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WW Online - need accountability!


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I have done WW before and had great success as long as I attended meetings. I'm one of those who needs the prospect of that weigh-in to keep on track, particularly in the beginning. Trouble is, I'm now working in Hong Kong and don't have access to the meetings. Not to mention a crazy work schedule and noto a lot of weight-loss-friendly foods available.


I've signed up for the Online program, and I really like the Points tracker and online tools. But I need some accountability - someone to check in with and say, "I weighed in today and lost . . ."


Cruising in 6 months - I'd like to lose 50 pounds (that won'd be goal, but on my way, and 8 lbs a month sounds do-able). I'm 43, and the weight just doesn't come off as fast as it used to.


Anybody up for being my weigh-in buddy?

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I would love it. I think it is a great idea to have someone to support and also kick each other if we slack off. I have about 10-15 to lose but at 48 and 5' tall.....that is alot. I love to eat....love to cook....love sweets. Hence my problem. What do you do in Hong Kong. That sounds so exciting!. My email is


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I am not on Weight Watchers, but have had sucess by holding myself accountable, so I understand your issue...


The think that keeps me most accountable is my little notebook!... I write down everything I eat, and because I know my actions are going into my pad it has kept me honest and it works! I may sound like a lot of work but it is not, it just takes a second to journal what you ate. Maybe while you are away from the support of WW, you can give this a try. Do you have somewhere in Hong Kong where you can get some cardio in?


And.... I had gained weight when I reached 50, and yes it is slow going at this age, but if you just stick with it, it will happen. I lost 30 pounds at 50 and right now I have another 8 or so to go....


Absolutley, post here for motivation. It is always great to have weight loss buddies.

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Good for you.. I did the same thing last summer when I was trying to lose 50 lbs before my cruise... and I'm doing it now trying to lose 25 lbs more before my cruise in April. I have a thread on here dedicated to each effort. Not many people respond, but at least I know I have the "accountability" of writing in each and every Sunday and it'll serve as a permanent record. I read on one of these posts last summer a really good rule of thumb that has helped me. It may be common on here, but if it's not I'll share it.


Don't deprive yourself.. if you want something eat it.. but only three bites- 1) the first bite is the best

2) the second bite confirms it

3) the third bite satisfys


This allowed me to eat dessert all week last September on the Liberty. The waiter kept asking me if I wanted something else.. thinking I didn't like what he brought because I only ate so little.


Best of luck to you!

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Thanks for the encouragement! I have started tracking using the Plan Manager online (I can update it from home or work), and I find if I plan out what I'm going to eat (including snacks) I do okay sticking to it . . . UNTIL night time. That's when my willpower fails. So I'm in here typing instead of eating!


walkermb, I need to start over with a new starting weight, since I haven't weighed for a while since signing up. I will do so tomorrow morning (no scale in the flat, have to go downstairs to the workout room). Then going forward I had planned on Monday weigh-ins. I don't like to weigh every day.

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I'd like to get onboard the international WW plan! I got out my old program information 2.5 weeks ago. In addition to eating more healthfully, I moved the love seat out of my TV room and moved the treadmill and exercise ball in. So now, if I want to watch the tube, I have to work for it. So far, so good. I've lost 5.5 pounds as of last Sunday. Here's to being stronger and healthier by the next time we cruise!!!!

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I know just what you mean about thoes nightime snacks! I too plan out my daytime and it is fine. I have low calorie snacks stocked in my kitchen(most under 100 calories, I dont know how many points). I know my weakness so I plan for that too.


That is great that you have a work out room to go to.

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Bienvenidos, Bogota!


I like this international theme! Unfortunately for me, I've got 2 international dinners this week, the first week back on plan -not great timing. I made it through Italian last night by staying away from bread and pasta (not wine, though, but hey, that's what flex points are for). And I still have plenty of flex points to get me through Curry night tomorrow (I hope).


I weighed in Wednesday a.m. as promised (not happy with what I saw), but I'll be back on the scales Monday for check-in. Been in the gym every morning - feel like I'm still retaining water, though. I remember reading something about your body retaining water when you start back exercising. I'll be bummed if I haven't lost anything on Monday.

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I've never heard the theory about exercise causing water retention. I guess the only thing you can do is make sure you stay hydrated to flush out your system. And once your body gets used to the exercise, maybe things will even out.


