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Kicked Off Ship


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Captain Rob made it clear throughout the cruise that the behavior policy was to be adhered to and would be enforced. One party was landed in San Juan and another in Labadee, with RCL providing transportation to the airport. Without such action, I am afraid that parents just assume their children can run wild and avoid proper respect to staff members. This is a lesson to be learned that although Captain Rob (and other Masters as well) want all passengers to have a great vacation, their job descriptions don't include babysitter.


The Captain was applauded for his actions on board and provided a lesson to all who feel a cruise ship, meant for rest and relaxation, is exempt from proper conduct. Spread the word.

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Taking students out of school for family vacations has become such a problem in our area that those absences are now considered "unexcused" and the students are not allowed to make up their work. They get zero's on all missed assignments.


Now that parents are aware of it, they have resorted to lying to the schools about their kids' absences. Great lesson to teach your kids, huh? Can't get by when following the rules? Then just LIE about it. Makes me ill.

I don't think parents should lie, and certainly shouldn't teach their students to lie, but it's blind, "one size fits all" policies like that which drive parents to put their kids in private schools!


The school is really just trying to save their federal money by forcing students to be in school every possible day, so it serves them right to lose it altogether when the family pulls their kids out for good!


Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of friends who are teachers in public school, and they do a great job, but for the administration to openly defy the parents with a "no excuses" policy... that is beyond the pale.



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Captain Rob made it clear throughout the cruise that the behavior policy was to be adhered to and would be enforced. One party was landed in San Juan and another in Labadee, with RCL providing transportation to the airport. Without such action, I am afraid that parents just assume their children can run wild and avoid proper respect to staff members. This is a lesson to be learned that although Captain Rob (and other Masters as well) want all passengers to have a great vacation, their job descriptions don't include babysitter.


The Captain was applauded for his actions on board and provided a lesson to all who feel a cruise ship, meant for rest and relaxation, is exempt from proper conduct. Spread the word.

This is the purpose of this thread to spread the word. Also, it is good that the conduct policy was emphasized throughout the cruise. Enforcing this type of policy results in passengers (other than those whose kids are blatantly misbehaving) having an enjoyable and safe vacation.

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I really don't mind sharing the story as I hope it will help someone else be more prepared! As a gift to my 19yr old son I allowed him to bring a freind along on our cruise. This was a kid he knew since the 3rd grade. I had spoke with his grandparents a few times ( he was raised by them) before the trip. At no time did they or anyone else tell me he was on any type of medication. ... The lesson here for all is that you never really know a person until you are with them 24/7. If you do take responsibility for another person gather all the facts you can.

I cringe when I read about people letting their kids bring a freind along on a cruise as I know how it feels to be held accountable for another persons actions.

I was not angry at the time....quite honestly I spent a few days in shock and I will never get the image of that kid standing there on that perch about to jump into the ocean out of my head. I had nightmares about it for weeks after it happened.

Hope this helps someone!



Yeah, that's frightening! Far more serious than "a prank". the extra caution here is that people should not decide when to go on and off their meds.


Thank you for sharing.

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I don't think parents should lie, and certainly shouldn't teach their students to lie, but it's blind, "one size fits all" policies like that which drive parents to put their kids in private schools!


The school is really just trying to save their federal money by forcing students to be in school every possible day, so it serves them right to lose it altogether when the family pulls their kids out for good!


When students miss school, it can be disruptive not only for the student, but for the teachers and adminstrators, and, if it's frequent enough or inolves enough students, disruptive to the other students who are there. It may be unavoidable, if it's due to illness. If it becomes commonplace for parents to think they can vacation whenever they please, though, I can see how it would be a real problem for the school.


You may think you know everything, but it's not always just about saving federal money. Most private school in my area very much discourage taking kids out of school, as well.

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During the second day of our cruise on the EOS in July 2001 we witnessed a family of four being "off loaded" allegedly due to their 16 year old son partaking of some "whacky tobbacky". Our travel agent, who traveled onboard with us, learned that the family was warned once, then released after a second incident. I'm still curious how one would explain the early arrival home to neighbors and friends?

"ran out of weed."

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I've always told my son that if he ever embarrassed us I would put on a mudpack facial, ratty bathrobe and bunny slippers, add some pink rollers to my hair then drive to his high school to pick him up in his classroom. As he knows his mom's a little 'wacky', he wasn't willing to take the chance.


Seriously, MOST kids I've run into on board have been great (even the ones clearly skipping school ;)). I had a little incident where one of the little darlilngs tried to snorkel in the hot tub, but overall I've found the kids on board to be good kids. It's unfortunate that a few over the top kids can make people paint other kids with the same brush.

