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what if NCL offered traditional dinning also ?


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I'll probably still buy the Toyota because its easier for me to get a cup holder than drive to Galveston or POC. But I'm hoping my feedback on cup holders is heard sooner or later. They can keep improving the navigation system, but it will probably never be a selling point for me.



This argument is funny..."it's easier to get a cup holder than to drive to Galveston...." are you buying a car, or planning a cruise...in your analogy? :rolleyes:



However I think that a better analogy of what you are trying to do would be like going into a women's clothing store and trying to convince them to carry at least SOME menswear too.


It misses the entire point that this is a womenswear store, that is their business model, they are successful with it...and there are other stores which sell menswear.


Adding menswear to the womenswear store would require floor space, staff training, an additional knowledge of the competitive landscape of the menswear industry.


It would also require marketing, new buying strategies, new brands.


And in the entire process would quite possibly make the experience of buying womenswear in a womenswear store (as opposed to a dept. store) less comfortable for the primary target market....women.

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Give the OP a break-she was just asking a question, and never said anything in an offensive way.


Perspective is a wonderful thing, isn't it?


The OP (I'm borrowing from others' analogies) wandered into the Toyota Fan Club and said... eeeewww you bought a Toyota? I prefer Fords, Toyotas don't have enough cup holders for me.



She phrased it as "I wonder if Toyota could re-design their product to be more like a Ford"


But the effect was the same. She came in & put-down a defining element of the cruiseline, and then seems surprised that long-time fans might feel protective (note I don't use the word 'defensive') of their baby...maybe for fear that the OP's wish might come true, and then NO line would offer the freedom of choice that NCL does.


There are several lines which offer Traditional.....there's only ONE that offers Freestyle.


Trying to change it.......not allowed!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

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However I think that a better analogy of what you are trying to do would be like going into a women's clothing store and trying to convince them to carry at least SOME menswear too.


It misses the entire point that this is a womenswear store, that is their business model, they are successful with it...and there are other stores which sell menswear.


Adding menswear to the womenswear store would require floor space, staff training, an additional knowledge of the competitive landscape of the menswear industry.


It would also require marketing, new buying strategies, new brands.


And in the entire process would quite possibly make the experience of buying womenswear in a womenswear store (as opposed to a dept. store) less comfortable for the primary target market....women.


BINGO! That's best analogy I've heard yet ... THANKS, sjbdtz! Good point!

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I don't think age really enters into the dining issue. You've got just as many 20 and 30 somethings voting for traditional as you have some of us oldsters voting for freestyle.





Prove it. I'll bet that you can't.


Given the choice, I can ALMOST guarantee that you would find more "oldsters" voting for traditional than you find 20 & 30 somethings.....


"Eat when I tell you, where I tell you, with whom I tell you, and drink what I put on the table before you arrive" does not seem to pair well with YouTube being the replacement for TV....largely because of rebellion against the uni-directionality of TV content.


20 & 30 somethings (and some of us 40 somethings too) want the freedom to design & moderate our own experiences...be that from watching content from non-vetted stars (you tube), to deciding when & where to eat.

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To pick up on the point of other lines following NCL,


It may have changed but on all three of our princess cruises(2005/6) the trad dining was waitlisted since more people wanted that than the restaurant allocated could accomodate, so princess were effectivly forcing people to take anytime dinning. I think there was more behind the move to anytime than "its what the customers want". As it happened you could create your own trad experience in the anytime room by getting seated at the same table if you wanted.


As for NCL offering trad, since you can create the trad experience they don't really need to, but the implimentation and communication of this feature needs to be clearer and more consitant across the fleet.


We discovered on out last trip(Gem TA) that if you have a special requirement they have a system in place based on your cabin No. so you can have this where ever you eat on the ship, worked great, no need to ask/explain at each meal, just order you meal with "xxxx special" and it just turns up.


Its like the always available menu items that are not listed, if you don't know you don't get.


I wonder what other great features are there but just not known about.

