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Tips for Cruising with Kids


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Hello All! My children have been very fortunate to go on four cruises and the fifth coming up soon, all on NCL. I started reading the boards and have gotten great suggestions and tips for making the most of the vacation with kids. Below are some either I have come up with or have been suggested. If anyone else has one, please share.


1. Go into the vacation with a great attitude. Some things are bound to go wrong, but if you get an attitude, the kids see it, and behave the same.


2. Show your kids the manners that you expect of them by behaving that way yourself.


3. Have your kids try food not on the Kids menu. This is their chance to broaden the horizons with food.


4. Get a map before you go, that shows where you live, where you will be traveling to. Mark the ports.


5. Don't forget binoculars.


6. Buy each kid their own camera. It is always interesting to see their perceptions of the vacation. I had one who only took pictures of the friends she made, and another who took pictures of every dessert she ate.


7. Go to a crafts store and buy a small thin photo album usually about 99cents. Then put white paper 4X6 in some of the slots, labeling each day of the cruise. This is a quick way for them to journal. Then in the port have them buy their favorite post cards and put them in the empty slots. They can even write on the back of their postcards what they did in that port.


8. Use a hanging shoe holder over the bathroom door, give each person a few slots and have them keep their small stuff in there. Helps keep the room organized.


9. Don't forget a highlighter, between the kids club schedules with different ages, and what you want to do, highlight the daily newspaper and see if it works for everyone.


10. Bring a thin sprial notebook with plastic sleeves to keep the daily's, info, tickets, other information in it, so you know where everything is.


11. Make photocopies of everyones passports and take them with you when you get off the ship. (strange reason - Our daughters are very very tall, and we have had to show it to prove that they really are under 13)


12. If going to another country, teach the kids a few phrases so that they get to feel the excitiment of talking to the locals. Doesn't hurt to teach them some of the customs as well.


13. Most countries take the dollar, but it is interesting and fun for the kids to pay with the currancy of the country. Good math skills too!


14. Take the local transportation. Last year in one country, the local schools got out and all the kids got on the bus in their uniforms, they stared at my youngest with her white blond hair. The kids overcame their shyness and talked to each other. It was neat to watch.


15. Everyone has reasons why they travel, realaxation, food, fun, adventure. It helps to build our childrens self confidence, and ability to learn and help others.


16. On NCL one of the last nights or sessions, the kids color a tshirt given to the from the kids crew, and then they all sign each others shirt. Don't miss this. Ask when it might be. We did, and the kids were sad. Every cruise we have been on, has done this.


Always teach them: Remember the mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open.


Anyone else with some helpful hints???????

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Lovely post...we cruised with a 1 and 4 year old last year and had a wonderful time. We did the E. Carrib. on Disney and had a blast!


My only tips are:


Don't listen to individuals who say you can't bring car seats on a cruise. We hauled ours all around the Carrib. and had no problems finding transportation with seat belts.


Don't listen to individuals who say that young children will not remember the cruise vacation. My 2 year old (18 months when we cruised) still talks about it and "plays" cruise ship with her sister. Memories for the whole family!

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What a great post! We are traveling on the Dawn on 3/23 with our two children, ages 12 & 6 and I love some of your ideas. Will definitely have them keep a journal, what a neat way for them to remember their vacation. Thanks for your time in pulling this together for all of us.:)

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Geat list! The mods should make a sticky and keep this at the top of the family board. :)


--Instead of just a regular disposable, bring a disposable water camera. Some of our best shots came from the beach while the kids were just goofing around. And it's easier to keep a water camera on your wrist while you are chasing the kids through the surf then to worry about your real camera. ;)


--For young kids, bring a sippy cup! Teaching a child to drink from a cup is hard enough without having to teach them to drink out of a glass goblet.


--For the under 4 crowd, bring a stroller! The stoller should be lightweight (umbrella stroller), folds as small as possible with a sunvisor and some storage space.


--Also, for the younger ones, before you leave the cabin every day - MAKE SURE you take your child's lovey (special blanket/toys/stuffed animal) and put it IN THE CLOSET! I have seen a damper put on so many vacations because the kids left their prized possesion in the bed sheets - which went to the laundry room never to be seen again. :eek: So the last thing I do before I leave the room is to make a "lovey check" to see if everything is stashed away in the closet.

