10 or above. I have probably listened tp over 300 audio books. I travel over an hour each to work so it helps with the ride. Aslo listen on vacations, especially cruising.



My curiosity is getting the better of me. How did RCCL Majesty sneak into your Carnival lineup? <lol>



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Where to start..... The Royal cruise was a gift from our kids for our 25th. They purposely choose something other than Carnival. Why we are such big Carnival fans....can't really say, just started and stuck with them. We travel with at least some of our kids most of the time (we have 5) and while grown, they were not when we started so Carnival was a good choice at the time. It is kind of a golden handcuff arrangement now, as we are Platinum members and don't want to give the extra perks.


In regards to the players you mentioned, I do not think the Zune can handle some of the audio book downloads, I would be sure before I purchased one. Creative Labs might be the best choice, but size is a factor I would not down play. I think you only need WMA if you use netlibrary or overdrive , both of which are tied to libraries. My car has an MP3 input jack so when listening from my MP3 player I just run a cable ($3 at radio shack, if they are near you) from the headphones jack to the MP3 input. Some have links to a certain free fm station like 88.7 that automatically hook up. For my purposes, the smaller not video works best, while I can understand the desire for watching as well.

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In terms of listening, I tend to be very streaky in my listening, really all over the gambit (is that a word?). Nicholas Sparks, Steven King, Dean Koontz, John Sanford, James Patterson, Sandra Brown, not familiar with the outlander series tho, I can go on for hours.

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Where to start..... The Royal cruise was a gift from our kids for our 25th. They purposely choose something other than Carnival. Why we are such big Carnival fans....can't really say, just started and stuck with them. We travel with at least some of our kids most of the time (we have 5) and while grown, they were not when we started so Carnival was a good choice at the time. It is kind of a golden handcuff arrangement now, as we are Platinum members and don't want to give the extra perks.


In regards to the players you mentioned, I do not think the Zune can handle some of the audio book downloads, I would be sure before I purchased one. Creative Labs might be the best choice, but size is a factor I would not down play. I think you only need WMA if you use netlibrary or overdrive , both of which are tied to libraries. My car has an MP3 input jack so when listening from my MP3 player I just run a cable ($3 at radio shack, if they are near you) from the headphones jack to the MP3 input. Some have links to a certain free fm station like 88.7 that automatically hook up. For my purposes, the smaller not video works best, while I can understand the desire for watching as well.




I think you're right about Zune not handling audio books properly. And I'm even more positive that there is no bookmark feature. That would definitely rule it out as a choice for me, and I'm sad. I soooo like the look of that biggest screen for video. Oh, well.


As of tonight (but I keep wavering on this) I'm still probably going to buy the Cowon D2. Have you looked at that? My son just got one and loves it. I looked at his and there is a definite bookmark feature, and it's listed on Audible.com as being compatible with their downloads. It has a touch screen, which I'd have to get used to. Again, though, my son loves it and is very adept at using it. Of course, he's 21 <lol>. I wish the screen were a bit bigger for the video, but I do agree with you that a smaller player is much better for audio use. I'm trying to get back into using my elliptical, too, and plan to listen to books while I'm exercising. So, again ... small would be better, I realize. I have to get over this concept of ONE unit doing everything I could possibly want, right? Right now the audio books are my MAIN interest.


Oh, now I understand about the WMAs. My problem is that I signed up with my library for ebooks, but so far I haven't been able to successfully download one. I'm going to have to talk to somebody about that. Strange! Oh, wait. The ebooks are TEXT, aren't they? That's not even what I want. I want audio. I'll have to find out about Netlibrary. I don't even know if I can get any books that way from my local library. That's a really good question! Thank you!



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In terms of listening, I tend to be very streaky in my listening, really all over the gambit (is that a word?). Nicholas Sparks, Steven King, Dean Koontz, John Sanford, James Patterson, Sandra Brown, not familiar with the outlander series tho, I can go on for hours.



I'm guessing the Sandra Brown books you're listening to are her more serious mystery ones. I really, really liked Envy. Have you read that one?



