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[b][color=red]REGINA[/color][/b]! OMG! You made me feel like Ms. America!!! Thank you! I'm really dedicated to this thing...and you guys just make it so much easier for me!!! I just pulled out an old college formal (circa 1984) and it is a SIZE 2!!! Geeeez.....How did I let myself get out of that size...[color=yellowgreen][b]EVER!!![/b][/color] :rolleyes:

Welcome to all the new [color=blue][b]"LOSERS![/b][/color]" :p I think you'll really like it here!

Also, Regina....thanks for being the "Mom" of the group! With my memory difficulties (:rolleyes: ) your list of participants is VERY helpful!

Have a great evening, everyone! :)
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[Susan, my daughter is on the South Beach Diet and I must say, she has whipped up so real good dinners from that diet to surprise me. I think you are going to like it. Do you have an exercise plan?

South Beach looks really doable. I all ready cook low carb from scratch, so while I know this isn't strictly a low carb diet, I think most of what I fix for main meals should fit in fine. I have to say though, knowing I'm going to buckle down in the next few days, I've been eating high carb stuff today.

I started using an exercise ball a few months ago, but have been really sporadic about it. When I do use it though, I love it. It amazes me that such a simple piece of equipment can exercise every major muscle group.
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Hi all,

Thanks for the warm welcome. Michelle, it's nice to see someone coming in right behind me. I felt a little funny last night posting, this group started way back when. But, they all seem so nice and so supportive, I figured what have I got to lose. Pun intended.

Regina, I plan on taking it off the old-fashioned way. Eating less, exercising more. I walked 3 miles today, which used to come easy for me. Food isn't really my enemy, it's beer. I love my beer. But, look where that got me.

I'll check in later in the week and keep you guys posted. Wish me luck. The first day is always so easy!! I hate it when that happens.

Thanks again for the welcome.

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Yikes!!!!! if I get labeled "Mom of the Group", who's going to take care of me? Anyone want to be grandma? LOL!!!!!!!!! Anyway, Kelly...that was nice of you to say.

Okay, ...Susan my friend, you are not heading toward a death sentence, so there is really no need to load up on carbs. I guarantee in time you will actually feel so positive about eating right, that you will actually dread the thought of even swaying away from it. This group will help you crawl, until you are able to stand on your own. The ball exercise is excellent workout. Walking is good also as there is less chance of you being interrupted by something going on in the house....phone ringing. an interesting TV show, family member etc. I take walks with my dog weather permitting, and it's great for both of us :)
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Nancy, looks like you and me are doing the same plan on losing weight although I never liked beer. Eating less and walking. I took it a step further and decided to put myself on a 1200 calorie diet...give or take 100. Don't get me wrong, I don't sit at every meal and log down my calories with pen and paper. That's just too anal for me. My nursing of 25 plus years has taught me much without the need to be that strict with the count. I guess I realized it was high time to apply it to myself the way I used to for the patient. I have taken care of so many people through the years, I forgot to take care of myself......are all of you mothers and care-takers out there realizing this about yourselves? Nancy, if there is any beer in your home, I suggest you give it away ASAP cause it will only end up tempting you. Keep us all posted.

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Okay, ...Susan my friend, you are not heading toward a death sentence, so there is really no need to load up on carbs. I guarantee in time you will actually feel so positive about eating right, that you will actually dread the thought of even swaying away from it. This group will help you crawl, until you are able to stand on your own. The ball exercise is excellent workout. Walking is good also as there is less chance of you being interrupted by something going on in the house....phone ringing. an interesting TV show, family member etc. I take walks with my dog weather permitting, and it's great for both of us :)[/QUOTE]

LOL, I'm actually not being as bad as I made it sound. I made banana brownies (mainly bananas and oatmeal plus a little sugar and flour) yesterday and had to help the boys finish those. Now that they're in bed I'm eating spinach dip with low fat Tostitos...but I'm only eating a few more tonight. Honestly, I can't eat to many carbs anymore. Every time I go overboard I start feeling really lightheaded. Never used to bother me, but once I did the two week induction for Atkins, I ve started having problems with it. I'd love to take walks, but last time we tried with my 4 year old we were stopping every 30 seconds for him. Maybe after dh's schedule settles down in January I'll get started on that one.
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Just a question to pose to yourself.....It is after 9pm, do you know where....no,no that's not the question...LOL! The question to ask yourself is.....are you eating out of hunger or intertainment right now? Answer truthfully....then go put the dip in the fridge :)