I'm so glad you started this thread, as I also need the weigh-in accountability. I'm doing well with keeping the journal, and a friend in the States is going to send me another WW food diary. This was a tough week, so we'll see what the scales say tomorrow. I ran out of some medication last week and my refill was delayed, so everything was out of whack for me and it was harder to stick to the program. I used more flex points this week.


How did your curry night go? Eating out is always the challenge, but I really like WW for the flexibility it gives you to do so. Just keep on doing the right things and you'll see results!!

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I had planned to skip exercising on the weekend, but I made sure to put in 1/2 hour on the treadmill and elliptical yesterday. I suppose curry night was a success - luckily I had a ton of flex points saved up, and I did my best to stay away from the creamy sauces - and I had absolutely no naan bread. I did have to sample dessert, as these were home-made by our hostess (as opposed to catered like the curry). But I had less than 1/2 cup total in my dessert bowl. I called it 4 points. And for the curry I counted points for the approximate amount of meat I ate, and added 3 points for the little bit of sauce. I think I counted conservatively. So I used 11 flex points (there was wine, too :) ), and went right back on track today.


For some reason I can't get WW online to save what I put in the points tracker today, so I'm calculating manually (dangerous), but I think I'm okay. Tomorrow will tell the real story, when I get back on the scale. I'll keep you posted!


Hope you have a good week - hopefully you'll feel more in balance with your medications. Keep thinking about that cruise!!

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Good for you! It sounds like you had a plan and made some very conscious choices, so I'm sure you'll see results. Give yourself a pat on the back! (I don't think I would have been able to pass up the naan.)


My weight stayed the same this week, but I'm okay with that. I know I stuck to the program and exercised, and I feel less lumpy around the middle, so I know the scale will catch up. Just got back from a 2+ hour outing with my dog. There is a dog park about 15 blocks away, so we go there on Sundays when the streets are closed. He's elderly and can't walk that far, so I have a doggie stroller that I put him in and push him there. Once at the park, he hops out and trots around with the other dogs (with me trailing behind with the stroller) until he gets tired and wobbly, then it's back in the stroller and home again.


Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow!

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I use WW on-line and it's working really well for me. I've lost 22 lbs and am nearly at my goal weight -- only 5 lb's to go. The last 5 are a slog. I have been at this weight for a few weeks without going up or down.

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As I feared, almost no change on the scale from Wednesday to Monday. Down about .2 lb. :( Maybe I didn't count the Curry points as well as I thought. Or maybe it was the water retention.

BUT I'm still in the gym every morning, if only for 1/2 an hour. Plus I have a good mile to walk in the course of my morning commute. And this week I do feel like I'm getting rid of the water - drinking even more water. I'm also trying to get my points in earlier in the day. The weekly tracker is great for pointing out patterns like that. I notice I tend to pile them on at night. We'll see. Luckily no dinners out this week.


It's great that you can tell you're doing well even when the scale doesn't move. I don't think I've been exercising long enough to notice a difference, but I do feel better. I see doggie strollers all the time here, and always wondered about the people who "walk" their dogs that way; never occurred to me that the dogs might be frail. I'm glad yours can still get some exercise (and you with him!).


rewob, thanks for posting. I can imagine the last 5 pounds are pretty hard. You'll get there. And I see your cruise is just a little over a month away - there's motivation to stay on track!


Here's to a great week!

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WOW!! Congratulations on your weight loss! I've heard that those last few pounds can be a challenge. I've never gotten that close to my goal weight before. :-( Some tips I've heard from others, though, include making sure you're getting your fat servings in, increasing dairy, and changing up your exercise routine. Good luck!

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Well phooey. I'm sorry you didn't see a greater loss, but I'm sure it will catch up with you next week. You're doing great with the gym time, and the extra walking for the commute helps too. I'm catching a cold and haven't worked out for 2 days...too tired. It sounds like you've got a challenge this week in recognizing and changing your habit of eating more points later. Good luck!

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Happy Chinese New Year! "Kung Hei Fat Choy" more literally translates to "hope you get rich" - it's the thought that counts! I've got 4 days off work, which could be really good or really bad for the diet. Today was good. Stayed on plan and went to the gym.

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Good luck to everyone on the weight loss. I lost another lb. and am now 4 lbs from my goal weight. Slowly but surely.