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I've spoken with lots of disabled cruisers. It seems there is always one or two cruise lines that are favored by those who can't get around as easily as the rest of us ... simple things like being able to move around the ship with ease w/o stairs. Simple fact is there are some ships out there that make it impossible for someone in a wheel chair.

I've also heard from these cruisers that there are some ship's staff that cater more effectively to handicapped cruisers ... some do not. That list surprises me.

If you are in a wheelchair, it IS important to know where you're going to be able to cruise with ease and get help if needed. In fact, there are some TAs that work heavily with the disabled. It's a big business ... and the *older* I get, the more I appreciate it. :o


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Perspective is a wonderful thing, isn't it?


The OP (I'm borrowing from others' analogies) wandered into the Toyota Fan Club and said... eeeewww you bought a Toyota? I prefer Fords, Toyotas don't have enough cup holders for me.



She phrased it as "I wonder if Toyota could re-design their product to be more like a Ford"


But the effect was the same. She came in & put-down a defining element of the cruiseline, and then seems surprised that long-time fans might feel protective (note I don't use the word 'defensive') of their baby...maybe for fear that the OP's wish might come true, and then NO line would offer the freedom of choice that NCL does.


There are several lines which offer Traditional.....there's only ONE that offers Freestyle.


Trying to change it.......not allowed!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:


I love your womenswear analogy too! Very well done!!


This particular post that you're referring to here, though, I think you may have misunderstood. Most of us here are supporting freestyle as is (No Menswear, thanks!), but we're doing it politely. (others said similar things regarding cruising on other lines, but did so more tactfully) The OP, while stating something she disliked and wondering if there could be a compromise of some sort, did so politely. A couple of people did not like the way one poster replied to her - which was quite abrasive. None of us, including the OP I'm sure, thought that she was going to get a flurry of support for her idea, and she made a point of posting a thanks for a good discussion on the topic. I hope that she's been able to get some information here that will help her enjoy freestyle in a more 'traditional' way in the future so that she can try cruising out of SF. There was never any reason to be rude to her. :)

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Sorry...are people in wheelchairs supposed to be treated differently now?


I thought the whole notion of progressive thought was that you overlook the physical challenge, and treat the person as an equal?



If the person in a wheelchair is pushing to change the thing you love, you have as much right to advise them to push-off, as you would if they were an Olympic sprinter.


Treating a person as an equal has nothing to do with accommodating any special needs they may have. While an accountant in a wheelchair can prepare your taxes just as well or better than an ambulatory accountant, they still can't bring them up the stairs to your door. :)


The problem with the post that upset people was the tone. Everyone else here was having a polite conversation. As for the person in the wheelchair trying to change the thing we love... they haven't done a thing. The OP mentioned her mother in a chair because the inconvenience of dealing with the chair contributed to the problems she encountered. I imagine they could have made it easier for themselves if they had asked for special treatment, but they didn't.


You seem to be quite rational. That analogy about the womenswear store was really good... I'm not sure why you're upset that other people on the thread don't like seeing someone be rude. It had nothing to do with the subject matter, they just didn't like the tone of that particular post.

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I'm not sure why you're upset that other people on the thread don't like seeing someone be rude. It had nothing to do with the subject matter, they just didn't like the tone of that particular post.



This is an easy one to clarify for you. I've written things in the past which have been labelled "rude", or have been construed to have issues with "tone" (not to be confused with the 1 or 2 posts where I was REALLY stirring the pot! :rolleyes: :eek: )


It's very difficult to grasp "tone" in written format, especially in the context of a bulletin board where people write & post quickly so as to remain topical, as opposed to editing and "toning" their messages.


I think that a bulletin board environment (and I've been using them since the days of dial-up BBSes 25+ years ago) should excuse "tone", and frankly there's nothing to be gained by belittling in-turn.


The poster to whom I was responding seemed upset at the other poster not because of her tone, but because one of the recipients of the perceived tone was in a wheelchair, and therefore deserved "empathy".


I guess I'm starting to mix my political philosophies into the cruise board again :rolleyes: , but to me it seems just as discriminatory & biased & "wrong" to kow-tow to someone's opinion JUST because they're in a wheelchair.