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. . . --Also, for the younger ones, before you leave the cabin every day - MAKE SURE you take your child's lovey (special blanket/toys/stuffed animal) and put it IN THE CLOSET! I have seen a damper put on so many vacations because the kids left their prized possesion in the bed sheets - which went to the laundry room never to be seen again. :eek: So the last thing I do before I leave the room is to make a "lovey check" to see if everything is stashed away in the closet.


Excellent additions! We never put DD's DSF (darling stuffed friend?) away in the closet -- but always made certain to put her somewhere other than on the bedding. On one cruise we'd perch her atop the TV. When we'd get back from breakfast the cabin steward always had found something interesting for DSF -- she'd be sitting on the made up bed with sunglasses or swinging from a hanger or something fun. In the evenings he'd have her pal'ing around with the towel animals. It never ceases to amaze me how much the staff adds to a good cruise experience!

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Excellent additions! We never put DD's DSF (darling stuffed friend?) away in the closet -- but always made certain to put her somewhere other than on the bedding. On one cruise we'd perch her atop the TV. When we'd get back from breakfast the cabin steward always had found something interesting for DSF -- she'd be sitting on the made up bed with sunglasses or swinging from a hanger or something fun. In the evenings he'd have her pal'ing around with the towel animals. It never ceases to amaze me how much the staff adds to a good cruise experience!


I do something a little different. Because their DSF (lol cute name) is a one of a kind, the world would stop if it got lost animal...I always get them a souvenir stuffed animal from the cruise ship store. THEN, we keep the new DSF out in plain view for the cabin attendant to dress up with the towel animals.


So if the new DSF got lost it would be replaceable. :D

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my additions:


+ As much as I enjoy spending time with my DD, I have always encouraged her to make friends with other kids her age. I am more than willing to plan our schedule around kid's club activities and (reasonable) plans that she has made with her friends.

We still have plenty of time to do things "as a family"

+ If we are doing homework either enroute to the cruise or while on the cruise, I make certain to pack a good combination of supplies. (There was of course the time she handed in her social studies essay on hotel room stationary -- best laid plans. . . :D )

+ A collary to the OP's first point -- when things do go wrong, use it as an opportunity to practice some creative problem solving (see using hotel room stationary to do your homework!) and demonstrate "grace under pressure" -- show them the appropriate ways to handle a problem and that even when everything isn't just perfect, it doesn't need to ruin your trip.

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I do something a little different. Because their DSF (lol cute name) is a one of a kind, the world would stop if it got lost animal...I always get them a souvenir stuffed animal from the cruise ship store. THEN, we keep the new DSF out in plain view for the cabin attendant to dress up with the towel animals.


So if the new DSF got lost it would be replaceable. :D


We were fortunate that DD's DSF was a commercial toy. When DD showed a marked preference for DSF (at age 3 to 4M) -- I immediately went out and bought two more identical toys (Oshkosh'B Gosh bunnies). We 'rotated' them through so they had the same general amount of wear. She did not know that there were three DSFs until she was five or six.


Anyone who says that infants are not aware of their surroundings are nuts! Here she was barely 4MO and she would NOT calm down without DSF in her crib with her. That was also about the time I bought a bright purple blanket sleeper at Lands' End Outlet and had to buy several more over the next few years FULL PRICE because she LOVED purple.


But now (12 years later) all three DSF are treasured and have a special spot on top of her wardrobe.

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We were fortunate that DD's DSF was a commercial toy. When DD showed a marked preference for DSF (at age 3 to 4M) -- I immediately went out and bought two more identical toys (Oshkosh'B Gosh bunnies). We 'rotated' them through so they had the same general amount of wear. She did not know that there were three DSFs until she was five or six.


Anyone who says that infants are not aware of their surroundings are nuts! Here she was barely 4MO and she would NOT calm down without DSF in her crib with her. That was also about the time I bought a bright purple blanket sleeper at Lands' End Outlet and had to buy several more over the next few years FULL PRICE because she LOVED purple.


