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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy]Hi again all, [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkslateblue][b]Jodie [/b]thanks for the hug. Maybe some of the gain is from muscle:confused:.Today is a new day, a new beginning you will lose this week I bet!!!! Are you retaining water?? Sometimes when I have a day like you did yesterday I retain water for some unknown reason:confused: [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=deepskyblue][b]Msabol [/b]welcome the more the merrier we have a great group here and as you can see we all have our ups and downs, godd days and bad days.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Kelly[/b] you are sweet. so far so good Like I said I just keep picturing that cruise and smaller clothes:D Plus I do feel better since getting back on WW and going to Curves. So I try to focus on that. I also notice that if I do overeat I feel really lousy. That helps to. You are doing really good too, 6 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. One day at a time one pound at a time it all adds up(or down:confused: :D )[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=slategray]Check in later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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The NY BBQ went well. I did not over eat, but I had a hamburger and small amount of potato salad (food type I am not use to since I started my diet), so it didn't leave my stomach with such a good feeling.

I woke feeling alot of low back pain and a little puffiness in the face. This tells me I am officially in my pms week which always means a temporary gain...ugh! This is not unusual for me. I have learned the four weeks in the month usually gives me 2 weeks of a loss, 1 week of a plateau and 1 week of a temporary pms gain. After the pms week, I drop the pms gain plus extra. That's how my body seems to go through the stages of losing weight. I can now accept that because I understand what is happening. In the past, whenever that week of gain came around, I would get discouraged, not realizing it was just temporary and I would go off my diet in the thought it just wasn't working. Now, I realize that is not the case. My body is losing....but losing in it's own time clock. So, I am happy to report there is no discouragement here in spite of it. This tells me I have finally broken the "Yo Yo diet syndrome." This is a major step for me cause I now understand how my body relates to dieting. My total weight loss has been 20 pound with 30 to go.

Congratulations to all you "losers":D . I will be joining you in reporting a loss next week:) .

Welcome aboard to Msabol! So glad everyone's posts have been helping you. Stick with us and we will all keep you on the right track and when you find yourself swaying from your diet....we will bring you back.

Jodie....glad you took that step in throwing out the ice-cream. Best thing you could have done for yourself.....so congratulations to you for taking that step. You and I will be reporting a loss for next week without a doubt.

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[b]Regina[/b]: I LOVE your insights! I am going to track my loss/gain thingy with the monthly thingy. We'll see what happens. Excellent information!

[b]Lani[/b]: I have a retaining water question.....can you die from drinking too much water? :p I asked my mom and she said a nun did in the 17th century! That has GOT to be a LOT of water!

[b]Jodie[/b]: No fret on the gain! I think you have a FABULOUS attitude! Throwing out ice cream is hard....but important. I discovered a flavor of ice cream that is really low in calories this summer. It's from baskin robbins and is called daiquiri ice. It's more of an italian ice kind of ice cream. YUM! (very few calories! :)

[b]Msabol[/b]: WELCOME!!!:) I think you'll really enjoy this group! Very supportive (even on my BAD days :rolleyes: !) I hope you find the inspiration that I have here! Hey...about that LOVE IT FOOD THING......my philosophy on that is...if I lose now, I can reward myself on the cruise! (and if I like how I look then...I probably won't want to eat as much anyway!) Anyhoo....welcome!

[b]Ann, Nicole, Jen[/b]...and the rest of y'all! Where are you? How are you doing? (yes....I'm a chatty one today!) Let us know!:)
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Not a stupid question, I had to ask the same one. DH is dear husband, dw is dear wife, DD dear daughter, etc. There are other acronymns used on these boards that I cannot figure out, so I just ask.
Boy you are chatty today! Good for you. Have a great eve. it is still raining here!
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Hi Ladies

Sorry I'm so late reporting. Today was my mother in-laws 75th birthday.
I spent all morning cooking. I just got home and I am really tired.

Congrats to all that lost weight this week. Sad to say I did not. I gained
1lb, but thats ok. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I joined Curves
and I start tomorrow. I sure hope this helps.

I hope everyone has a great week!!!!!!!!

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Hmmmm....I'm wondering about that nun and wondering if she died from fasting too long causing her body to be depleted. Would love to know her name to read up on it.

Today has that wintry feel and I'm feeling as heavy as a water balloon so I went out to get some soup. I ended up reading the sodium content of the soups I like. I strongly advise staying away from the "Caaamble" brands. I spelled that wrong on purpose just in case the president of the company reads this:cool: LOL! Anyway, I ended up buying a low sodium soup which is a far cry from 890mg of sodium per serving. Gotta cut wherever possible...right? That was it for my dinner. I think I will go mix up some crystal lite to wash down my "Midol." Grrrrrrrrr...I hate pms times:mad:

Okay... where are the rest of the weigh-inners? Nicole, Jen, Laurie, PJ, Ann, Mindy....hope your computers are working.

