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Very Disappointed - Celebrity Galaxy


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Good question. Nothing ever mentioned about seeing a doctor until today. I think most people would have emphasized a serious injury rather than some noise and vibrations.


My wife did go to see her GP and he prescribed pain killers and rest which did not work so she went back to her GP again and he referred her to a specialist - you know the rest.

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I continue to read this thread with abject wonder. By the way, you never answered a question I asked you many posts ago. Which Ancient Empires sailing were you on? The November 10 sailing from Rome, or the November 24 sailing from Athens?




Sorry I missed that - it was 24th November sailing.

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A quick question for the OP. Did you take your wife to see the doctor on the ship and did you file a written report of the incident while onboard?

Thanks in advance for you answer.


The accident happened on the Thursday evening before departure and I wrote to the Hotel Director the next day reporting the accident and the defective stair nosings and also registering my disappointment that they had done nothing about the noise and vibration problem that I had reported earlier.

As we were going home on the Saturday my wife did not go to see the ship's doctor as he would have probably given her the same advice as our GP and made a charge for it. We had some pain killers with us so she took these and hoped it would get better, which it didn't.

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The accident happened on the Thursday evening before departure and I wrote to the Hotel Director the next day reporting the accident and the defective stair nosings and also registering my disappointment that they had done nothing about the noise and vibration problem that I had reported earlier.

As we were going home on the Saturday my wife did not go to see the ship's doctor as he would have probably given her the same advice as our GP and made a charge for it. We had some pain killers with us so she took these and hoped it would get better, which it didn't.


Thank you for your answer

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This poster reminds me of a patient I had once.


At the time I had an office in my home and after her appointment I walked her out to her car. I noticed her license plate read "4MYPAIN" I asked her what that meant and she told me she had bought the car with the money she got from "one of the times she sued someone"!!


I went into the house and thought a long time about it and decided she wasn't worth taking care of knowing how easy it was for her to sue someone...why would I put myself in that position? I called her and told her I couldn't be her midwife, and she was plenty upset at me. I called a few close midwife friends and told them to beware. Never heard from her again, but often wondered who she ended up having her baby with and whether or not she sued them.


I have sent a copy of my letter and photographs that I sent to the President of Celebrity.

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It would be far more interesting to see a picture of the offending stair nosing.....please post one.


Thousands of people every year have accidents and try to blame someone else for the outcome. People trip on minor things or even nothing and hurt themselves. Is it possible your wife was wearing high heels that made her less stable on her feet, or was a little tipsy and less able to notice what her feet were doing. Perhaps her husband was hurrying her along and made her trip. Maybe she was turning her head to talk to someone and misstepped. I can think of even more scenarios that could cause her to trip and fall. Why must the cruise lines pay for any of those? Perhaps the stair nosing contributed to her tripping, but just because you know of two people who tripped (no idea what conditions might have causes the other gentleman to trip)what were the thousands of other people doing special to avoid tripping?


Some interesting thoughts there - have you ever heard of Heinrich's Accident Triangle which carried out a study of accidents - here is a brief overview:

"A study of accidents was done. What it revealed on the average is: that out of 330 times in an identical situation, there would be 300 near miss accidents, or opportunities to see an accident coming. 29 times there would be a minor accident, and 1 out of the 330 would result in a serious accident. For example: I could stumble on a crack in the sidewalk 300 times, I might fall and sustain a scrape or bruise 29 times, and one time I could perhaps fall with a baby in my arms and the child would be severely injured. Since this is a statistical model, we don’t know which time will be the serious injury. It could be the first stumble, the last, or anywhere in the middle of the 330. This is why we should investigate all accidents and near miss opportunities."


This theory is accepted around the world by most accident investigators as is the rule that those people that cause the accident pay for them. Of course we don't know how many other people have had accidents due to this problem and this will be an interesting area to explore in Court as will who was to blame.

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Sorry, I think I stumbled onto the Disboards. :D


The OP indicated from the beginning an assortment of complaints that he had regarding his cruise. In viewing the responses of many, I have started to believe that this thread is an attack on Disney (to some the almighty of corporate America) and thus the corporation needs you to come to it's rescue.


