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Good Morning everyone, I didn't make it on last night. Sounds like everyone is doing great. Kelly, hope your tummy is down this morning, I hate that feeling!

Have a question for those of you that do curves, a friend of mine is thinking of joining a going on her lunch break and she was telling someone at work that she did not know if she would have time with showering and all, they told her she would not need to shower after??:rolleyes: I never heard of not sweating at least a little after a work out. Any imput on this?
I had a great day yesterday. I was reading back from when you all started this and someone said they made the chicken with lemon wrapped in foil, so I made that with some brown rice, it was yummy and very filling. Thanks, I forget who it was that gave the recipe.
Anyway, off the the school and then the gym. Have a great day! Connie
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]Good Morning Ladies,[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#0000ff][b][color=darkred]Connie[/color],[/b] [color=darkred]I go to Curves and some days I sweat more than others. Depends how hard you work. some people work hard and sweat and others just do the minimum. I like to work hard if I am going to get up early and go.[/color][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Kelly, [/b]how is the tummy this morning??? I hate feeling bloated.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=teal][b]For all you lo-carbers, QVC had a lo-carb show yesterday with all kinds of yummy looking things might want to check it out the next time it comes on. Had cheesecakes with no sugar etc and pizza and candies all kinds of goodies.:D [/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Regina,[/b] I have the same problems with cravings and stress eating or wanting to eat because of the stresses at work and all. But like I said earlier that is why I like weight watchers because they give you a lot of wiggle room for those times. I just try to keep low point snacks around and drink a lot of the flavored sparkling water. and if I do feel like I over did it I get on the gazelle for an extra work out. so far so good. I did hit the snack machine for some hulless chesse corn, 3 points, that was a stress thing:( Reading all these posts also helps keep me on track, this group is just great!!!!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna]Well everyone I better get in the shower got a few errands before work. Later, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[b][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080][b]Thought for Today:[/b]Knowing our limits helps us limit our wants!!!!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#8b0000][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Hello from a lurker.
Lani... LOVE your thoughts of the day... really helps me put things in perspective.
Regina... think that if I post more I'll kind of sabotage myself.. the last time I posted everything was "good" and then bamm!
Well, the thought of the fat fairy helps a bit.
Well, hopefully, I'm back on track...
I'm on Atkins (for life... not the book just my "thing") maintaining my loss for over 4 years now (but you always have to keep ontop of things)... so I don't post on weigh-ins... I also find that if I do, I'll gain.. when I don't I lose a bit or stay same.. so I choose not to participate in them... (ok I'm a bit supersticious too).
What I DO do to help me is use a tapemeasure to keep me on track to get positive encouragement ... the inches say more than the machines.
I've been under a bit more stress, and also reading about the Cheetos and stuff.. so I've fallen off wagon for a few days on and off... Hadn't seen the scale's creep upward (amazingly) until yesterday. SO I "hope" that my one day back on program yesterday (and I wasn't so sure I was going to make it through then) is going to be continued and that the gain I see on scale will disappear quickly. I'm being accountable for my actions and hopefully things will "fall into place" nicely.
Regina, I'll probably be on LI week of Nov 1st since Mike will be back home (for one week) and I really need to check up on house and Mom and maybe start getting some work done on house.. Need to find a painter... (interior and exterior).
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Good to here from you again and glad you got back on track again. As you can see, I'm leaving on my cruise in 9 days and will be returning late on Nov. 6th. Looks like odds of us getting together are slim this time around. Maybe next time?

Although you don't want to weigh-in on Sundays, would you like us to keep your name on our members list or would you prefer not? Afterall, you are posting at least.

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Hi Connie,
Just read your post. I go to Curves at lunchtime. I sweat very little and I do get my heart rate up to the 70-75% they recommend. I keep my clothes in a gym bag, change at work, work out, come back to work and change back into my business clothes. I also keep deodorant and powder in my bag. My Curves provides towels and washclothes, so if I do get a little sweaty, like my face or neck, I can wash up there. This works for me. It may not work for others. I know I was told when I started that the way the workout is set up, you realy shouldn't sweat alot. Has to do with your heart rate and the 30 sec resting period between machines. Hope this info helps. Back to work! Will check in this eve.
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Hi Everyone,

Well, as you all know my cruise is in 9 days. That means shopping is in order and it also means that this coming Sunday is my last weigh-in before I cruise the calm seas. However, I will post as much as my schedule permits. And if that Fat Fairy thinks she's coming on the cruise with me, she's in for a surprise cause I didn't buy her a ticket:p

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:eek: OMG Regina! 9 days to departure. What will we do w/o you!? We will just have to suffer thru because you worked so hard and you deserve the vacation and all the compliments you will be getting. ;) Have a great time shopping. PS ya know I wondered why the Fat Fairy asked me if she could go to Mexico with us!???!!!!!