But we're into a whole different conversation now, and this post doesn't require a response... :)

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And now for something completely different...


Cosmo, it took me a while to figure out what you were trying to say... I had to stop laughing first. :D Having lived in Europe, when someone says "WC" I get a completely different picture in my head. First thought was, "OMG, she's pushing hubby around in a port-a-potty?!?" :eek: :p ;)


We sailed the Dawn with DH in a WC. Unexpected broken foot w/surgery.
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To pick up on the point of other lines following NCL,


It may have changed but on all three of our princess cruises(2005/6) the trad dining was waitlisted since more people wanted that than the restaurant allocated could accomodate, so princess were effectivly forcing people to take anytime dinning. I think there was more behind the move to anytime than "its what the customers want". As it happened you could create your own trad experience in the anytime room by getting seated at the same table if you wanted.


As for NCL offering trad, since you can create the trad experience they don't really need to, but the implimentation and communication of this feature needs to be clearer and more consitant across the fleet.


We discovered on out last trip(Gem TA) that if you have a special requirement they have a system in place based on your cabin No. so you can have this where ever you eat on the ship, worked great, no need to ask/explain at each meal, just order you meal with "xxxx special" and it just turns up.


Its like the always available menu items that are not listed, if you don't know you don't get.


I wonder what other great features are there but just not known about.



As noted previsouly, most of the mainstream lines that used to sell "just mens clothes" have started to sell some "womens clothes" too. The world did not come to an end (despite protests from folks on those boards who insisted that it would).


I often go shopping with DW, and have gone in to womens clothing stores with her :eek: . In one of the stores, there are some golf shirts in the corner, I'd usually check them out while she's in the dressing room, wore one of them on the last Spirit Cruise, as a matter of fact.


Our perspective may be different than some, as airfare from Memphis is always crazy expensive. So the only clothing store (a 7day cruise) within a 6hr driving distance, is out of NOLA. The cruising market has developed very rapidly, but it is not yet a Mega Mall with many easy alternatives a few steps away as some have implied.


What folks are saying to us is, in effect, "if you don't like waiting 10 minutes for dinner, drive 12 more hours or take a plane."

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And now for something completely different...


Cosmo, it took me a while to figure out what you were trying to say... I had to stop laughing first. :D Having lived in Europe, when someone says "WC" I get a completely different picture in my head. First thought was, "OMG, she's pushing hubby around in a port-a-potty?!?" :eek: :p ;)

You're not alone. I had the same images running through my head.


But weird images in this head is nothing new.:D

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I suppose I'll just add my $.02.


I just can't see why, when there are more than enough cruiselines that offer tradtional dining, anyone would just not sail those. I live in Texas. In order to get the cruise that I want-itineraries and cruiseline (NCL) and ships (NCL Dawn or newer), I have to fly to Miami, Seattle or New York. I like Freestyle and in order to take the vacation that I want, I have make it happen.


I dearly wish NCL had the ships and itineraries going out of Houston that appeal to me but they don't. Oh well.


I'm not tring to bash anyone but it just doesn't make sense to me that someone just doesn't sail on a line that offers what they want. Other than eating in the school cafateria, I have never had anyone tell me when to eat so my mind can't wrap around that appealing to anyone. I know that there are reasons why some people need it and I'm not bashing anyone, I swear. I simply can't invision the appeal. Please don't think I'm putting anyone down, I'm not.


Freestyle works for many people but it simply isn't for everyone. Heck, I love buffets but others refer to them in less that nice terms, that's there opinion-can't change it. There are cruiselines for all sorts of people. I'm a loyalist to the line that makes my vacation a vacation and am unapoligetic about it. If you find a line (or lines) that is better at making your vacation a vacation stick with what you like.

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I dearly wish NCL had the ships and itineraries going out of Houston that appeal to me but they don't. Oh well.


I'm not tring to bash anyone but it just doesn't make sense to me that someone just doesn't sail on a line that offers what they want.


