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Live from the Legend


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Jane...thank you for the wonderful news about Mandy - I'll let everyone here know.


They deployed the Marina at noon today - the conditions are ideal and it was a nice surprise for all of us. We had just returned from the beach in time to have lunch but many are now scurrying back to have a go at the banana boat!


Some port and marina photos:




Merry Christmas to all!

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Great news for you Legend-aires. I am in London for Christmas and had dinner Saturday night with my favorite entertainer, Mandy Muden. She's off to party with you on the 25th! We had a delightful time, for sure. And you all will too!


Jane, thank you for the wonderful news, I'll be sure to pass the word!


Today at noon they deployed the marina - I've attached some photos for those of you who have never had the chance to see it. The conditions are perfect and everyone is excited to jump in...the banana boat is ready!




And some holiday decorations on the Legend:




Merry Christmas to all!

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Take it from me....be wary of banana boats! My head still has a bump on it!


Funny, on three cruises, I have yet to experience the marina being lowered. At least I can see your pictures of it!


Hope you had a fantastic day. Bright Christmas blessings to you, and everyone.



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I think the Legend is coming into St. Martin on 12/28. If I'm correct, you will be anchored and then tendered in to the dock. There is a scuba shop at Port Louis or Fort Louis.....it's the marina that is directly across from where the Legend's tenders will come in. If you happen to think of it, do you think you could get the name of the shop for me? I am trying to remember their name, but I can't find it online and I can't read the stamp in my scuba book.....I want to remember them for next year, it was fun diving with them.


If you could happen to find out, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you so much!



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Jane...I'd be delighted to check for you. I'll try to confirm our location on St. Martin in the next two days - someone told me we would anchor on the French side - is that where you were asking about?


We had a wonderful Christmas Caroling in the Club before dinner and then Christmas Eve dinner in 2! It was quiet and special for us.


More tomorrow about our Seabourn Christmas.

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Yes, it's Marigot. I'm sure that's the French side...because....on my Pride trip I went scuba diving with these people and they all spoke French! Except one who knew English, thank goodness!


Thanks so much....the shop is, as I said, right smack in the middle of the marina.


Have a wonderful Christmas Margo....I wish I were right there with you!


Jane :)

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Good Morning and Merry Christmas from the Legend.


As the sunshine floods our suite this morning we feel so lucky to be celebrating Christmas at sea.


Last night was lovely. First everyone met in the Club to sing Christmas Carols….it was a standing-room-only event. While the dress suggestion was Elegant Casual many were in their Christmas finest. All of the cruise staff and talent joined together to lead us in song.


The dining room menu featured many holiday favorites but we decided to dine at “2” again. While the menu is limited we really love the quiet ambiance of this restaurant and the staff couldn’t be more attentive. We enjoyed roast duck as our entree and spiced pumpkin crème brulee for dessert.


After dinner showtime was entitled “It’s the Most Wonderful Time!” with more holiday songs; and at 11:30 Christmas Eve Services and Midnight Mass.


When we returned to our suite we found a plate of cookies, fruit and chocolates. Of course we had to taste a few just to show our appreciation ☺


It was a wonderful way to start the holiday!


Today is likely to be more of the same. Santa is having breakfast with all of us in The Veranda Café – I need to note that there isn’t a child under 21 anywhere in sight but you can bet the “kid” in all of us will stop by to say hello to Santa.


The rest of the day will follow a normal sea day routine with lectures, bridge, yoga, putting, tea etc. Tonight it’s formal attire for dinner after Christmas Cocktails with our Captain Tom Thomasssen.


There’s lots of talent on the program too with Frank Freeman doing vocals at 7 PM and Shirley Dominguez performing “When the Harp Goes Latin” at 10 PM.


Looks to be a very busy day ahead.


Best wishes to all of you. Enjoy your family and feasts,

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Ahoy from Bridgetown, Barbados!


We have plenty of company in port today – 5 other ships are here… Ocean Village, Crystal Symphony, Carnival Destiny, NCL (can’t read the name from here) and Pullmatur Cruises (same reading problem!) – the dock is FULL!


I’m going off to the beach in a little while but my brief foray into the cruise terminal was enough to convince me that BIG isn’t better – as I was getting some sundries in a shop I heard someone say “ get some dollars for the shuttle and tips”. When I returned to the dock and walked down Seabourn’s red carpet one of the staff offered his arm and escorted me to the gangway – yes Dorothy “There’s no place like home!”


This morning when we arrived we “parked” immediately in front of the terminal just a few yards from the entrance. It was fun to watch the other behemoths arrive – it was a busy day for the tug operators.