I did a bad thing this morn. I got on the scale and guess what........3lbs less than Sunday. :D YIPPEE! I also know some inches are gone cause this pair of pants I am wearing is too big( co worker commented on it)and they used to be uncomfortable. I stayed on track today. I do so much better when I bring my breakfast and lunch to work. Had cheese omlette and sausages for brekkie and ham and swiss on raw spinach with blue cheese dressing. Ya know when I type it out like this, it sounds awful but it was very good and very filling. You have to be creative on Induction or get bored real fast. Right now, I am watching the clock and drinking a decafe green tea. I want to go home. Had enuff of work. Ok see ya tonite.
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LOL!....We are just going to have to keep disappointing her!

You know I will be thinking of all of you while I'm on the cruise cause that is what will keep me in line :)

That 3 pound loss is just wonderful to read about:) You are truly doing it! Jodie, I would love you to post your picture when you reach your goal.....in fact, anyone up to joining me on this would add to the celebration of all of our efforts. Think about it at least. You still have to post on Sunday Jodie...right? Right! I can't express enough how thrilled I am for you...keep it going! Yipeeeeee!!!!!!

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Regina- Wow, 9 days to go! Wish I was that close to my cruise. I've still got 7 months to go. At least that one's closer now than the one I got off of last.

Jodie- WTG on the 3 lbs. You know I've had at least two things today that sound awful typed out, but tasted really good. Both of them are "legal" for me as well. Not sure if they would be Atkins approved or not for induction, but I'm sure they would be afterwards.

I had a mock danish for breakfast. Mixed up 2 eggs, a packet of Splenda, and some cinnamon. Cooked it in a skillet sprayed with Pam until it was completely set, then topped it with fat free cream cheese mixed with 2 packets of Splenda and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract. Told you it sounds bad typed out, but it tasted like a cross between a danish and French toast. My morning snack was 30 pistachios. I mixed up some tuna salad and put it on celery for lunch. I had ripe olives (2 servings I was bad, but I was hungry) for my afternoon snack. Dinner was pork chops, yellow squash and broccoli. Tonights dessert was a no sugar added fudge pop taken off the stick and mixed with light whipped topping and peanut butter. Another one that sounds weird, but tasted like the filling to a chocolate peanut butter pie. Got my exercise in this morning, so I've been good today. I have to admit I feel like eating right now though after the boys locked everyone out of the one bathroom in this house. I fought with that stupid thing for at least an hour before I was able to pop the lock. Finally got it right before a friend's husband showed up to help me. Why do these things happen when dh is out of town??? Instead of eating I'm going to treat myself to a bubble bath in a little bit...see I'm learning Regina. :D
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Weighed in at WW again today, and lost four tenths of a pound. THIS is crazy, I thought, so I talked with the lecturer afterward. There are 2 things she suggested
1- I need a bigger breakfast. That will keep me fuller, so I don't need as big a lunch, and that way, I can still have a bigger meal with my husband in the evenings. She thinks that since I eat sparingly in the mornings, my body hoards the energy, and goes into "famine mode". So I'll start that tomorrow.
2- I need to exercise. I do NONE, so that has to help too. Just don't know how to get myself motivated for that, but I will have to do that, since losing these pounds is important.

But my clothes are getting looser, and my food patterns are changing, so the dam is going to break soon. I just have to stay focused, and I thank ALL of you for being here for me.

Have a good night!
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Good morning all:

Mindy, My suggestions are the following:

1. Don't allow yourself to feel hunger, drink lots of fluids between meals
2. Don't eat past 7pm
3. Don't eat large meals (esp. at dinner time)
4. Do stretching exercise to get your inactive muscles loose whenever possible
5. Play music and dance to it when you are at home
6. Walk whenever you get the chance

Ex: Even when I go to the ladies room at work, I do some leg stretches and toe touching bends.

Okay, the rest of you Ladies have any helpful suggestions for Mindy?

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Okay, the rest of you Ladies have any helpful suggestions for Mindy?


Hmm, I can think of two more things, maybe more by th time I finish typing.