Well said (by that I mean your entire post, not just the part I quoted)! And then we wouldn't have to ask them to turn a Toyota into a Ford, or a Buick into a Chevy, an Ipod into a Zune, or a Mac into an IBM ;)

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Well said (by that I mean your entire post, not just the part I quoted)! And then we wouldn't have to ask them to turn a Toyota into a Ford, or a Buick into a Chevy, an Ipod into a Zune, or a Mac into an IBM ;)

Actually if I could get my HP turned into an I-book, that would be AWESOME! :D . Alas, it is not to be :( .

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I love NCL for their iteniaries, IMHO best available, the Gem, entertainment, CRUISE REWARDS etc.


I would also appreciate some improvements in the Freestyle experieince. I can make Freestyle work for me on my vacation. It does require some effort and foresight though to do so. I am looking forward to the day I can have the same experieince as others who never have a problem getting reservations when, where and with whom they want without fail. Other than for a few vocal folks who say they never have a problem getting what they want, this has not been my experience. On our Gem cruise with approx. 30 something CruiseCritics none of us were able to experieince freestyle without some level of inconvenience in getting reservations for time, place or group size we needed. Even with a group size of 4.


Now back to the car analogy, I certainly appreciate whether it is Ford or Toyota that these companies are constantly inovating and tweaking their product to appeal to more people. These companies are constantly striving to upgrade and improve the product. Remember when Dodge was the only company with a minivan. It didn't take very long before everyone was making them.


So as far as NCL goes, I hope they keep trying to improve the Freestyle concept as I certainly enjoy and particpate in the positives it has to offer. Along those lines, I hope NCL will work to improve the reservations system, maybe offer a traditional seating concept, as I think many might opt for that and would appreciate it. The bottom line is that the cruisers sailing NCL will ultimately influence the progression of Freestyle through our discussions here and comment cards on the cruises.


BTW, a few folks are getting way overboard in the tone and content of their posts IMO and I would love to see a calm exchange of ideas without all the personal attacks, because you don't agree with another's opinion.



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I hope nothing I said was viewed as a personal attack, that certainly was never my intent.


I really think it comes down to expectations. I'm just a low maintenance person. Nothing about the traditional dining experience appeals to me at all. Iced tea when I sit down or iced tea 5 minutes later-no big deal. There's only two of us traveling and I guess that's the key. Getting a table for two is a breeze, obviously. As long as I eat before 8pm, I'm happy. I don't see shows, so I was never planning my meal around anything. I ate, whenever. There was always something to eat and I was always happy.


As I said Freestyle just doesn't work for some people. This isn't a put-down, it's just a fact. If the whole product that NCL sells (and all that it intails)doesn't work for someone, why not go with what does?



I think my Sunshine Cruiser tendencies are showing. :)

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I would also appreciate some improvements in the Freestyle experieince. I can make Freestyle work for me on my vacation. It does require some effort and foresight though to do so. I am looking forward to the day I can have the same experieince as others who never have a problem getting reservations when, where and with whom they want without fail. Other than for a few vocal folks who say they never have a problem getting what they want, this has not been my experience. On our Gem cruise with approx. 30 something CruiseCritics none of us were able to experieince freestyle without some level of inconvenience in getting reservations for time, place or group size we needed. Even with a group size of 4.


Now back to the car analogy, I certainly appreciate whether it is Ford or Toyota that these companies are constantly inovating and tweaking their product to appeal to more people. These companies are constantly striving to upgrade and improve the product. Remember when Dodge was the only company with a minivan. It didn't take very long before everyone was making them.


So as far as NCL goes, I hope they keep trying to improve the Freestyle concept as I certainly enjoy and particpate in the positives it has to offer. Along those lines, I hope NCL will work to improve the reservations system, maybe offer a traditional seating concept, as I think many might opt for that and would appreciate it. The bottom line is that the cruisers sailing NCL will ultimately influence the progression of Freestyle through our discussions here and comment cards on the cruises.


BTW, a few folks are getting way overboard in the tone and content of their posts IMO and I would love to see a calm exchange of ideas without all the personal attacks, because you don't agree with another's opinion.




Have you stopped to take some time to figure out why there are sometimes inconveniences in getting reservations for time, place or group size? The answer is simple, there just aren't enough tables and chairs in all the restaurants to meet the demand all the time.