Why is it so hard to believe that Celebrity messed up here? I have seen many comments on this and other threads about noise problems, particularly on deck 4, yet the OP is held responsible for cabin choice? Why isn't Celebrity held responsible for what is an apparently well known problem and it's failure to either correct the problem or close the affected cabins? The OP clearly stated that his wife, and if memory serves, he also witnessed another passenger, tripping on a stair. Yet when her trip also leads to medical attention, the OP is attacked because others on this thread focused on minor complaints. I would like to know why people aren't outraged that when a safety issue is brought forward, as it apparently was, that Celebrity, and in particular Daniel Stacy didn't react immediately? There were also a number of "minor" incidents that many have focused on to support their arguement that the OP is complaint/suit happy. I personally think that had Celebrity effectively dealt with the major issues, that the minor ones would not be getting discussed on these boards.


Celebrity, like almost all corporations, can mess up. Rather than attacking those that experience the cruise line at their worst, we need to learn from their experiences so that we don't have to live through them.

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Perhaps it's because the OP just finished suing another cruiseline...makes some of us a little suspicious. As far as vibrations on a ship, they're common. Some cabins have more than others. Some people are more sensitive than others. I've sailed many times on the aft of a ship and have experienced vibrations...sometimes severe, but it would never impact my enjoyment of a cruise. Should they close down these cabins? I hardly think so since they also have some great advantages.

Since some of the complaints for his other lawsuit were regarding vibrations it would seem that he would want to find out before sailing if he were going to be in an area of the ship that is prone to vibration.

It's certainly possible that we can all just believe what the poster says, just as it's possible that having received an award from other cruiselines he may be looking for problems.

I really hate to feel suspicious, but I think there is a little to much litigation for minor problems that ends up costing all of us in the end.

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Perhaps it's because the OP just finished suing another cruiseline...makes some of us a little suspicious. As far as vibrations on a ship, they're common. Some cabins have more than others. Some people are more sensitive than others. I've sailed many times on the aft of a ship and have experienced vibrations...sometimes severe, but it would never impact my enjoyment of a cruise. Should they close down these cabins? I hardly think so since they also have some great advantages.


Since some of the complaints for his other lawsuit were regarding vibrations it would seem that he would want to find out before sailing if he were going to be in an area of the ship that is prone to vibration.


It's certainly possible that we can all just believe what the poster says, just as it's possible that having received an award from other cruiselines he may be looking for problems.


I really hate to feel suspicious, but I think there is a little to much litigation for minor problems that ends up costing all of us in the end.

Should we then feel suspicious of his other cruises? Has the OP sued every cruise? Of course not, he has sued once - and won, if we believe the OP and there is really no reason not to on that issue. Also, please remember that the OP also sued in the UK where the court system is no where near as frivalous as the US system can sometimes be. Given that, although many posters to the thread may disagree, I believe that the OP had a legitimate suit, proved his case, and won. Regarding the cabin, it was not just the vibration issue that the OP has complained about but rather noise during the night. If indeed there are cabins that have excessive noise (I don't think we know how many decibels the OP encountered), than yes, the cabin can and should be shut down.

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Should we then feel suspicious of his other cruises? Has the OP sued every cruise? Of course not, he has sued once - and won, if we believe the OP and there is really no reason not to on that issue. Also, please remember that the OP also sued in the UK where the court system is no where near as frivalous as the US system can sometimes be. Given that, although many posters to the thread may disagree, I believe that the OP had a legitimate suit, proved his case, and won. Regarding the cabin, it was not just the vibration issue that the OP has complained about but rather noise during the night. If indeed there are cabins that have excessive noise (I don't think we know how many decibels the OP encountered), than yes, the cabin can and should be shut down.


Do you believe these problems rise to the level of a lawsuit?

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Do you believe these problems rise to the level of a lawsuit?


I definitely believe that if the condition of the ship caused the OP's wife and other passenger(s) to fall, than yes a law suit may be warranted. I also believe that if the noise in the cabin were such (testing decibel level would be needed) as to prevent sleep, than it was incumbent upon Celebrity to resolve the issue at the time. Celebrity's course was to ignore it, therefore, a legal recourse may also be warranted. Would I sue because of the lack of choices at a theme dinner, or having to wait for a table at luch or the inabilities of a contracted supplier to provide a quality piece of papyrus - no. But I don't believe that those minor incidents are driving the OP. I can't speak for fireman999, but I do believe all of this wouldn't be getting discussed on the board if his very real issues about the step and room noise had been properly addressed onboard - which he tried to do.