But now (12 years later) all three DSF are treasured and have a special spot on top of her wardrobe.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who did that. We have multiple teddies (the one he took to was not quite as easy to find) and blankies as well (I have 7). He needs both. LOL
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OMG....does this thread bring back a memory. DS was 4 years old and we were in a motel in Wildwood. I did not remember to take the special blanket he refers to as "Shiney....his best friend" off of the bed. I came back after the boardwalk that evening and went to put him to sleep.....only there was no Shiney!! After thinking and searching I realized it must have gotten tossed with the bed linens! :eek: So now its 11 p.m. and I am calling the emergency number on the office door of the motel. The owner comes and I explain my emergency and he tells me that it is possible that the blanket (Shiney) is in the private laundry room....hopefully it didn't go off with the sheets!! So we go to the laundry room and I am up to my ears in dirty blankets, searching and searching and finally....TA DA!!! It was "Shiney"!!!! Well I ran back to show my DS who was crying with tears now.....but then I had to go wash and dry it before he could have it......he was so happy and called Mommy a Superhero!! :D I never forget to pick up his stuff and tuck it away in the suitcase anymore!!

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+ Explain security processes (both for airports if flying to/from port and the boarding/deboarding process on the ship). it is also a good opportunity to review regulations yourself since they keep changing!

+ Be certain your child's immunizations are up-to-date (and always bring a copy of the record of immunizations).

+ If travelling to another time zone, spend the week prior to vacation adjusting your child's sleep schedule. After arrival, kids should be encourage to be active outside or in brightly lit areas during daylight hours to help them adjust.

+ If spending any time "on land" prior to or after your cruise, check out your hotel room for saftey issues. Safety regulations vary from country to country. Curious kids who may have been taught to keep clear of US style electrical outlets may not necessarily recognize outlets in foreign countries

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This thread is so great! :D We haven't had any lovey issues (yet) but I remember my mother always checking and rechecking that my favorite stuffed animal du jour was still in tow.


I recently added my "baby and the beach" thoughts here -sorry if this is a repeat for some of you- (http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=688657) so I won't repost everything here.


However, if I had to choose the best of the best, the very best things I brought with me was a tent made of UV protection fabric, as well as UV protection "suits" for my little guy. Sunscreen is great and all, but this helped make sure most of his body, if not all of it, was totally protected, not to mention in the nice, cool shade. Especially good for us northern dwellers who rarely see the sun all year long and go south to thaw out. :D

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With all kids but especially those in the Tween and Teen years, make sure they attend the first nights Youth activities. Everyone is "new" on that night and it seems they have an easier time getting to know each other than coming in later once relationships have already formed.

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Info for air travel...


I had to type this out for one of my friends so I figured I would post it here too...


--You aren't allowed to take boosters inside the aircraft so they will have to be gate checked. The only car seats allowed on the plane must be FAA certified and few are.


--The car rental company will have car seats. They usually rent them for a small extra fee. Call the company and find out. It is honestly easier to rent them then to lug them. You can gate check boosters but it depends on the airline if it counts toward you baggage.


--You can take any electronic onto the aircraft (bringing a portable DVD player is the best). You won't be able to turn them on until you are in the air.


--Bring LOADS of snacks. You can't bring liquids (over 3oz) through security so it's best to get through security and then grab some bottles of juice or water at the airport store.


--Give EACH kid their own backpack. In the backpacks put their electronic gadget, some snacks, maybe some crayons or a magna doodle....things to keep them busy. With their own backpacks they won't be fighting over snacks/toys on the airplane. And they can each carry their own backpacks so it's less for you to lug.


--Remember that ALL liquids over 3oz must go into your checked luggage. That includes shampoo, perfume and makeup. So if you try to take it thru security they WILL throw it out. icon_eek.gif


--All liquids and medicines must be in their original containers. Be 3oz or less. And be in a plastic ziplock bag. You have to take out each plastic ziplock and place it separately in the security bin. If they have to take it out of your carryon they won't be happy with you. icon_rolleyes.gif


--ALSO, all cameras, videocameras must be taken out of their cases and placed in their own bins.

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Great tips so far everyone!


Here are a few of my own.