Many others besides myself have suggested that setting aside one main restaurant for "traditional" dining eliminates tables so desperately needed for the "freestyle" dining experience to flourish, and with reduced tables, "freestyle" will not work. Therefore, short of adding another restaurant aboard "all" NCL ships or eliminating one "specialty" restaurant and converting it into your "traditional" restaurant is required.


Eliminating a speciality restaurant will reduce "freestyle" dining options, again reducing the freestyle options so many want. If I had a choice of a Cagney's Steakhouse restaurant, or a "traditional" Main Continential restaurant serving the same menu as the two "freestyle" Main Continential restaurants, I would prefer a choice of a Cagney's Steakhouse every time.


If they were adding another restaurant, I would prefer another cultural specialty restuarant to experience than another Continential restaurant set aside for traditional.


As others have reported, Princess' Anytime Dining had birthing pains, and I wouldn't want NCL to experience when it's so easy to avoid. Princess actually cards passengers before entering restaurants, once you have made your choice, you're stuck with it for the entire cruise.

I wouldn't want you to be stuck at the sole "traditional" restaurant only and be prevented from experiencing all the other cultural foods and restaurants found aboard NCL ships.


Personally, I like being able to switch restaurants and tables, and not dining at the same table every night. Not everyone can get a table near the huge windows at the Window's restaurant on the Spirit if we used traditional.

But with freestyle, it is possible for everyone to dine near those windows once during a cruise. Or dine at the Garden Room, or the many other specialty restaurants on the same cruise.


As it is with Freestyle, you can dine in the same restaurant every night if you wish, but not at the same table nor with the same waiter. To get the same waiter every night, you'll have to follow him from restaurant to restaurant. To get the same table, you'll have to allow different waiters to serve you throughout your cruise. Learn to live with things as they are, or sail on a different cruise line.

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I almost decided not to respond, but I think so many get wrapped up around not being stuck in the same restaurant every night or same table, or same people and passions run hot on this subject. I agree! These are the great things to enjoy with Freestyle and I enjoy these and embrace these. My suggestions and thoughts were not intended to criticize/annoy those who are totally in love with the concept.


However, the 3rd leg of Freestyle is WHEN you want. As Electricron so eloquently pointed out there are times when you cannot eat when you want. My point is that it is not entirely Freestyle if I can't get all three points, When, With Whom, and Where I want. This is why Freestyle dining is being endlessly discussed on these various threads. If I can't eat when I want then I am back to the traditional concept of early or late seating, just like on a traditional line or if time of eating is important then I have the inconvenieince of getting a reservation or just take my chances like on a land vacation.


I think these pros/cons are why everyone gets so excited when people bring changing it up. With Freestyle, my observations are that cruisers will fall into 4 groups:


1. Love it, dont' change a thing.


2. Like the concept and some of the conveniences, but would like to see enhancements.


3. Take it or Leave It, will put up with it if the ship/ports are where I want to go.


4. Hate it, worst thing to ever occur to cruising.


I am either a 2 or 3 depending on the night of the cruise.


I honestly can see both sides of this discussion, pro and cons, Those in the Cat 1 are not going to change those in the Cat 4 or vice versa. Those of us in the Cat 2 or Cat 3 just try to bring balance and not scare off some cruisers who might want to give it a try.

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As noted previsouly, most of the mainstream lines that used to sell "just mens clothes" have started to sell some "womens clothes" too. The world did not come to an end (despite protests from folks on those boards who insisted that it would).


I often go shopping with DW, and have gone in to womens clothing stores with her :eek: . In one of the stores, there are some golf shirts in the corner, I'd usually check them out while she's in the dressing room, wore one of them on the last Spirit Cruise, as a matter of fact.


Our perspective may be different than some, as airfare from Memphis is always crazy expensive. So the only clothing store (a 7day cruise) within a 6hr driving distance, is out of NOLA. The cruising market has developed very rapidly, but it is not yet a Mega Mall with many easy alternatives a few steps away as some have implied.


