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Live From The Qm2...penny's "affair" Continues


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I have a question. In Penny's first installment, she and Beth met someone who was getting off the ship as they were getting on. How does this work? How early did the embarkers have to arrive and what did the disembarkers do to still be there when the embarkers arrived? TIA.
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[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Still live....working on sleep deprived but truthfully, this time feels like a comfortable old shoe....not necessary to live a frenzied pace doing and seeing all and not stopping to truly savor the joy of just being....on the ship....on the sea...and surrounded by friends old and new. [/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]So then...where did we leave off....ah yes....my trials of fidelity to QM2, minor warts and all. [/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Day 2...a lovely sea day...brisk, beautiful and a CC meet and greet with a delightful group who took time from all sorts of fun to gather in the Commodore. Maybe 30 of us....name tags prepared by Richard, smiles provided by one and all....lots of good chatter and the fun of putting faces to names. And being the good little rabble rouser that I am, the seeds of mutiny have now been planted with several trusted new friends who are as determined as I that this trip will have no ending...sorry about that all those of you beginning your packing!![/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]So...you ask, what is this trial of fidelity? Interestingly I believe that Peter might have forgotten Mr. Nitpicker when he disembarked. And with apologies to Peter I've asked Mr. N. to comment on a less than stellar dinner experience on Day 2....."less than stellar" is an attempt at a bit of “british understatement”....it was not a happy experience. After attending that highly entertaining event called the Captain's cocktail party (was it the Pol?? Quite possible although I saw many imbibing... haven't seen most of them since though. The grand crush descended first on the free libations and then en masse it seems on the dining room and therein lay the problem. Service in our area was, to be charitable, well past poor and bordering on the absurd. Courses were agonizingly slow to appear and clearing of dishes even slower. There was an almost chaotic feel to our corner of Britannia as wait staff milled around and yet nothing seemed to happen. Finally the Assistant Maitre D’ cleared our table, yet still nothing happened in a timely fashion.....YIKES, I tought, what has happened since last night? It was truly THAT bad....2 1/2 hours later we dragged ourselves out, almost exhausted ourselves from watching the confusion. Our waiter had no assistant.....food didn't arrive and for the first time I had a main course that was beyond unworthy of this great ship. [/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Could QM2 be toying with my addiction? Testing my resolve to love only her with this less than satisfactory experience? I was not amused.....[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]In all fairness I must add that the Asst Maitre D’ came round the next night and hovered!!! Service and food made a rapid recovery to what we've all come to anticipate and his actions indicated that he knew the previous night was abyssmal and he was truly interested to ascertain that we were much happier this evening, despite our not saying anything to him. Are there service issues? I don't really think so as the difference since that lamentable meal is a total turn-around and we are back to normal....[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]We barely made it for the start of “Rock Around the Opera”...never got to it last time....I now understand everyone's enthusiasm for it although my husband is still trying to figure out what the plot is!! OK, sometimes he has his slow moments....[/FONT][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]But....the witching hour has passed....I have almost fallen asleep on the keyboard so I'll save my grand day in Tortola....hint...QM2 redeems herself....I meet a 25 year old male named Poseidon and on the first "date" mind you, we enjoy several expressions of affection.[/FONT][/COLOR]

[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444]At the moment we are steaming at a very high rate of speed through the night....there is a strong breeze blowing....the stars are out, the sounds of the ocean peeling away from the bow are wonderful when enjoyed through the open balcony door.....More tomorrow .....Were there actually hugs for the taking in [/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]Tortola[/COLOR][COLOR=#444444]? [/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=#444444][FONT=Verdana]Cheers, Penny[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Hi Penny


I am travelling on 13th Jan and have been really enjoying your emails - can't wait for the next one as I think you have been on the dolphin trip and we are thinking of booking it too - which one did you do as I think there are two on offer. Enjoy the rest of your cruise!!!





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I have a question. In Penny's first installment, she and Beth met someone who was getting off the ship as they were getting on. How does this work? How early did the embarkers have to arrive and what did the disembarkers do to still be there when the embarkers arrived? TIA.