I agree how important the first nights activities are at the kids club. Most councelors say the reasons kids end up not liking the club is because they missed the first night with the family and making new friends. It is really hard to just sign them in a strange place and leave. The tweens/teens already pair off and the younger ones arleady know all the names of everyone. It can be intimidating for the "newbie."


Nap your children, even if they don't nap at home. It will alleviate many meltdowns and give everyone a much needed break in the late afternoon. My DH and I switched off each day who did this. Somewhere between 3-4pm we would go back to the room, nice warm shower, comfy t-shirt to put on and in the covers. My dd6 still naps on vacations even though she hasn't napped at home since she was just turning 4. Sometimes she just rests but 90% of the time, she is out cold for an hour to a hour and half. The parent that takes them back either naps with them (we get tired too!) or gets a shower and starts getting ready for dinner. The other one gets some free time. Then later on, your kids are well rested and aren't melting at dinner where you end up leaving early and no adult time at night.:( If you are new at this start letting your kids know BEFORE the cruise all of the fun things that go on at night at the Kids Club but to do those fun things and stay up past your bedtime, you need to take a small nap before dinner.


Also, if you can find the kids and cruiseship daily activities ahead of time online, go thru and try to plan some things the kids will like. If they are reading own their own, give them their own highlighter and copy to marker up what they would like to do. It they are teens, do the same and let them go off own their own. This will give you a good idea where they probably are during the day!


Most cruise ships have fun activities like scavenger hunts, pool bingo, family dance parties etc... Do those things and act like a kid with your kids. They were all more fun then any adult show or casino time we had and they are the best memories. Oh and get your husbands to do those crazy poolside games. Kids LOVE watching their Daddies make fools out of themselves!! They probably love moms doing it too but I prefer watching Daddy do them. ;)


Have fun!

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I didn't know this. Who will want to see this?


I've never brought a copy of immunizations because in the Carribean/Bahamas you never need one. I don't know if you would need it outside the Carribean.


I've looked at the recomended immunizations and the only added one I have seen suggested is Hep A I think.

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I didn't know this. Who will want to see this?

Maybe your Health Care Providers?


In case of an accident or medical emergency the physician will ask about immunizations. WHen DD was 8YO she go a cut on the top of her foot while with the kid's club at the pool -- since it broke the skin and no one could figure out what caused the cut (to this day it is a mystery) as a precaution they asked us to take her to the infirmary. It was good to know exactly when her last tetnus shot had been.


Mumps, measles and chix pox are relatively rare, but when an outbreak occurs in a port you've just visited or on the ship, it is nice to have the immunization record if only for your own piece of mind.


If your kid has a strange rash, the health care provider will be a bit more certain of your answer when he/she asks about immunizations if you can say "DD had an MMR at xx months and a booster at age y which was two years ago;" than when you nod your head and mumble "ya, she should be up-to-date"


Hey guys! Keep your immunizations up-to-date for more than just regulatory reasons. Immunizations aren't like your passport -- they really ARE to benefit
health. They are not simply some burecratic hoop through which "the governerment" makes you jump merely because they can make you (insert evil, maniacal laugh here). A lot of these places you are visiting are third world countries -- while most of us stay primarily in the sanatized (and I mean that figuartivley not literally) "touristy" places, there are people with whom you'll come in contact who have been exposed to a whole gambit of things that really don't crop up at your child's normal stomping grounds.


Check that your child is up-to-date. You'll be in heavly populated areas, you'll be in close quarters. If your pediatrican recommended putting off the polio booster because your child had the sniffles at his last regular check up, now is a good time to remember that and get it taken care of.


I have immunization, med and general health history password protected in a file on my PDA that covers the whole family.

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Great tips so far everyone!


Here are a few of my own.


I agree how important the first nights activities are at the kids club. Most councelors say the reasons kids end up not liking the club is because they missed the first night with the family and making new friends. It is really hard to just sign them in a strange place and leave. The tweens/teens already pair off and the younger ones arleady know all the names of everyone. It can be intimidating for the "newbie."