Nite all.
no sweet dreams, only thin ones,
ps. Let's remember to hang onto the good things we are learning about ourselves as we progress in our diets
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LOL...I know, I know if you're not hungry there's no reason to be eating. I put it up about 5 minutes after my last post...and I was just fine until I came back here, now I am hungry, but I'll just get something to drink...no caffeine, no sugar...and be fine.
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If I did not know better I would swear my cat SB came to visit! She looks just like that cat in your post! I love it. We also have Jazzie who is tiger stripped but no white socks. SB (sugarbaby) is very independent so it woukd not surprise me if she took a trip to NY. Jazzie is very lovey and clinging. They are both keeping me company while DH is gone.
Yes I am in a good mood altho I do have a terrible headache. I know what it is from and know it will subside in a couple days. Yes you are the "Mom" of the group but I will be the granma ok. You are doing so great especially this week. I know you can do it. God I hated PMS, so glad I am thru with that. The cravings must be awful, but you are strong!
To all my other wonderful friends on here,
I had a mammogram today. I hope all of you have done the same this year. I was overdue but decided I have been so good to myself lately I might as well continue. I am fine, it was normal (at least until they tell me differently). So even tho we are working on our diets and exercise, and getting healthy, remember that a Mammogram is one of the ways to stay healthy! Was that Grandma enough for ya!? Till tomorrow
Granma Jo (my grandsons name for me):D
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[b]Jodie[/b]: Good for you! I hate getting mammograms! My Mom was first diagnosed 9 years ago, so my sister and I were encouraged to go get a baseline. We did. I thought the smooshing would kill me. :rolleyes: It didn't....and it is saving lives! My mom had a relapse 3 years ago and now is in remission!:)

Since this is [color=magenta][b]Breast Cancer Awareness Month[/b] [color=black](Sorry for the blinding pink, Regina! ;) ), this is a GREAT time to remind us to stay healthy in this VERY easy way![/color][/color]

Hey...I just wanted to post a thought I've had. When I try a "Diet" program (ie: Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins, The Zone....etc.) I find that I eat MORE than I normally do. I think I'm afraid of going hungry, and therefore eat all that the program says is ok,.....but in mass quantities! This is why I came up with the [b][color=royalblue]"Kelly Diet & Butt-Squeezing Program"[/color][/b] for myself. I know what I like to eat, I know that I won't cook something (I need it easy and fast), and I know what I can and cannot do exercise wise! It seems to be working so far! (fingers crossed) :rolleyes:

[b]Question:[/b] Does Salt Water Taffy have alot of fat or calories? I can't find the info anywhere!

Have a FABULOUS Tuesday! (The last of my 5 day weekend! :( )
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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkgreen]Good Morning Ladies[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400]Looks like we are growing in members:D Welcome Nancy and Michelle!![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#006400]Well didn't get on yesterday except real fast to read some posts last night, was really tired for some reason, Even slept in this morning so I didn't make it to Curves but I did work out on my gazelle. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=darkorange]Jodie, good for you on getting the mamogram, I still have to get mine this year, I get one every year.[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff8c00]Well everyone this will be short got to run and get ready for work. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff8c00]till tonight, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Thought for Today:[/b] The waistline won't grow if I learn to say [b]NO!!!:D [/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[quote name='heavenlyflower44460'][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=purple][b]Thought for Today:[/b] The waistline won't grow if I learn to say [b]NO!!!:D [/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]

Okay...that's my favorite one so far:)

[b][i][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=3][color=green]Regina[/color][/size][/font][/i][/b]
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Lani ,

I just have to say I love that last thought for the day! I'm going to print a few of them out and post around the house [i]and[/i] in my car!