I was the one Penny met at the pier. Disembarkation on November 10th was running about 30-40 minutes late. My color/number was called at 10:40 and by the time I got off the ship, located my luggage and snagged a porter, it was a few minutes after 11:00. Penny arrived at 11:00 and was stepping out of her (rather large and very loaded ;) ) SUV as I was exiting the terminal. If disembarkation hadn't been running so far behind, I would have been long gone before she arrived.

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I was the one Penny met at the pier.



It's a shame I missed the 2 of you. :(



Not sure when I finally left the ship, but it was pretty late.

Oh well, I'm sure that I'll run into Penny and you in Nov 2008. ;)



PS ....



Can you try to send a test email?

Think I gave you the wrong info by mistake. (Blond moment ... :rolleyes: )

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It's a shame I missed the 2 of you. :(



Not sure when I finally left the ship, but it was pretty late.

Oh well, I'm sure that I'll run into Penny and you in Nov 2008. ;)



PS ....



Can you try to send a test email?

Think I gave you the wrong info by mistake. (Blond moment ... :rolleyes: )


Hi Vic! It was great meeting you. I'm still working on my pictures but figure I still have time before Penny gets back and I have to send her the one of us.


It was so strange running into Penny at the pier. I had talked to Beth several times Saturday morning and knew she was on her way so I was looking for Beth. And then suddenly, there's Penny....we screamed, hugged, and made fools of ourselves, :eek: but hey, that's us! Beth called me a little while later and we missed each other by just a few minutes.


I'll send you a test e-mail in a few minutes--tsk, tsk on that blond moment thing--now you owe me a drink!

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I saw Penny in Charleston the week before and we discussed vehicles and they were planning to take the large vehicle because they said it was comfortable to drive in. The real reason: they needed the room for Penny's luggage.


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I was the one Penny met at the pier. Disembarkation on November 10th was running about 30-40 minutes late. My color/number was called at 10:40 and by the time I got off the ship, located my luggage and snagged a porter, it was a few minutes after 11:00. Penny arrived at 11:00 and was stepping out of her (rather large and very loaded ;) ) SUV as I was exiting the terminal. If disembarkation hadn't been running so far behind, I would have been long gone before she arrived.


Yes! It was you! How fun that moment must have been!


I was wondering if you had carefully waited somewhere or it was a happy accident and Penny showed up early enough. So it wasn't planned?

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Yes! It was you! How fun that moment must have been!


I was wondering if you had carefully waited somewhere or it was a happy accident and Penny showed up early enough. So it wasn't planned?


No, not planned at all. We talked about it before I left on the 31st, and e-mailed to/from the ship, but decided it wouldn't work because Penny was positive she'd get lost in Brooklyn and wouldn't get to the pier until much too late for me to make my flight out of JFK, and Beth hadn't figured out how she was getting from her hotel to the pier, so we nixed the whole idea. Fun moment, yes indeed!! My fellow passengers who are now walking around with broken eardrums due to our screaming probably didn't think it was such a fun moment, though!

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No, not planned at all. We talked about it before I left on the 31st, and e-mailed to/from the ship, but decided it wouldn't work because Penny was positive she'd get lost in Brooklyn and wouldn't get to the pier until much too late for me to make my flight out of JFK, and Beth hadn't figured out how she was getting from her hotel to the pier, so we nixed the whole idea. Fun moment, yes indeed!! My fellow passengers who are now walking around with broken eardrums due to our screaming probably didn't think it was such a fun moment, though!


>>:) :) :D :) :) <<


Yay for you! Their hearing will come back, surely, eventually.....


That's all...cheers to you! :p

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Penny has been quiet, too quiet. I wonder if she's landed herself in the brig?:eek:




Hi just a quick report from the ship. It is a fabulous cruise. I would not dream of attempting to add to Penny's review, but I am happy to report that Penny is NOT in the brig!!! She is just having a marvelous time as is everyone else. I'm sure her next report will be arriving soon. Greetings to everyone!!



