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My Parents Just Got off the Fantasy - Bad Experience with some pax


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Cool Cruiser

Join Date: Jul 2006

Location: Nashville TN

Posts: 188




here is the list of group cruise i have put together for myself from resarch .But most of them were found from fellow cruiser's that have posted here hope this helps everyone out . if you know of a group that is not on my list please add It .if the cruise lines want tell us about group cruise we can tell each other
















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LHP I assure you there is no "gross exaggeration" going on here. I can always make lemonaid out of lemons, but was totally unable to in this situation. It was hopeless. I spent more time in my cabin than anywhere else and I never ever do this. There was just not enough activities going on except prepaid concerts for the Blues Cruisers.........most awful cruise experience I ever had......




I am curious did you report this to anyone on the ship and what was their response? Have you contacted Carnival since you got home about it?


Unfortunately these cruise lines are just big corporations and once they get your money and get you on ship they could give a flying fig......but it is no difference anywhere else....

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Why are you ignoring Angiem's post with graphic details? Because it does not fit into your opinion?


That is clearly "Nuff said".


I replied to your reply about my reply that I stated yesterday long before Angiem's starfish reply which parenthetically is still only talking about language and not having sex in front of minors.

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I just don't understand why the cruise lines do so little to address rude and obnoxious people.


Wouldn't it be nice to see all business' take care of rude and obnoxious people.


Oh, you are not going to see it happen, unless it's something way out of hand.

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Wouldn't it be nice to see all business' take care of rude and obnoxious people.


Oh, you are not going to see it happen, unless it's something way out of hand.


Careful Pete, apparently that is the wrong thing to say today. :rolleyes:

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LHP I assure you there is no "gross exaggeration" going on here. I can always make lemonaid out of lemons, but was totally unable to in this situation. It was hopeless. I spent more time in my cabin than anywhere else and I never ever do this. There was just not enough activities going on except prepaid concerts for the Blues Cruisers.........most awful cruise experience I ever had......




I believe you, Angie. This happened on the Liberty in August and it was nothing short of horrific. On the Liberty, they cleared the entire Lido deck bartenders and wait staff TWICE because of fights including flying chairs and broken bottles for weapons. I had a friend on there and if they had not already cruised Carnival several times before without such problems...I can assure you I would have never gotten her on another one.


The "gross exaggerations" was used as the excuse for that incident as well on these boards. That is sad.

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I replied to your reply about my reply that I stated yesterday long before Angiem's starfish reply which parenthetically is still only talking about language and not having sex in front of minors.


Sorry, but my point is that "sex" is not the only form of pornography not allowed around children. Foul and abusive language that repeatedly illustrates sex acts is also pornography to children. It is not allowed in the general work place, at school or in public to a degree where people feel intimidated and attacked.


Even adults are protected from verbal abuse. Someone can not call you on the phone and use foul language to collect a debt. That is considered harassment and is against the law.


It isn't "only language" when it is used in a threatening and harassing way.


And Angiem's reply is not a starfish. She gave very specific details of problems she encountered. I love Carnival as much as anyone, but Carnival worked long and hard to get rid of the "drink and puke" reputation...now to only replace it with thug activity??? We have the right to expect to be protected from threatening and harassing behavior....be it physical or verbal abuse!

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I didn't talk to anyone onboard, however, I did contact Carnival the minute I got home and I have a file going. Actually it was just a lot of bla bla bla.....we don't ask ppl's ethic origin when you book a cruise. I replied that I realized that, but it would seem like you would know about themed cruise groups onboard. I didn't get a lot of satisfaction at all, however I am not finished with the file. I was given the email of grelations@carnival.com and I will be sending an email to them also. I totally expect no satisfaction because they act like it's a gamble and it's my bad luck. But as I said before, everything was awful......food, friendliness of staff, of guests, not enough to do (which is hilarious to me having cruised many times before and not being able to do everything I wanted to do! We will see



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Big duck.......I don't appreciate your calling my post first pathetic and then starfish? Are u serious??? I am not just talking about bad language for heaven's sake, I am talking about rudeness, breaking in line, gang behavior, pushing, shoving, a fight actually broke out on deck between two women....a fist fight, always running out of food if you could even get to it........pictures......I never could even fight my way to the pictures to view them!!!!!!! The casino is a joke, never saw anyone win anything.......probably because the dealers were so bla and rude. I have many many more exact details I could share with anyone who wants them. MY POST WAS NOT PATHETIC OR STARFISH!!!! Bring it on.