1. Walk whenever possible. Park further away than you usually do when you go places. Along with that one take stairs instead of an elevator or escalator.

2. Concentrate on your posture every time you stand up. Just working on holding your stomach in and standing up straight will work out those muscles (and make you look a little better at the same time).

3. If you're not sure how to get started exercising, set a small timer for half the time you want to exercise and start walking. When the timer goes off, turn around and head back. No trying to figure put where you want to go or how far to walk, it's built in with the timer. :)

Told you I could come up with something else. LOL

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy]Good Morning All,[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]Just got up and got some coffee and here I am. Nice to see the board is going strong.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=deepskyblue][b]Mindy[/b] Exercise will definately help. I had a hard time with that one too. I joined Curves with a couple friends and now I really enjoy it. The tips Regina and Susan posted are good and easy to ease into. The weight will really come off when you start exercising:D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange][b]Nicole [/b]Where are you?????? Getting worried here!!!!!!! [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green][b]Regina[/b] your cruise is sooooooooooo close:D Can't wait to go on ours. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=sienna][b]Jodie[/b] You go girl!!!! you are doing great.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkred][b]Carolyn [/b]Measurements are definately as good as getting on the scale!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkslateblue]For all you low carbers, I use to have oatmeal in the morning when I was eating low carb and I put my chocolate protien power in it andit tasted just like no bakes:D Have any of you ever tried that??? Well got to run for now. Have a great day all. Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[b][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#800080][b]Thought for Today:[/b] I am not letting my stomach push me around any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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Good Morning everyone

Regina-wow, 8 more days now. I have 8 months!! Have fun shopping.
Molly- I have an 8th grade son who played football and his banquest was the other night, all they had was pizza, chips, brownies and cookies!! I drank a diet pepsi and went home and ate a lean cuisine!! (but boy did I want to grab some chips off my kids plates.
Jodi- Thanks for the info on curves, I will pass it along to my friend.
Susan- the recipe with the fudge pop and peanut butter sounds great to me, I am going to try it!!
Mindy- I am following WW also, and like you I skimp on breakfast, I rarely even eat it and I know thats bad, maybe I will take your leaders advice. Did she
suggest what is best to eat in the AM??
I am worried, I have to go out to eat tonight and Saturday night, I will try my best to stay away from the bread, order healthy and eat Less, wish me lucK!
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Hello Ladies!

Jodie you are doing so great! How exciting!

Regina have a blast of your cruise and shopping for it! I am hoping to not have to shop for my cruise LOL I have quite a few really nice outfits and formal dresses size 10 & 12 that are nearly brand new that I would love to be able to wear in February! My husband has said for years for me to just get rid of it but I couldn't - I have to be able to get back into them , just have to!
About the breakfast thing - I too am a no breakfast person. I dreink a couple of cups of coffee and I'm good till lunch time. But that is not what my body needs so I have been trying to make myself eat breakfast. Here are a couple of things that are quick and easy:

Oatmeal w/raisins & sliced almonds- 1/4 c uncooked whole or quick oats, 1tbsp raisins, 1/2 c milk, 2 tbsps sliced almonds. I am not a big oatmeal fan but figured I'd give it a try. It's pretty good, the raisins give it just enough sweetness and it definately will stick with you throughout the day!

I also will take a banana, put low fat peanut butter on it & wheat germ. My kids absolutely LOVE this for breakfast or as just a snack!

Another trick I'll do for breakfast is to poach an egg in the microwave. I'll take a small coffee cup ( one that is actually a cup in measurement- not a coffee mug) take a stick of butter ( or you could use cooking spray, I just keep forgetting to pick some up at the store :o ) and rub the stick around the bottom and half way up the side. I use a stick that has been in the fridge so that I end up getting very little butter- not even an eighth of a tablespoon. crack my egg into the cup and put it in the microwave. In my microwave it rtakes 45 seconds but you'll have to experiment a little. Don't forget to cover it with a paper towel or napkin! Anyways I'll add a piece of fruit to round out the meal. Those of you on Atkins could add some breakfast meat.

I hope that none of this sounds gross and maybe can help someone out!

I'll keep thinking of ways to add excercise into your daily routine, it seems like everything was covered pretty well ! What a great group! Oh ya- be very careful taking little used stairs in public places. Either take them with a friend or find a stairwell that is frequently used. Always safety first!

Talk to everyone later!

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Good Afternnoon All!