I caught up with my walk training today – doing about 6 miles on deck 8 – many laps – it’s a wonder I’m not dizzy! I had the “docking” entertainment to speed the time and my ipod provided additional entertainment as I listened to “World Without End” the sequel to “Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett.


Last night we enjoyed dining in our suite. At lunch Tom had a bit of an upset stomach so we decided eating dinner close to “home” was a good idea. It’s the first time we’ve had the ensuite service and it was as good as advertised. Our first course was delivered along with a lovely bottle of wine. When we were ready for the next course we called room service and each selection arrived quickly. The linens, silver, crystal etc were the same as in the dining room and it was just as tasty consumed in our robes watching a DVD.


Unfortunately they can’t deliver the entertainment in the same way and I’m told we missed some wonderful performance but all the same we’re well fed and happy for the experience.


Tonight we plan to dine in “2”. We don’t leave Barbados until 11 PM so it should be a nice quiet spot for dinner once all the other ship traffic departs for their next destination. I’m sure some of them, or others will be in St. Marin in two days but we will anchor on the French side so the crowds should be minimal.


We will have some deck entertainment because of our late departure. Should be a nice change of routine. I’ll try to write more about it tomorrow. Until then, Happy Boxing Day from Barbados – the shops are closed here but I’ll bet there a line at Macy’s in NYC!

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Yesterday we enjoyed the leisure that only a sea day can provide. While Tom kept to his usual habit of sleeping late, I decided to take some laps on the Sky Deck – much needed exercise to counteract some of the irresistible menu choices I’ve made over the last week!


Our course north from Barbados is not quite as smooth as the trip south. There was a beautiful sunrise followed by passing showers and then a sunny sky and sea swells that rocked the ship enough to keep us close to a handrail as often as possible.


I continue to enjoy my book and watched a DVD to pass the day. Lunch in the Verandah Café was delicious but a bit awkward as this is one of the higher decks at the back of the ship.


The rough seas made Tom reluctant to go out for dinner so I ordered our dinner to be served in the suite. I enjoyed caviar (no extra charge on Seabourn) earlier so all that walking will need to be repeated tomorrow when we arrive in St. Martin.


Well….almost 24 hours later I am writing again, this time from the Baie de Marigot on the French side of Saint Martin. Our ship is at anchor and the tender ride to shore is a little rough, especially when boarding from the Legend – otherwise the skies are blue and the sun is warm. Many are doing tours today.


I took the tender to town in hopes of finding some dive information for a CC friend. Unfortunately after asking many locals the only information I could find for diving on this side of the island is the Nettle Bay Resort about 2 miles from town. Jane, I hope that helps. I’ll try to goggle a link to insert here.




You can definitely tell its “high” season here, lots of traffic, the farmer’s market was in full swing and the smell of baking croissants and French bread filled the air.


I returned to the ship for lunch and a lazy afternoon. Tonight we have a very leisurely passage to Virgin Gorda and we’ve organized a dinner for nine in “2”. It’s so relaxing to cruise through this part of the world after dark, the lights of nearby islands twinkle in the distance as we glide towards our destination.


Last year we saw the Pride pass us just before dinner - we were hoping for a reunion but I just spoke with Lucca and it seems they are already south of us and since we are going north our paths won't cross. The ships will be meeting in Costa Rica sometime soon for those of you lucky enough to be cruising then. It's always a very special moment.

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Let me add my thanks for the vicarious fun we are experiencing from your journal. We are joining the Legend on the 16th in Costa Rica. Any info on staff? CD, HM, Maitre d. etc. Where in the world are Eric, Jan, (whom you mentioned was helping our after Preston's departure) David E.

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Last night we had a wonderful evening in "2" - we started our meal while still at anchor in St. Martin. Near the end of dinner we started to cruise to Virgin Gorda. As the ship's course changed and the wind picked up we were quick to move inside to have our dessert.


We then enjoyed a show of Broadway favorites. All in all, a perfect evening.


Here are just a few photos:




We are now approaching Spanish Town. Another wonderful day ahead!

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Today we had the pleasure our the beach barbeque....while I was late for caviar in the surf I did arrive in time to enjoy a beautiful swim at the beach and a chance to snap some photos.




We've just set sail for St. Thomas where we will spend a few hours tomorrow before beginning our return to Port Everglades.