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No, not planned at all. We talked about it before I left on the 31st, and e-mailed to/from the ship, but decided it wouldn't work because Penny was positive she'd get lost in Brooklyn and wouldn't get to the pier until much too late for me to make my flight out of JFK, and Beth hadn't figured out how she was getting from her hotel to the pier, so we nixed the whole idea. Fun moment, yes indeed!! My fellow passengers who are now walking around with broken eardrums due to our screaming probably didn't think it was such a fun moment, though!


Trish, so sorry we missed you. You must have just left when we arrived!!! After Penny said you had been there when she arrived, I looked for you! It would have been so much fun to see you and meet Debbie.



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Hi just a quick report from the ship. It is a fabulous cruise. I would not dream of attempting to add to Penny's review, but I am happy to report that Penny is NOT in the brig!!! She is just having a marvelous time as is everyone else. I'm sure her next report will be arriving soon. Greetings to everyone!!




I, also, was getting concerned: Is she have such a great time, she forgot about us: or, did she try to claim the ship as her private yacht and they locked her up?


So glad to hear that everyone is having such a great time. Sorry to say, but you all need to go pack now.


Looking forward to the reports.



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Barely LIVE....from the QM2.....OMG...how did it get to be Monday?? I am surrounded by the chaos of packing....the last minute sales in the logo shop....bumping into CC friends everywhere and not wanting to part from them.....I am in AGONY!!!


I do apologize for my tardiness in onboard reporting....I have no excuse!! OK, I do...and I was not in the brig despite what I hear some of you think. I was faster than them....and I haven't left the clawmarks yet since they've not caught me.


I have swum with dolphins...did I mention that? I have been kissed by them and danced with them and then been soaked thoroughly by them and I have never had such an experience of pure, unadulterated joy as I experienced in the water looking into the eyes of a handsome creature named Poseidon. If one could have left clawmarks in the water I'd surely have done so.....what a moment in time.


We've gone to the Pitons by catamaran...fabulous...an awesome sight as they loomed ever larger. I've walked the streets of St Kitts in a few stolen minutes of delight and discovered so much more than I'd ever expected to find. And rather than leave the ship in Barbados I stayed onboard and played discovery....QM2 had so much more to offer I thought....I was right. We avoided St Thomas like the plague, boarding a ferry to go to heaven in the shape of a magnificent beach called TrunkBayBeach. And best of all have been the new friendships....such special people I'm dreading parting from....my slightly warped British gentlemen....you know who you are. And my dear friend Beth, now very real, no longer online. My courtly neighbouring dinner gentlemen with whom we shared many an entertaining conversation, and so many more. What a voyage it has been.


SO I know some of you are saying where is the good stuff...we want details....you are waiting for me to bare my soul and once again share this grand affair of mine with you all. But right now I just can't as my head is too full of leaving and my heart is hurting with the thought of parting with so much left to do....and say.


Instead I'll run over the nitty gritty for those of you who insist on making me get off so you can get on. Clothing...always the big question...really quite formal, even when it didn't need to be. We are a well dressed lot we Cunard folk. Cunard it seems have finally decided what the dress code for this particular voyage shall be...Elegant casual predominates yet I saw lots of glitter and bling even then and men in jackets and more ties than expected. Formal was formal....a very large proportion of tuxes and far fewer suits than last year it seemed. The ladies were just plain elegant...mostly long but some short fancy goodies as well. My "slinkies" were happy as we did the "Grand Descent" into Britannia....they were in grand company. There were 3 formal nights...wonderful affairs all. And one Informal which was on the very dressy side of Informal.


I never cease to be amazed at the never ending maintenance I see happening constantly...unobtrusively, yet constant. In one port QM2 had her hull painted on one side...amazing!! I saw corridor walls being scrubbed down as a normal course of daily events....faded flowers removed regularly and replaced in those fantastic arrangements....carpets were being cleaned in many cabins I heard...and cleaning. Always cleaning...she is a fabulous lady whose “make-up” always seems to be on perfectly....whose “attire” is always just so.