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I didn't talk to anyone onboard, however, I did contact Carnival the minute I got home and I have a file going. Actually it was just a lot of bla bla bla.....we don't ask ppl's ethic origin when you book a cruise. I replied that I realized that, but it would seem like you would know about themed cruise groups onboard. I didn't get a lot of satisfaction at all, however I am not finished with the file. I was given the email of grelations@carnival.com and I will be sending an email to them also. I totally expect no satisfaction because they act like it's a gamble and it's my bad luck. But as I said before, everything was awful......food, friendliness of staff, of guests, not enough to do (which is hilarious to me having cruised many times before and not being able to do everything I wanted to do! We will see




If I could make a suggestion.


The very few times that we have had any complaint to be dealt with, I have always used Ms. Vicki Freed. She is Senior VP of Sales and Marketing and while she and I have not always agreed...I have found her to be very fair. I have found her to truly care about not only Carnival's future, but the loyal guest who insure its success.


I would recommend a well worded letter to her at the following address:


Guest Relations

Carnival Cruise Lines

Carnival Place

3655 NW 87 Avenue

Miami, Fl. 33178-2428


I would also recommend that you use a format that I have used with great success in the past... to get my point "heard". Generally, I start with the positives (even the worse cruise as some) and then I add "however, the reason for my letter is..." I then explain the problems in such a manner that she can literally put herself in my position. Just the facts, no generalizations or judgments.


And realistically it can take as long as 6 weeks to get a response...but I have always gotten one.


I hope this helps.

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Big duck.......I don't appreciate your calling my post first pathetic and then starfish? Are u serious??? I am not just talking about bad language for heaven's sake, I am talking about rudeness, breaking in line, gang behavior, pushing, shoving, a fight actually broke out on deck between two women....a fist fight, always running out of food if you could even get to it........pictures......I never could even fight my way to the pictures to view them!!!!!!! The casino is a joke, never saw anyone win anything.......probably because the dealers were so bla and rude. I have many many more exact details I could share with anyone who wants them. MY POST WAS NOT PATHETIC OR STARFISH!!!! Bring it on.




I suggest you blow the dust off your dictionary and look up the meaning of parenthetically.


It is unfortunate that your first post in this thread appeared above mine because my comments have never been about yours.

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Big duck.......I don't appreciate your calling my post first pathetic and then starfish? Are u serious??? I am not just talking about bad language for heaven's sake, I am talking about rudeness, breaking in line, gang behavior, pushing, shoving, a fight actually broke out on deck between two women....a fist fight, always running out of food if you could even get to it........pictures......I never could even fight my way to the pictures to view them!!!!!!! The casino is a joke, never saw anyone win anything.......probably because the dealers were so bla and rude. I have many many more exact details I could share with anyone who wants them. MY POST WAS NOT PATHETIC OR STARFISH!!!! Bring it on.




Angie: Unfortunately, you just have to ignore some posters. I was the first person to coin the "starfish mentality" when dealing with ridiculous reviews and you certainly do NOT fill that definition.


Obviously some people want to allow any and everything....perhaps because they don't have the manners and courtesy to act like a respectful adult themselves...who knows. :confused:


Hope you get a proper response on your letter and have many happy cruisings in life with whichever cruise line you select.

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I almost typed "Blues Clues" - shows where MY brain is lol. Anyway, my parents took my dad's two sisters on this cruise. My dad said he felt the passengers were much ruder than usual, particularly to the staff of the ship. He came home very disgusted about the behavior of people in general. He said that they couldn't walk down the promenade deck or eat on the lido deck without hearing profanity from at least one nearby table or group of people. They didn't know about the Blues Cruise group until close to sailing, and I'm not even sure if it was the group that was being obnoxious - could have been anyone - but I just wanted to report this, since there have been posts in the past about problems with big group sailings. My father is like me - he hates to see people being treated badly - and he was telling me about the incidents he witnessed with passengers treating the crew absolutely horrendously. It's really a shame. I've noticed this, to a lesser degree, on previous cruises recently, and I hope this is not a trend that will get worse. My aunt is a nun, and she's quite sheltered (meaning she's not used to hearing a lot of the words she was exposed to for 5 days on this cruise) and she's not at all happy right now. You would think someone would see a nun (she always wears her habit) and perhaps tone down the vulgarity - but apparently not!


We'll be on the NCL Spirit tomorrow and I'm going to try to pay attention to the behavior of my fellow pax a little more closely than I normally do. I generally just try to ignore bothersome people. It's a shame people just can't have more respect for others - whether fellow pax or employees they come into contact with. It would certainly make for a much better experience for everyone involved.


Even though some people think your parents and aunts are just "grossly exaggerating"...I do not.


I hope that your parents will contact Guest Relations and file a complaint.


Guest Relations

Carnival Cruise Lines

Carnival Place

3655 NW 87 Avenue

Miami, Fl. 33178-2428


I know it won't help them, but it may prevent other cruisers in the future from suffering the same fate. Carnival can not correct what it does not know about. And the "standard" will only go as LOW as we loyal Carnival fans allow it to.