What folks are saying to us is, in effect, "if you don't like waiting 10 minutes for dinner, drive 12 more hours or take a plane."


I'm not sure if you meant to do it, but you reversed women's and men's wear in your reply... which is an entirely different thing. Stereotypically, women enjoy shopping and men don't, so a men's store adding women's clothing is a lot more likely to generate more sales than a women's clothing store adding men's... :)


Back to womenswear... I have no idea what store you're referring to that is a women's store but offers a rack of golf shirts... but I do know that the vast majority of women's clothing stores have NO menswear. I could list at least a dozen stores just off the top of my head that carry ONLY womenswear, but since I'm in Canada, the names may not be recognizable, so I won't bother.


I'm sorry to hear that the only port within driving distance from you forces you to endure freestyle! :p (please note the tongue planted firmly in my cheek there!) I live in Saskatchewan. I don't know what the prices are to fly out of Memphis, but I guarantee it costs me more to get to any cruise port than you! Driving isn't even a consideration. Perhaps that makes it easier for me, since there isn't a convenient port for me, so it's all the same... but for me, that 'convenience factor' is not part of the issue.


I do understand geographical convenience, though... I like jeans from a certain store. We don't actually have the store in Canada - or at least not anywhere near me. So, I buy jeans whenever I'm in a large US city. If I've never been there before, I go online before I travel and find all the locations so that I can go buy some jeans. I'm really looking forward to a day in LA in two and a half weeks; I've found three locations within easy driving (and finding) distance of our hotel, and the last time I was able to buy jeans was last December in Houston. Could I go to a store here at home and buy jeans? Yes, but they wouldn't fit me as well as the ones this chain carries. (men may not understand this issue since their bodies don't vary quite as much as women's, but believe me, when a woman finds jeans/pants that fit her body type, it's a momentous occasion) So... I think I understand, possibly better than most, what it means to not have exactly what I want convenient to me. I choose not to 'make do'.


If NCL and freestyle are 'making do' for people who prefer traditional, then it is their choice to take advantage of the convenience or not. This applies to price, dates, itineraries, and any other reason someone would choose to sail a ship that isn't their preference. The choice is still theirs, however. As far as trip booking go, we all have the opportunity to 'freestyle'... we make our own choices about where and when and with whom we travel!!

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As noted previsouly, most of the mainstream lines that used to sell "just mens clothes" have started to sell some "womens clothes" too. The world did not come to an end (despite protests from folks on those boards who insisted that it would).


I often go shopping with DW, and have gone in to womens clothing stores with her :eek: . In one of the stores, there are some golf shirts in the corner, I'd usually check them out while she's in the dressing room, wore one of them on the last Spirit Cruise, as a matter of fact.


Our perspective may be different than some, as airfare from Memphis is always crazy expensive. So the only clothing store (a 7day cruise) within a 6hr driving distance, is out of NOLA. The cruising market has developed very rapidly, but it is not yet a Mega Mall with many easy alternatives a few steps away as some have implied.


What folks are saying to us is, in effect, "if you don't like waiting 10 minutes for dinner, drive 12 more hours or take a plane."

No, what we are saying is, instead of trying to get a cruise line to change its way of business to suit you just because it sails from a port near you, you should be spending your time lobbying a cruise line that does business as you wish to bring a ship into that port near you. Your time would be better served.

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I think these pros/cons are why everyone gets so excited when people bring changing it up. With Freestyle, my observations are that cruisers will fall into 4 groups:


1. Love it, dont' change a thing.


2. Like the concept and some of the conveniences, but would like to see enhancements.


3. Take it or Leave It, will put up with it if the ship/ports are where I want to go.


4. Hate it, worst thing to ever occur to cruising.


I am either a 2 or 3 depending on the night of the cruise.


I honestly can see both sides of this discussion, pro and cons, Those in the Cat 1 are not going to change those in the Cat 4 or vice versa. Those of us in the Cat 2 or Cat 3 just try to bring balance and not scare off some cruisers who might want to give it a try.