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Perhaps it's because the OP just finished suing another cruiseline...makes some of us a little suspicious. As far as vibrations on a ship, they're common. Some cabins have more than others. Some people are more sensitive than others. I've sailed many times on the aft of a ship and have experienced vibrations...sometimes severe, but it would never impact my enjoyment of a cruise. Should they close down these cabins? I hardly think so since they also have some great advantages.

Since some of the complaints for his other lawsuit were regarding vibrations it would seem that he would want to find out before sailing if he were going to be in an area of the ship that is prone to vibration.

It's certainly possible that we can all just believe what the poster says, just as it's possible that having received an award from other cruiselines he may be looking for problems.



Exactly what I have been thinking for this entire thread, well put! (but I love reading it!!):D

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I definitely believe that if the condition of the ship caused the OP's wife and other passenger(s) to fall, than yes a law suit may be warranted. I also believe that if the noise in the cabin were such (testing decibel level would be needed) as to prevent sleep, than it was incumbent upon Celebrity to resolve the issue at the time. Celebrity's course was to ignore it, therefore, a legal recourse may also be warranted. Would I sue because of the lack of choices at a theme dinner, or having to wait for a table at luch or the inabilities of a contracted supplier to provide a quality piece of papyrus - no. But I don't believe that those minor incidents are driving the OP. I can't speak for fireman999, but I do believe all of this wouldn't be getting discussed on the board if his very real issues about the step and room noise had been properly addressed onboard - which he tried to do.


I guess the thing that bothers me is that there was nothing said about an injury until much later. In the beginning he said his wife tripped...not that she fell and was injured. The injury was not brought up until people were questioning the other things which seemed to be the focus of his complaint. If there were no other cabins available, what would you suggest they do? Lots of other people were in the same area of the ship. Ships are creaky and noisy at times especially in the aft section of the ship. Some cabins located under public areas are noisy too. Why would he book that cabin if he had issues with vibration before?


Maybe it's because I've been on too many cruises and have seen how Celebrity tries to make their passengers happy that I have a problem with the story.

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I definitely believe that if the condition of the ship caused the OP's wife and other passenger(s) to fall, than yes a law suit may be warranted. I also believe that if the noise in the cabin were such (testing decibel level would be needed) as to prevent sleep, than it was incumbent upon Celebrity to resolve the issue at the time. Celebrity's course was to ignore it, therefore, a legal recourse may also be warranted. Would I sue because of the lack of choices at a theme dinner, or having to wait for a table at luch or the inabilities of a contracted supplier to provide a quality piece of papyrus - no. But I don't believe that those minor incidents are driving the OP. I can't speak for fireman999, but I do believe all of this wouldn't be getting discussed on the board if his very real issues about the step and room noise had been properly addressed onboard - which he tried to do.


So how did he handle the step? He notified them as he was leaving, didn't tell anyone in authority about the incident when it happenned, didn't file the proper report and has no earthly clue if it was fixed as soon as management recieved the note he left as he was leaving. The noise may be a true problem but I beleive the fall is one that has grown as people didn't buy into his story and self proclaimed hero status.

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I guess the thing that bothers me is that there was nothing said about an injury until much later. In the beginning he said his wife tripped...not that she fell and was injured. The injury was not brought up until people were questioning the other things which seemed to be the focus of his complaint. If there were no other cabins available, what would you suggest they do? Lots of other people were in the same area of the ship. Ships are creaky and noisy at times especially in the aft section of the ship. Some cabins located under public areas are noisy too. Why would he book that cabin if he had issues with vibration before?


Maybe it's because I've been on too many cruises and have seen how Celebrity tries to make their passengers happy that I have a problem with the story.


Yes he didn't discuss any injury to his wife until later but mentioned the trip with the original post. I see no reason to question someone's integrity unless they are proven to be of questionable honesty. My comments about noise and possibly closing of cabins refers not just to fireman999's post but to the many complaints that I have read about certain cabins. If the problem exists and is constant then it really is up to Celebrity to do something about it so that either a passenger is properly forwarned or compensated. I can appreciate that you have enjoyed many cruises with Celebrity but I have seen an inconsistent approach on these threads. Given what I have read here, had I come to these boards first, I likely would not have booked Celebrity. In particular, I place a great deal of emphasis on how companies resolve issues; which appears to be a problem for Celebrity.