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I've always told my son that if he ever embarrassed us I would put on a mudpack facial, ratty bathrobe and bunny slippers, add some pink rollers to my hair then drive to his high school to pick him up in his classroom. As he knows his mom's a little 'wacky', he wasn't willing to take the chance.


Seriously, MOST kids I've run into on board have been great (even the ones clearly skipping school ;)). I had a little incident where one of the little darlilngs tried to snorkel in the hot tub, but overall I've found the kids on board to be good kids. It's unfortunate that a few over the top kids can make people paint other kids with the same brush.

Agree -- and that's why the policy has to be enforced and the Captain has to communicate it to the passengers like the Grandeur's captain good. It is also an effective example when passengers find out that famielies where the whose kid's beahvior is over the top have been kicked off the ship.
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I've always told my son that if he ever embarrassed us I would put on a mudpack facial, ratty bathrobe and bunny slippers, add some pink rollers to my hair then drive to his high school to pick him up in his classroom. As he knows his mom's a little 'wacky', he wasn't willing to take the chance.


Seriously, MOST kids I've run into on board have been great (even the ones clearly skipping school ;)). I had a little incident where one of the little darlilngs tried to snorkel in the hot tub, but overall I've found the kids on board to be good kids. It's unfortunate that a few over the top kids can make people paint other kids with the same brush.


Yeah, so far we've never found any 'holy terrors.' I don't have kids, but I'm not anti-kid. I can handle a lot of kiddie fun (some running, some squealing, so long as the setting and timing are appropriate - I do have nephews and niece).


I do have a bias against bad behavior, but there are no age restrictions on it, just a big old bias.


I agree with the poster that said there would be hell to pay if there was misbehavior in childhood. I was warned very frequently about how my actions would forever cast a light on my entire family (and Dad made sure I knew how mad that would make him, to lose his good reputation!)


YIKES, I don't want to be the one to sully our name!

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As far as taking kids out of school for a vacation, life is far too short to worry about missed assignments. School work can be made up.


That's not true everywhere. At my daughters' school, unexcused absences result in zeroes being given for all assignments. They cannot be made up unless it is an excused absence.


Most private school in my area very much discourage taking kids out of school, as well.


My daughters attend a private school which has a very demanding curriculum. If I tried to take them out of school for a week, my older daughter (senior) would have an absolute nervous breakdown. Even if she could make up the work, with the pace they keep, it would be next to impossible and she would be behind and extremely stressed out.


When they were younger, it wasn't so, but since they got into high school, missing school really has to be limited to the rare occasions when they are ill. That's just our experience.

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I can appreciate that every school district is different. My son is missing a week of school before christmas which is actually only four days because nobody shows up the day before christmas break. He has to let all his teachers know about his absences. Generally his teachers have been great and they will let him do his assignments when he returns in January. We decided to cruise at this time of the year because reports have been done and not much going on until Jan.

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As far as taking kids out of school for a vacation, life is far too short to worry about missed assignments. School work can be made up.


Absolutely true. One of the MANY benefits we have received when we chose to homeschool 12 years ago was we found we could actually do school on vacation. Amazing things to learn snorkeling or talking with locals or visiting museums. Plus, our boys could always catch up when we got back.


It also allows us to cruise during off season, when most kids are in school. It also allows for our boys to talk with adults, especially more 'seasoned' adults, where they can learn much more than a book can teach them. One of our favorite memories from cruising was when my wife and I went to breakfast in the dining room one morning only to find our 10 year old son sitting at a table of about 10 'seasoned' citizens. He elected to stay with them rather than come eat with us. Several of them came over and complimented us on our son's manners and behavior (which is always nice to hear!) and our son talked for days about what he learned from talking to the adults.


Homeschooling is not for everyone, but it has been an absolute delight for our family.



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Short of hurting someone, sinking the shiip, starting a fire or any life threatening act, no passenger should be ever put off the ship. Confined to their room or locked up, but not put off the ship. I can't imagine what the kids possibly did. I have taken my four boys and niece and nephew on several cruises and know that they are going to have a great time, but can't imagine them doing anything to get kicked off.


I think the cruiseline is taking a great chance putting anyone off the ship in a third world country. If the family were hurt, abducted, robbed, etc., the cruiseline should be liable and possibly pay fines/restution for any ill happenings to that family.


Just my .02

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Looks like this thread has wandered back to taking kids out of school, general kid behavior issue topics...so my final .02 on this subject...