I'm bummed out - well disappointed in myself I guess. I got on the scale this am and I am 148 now! I need to really just buckle down this week.It's funny how some weeks are easier to eat only when you are hungry in reasonable amount and others are just almost more than you can bear. I know that over the weekend, from about Thursday to Sunday night I just felt hungry, all the time. It was like I just wasn't getting satisfied. I wasn't stressed ( usually a huge trigger for me) and I was eating my normal portions but an hour later I was HUNGRY again! All 4 days. I tried to satisfy it with water but ..... my husband thought it might just be from the change in the weather. I feel ok today and back to normal eating patterns( Thank goodness) but I guess now I 've done myself in with a gain! Bummer!! :o

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Hi Everyone, I just joined cc last week, and could really use some support with the weight loss effort. Can I join the gang? I am booked on the Miracle June 26, 2005 it will be my 40th birthday and 20th anniversary, would love to knock my husbands socks off!! I am trying to follow the weight watcher point system, just pulled it all out of the closet. My husband is in the army so I go to the gym on post, have been jogging about 3 miles 4 or 5 times a week, and some upper body machines, my problem is the food!! Good to know by reading on this site I am not alone. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!!:p
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Jen...if you are about a week before that time of the month, appetite increase is very common at that time. No need to beat yourself up as long as you get back on track.

Connie....welcome aboard! Since you say you love food and that is your weakness, we will help you as time goes on to think more about your body and how to be "really" good to it. Be patient and the changes in your thinking will come as you see the results of your efforts in your diet.

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Any suggestions for good fitness ball exercises or a good website with pictures so I can figure out what to do at home - it sits in the closet ! !

I'm enjoying reading your postings - very motivational - I only have 4 weeks to cruise time, so I'll just lurk a while longer reading posts and getting inspired. Thx.
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Soooooooo.....you want advice without the commitment????? Hmmmmmm.....Ladies in the group what do you think we should do?:D Okay, we'll be nice...I'll see what I can find on the internet for you and then post it.:)
Anyone else with suggestions?

Go to: [url="http://www.bodytrends.com"]www.bodytrends.com[/url]
You'll find ball exercise there. Hope this helps. Hope you can take a tease;)
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Hi Ladies, What an awesome site you guys have maintained. Here's my story and then let me know if I can join. On July7,2000 I started the six week body makeover. I stuck with almost relgiously until the first hurricane hit Florida (no way I could hunker down through a hurricane without a glass of wine). Then of course 3 more hit so for a month it was pretty scary here (Florida). So, needless to say the diet went out the window. When I quit I had lost 24 pounds. I started again yesterday and weighed in today. Unbelievably I still had lost 3 additional pounds. But I want to lose 10 more so I am back on track. Having a little trouble getting all the water down, 100 oz per day, but I am working on it. I realize the last ten will be the hardest so I will need all the help I can get. So If you don't mind I'd like to join.

BTW, if anyone wants to know anything about cruising I've been on 57 to date.

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Hi all,
Wow, we must have one powerful group going! So many new members! Must be those positive vibes we send out. Welcome to all, even those that just come to read the posts. I have been known to be a lurker at times on other threads. So Kluv2, you come post, ask questions and lurk any ole time. We are a friendly group.:D
You were all busy last nite on here.:) I spent all my spare time this morn reading the posts.
I had company over so was not on much. My friend and I stood in the kitchen talking and munching on a chicken I had baked. It was so funny, neither of us wanted to get plates, or sit down, so we just munched and talked. Then I pulled out some greek salad I had made and we finished that. She said to me, "This is lo carb?" :confused: and I said Yup this is it. Chicken and salad but all I want until I am full. I am never really hungry and she could see why.
It does work for me. The headache is starting to subside. So is the heartburn.
I went to Curves today and they gave me 10 Curve Bucks plus put my name in a drawing because I had my mammogram. That was pretty cool.
Well, back to work. I will see ya all tonite.
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Mary, Please join us! If they let me in, they can let you in. I think this past hurricane season was a good enough reason for you to go off your diet for a while. It's great that you want to get back into the swing of losing.

And when you get a chance, let me know if you have done a Panama Canal cruise. I suspect my DH and I will only get to do that once, so I want to get it right.
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Thanks for the welcome, it's great to be on board!! I went ahead and weighed myself this morning I was 168, would like to loose about 30. I figured I would go ahead and post it so hopefully by Sunday it will be down a bit. Connie
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