Were there “warts” at all you no doubt wonder or will Penny continue to be QM2's biggest cheerleader? Perhaps in the newness of it all last year I was so overwhelmed by all that glittered and enthralled me that I was oblivious to shortcomings. I do believe there was a slightly different feel to Britannia this time....service was for the most part good...not excellent, but good. There seemed to be patches of erratic service...slow at times, sporadic lapses and not quite as seamless as last time. Was I being too picky I wondered? Was QM2 testing my affections perhaps? Just as one dinner left me wondering, the next would wow me, I do believe in the final analysis that food and service might benefit from a bit more polish and I shall have words with her before I leave. Sometimes lovers overlook some of the details as time goes on....one never likes to be taken for granted as can happen as an affair progresses to the next stage. I noted litte things....no hand sanitizers when returning to the ship...none at the cash out window at the casino....the young lady suggested I just nip on over to the nearest ladies room and wash my hands. I believe she needs a bit of training in diplomacy. On the plus side, I never encountered a crew member who was less than cheerful in his or her greeting, day or night.


Once again the Commodore Club worked its magic on me and as always I leave a bit of myself there each time I leave. I must stop telling all of you of its charms as it was ever more crowded each night before and after dinner. So please just ignore my gushings about this place....go somewhere else!!!


So then, the inevitable is progressing....we sail ever closer to NY....the wind is blowing stiffly....the air has a decided chill to it and I doubt the rear pools are doing much business today. And that dreaded feeling has returned to the pit of my stomach. I have searched islands for the hugs I needed....had to borrow from shipmates to maintain my daily quotient of hugs with so many new friends, and of course I vowed to replace them once I found a new supply. I had hopes that I'd have to keep searching, much as last year when OZ eluded me for so long. Unfortunately on our last stop in St Thomas what did I find but a "HUG SHOP", and duty free no less...imagine that!! Just in time for you folks who will board tomorrow. I must tell you that I’ve been watching how that anti boarding device works each time we were in port and the thought had crossed my mind that I might have to enlist my slightly daft British friends in an attempt to sail on in search of those hugs. Not necessary it seems now and so I return to packing.....with one eye on that lifeboat just off my starboard balcony......hope, or madness, springs eternal with me it seems.


The big red fur person, Bear , has emailed daily about his "camp" activities...seems he's had as much fun and as many new friends as we....he has been swimming every day...eaten wonderful cookies regularly, slept in a heavenly bed and played to his heart's content....rather like his folks I'd guess. Probably he'll be as reluctant to go home to the mundane and ordinary life as I. Poor guy...I know how he’s going to feel when we pick him up on Wednesday.


Did the "Affair to Remember" continue you wonder? Oh my God yes....and more.....my heart has left pieces of itself on the corridors of the Heritage Trail, in secluded places in the Royal Court theater.....there is a bit left on one of those wonderful window seats in the casino....I've strewn fragments along the grand promenade and huge chunks in the COMMODORE club where late at night in that seductive lighting all sorts of magic is possible..and happens. Once again I have been seduced and vow to return to rediscover that magic and so much more.


SO I shall spare you all the wondering....and the wait for the full "Affair to Remember" sequel which will come when my emotional level returns to something approaching normal. The seas have picked up....whitcaps abound as far as the eye can see....and our booking for next December 9th is firmly in my hand....my heart will return to redeem its fragments and the Affair will resume ....the glow of it all to pick up where it left off. And in case any of you who met her last years are wondering, the little blond girl was seen again and again.....what a comfort it was to find her. I believe I must leave tomorrow....I think I"ll leave her here again.


Cheers, Penny....still live and still in love!!!

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As always, delighted that you are having a wonderful time despite the few blips. However, you still have not told us what we need to know.


Who is winning the Canapes and Cleavages???



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Penny: Thank you for sharing your voyage with us. Your heartfelt love of this grand lady is evident in your eloquent messages. For those of us who have yet to sail on her, you have given us a lovely vicarious visit. And, I am looking forward to more after you have settled down from Cloud 9.:)

Thank you,


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