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Even though some people think your parents and aunts are just "grossly exaggerating"...I do not.


I hope that your parents will contact Guest Relations and file a complaint.


Guest Relations

Carnival Cruise Lines

Carnival Place

3655 NW 87 Avenue

Miami, Fl. 33178-2428


I know it won't help them, but it may prevent other cruisers in the future from suffering the same fate. Carnival can not correct what it does not know about. And the "standard" will only go as LOW as we loyal Carnival fans allow it to.


LHP 95% of the time we agree on things, but FTLOG I never said Rowan grossly exaggerated. I said you did when you escalated her comments about inappropriate language into sex in front of children. :rolleyes:

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LHP 95% of the time we agree on things, but FTLOG I never said Rowan grossly exaggerated. I said you did when you escalated her comments about inappropriate language into sex in front of children. :rolleyes:


Ok, fine. No problem.


I think we are discussing "degrees" here and I would love to explain why.


I have a dear friend who was born and raised in Maine. He was a lobster fisherman (go figure). And yes, he had the mouth of a sailor. Every other word was GD this and MF that in normal conversation. And yes, it used to drive me crazy...but he was that way when he became my friend and I knew he was never going to change. The difference here is clearly intent. He never used that language with the intent of being threatening, harassing or abusive.


When foul language is used with the intent to threaten, harass ore abuse, I do firmly believe that it is as dangerous (and as pornographic) to children as sex acts. This really has nothing to do with "words"....it has to do with actions. This kind of behavior is not allowed around children and is just as "dangerous" to them as sex act because this kind of behavior is used to envoke FEAR.


It has no place in our society. It is illegal publicly in our town (not cussing, but when used to envoke FEAR). And it is against the law around children (listed specifically as pornography) in our society. A person under 18 can not buy certain CDs. (not video) regular CDs (MUSIC ONLY) because of "words".


Our government set the standard as "words" being pornographic to children...I think we as adults have the right to expect the same standard on a cruise ship.


BTW< if you truly agree with me 95% of the time...would you please come talk to my husband!!! I am not getting nearly as good an agreement percentage from him!!:D

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LHP 95% of the time we agree on things, but FTLOG I never said Rowan grossly exaggerated. I said you did when you escalated her comments about inappropriate language into sex in front of children. :rolleyes:


BTW, you did call Angiem a starfish and that was not very gentlemanly of you.


I coined that phrase years ago when Bucketsofbeer4John was around with his solution of "pull twang" to catapult whiny passengers and chair hogs off the side of the ship.


Angie is not a starfish.

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THANKS! I really think that it would be great if you would put this info in a separate post...I fear it will be lost in the midst of this thread!!!!:)





here is the list of group cruise i have put together for myself from resarch .But most of them were found from fellow cruiser's that have posted here hope this helps everyone out . if you know of a group that is not on my list please add It .if the cruise lines want tell us about group cruise we can tell each other
















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WTH is a freakin Starfish FTLOG? Inquiring minds want to know.


Years ago, there was a delightful gentleman on the boards with the name Bucketsofbeer4John. In one of the many discussions back then about rude obnoxious people, John suggested the "pull...twang" method (ie ejecting them over the side of the ship!!)


About the same time, we were getting a lot of really idiot reviews. You know the kind...no substance...no details complaints...just junk like "all the food was horrible"..."all the days were boring"...'all the excusions were junk"...etc.


So I coined the phrase "some with a starfish up their fanny" to refer to someone who had no intention of providing a fair and balanced review...they just wanted to complain.


From that time on, I have referenced someone as being "of the starfish variety" when they have written a review that does nothing but generalize.


This is especially helpful when assisting newbies in how to sort out all the conflicting reviews about the same ship.


The first question I ask them is...when you read a review...is the complaint legitimate or does someone just have a starfish up their fanny.


Hence, that is where the phrase started.

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I admit I did not read every word here but get the point. thing is we all look at things in a different way. as for nudity, sex in semi public areas late at night. i mention it because we have seen it. these things i find are no big deal. dont like it walk away dont look. profanity, different story as we all hear it everywhere. when i was younger if i heard it in a public place with women and children i always stepped up and tried to put a end to it. i have scars to prove it. today i will admit even we can be guilty at times. yes i do think it is wrong. today the way women talk in public places surprises me,and yes men can be much worse. please i dont mean any offense , it is not that we are offended but it does cheapen the place we happen to be at. either way for me i try to keep a watch on myself as for others well it seems to be getting worse by the day. and before i get flamed you would be surprised just how open minded i am. but profanity in public places should not be excused.

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