You're very tactful and positive... definitely a Sunshine Cruiser!! :)


I absolutely agree with your four categories, and with the fact that 1s and 4s are very unlikely to change their views - and that's okay. Nobody says they should. (well, okay, some do, but we're going to ignore them! :p ) I think the real bottom line, though, is something you said in an earlier post... if you have determined that freestyle just isn't for you, there are plenty of other lines to book with. I'm not generally a 'like it or lump it' kind of person, and I don't think you are either... but I don't really see this in that light. We're not saying 'If you don't like it, you can just go without,' we're saying 'If you don't like it, choose a similar experience with what you DO like.' I'll just never understand why someone would pay the amount of money a cruise costs to have an experience they know in advance they won't enjoy. Or... if they are aware of what freestyle is, and they choose to book anyway, why complain about it? Certainly there has to be a first time, and for those people, I hope they find as much to enjoy on cruises as I do, even if they decide they'd rather have a traditional experience in the future. But for repeat cruisers, we all have a choice of which line to book with, and as adults, I think we should all be capable of then accepting whatever experience we've agreed to. :)


I just thought of a very recent example where I exercised my personal choice... This new year's eve, some friends of ours asked if we would like to go to a local dinner theatre. This establishment always has a fantastic show... but their food leaves a LOT to be desired... and personal taste aside, I don't actually know anyone who has ever said their food was good! Well, we were willing to choke down the food so that we could enjoy a good show and the company of our friends... until we found out that the price had been jacked up for new year's eve. They wanted $70 per ticket!! I said to my friend,'I'm paying less than that per day on our cruise!' ha ha ha We all agreed that if the calibre of the food had been better, we would have considered it, but at that price, we just couldn't justify it. So... we went from CHOOSING to attend a venue with one thing we wanted and one thing we didn't, at a price we could accept, to CHOOSING not to go because the price had changed. If someone CHOOSES to book NCL knowing they have freestyle, because of fare, itinerary, or some other 'positive', then they should just accept it. If it's NOT worth it, then they shouldn't book it.


Ouch! I tripped over that big dead horse. Where did that come from? :p

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NealStuber- you need a better TA. AirTran has a $184 nonstop to Ft. Lauderdale in 3 weeks. Leaves Saturday. Sounds better than 6 hours back and forth to NOLA. With al ittle searching, I think you might find that more than NCL sails out of Ft. Lauderdale.

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hmmmm, been trying to find the right words.

any changes would make us think twice about cruising. with traditional we never got what we wanted..we either ate too early or too late and with stangers. yes, they were friendly strangers...but usually way older then we were and nothing in common for future friendships. even now we don't want to seat with too many our own age, they like to talk about their grandkids...a subject we admire but can't relate to.


i think freestyle is worried-about to the point that many get themselves confused. it goes to the point that some do like being told what to do, in life or on vacation. we can become robotic over time and worry about making our own choices. there are many people who don't even plan their own vacation, they call a TA and then let someone else do it all. it's panic time if you tell them to make their own flights/print their own tickets, etc. it's just their nature.

it you want a set dining time, what keeps you from going at a set time? they have a matre d, a restaurant manager and a hostess...talk to one of them to set up time. (they have a reservation book at the main entrance of the dining rooms) just like traditional, it's going to be early or late.

we do have all 3...we eat where we want, when we want (haven't had a problem with that yet), and with whom we want (table for 2 anywhere)

with traditional we don't get any of those 3 without problems...even finding a table for 2 is difficult.

getting reservations for the specialities shouldn't be compared to traditional...only dining in the main dining rooms. even on ships with traditional, if you want to eat at a speciality you have to take the times that are open, on the nights they have openings (i read the "new posts" people have problems on the other cruiselines, also). comparing make reservations at a speciality with traditional dining is the old "apples to oranges".

in the main dining rooms on a "freestyle" ship, a traditional diner can speak up and make his needs known. no, the waiter may know if you want ice tea or wine with diner....but then i drank ice tea for a whole cruise because i ordered that on the 1st night. the waiter never understood that i didn't want the same thing every night.

many of us "baby boomers" have a little "hippie" in us and like making our own choices.

please, please, please don't change my "freestyle"...i love it!!!

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