Nap your children, even if they don't nap at home. It will alleviate many meltdowns and give everyone a much needed break in the late afternoon. My DH and I switched off each day who did this. Somewhere between 3-4pm we would go back to the room, nice warm shower, comfy t-shirt to put on and in the covers. My dd6 still naps on vacations even though she hasn't napped at home since she was just turning 4. Sometimes she just rests but 90% of the time, she is out cold for an hour to a hour and half. The parent that takes them back either naps with them (we get tired too!) or gets a shower and starts getting ready for dinner. The other one gets some free time. Then later on, your kids are well rested and aren't melting at dinner where you end up leaving early and no adult time at night.:( If you are new at this start letting your kids know BEFORE the cruise all of the fun things that go on at night at the Kids Club but to do those fun things and stay up past your bedtime, you need to take a small nap before dinner.


Also, if you can find the kids and cruiseship daily activities ahead of time online, go thru and try to plan some things the kids will like. If they are reading own their own, give them their own highlighter and copy to marker up what they would like to do. It they are teens, do the same and let them go off own their own. This will give you a good idea where they probably are during the day!


Most cruise ships have fun activities like scavenger hunts, pool bingo, family dance parties etc... Do those things and act like a kid with your kids. They were all more fun then any adult show or casino time we had and they are the best memories. Oh and get your husbands to do those crazy poolside games. Kids LOVE watching their Daddies make fools out of themselves!! They probably love moms doing it too but I prefer watching Daddy do them. ;)


Have fun!


I did this on my last cruise with my 3 year old and it worked like a charm. He is now 5 and I will have an 11 month old. The baby will have to nap so I'm hoping big brother will as well so I can get ready for dinner in peace and quiet. Plus they will stay up later so you are not confined to your room at an early hour.

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Maybe your Health Care Providers?

In case of an accident or medical emergency the physician will ask about immunizations. WHen DD was 8YO she go a cut on the top of her foot while with the kid's club at the pool -- since it broke the skin and no one could figure out what caused the cut (to this day it is a mystery) as a precaution they asked us to take her to the infirmary. It was good to know exactly when her last tetnus shot had been.


Yeah now that you mention it, that is a smart idea. We would have been asked for it when our youngest had her medical emergency. I made sure the kids were up to date before we left. :)

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You all have been sharing some great tips and ideas. Thanks!


My DH and I cruised on our honeymoon and then for our 5 year anniversary and left our then 2 year old home because we didn't know about the camp. In the Fall of 2006, we went on a family cruise with our 3 children and 5 adults. Cruising with children is very different than going as a couple and we learned a few things to make our upcoming cruise in Feb. run smoother.


1. We requested the early 6:15 seating so the kids will be able go to the camp longer in the evening. We will have more adult time before having to pay for after hours slumber party and still enjoy the show and stop at karaoke or the piano bar. If all of us are tired, we can all turn in early.


2. We made sure we picked a cabin close to the end of the ship where the children's camp is. Last time we were at the opposite end and spent a good bit of each day walking the length of the ship...good exercise but a little inconvenient.


3. My DS who is 8 and DD who is 5 loved the extended hours (for a fee) because they had neat little parties. We told the kids they they can go for 1 hr. 2 of the nights on our upcoming trip and I just budgeted the cost in.


4. We bought those portable DVD Players. Our cruise line gave us nice small CD or DVD holders at the end of our trip which hold their movies. Many of you have already mentioned these and they are wonderful. The flights is easier, waiting in line is easier, etc.


5. I will be packing the powerade bottles for my DS who is 2. He is very sensitive to fruit juices but loves his "blue juice".


6. Parents of young children are fortunate because as we use diapers, more room becomes available in our suitcases for souveniers and other items we acquire during the trip.


I hope some of these ideas help. I have been a fan of cruise critic and read many postings. Sometimes, trial and error are the best ways to learn. We have had a wonderful times on our past cruises and are looking forward to this next sailing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When packing for the kids, I put together complete outfits (top, bottom, undies, socks) and put them into gallon size ziplock bags. Each day all they need to do is grab a bag and they have everything they need. Cuts down on arguments when getting dressed, especially if the child has helped you put together the outfits when packing. You can even use the ziplock bags over again for something else.


Bring two swimsuits each - one to wear while the other is drying.


Bring suction cup hooks to hang in the shower - so you can hang up several wet swimsuits to dry.

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