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue][b]Joanne[/b] I go to Curves , I think you will like it and I know it has helped me a lot.:) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=red][b]Kelly[/b] maybe that nun had congestive heart failure and should have been on fluid restrictions!!!!!;) [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Nicole[/b] Where are you??? Hope you are felling ok. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Come on girls tell us how you did this week, don't be shy:D We are all in this together. Catch ya all later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hi all,

If it's not too late, I'd like to join. I've put on about 30 pounds in the last 3 years, and I want it off!! My energy level is down, I never want to go anywhere or do anything (this is largely due to the fact that 3/4 of my clothes don't fit) and I'm sick of carrying around the extra weight. We leave in 2-05 for a 10 day Panama cruise, and I want to be the person I once was. I'm not sure I want to lose all of the 30 pounds ( I'm 46, and I think with age you need to carry some weight) but would like to try and lose 20-25 pounds of it. I didn't have a chance to read all the posts, but understand weigh-in is Sunday? Is that correct? I obviously can't do this by myself, but you guys sound like a great bunch, and I think I need professional help. :D
Can I join?

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Good Morning and welcome aboard Nancy,

We are all here to help each other and your reason for weight loss are almost exact to mine. You have taken the first step which involves getting totally fed up with being over weight? Besides joining us, what is your diet and exercise program going to involve?

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Hello all!

I figure if I continue to lurk, I'll never lose anything (except my mind). Last time I cruised (4/02), I was at my lowest weight since I was 18. The day I returned, I was laid off and since then, I've regained just about everything I lost before the cruise (about 30 pounds). I'd love to relose those 30 pounds to hit my ideal weight, but I know I'd also feel comfortable losing 20. Unfortunately, I have no willpower when it comes to food and I hate exercise. I also never drink enough water. I need help and support which is why I'm here.

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Sorry to post my weigh-in so late. Nothing gained and nothing lost last week. I joined Curves, hoping that would boost me off this plateau, however I must have offset the Curves exercise with a box of Atkins cookies. They were half price at Gormans and the white macadamia nut were really good. I can't seem to get rid of my sweet tooth. Anyone have any suggestions? Congratulations to all the 'losers' this week!
Happy Monday!

Started 8/7/04 171
Now 10/18/04 154
Goal by 11/28/04 135 (cruise date)
Age 47
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Hello everyone !

Once again I'm late in posting ! We were running all over town yesterday. My husband wants to start a salt water aquarium. We already have 3 cats, a dog , two children plus I sit for 3 others !!!! Just what we need is fish to add to the mix !! LOL

Welcome Michelle and Nancy ! This really is an awesome group of ladies ! It's amazing to find so many friendly "faces" and all with the same goals. There's been so many times that I went to put something into my mouth and then thought uh-oh weigh in is Sunday I better not !! I don't want to disappoint anyone on here because the support is wonderful! Regina have you been keeping track of how many we have in the group? I keep thinking that I am forgetting someone and I would hate to do that!

Kelly I am so glad that you are feeling better! It's so hard to keep on track when you feel out of sorts. Your doing great though, i'm so proud of you, keep up the good work

There are so many posts to respond to......where do I start ? I guess I'll sum it up with I am so impressed with all of you - whether you've lost, gained or stayed the same. The fact that you are still here posting, sharing and encouraging each other speaks volumes about how dedicated you are to yourselves and all of us! Thank you !

Anyways, slowly and surely I keep losing ! Another pound bit the dust!

06/2004 - 155
09/18/04 - 150
09/26/04 - 150
10/04/04 - 150
10/11/04 - 148
10/18/04 - 147
Total loss - 8
Total loss since 9/18 - 3 pounds !
I wonder how many pounds we've lost as a group since the beginning of this thread? I can't believe it has been a month already! Well everyone have a skinny week. If I get a chance I'll write some more, maybe post a recipe or two!

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HI Newbies,
Nancy, it is never to late! Weigh in is Sunday so you have a whole week!?
Michelle, Welcome and come on in. Weigh in is Sunday
This is a wonderful group of women. Very Supportive. They laugh and cry with you!
We are all on different plans and exercise programs but what ever works for you.
I am on Atkins and going to Curves 4-5 times a week.
I am sure I will enjoy getting to know you!
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Good Morning!
Quick post, I am at work. Congrats to all you losers! May I be joining you next week. ;) To all who stayed the same, nothing wrong with that. To those who gained, come have a pity party with me:( and then get on with our plans.:D
OK, pity party over! LOL! Have a great week all!
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Hello, all. Since I am still new here ( only a week longer than Michelle and Nancy), I didn't realize I should have posted Sunday. I did "kind-of" report in on Thursday - that's when I weigh in at WW. I had lost a pitiful 2 tenths of a pound - not very good for your first week. But I am still technically a real loser, so I am not going to be a grouch. I was 157.8 and hopefully less today. I haven't been taking measurements, but today the waist on my skirt is loose, and I have to use my pager to make sure my top doesn't flop out.