Ultimately it is up to each family to do what is best for them. We don't need to justify our reasons. We know our individual children better than anyone. If you make the decision based on what you know is best for your family financially, educationally, etc. etc., then go and enjoy! Do your best to educate them, discipline them, teach them, enjoy them, and raise them right...and as Kenny Chesney says "Don't Blink!" ;) I am traveling with my 2 children in February, and plan on enjoying every minute of the trip!

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I think the cruiseline is taking a great chance putting anyone off the ship in a third world country. If the family were hurt, abducted, robbed, etc., the cruiseline should be liable and possibly pay fines/restution for any ill happenings to that family.




Or, the family could read their cruise contract beforehand and figure out that anyone behaving badly could suffer extremely negative consequences. Personal responsibility -- what a concept!

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Or, the family could read their cruise contract beforehand and figure out that anyone behaving badly could suffer extremely negative consequences. Personal responsibility -- what a concept!


Well said!! If they're causing harm to anybody they should be kicked off. Why should we (good behaving cruisers) have to pay extra to have a cruise "jail"? That's ridiculous. If you do something as crazy as they did, then you deserve to be kicked off the ship.


The cruise line did transfer them to the area, it's not like they threw them in the jungle to fend for themselves. If something were to happen to them while at the airport, then take it up with the airport. There's no way a cruise line should be responsible for them when they were not responsible enough to behave and stay on the ship.

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Short of hurting someone, sinking the shiip, starting a fire or any life threatening act, no passenger should be ever put off the ship. Confined to their room or locked up, but not put off the ship. I can't imagine what the kids possibly did. I have taken my four boys and niece and nephew on several cruises and know that they are going to have a great time, but can't imagine them doing anything to get kicked off.


I think the cruiseline is taking a great chance putting anyone off the ship in a third world country. If the family were hurt, abducted, robbed, etc., the cruiseline should be liable and possibly pay fines/restution for any ill happenings to that family.


Just my .02


Ah - then you should try Princess.... they have a fear of being sued, so they don't like to reprimand anyone for destructive or unsafe behavior.


Cruise contract says they can do it, and I applaud RCCL for holding to it. Perhaps if Princess had, I would still be sailing with them today. Instead, their fear of being sued for discrimination of a family caused many people to have the satisfaction of their vacation lowered significantly.

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I think the cruiseline is taking a great chance putting anyone off the ship in a third world country. If the family were hurt, abducted, robbed, etc., the cruiseline should be liable and possibly pay fines/restution for any ill happenings to that family.


Just my .02


The cruise line would not be liable. The family obviously deserved getting kicked off the ship. It probably happens more than you think.



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The attitude of taking children out of school for family time amazes me. Family time should be spent after school, weekends, winter and spring break and summer time. What is wrong with spending family time then.

If parents are so concerned with family time then perhaps Mom should work part time to spend that important quality time with children after school instead of so many latch key and day care kids out there.

Taking children out of school for a week or more each year effects not just them but the classroom itself. This is one reason so many of our children are behind other countries in science and math.

What if you take a child out for a vacation and then they get sick now there time off is adding up. Be smart!!! There is plenty of time for vacations on their off time with out removing them from school

It seems to me the priorities are in the wallet and not in what is best for the child.


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Taking students out of school for family vacations has become such a problem in our area that those absences are now considered "unexcused" and the students are not allowed to make up their work. They get zero's on all missed assignments.


Now that parents are aware of it, they have resorted to lying to the schools about their kids' absences. Great lesson to teach your kids, huh? Can't get by when following the rules? Then just LIE about it. Makes me ill.


The school district my kids went to would not allow you to take achild out of school for vacation. My kids are in college now. They would withdraw the student and you had to re enroll them when you got back. My husband works for the government and they tell us when we were getting a vacation and at times it was when the kids were in school. Do you honestly think for one minute I was going to deprive my kids of a vacation. I told the school we had a personal issue come up and they would be gone a week. That way they couldnt ask questions and my kids wouldnt be withdrawn and were given their school work and it was graded as excused absences. I dont feel the least bit guilty for telling the school this and would do it again. Sometimes the travel experience teaches the kids alot more than they would learn in a classroom. You really shouldnt judge others for doing this.

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Confined to their room or locked up, but not put off the ship. I can't imagine what the kids possibly did.

Just my .02



How about destroying cabin; smoking anywhere they felt like and flashing people (including children) on a tender? Happened on our Princess cruise 12/06. (One was a minor; both under 25).

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