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Cannot remember if I have read envy. Fairly recently, I started to create a spreadsheet for all of the books I have read as I seem to forget which ones I have read and then get one only to find I have already read (listened to it). I did check out the Cowen and it looks like a nice unit that suit you fine.


Have you read any of the Nicholas Sparks books? They are all pretty good, and I only hesitate in telling you as some of them are pretty sad.


I see you are going back to back on Freedom of the Seas. I am very jealous. What made you decide on that? We have always talked about doing a back to back, but it is just that talk. We usually travel in groups, (my wife and I are both part time outside agents) so when we plan out for future cruisers, we vote as a group.

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Cannot remember if I have read envy. Fairly recently, I started to create a spreadsheet for all of the books I have read as I seem to forget which ones I have read and then get one only to find I have already read (listened to it). I did check out the Cowen and it looks like a nice unit that suit you fine.


Have you read any of the Nicholas Sparks books? They are all pretty good, and I only hesitate in telling you as some of them are pretty sad.


I see you are going back to back on Freedom of the Seas. I am very jealous. What made you decide on that? We have always talked about doing a back to back, but it is just that talk. We usually travel in groups, (my wife and I are both part time outside agents) so when we plan out for future cruisers, we vote as a group.



Yes, I've read quite a few of Nicholas Sparks books. I think he's fabulous! The Notebook tore my heart out, but I love, love, love The Wedding. That was one of my FAVORITE books. I've gotten a few others recently ... including True Believer and At First Sight ... in BOOK format (not audio). I haven't read them yet, though. I doooo think he's a wonderful writer. Oh, I remember which other book of his I loved ... Nights in Rodanthe.


Our back-to-back cruise is going to be on Liberty of the Seas, not Freedom ... although we were on Freedom in 2006 and love that ship equally to Liberty. They're basically the same ship with a different artistic theme inside.


We've NEVER done a back-to-back but decided to next year for a multitude of reasons. Our son is finishing his undergraduate studies at the end of April So THAT will be a celebration before he goes on to grad school. My husband and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary next year. And as difficult as the last few years have been with caring for my mother, we truly NEED a major vacation and time to literally escape from the real world. The three of us LOVE to travel together and enjoy every moment of a trip together. Soooooo, I think we need to do this to regroup. I'm not sure whether your meant WHY a back-to-back or WHY on Liberty of the Seas. We have been extremely happy with RCCL and like you, enjoy our Platinum status on Royal Caribbean. Since we were on the inaugural this year, we thought it would be nice to do the b-2-b on the same ship. Freedom would also be wonderful, but that sails on a Sunday. Saturday is better for us so we can rest an extra day when we return before going back to work <g>.


Whew! I'm sorry if I rambled here!!!


The Cowon does look interesting, doesn't it? It's really nice in person, with a very sharp screen. And the sound quality is amazing, which is certainly important with audio books, right?



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Good sound always helps, although with good books they will hold your attention regardless. I loved True Believer and At First Sight. Don't want to ruin them for you. Currently reading The Choice in paper version now.


On a back to back, do you have to get off when they debark on the end of the first trip and go back through embarkation again?

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Hi LynnAB


I am a fan of audio books, too. I use them when I do my workouts. I get into the book and before you know it 30 minutes on the treadmill or bike have flown by.


Try going to http://www.booksfree.com. You sign up and then can download books for free. There isn't a huge selection, but the price is right.


Also, I find books on tape for very low prices at garage sales, estate sales, and discount stores such as Tuesday Morning or Big Lots. I either use my Walkman for those, or I play them into my computer and then convert and download to my MP3. (I have a Creative Zen and really like it.)


By the way, I liked the first couple of books in the Outlander series and then lost interest. Don't know why.

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Good sound always helps, although with good books they will hold your attention regardless. I loved True Believer and At First Sight. Don't want to ruin them for you. Currently reading The Choice in paper version now.


On a back to back, do you have to get off when they debark on the end of the first trip and go back through embarkation again?



I'm sorry I haven't written back in days. For some weird reason this thread didn't come up in my subscribed threads, so it didn't look like I had any responses!