Our Seabourn Experience continues to be better than ever. I hope to compose a more detailed post on that before we leave the ship. I can honestly say that this year is much more enjoyable than last year's cruise - there are several reasons and I'll try to be more specific soon. I will tell you the key factor is what I'd describe as a "happy crew". Everyone does such a remarkable job to insure we're having a great time.


Anyway, more soon,

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Legendary Parties….we have several in our future!


Sara Jane (our CD) was the headliner in the lounge last night. She entertained us with some wonderful tunes and some special news. Seems there’s going to be a wedding during our cruise….HERS! Sara is to be wed to Niko on Dec. 29 – she’s invited all of us – you can imagine the excitement. I don’t have many other details yet but everyone is looking forward to this very special occasion.




Did the wedding go ahead?? There has been no more mention of it.


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Hi Kathryn,


>"Hope that you have a wonderful Christmas here in the UK!! We are having miserable weather here in Yorkshire, hope that it is better down South!! If not make your way up North where there is a special Seabourn welcome for you!!

love and best wishes from Brian & Kathryn"


Thanks for your good wishes. It was lovely in London, and after Margo's reports, a Christmas cruise next year is both likely and much cheaper. MIght switch! I went to the Cotswolds and tried to buy some wool for my niece, but couldn't find any local product. I commented to a shop keeper in Stow-on the Wold' that their market square could hold 20,000 sheep and where were they?


Ever since the series 'All Creatures Great and Small' I have wanted to see your part of the country, but think a warmer season might be better.


I forgot to get some curry paste this trip (loaded up on Diet Coke cans for my room since a 6 oz bottle is not $7.00 in the bar!)) so will order some and get a jar of Vegemite as well for our Pride Captain. But today I am off to send in my Brazilian paperwork. I have needed my passport too often to get it earlier.


I hope Granny and her husband are having a good trip. Personally I can't imagine train travel across America in this weather, but they are aadventurous. It will be such fun to read her trip reports.


When are you two cruising again?


Happy New Year EVERYONE!!!!!


PS: I forgot to mention I had a lovely Christmas call from our Norm who is still blissfully happy and busy learning about some wonderful Christmas customs that he never celebrated before.

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Would you like for me to send you some wool? I would be happy to run out in the pasture, shear a few sheep.....take the wool to the mills and mail it on to you! ha ha What colors?:D

Also I "googled" Vegemite and found a store in San Antonio that sells it! Captain Dexter could probably buy it in Ft Lauderdale at one of the specialty grocery stores when the Pride arrives next Sat.

Did hear from the Pride ~~all is well and everyone is having a wonderful time! :p

Margo, many thanks for your fantastic photos! Also your reviews ~~

we have all loved hearing of the Legend holiday happenings!

I am also thinking of spending next year's Christmas aboard a Seabourn ship ~~warm climate and wonderful fun!

Happy New Year!

Martita B.

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>"Would you like for me to send you some wool? I would be happy to run out in the pasture, shear a few sheep.....take the wool to the mills and mail it on to you! ha ha What colors?"


Thanks, Martita,


Funny you should mention Texas wool. I was in one shop and queried the owner about local wools and he said he had ordered some Cotswold produced wool and when he got the shipment it had come from Texas! I did get enough from Wales and Italy for this trip and I should be able to get some in South America, for sure. I will have time with my week on shore in Buenos Aires. I did pick colors that I like just in case I get a scarf from all of this.....


Having no energy to face the crowds in any store in London on the 24th or 26th, I just ordered some curry pastes and lemon curd and Walkers shortbreads and a jar of Vegemite for the Captain. Truth be told, the shipping fees are less than the cost of the London cab to get there and back.


Was Captain Dexter the Captain on the crossing and your cruise?



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Martita and others, thank you for your Holiday Greetings - I will pass them along to our other Seabourn Sailors.


Today we were in St. Thomas for a half-day visit - We cleared Immigration this morning and it's the first time that the request to appear included a note that "bathrobes" were not appropriate attire! :D At 7 AM what else would we be wearing???? LOL - Everyone appeared dressed appropriately and we were cleared very quickly.


Our ship was docked next to the Seranade of the Seas - an ENORMOUS SHIP!


Many guest elected to say on board and by noon we were enjoying music on the Sky Deck as we prepared to leave the USVI.


I've attached a few photos from the deck party. And to answer your question, there was a wedding ceremony yesterday on Prickly Pear Island. Captain Tom Thomassen did the honors and Sara Jane and Nino were joined in marriage - I know they plan private and other "official" ceremonies with their friends and families in the near future. If I can locate a photo of the wedding I promise to share it. I arrive on the beach too late to record the festivities.



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