So how did he handle the step? He notified them as he was leaving, didn't tell anyone in authority about the incident when it happenned, didn't file the proper report and has no earthly clue if it was fixed as soon as management recieved the note he left as he was leaving.

Given Celebrity's failure to resolve his earlier complaint, Celebrity's failure to communicate with him, and the fact that the stair was apparently in a state of disrepair (which in and of itself is negligence), I see nothing wrong with fireman999's use of a note to the hotel director. If his plan was to sue, he most certainly would have brought the incident to everyone's attention at the time of the event.

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He didn't say there was a stair that was in a state of disrepair. He said the stair nosings in the Celebrity Theater are dangerous. Having seen them I know one must pay attention to where he is going when entering and leaving the theater. They are all like that.

It's very easy to post photographs to this board or an independent website such as webshots so we could all see what he is talking about.

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As for the noisy cabins, couldn't they sell them with a proviso that they are noisy (much like they indicate that certain cabins are "obstructed view")? I agree that it is bad if they sell them without warning, and I don't feel that it should be the customer's responsibility to do extensive research just to procure a cabin he/she will find tolerable...

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Yes he didn't discuss any injury to his wife until later but mentioned the trip with the original post. I see no reason to question someone's integrity unless they are proven to be of questionable honesty. My comments about noise and possibly closing of cabins refers not just to fireman999's post but to the many complaints that I have read about certain cabins. If the problem exists and is constant then it really is up to Celebrity to do something about it so that either a passenger is properly forwarned or compensated. I can appreciate that you have enjoyed many cruises with Celebrity but I have seen an inconsistent approach on these threads. Given what I have read here, had I come to these boards first, I likely would not have booked Celebrity. In particular, I place a great deal of emphasis on how companies resolve issues; which appears to be a problem for Celebrity.



Given Celebrity's failure to resolve his earlier complaint, Celebrity's failure to communicate with him, and the fact that the stair was apparently in a state of disrepair (which in and of itself is negligence), I see nothing wrong with fireman999's use of a note to the hotel director. If his plan was to sue, he most certainly would have brought the incident to everyone's attention at the time of the event.


So Celebrity doesn't get the chance to see what the condition of his wife was when she supposedly slipped. Was she possibly intoxicated, wearing shoes which would contribute to the incident many possiilities which the defense can have a wonderful time with. Just doesn't add up to this observor. Again how do you or he know the repairs were not instantly made when the appropriate person was notified.

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I suppose they could but who's going to decide what is "noisy". Most of the people on these boards who have mentioned noise say it's just occasional and they weren't really bothered. If you get in rough seas all the cabins can be noisy.

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I was on deck 8 Aft on Mercury and there was sporadic noise, particularly when pulling in and out of port. From reading the early pages of this thread, it seems as though there are a handful of cabins on lower floors that are constantly noisy. That seemed to be the consensus when the OP brought it up. If that isn't true, than please disregard my proposed solution.

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I have heard about reports of weak floor boards on several other Celebrity ships this past year and other tripping hazards.


I think it is great to have a favorite cruise line and be a Celebrity promoter, but to infer that fireman999's wife was as you said "possibly intoxicated" is way over the line or for that matter it was her fault in any way, with your having absolutely no knowledge of what actually happened. From what fireman999 has reported, what happened, certainly does add up to me and I hope he will ignore those kind of totally un-called for comments and keep us posted on what happens.




What I meant was fireman did not give Celebrity a chance to know what happenned or investigate and a good lawyer will use this to make mincemeat of his claim. Still not buying the ever worsening fall.

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He didn't say there was a stair that was in a state of disrepair. He said the stair nosings in the Celebrity Theater are dangerous. Having seen them I know one must pay attention to where he is going when entering and leaving the theater. They are all like that.


It's very easy to post photographs to this board or an independent website such as webshots so we could all see what he is talking about.


Here you will see one of many damaged stair nosings - is this how a responsible company treats safety?


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I suppose they could but who's going to decide what is "noisy". Most of the people on these boards who have mentioned noise say it's just occasional and they weren't really bothered. If you get in rough seas all the cabins can be noisy.


Let me make it perfectly clear that I am complaining about unacceptable levels of noise and vibration that went on for hours and hours during the night and not the occasional noise and vibration that was felt in the Dining Room. I am a qualified noise assessor so I do have a fair idea of what is acceptable and what isn't and this wasn't and I have the audio files to prove it.

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