My tummy has deflated. I have a touch of the flu! Bummer way to lose weight!:( But at least I'm losing!

[b]Jen[/b]: Nice ideas for breakfast! Thanks!

[b]Connie[/b]: My advice when eating out.....eat VERY SLOWLY and bring half home in a doggie bag! Who cares if that's not classy...it's what works! Good Luck!

[b]Lani[/b]: I'm worried about Nicole, too. I'm not sure it's right to take people off of the board when they aren't here. I want people to feel free to show up when they are comfortable. Maybe people are just in a bad place. Anyway....I hope we hear from Nicole soon!

[b]Mindy[/b]: Susan's and Regina's ideas are really great! I also like my pedometer! I shoot for 10,000 steps a day. You'd be surprised at how easy that is to push yourself to walk just a little more when you know that little hummer is counting!

[b]Regina[/b]: Have a FABULOUS shopping spree! I had to spread my sprees out over several months. Hard to shop for myself and others (financially) when my cruise is at Christmas time. Yikes! Have Fun! :)

[b]Jodie[/b]: HIGH FIVE, GIRLFRIEND!!!! I LOVE IT!!! You now have 3 more incentive reasons to keep going! I think when you lose....it motivates you to keep going! Congrats! :D

Ok.....I'll talk more to the rest of you later....my "throne" is calling again....and the Queen can't wait! :p

Have a fabulous Friday!
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Thanks to EVERYONE for your ideas and support. It will be hard to do everything at first, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and any small change is a step in the right direction for me.

Connie - she did suggest a high fiber cereal with milk and a piece of fruit for breakfast. If I was a morning person, there would be more options, but at that hour I would cause a fire if I cooked. She had brought in some cereal boxes that day, and talked about reading labels, which I already do. I try not to eat anything I can't pronounce.

As for going out to eat, try to get a copy of the menu in advance, or at least find out what the place specializes in. With a menu, you can decide what you will order in advance, and if you want, figure out points too. (Pick a back up just in case they are out of what you want. Order all sauces on the side. )If someone tries to talk you out that, you can say you had your heart set on your choice, and you can really mean it!

Kelly- I had a pedometer, and it drove my husband crazy. But I think I can at least wear it when he isn't around, and try to get in some extra steps. It certainly can't hurt.

My day has been good so far, haven't been tempted to eat my neighbor's chocolate stash yet. I had cereal for breakfast, and a small container of apple sauce. For lunch, I had a cheese and vegetable sandwich. I'll have another applesauce for a snack in about a half hour. This way I'll have room for dinner tonight with my DH. He'll have more than me, but he won't feel bad about "taking me off my diet".

By the way - the applesauce I picked is 50 calories and 1 gram of fiber per serving, so it gives me a lift instead of a sugar high. Otherwise, I could not have sat still to write all this!!! And the plastic containers make sure I don't go over one serving.

I'll check in with all of you later
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Wow! The positive input I have been reading is truly a delight. Good stuff being exchanged, but I have only one concern.....How the heck will I catch up with all the posts when I'm gone a week! I got it! Could you all stop posting until I return? LOL!!!! (only kidding). My real concern is about coming back from the cruise without gaining a pound. I have heard the average cruiser gains 5 pounds!!!!! I don't want to be that average cruiser! I will do my very best to avoid it. I shudder at the thought of the "Chocolate Buffet" I have seen pictures of it on the Serenade. OMG!!!!:eek: I know that will probably be when the "Fat Fairy" will be mixing her potions to put a curse on me for not taking her on the cruise :(

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I shudder at the thought of the "Chocolate Buffet" I have seen pictures of on the Serenade. OMG!!!! I know that will probably be when the "Fat Fairy" will be mixing her potions to put a curse on me for not taking her on the cruise :(


Honestly, we never made it to any of the buffets on our last cruise. I really wanted to go to the chocolate buffet, but I just couldn't make it until midnight. Next time I am going to try my best to see some of them at least.
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OK, Regina,

Honestly you won't miss the buffet if you don't go to it. Out of the six of us in the group I cruised with last time, not one of us made it. All of us still had a wonderful time. I just said I wanted to see it, not go eat at it. :P
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One last note for the night:

I won't be posting tomorrow. I have to buckle down and get ready for the cruise, so I will be very busy. I will post Sunday for weigh in.

Later all,

ps....Thanks Susan, you're right. Most likely with all my activity, I'll be too exhausted to stay up for it. :) I'll report back on my return.
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