I don't know much about back-to-back cruises yet other than what I've read on the boards. I believe you get off the ship in Miami, are quickly led through Customs by someone from RCCL, and go right back on the ship. Don't hold me to it, but that's what I've read. That woudln't be bad at all.

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How long was the inaugural trip? Did you try the wave thing? I would love to try it but I think I would end up in traction after the event. We are trying to get a group for Freedom of the Seas in April 09.



No, I didn't try the wave thing (Flowrider), but my 21-year-old son did. I was impressed because he wasn't so excited about it at first and ended up loving it. He kept trying over and over and actually stood up for 10 seconds (according to him). I have the picture to prove it <lol>.

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Hi LynnAB


I am a fan of audio books, too. I use them when I do my workouts. I get into the book and before you know it 30 minutes on the treadmill or bike have flown by.


Try going to www.booksfree.com. You sign up and then can download books for free. There isn't a huge selection, but the price is right.


Also, I find books on tape for very low prices at garage sales, estate sales, and discount stores such as Tuesday Morning or Big Lots. I either use my Walkman for those, or I play them into my computer and then convert and download to my MP3. (I have a Creative Zen and really like it.)


By the way, I liked the first couple of books in the Outlander series and then lost interest. Don't know why.




That's what I'm counting on ... listening to books and working out. I'm TRYING to get back to doing the elliptical that we have. I was sooooo good about doing it from January to May of last year and then kind of "lost it" over the summer. Time to get serious again!


I've been looking at the Creative Zen. That looks like a really nice MP3 player. My son has always been a Creative "fan" and swears by their sound quality.


Thank you for the suggestion of the web site for books. I'll check it out when I get off of here. How exciting!


I know what you mean about the Outlander books, but I'm almost afraid to even SAY that. It's AMAZING what a fan base there is for that series! I'm not a real fanatic about books that take place in the Highlands and that era. That's part of my problem here. I'm doing a bit better with the second book (Dragonfly in Amber), but I really HATE reading (hearing) the graphically violent scenes. Wow, they're rough!


Do you have any suggestions for wonderful books you've listened to? I'd be really, really grateful as I'm just starting out with audio books. Thank you!!!



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It may not be to your taste but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fellow who reads the Harry Potter books and the Peter Pan series. I think his name is Jim Dale and I would listen to him read the phone book. His pattern, tone and voices are enchanting~



Hi, Claire,


That's a great recommendation. I believe the narrator is really IMPORTANT. I'll have to check him out. Thanks!



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It may not be to your taste but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fellow who reads the Harry Potter books and the Peter Pan series. I think his name is Jim Dale and I would listen to him read the phone book. His pattern, tone and voices are enchanting~



Hi, Claire,


That's a great recommendation. I believe the narrator is really IMPORTANT. I'll have to check him out. Thanks!



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You're very welcome! Bad narrators have been the downfall of some very good books for me! I recently listened to a gal with a British accent read a book with Polish, Chinese and Dutch characters and she tried to do all the added accents.... ::CRINGE:: It was horrid!

I also liked "Ireland" which does a good transistion between ancient Irish folk lore stories and more current day Ireland. Plus, it is read by the author which I like. You can feel a little more heart behind the readings... I'm sure they have more of a serious emotional investment with the story line then the average narrator! Amy Tan reads a number of her books and I've always found them an easy listen.

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I have to cast another vote for audible.com. I'm legally blind and cannot read print so I'm as close as one can get to being a professional audio book reader. I've had an account with audible since 2001 and have never had a problem and have read over 300 titles through them alone. I also read books from the Library of Congress, known as "talking books" but I find audible to be much more modern with their multiple formats, mp3 if you want to burn CDs, or their even higher tech formats which use much less memory per book. Audible also carries current releases and each title has a "sample" button where you can listen to a good bit of the book and see if you like the reader or format before purchasing, can't do that with audiobooks you buy at Borders.


Once you become an "audio learner" or a person who is used to listening to books rather then reading them with your eyes, you will find passive reading to be much more enjoyable. You can read a book while you do multiple other things instead of stopping your life to read your book.


Hope this helps! Good Luck!!


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