Last night I made chicken breasts for dinner, and my DH and his brother both liked them!!! I flattened them a little, put garlic, herbs and pepper over them, topped them with lemon slices, and then wrapped them in tin foil. Cooked them @ 350 for just over a half hour, and they came out moist and tasty! I don't know if you could do this on Atkins induction, but you could try it without the lemons, and I bet it would still be good. I found the recipe in the Silver Palate Cookbook. There's a whole section on cooking in foil, and I'm going to try more of those recipes! I like compliments!
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Hi everyone, I'm going to try and jump in here. My dh lost about 150 lbs last year on his own version of a low carb diet and at that time I lost about 10 lbs just by cutting out sugary drinks (except for coffee). Now I'm wanting to lose about 20 more. I've been eating fairly low carb to support dh, but I don't think it's really a comfortable way of life for me. I'm seriously looking at trying the South Beach diet, since it adds fruits and whole grains back in to what you can eat. Anyway as of this morning I'm at 137 and I'd like to get down to 120.

For those of you who have been looking for different recipes, there is a great website called Saving Dinner that sends out a weekly menu. There are both low carb and regular versions available. I'm not sure what the poicy is here on posting links to other web sites, but if it's ok I'll be happy to give the link or you can email me privately.
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Hi All

Thought I'd pop in and read some post. I don't get on here much during the
week so I wanted to try and keep up.

Welcome to the new comers. You will love it here everyone is so nice and
they have lots of good advice.

I'm going to Curves tonight for the first time. Wish me luck because I'm sure
going to need it. I'm not real big on the excercise thing. But being on here with you guys has given me the incentive I needed to get off my butt. Thanks
to all of you for that.

Have a great week!!!

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hey everyone. hope the week started out well. I guess we all have to have a starting weight. Mine as of yesterday was 150 lbs. My goal is to be at 130 or close to that by march 27. I have now officially weighed in :( . Have a great week.
Molly (msabol)
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First, I would like to congratulate [color=red][b]Kelly[/b][/color][color=black] for being the first member to lose three weeks in a row! Great job Kelly![/color]

Next, I want to say how good it is to see we have 3 new members today: [b][color=red]Nancy[/color][/b], [b][color=red]Michelle [/color][color=black](sorry for previous misspell)[/color][/b], and [b][color=red]Susan[/color][/b]. We are presently a group of 15 women helping each other. Welcome to "all" the newbies including recent newbies Mindy, Molly and Laura. Laura, I'm a little concerned that you missed the last two weigh-ins. Hope you post next weekend to show you're still with us.

[color=black]Jodie[/color], I saw your post and it's nice to see you are in a jovial mood. Positive attitude really helps one to stick to it.

Mindy, phew! Glad you posted. 2/10 lb. is still worthy to mention as a loss, so congratulations to you as well. Thanks for the easy recipe. Cooking in foil also saves on the clean up :) I'm for anything that saves time in the kitchen.

Susan, my daughter is on the South Beach Diet and I must say, she has whipped up so real good dinners from that diet to surprise me. I think you are going to like it. Do you have an exercise plan?

Ann, that sweet tooth thing can slow up a diet. There are lots of things you can make with sweet & low. Ex: If you get a craving for chocolate, try mixing some unsweetened cocoa powder with skim milk and sweet & low. Excellent for getting rid of that winter chill in the air as well as calories. Check out the internet for srgar-free desserts you can make and freeze. The goal....trick that sweet tooth in believing it's getting the sweets :)

Jen, congratulations on your weigh in loss.

Well ladies, this is my pms week...the hardest week of the month to diet for most. I felt like a drug addict going through withdrawal as I fought every craving imaginable. I want to be proud of myself when I look down at that scale on Sunday and then I will feel it was worth every effort. I actually stayed away from pop-corn even though it was easily accessible...hurray!

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Hey Molly...be happy! That weigh in number will be the last time you have to report it cause it will be kicked out by you! :) Glad you weighed in.

Joanne, let us all know how you made out at Curves. I sure wish I could do Curves, but I won't dare with two recent past herniated disc which could rupture if not careful. Good luck at Curves.

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