For me, the biggest factor is making sure I drink all my water. If I do that, I'm usually good and the weight comes off. If I miss the water, no weight drop.

I'm a marathon runner, so I get tons of exercise (running 4 times per week plus cross training two days), so that's not an issue.

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Good for you!!!! I know you'll make it soon. Getting the water in is a challenge for me sometimes (usually when I'm at home - at work it's easier). And a marathon runner too - wow! Have you always been a runner, or did you get into it as a weight-loss regimen?

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Woo hoo!! I lost 4 pounds this week! I'm very excited that last week's zero loss caught up. I'm sure yours will for you this week, AndyB.


I had a couple of encouragements this week, too. My maid commented that I looked trimmer around my middle. And when I put on my jeans on Friday, they buttoned easily and I didn't have the unsightly spillover. :D


Marathon runner, good for you on your loss this week! You're sooo close! With all the running you do, it should be a cinch to get your water in.


I quit drinking soda about a year and a half ago. I was a big Diet Coke fan, but Colombia sells a miserable excuse called Coca Cola Light, which has a completely different flavor. I refused to drink that, but when I returned to the States on vacation, I discovered that Diet Coke--the elixir of the gods--now tasted strange to me. :eek: Go figure! So now I only drink plain or flavored water.


Have a GREAT week, everybody!

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WHEW!! I read somewhere about this couch-to-5K running program.


Well, I just heaved my 46-year-old, very overweight body thru my first attempt. It calls for warming up, then alternating jogging for 60 seconds and walking briskly for 90 seconds. After the second or third round I had to up my walking periods to about 2-3 minutes. But it's a start. I should also mention that Bogota is at 8600 feet (2600 meters), so the air is pretty thin here, too.


I got some bloodwork back this week and found out that I have high cholesterol and am at risk for heart disease, so it's more important than ever for me to exercise and lose weight. It's not just about looking good, it's for my health as well. (But I'd also like to look good.) ;)

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4 pounds - awesome!!


I have to admit I chickened out getting on the scales this morning, after over-indulging just a bit on Sunday. But I promise to check in tomorrow, AND to get back in the gym - slacked off Sunday and Monday. Felt like crap today.


Saturday I took my son to the pool (we have a nice indoor one here), and I felt better in the bathing suit, even though I haven't really lost yet. Probably just better posture after exercising. But it felt good. He played, I did a few laps and some water aerobics.


I think for the moment I will stick with walking and my other "cross-training" exercises. Running just kills my knees - need to build up some strength. My hat's off to you all who can do it.


We have the nasty Coke Light in HK too. Makes it easy to switch to water!

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Yes, finally, and it was not good. UP 2 pounds! I pulled out every excuse I could think of - it was the scale, it was hormonal, you name it (by the way, it wasn't the scale - my husband bought me a new one and it confirmed - but at least I can weigh in at home now, not down in the gym). And the past week was not very good for me. 2 early meetings kept me out of the gym (if I don't go first thing, I don't go at all) and things just went downhill from there.


So I'm working on meal plans today, and trying to see where I was going over on points the past 3 weeks. Exercise today will be walking to the store with my son to pick up some apple juice for him (it's a good 45 minutes walking, and hilly).


Back on the scales tomorrow, although I don't expect anything good, it'll just be a starting over check-in. I'm not giving up. Just having trouble getting on track!

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Phooey! Sorry you had a gain. But good for you for picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting back in the groove again.


I had a not-so-bad week, but there was one afternoon when I was just possessed. Because I am large, I get a lot of points and don't usually even touch my flex points, so I don't think I went over my allowance. But there was no change on the scale yesterday....until I had my "morning constitutional" and hopped back on to find I was down a half pound. :p So pathetic as that is, I'm counting it.


Here's to a better week for both of us! We can do it and we'll be healthier by the time we go on our cruises.

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Phooey! Sorry you had a gain. But good for you for picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting back in the groove again.


I had a not-so-bad week, but there was one afternoon when I was just possessed. Because I am large, I get a lot of points and don't usually even touch my flex points, so I don't think I went over my allowance. But there was no change on the scale yesterday....until I had my "morning constitutional" and hopped back on to find I was down a half pound. :p So pathetic as that is, I'm counting it.


Here's to a better week for both of us! We can do it and we'll be healthier by the time we go on our cruises.

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